Troubled Waters XVI
Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii 5-0. I hope they don't mind that I play with it all the time.
So here we are…the final chapter. The muse decided after all the whump there should be a strong ohana moment. I hope you agree.
Chapter 16
When Steve finally got his walking papers, Lou, Danny and Grace accompanied him out to Grover's Suburban. Steve lifted an eyebrow in surprise at Danny as Grace proudly pushed his wheelchair to the curb.
"We figured you'd hate being in the backseat of the Camaro," Danny shrugged. "This is more comfortable."
"You can sit in the back with me Uncle Steve," Grace announced happily.
"No one I'd rather ride with," Steve said getting to his feet and opening the rear door.
Once everyone piled in, Grover headed back to Honolulu. As they entered the city limits, Lou drove past the exit that would take them to McGarrett's home and instead headed towards a downtown marina.
"Lou…..are you lost?" Danny enquired in confusion.
"No I am not lost. There are a few plans for today that I may have forgotten to mention earlier," Lou said calmly, a grin spreading across his face.
"Plans….what plans? Why wasn't I told of these plans?" Danny sputtered.
"I don't know. I thought for sure that Kono was going to call you. Sorry about that but there is some unfinished business we have to take care of," Lou said mildly as he turned into the marina's parking lot. "We have a boat ride to finish."
"I'm not sure this is what Dr. Trang intended when he released Steve," Danny protested as Steve sat in the back grinning from ear to ear.
"I spoke to the good doctor before we returned to Steve's room and he said that as long as Steve rested and did not exert himself, he saw no problem with a boat ride," Lou explained.
"Sounds like fun Danno," Grace said happily.
"Whose boat…..oh," Danny said as Chin, Kono and Adam came walking towards them. "This is an ambush. Where's Renee and the kids?"
"They are home working on the side dishes and setting up for the cookout. After this boat ride we are going to let me create my culinary triumph and have a feast," Lou declared getting out of the vehicle. The others followed suit.
"This is great Lou. And thanks for the fresh clothes," Steve told Lou.
"Of course you would like this idea. I still doubt that Dr. Trang approved this outing," Danny grumbled.
"Here," Lou said handing Danny a folded piece of paper from his pocket. Williams read it, frowned and shoved the sheet of paper into his pocket.
"You win," he growled.
"Hey Boss, you're looking good," Kono greeted them as they moved towards the trio. She gave Steve a hug, patting him on the back. "We're going to take in some sea air and then go eat the fish you and Lou caught. It should be the perfect medicine for you."
"I fully agree, it is perfect," Steve responded as a happy smile was plastered on his face.
"Uncle said you didn't get your full use of the boat yesterday and since it wasn't damaged, he said we should go out today," Chin stated as he led the way to the docks. Kono linked arms with Steve as Grace grabbed her father's hand.
"Come on Danno, this will be fun," she said pulling him along. Danny let her take him to the boat, smiling at her excitement.
The group boarded the Aigle De Mer with Chin heading to the controls. Lou insisted that Steve sit in one of the chairs as Kono and Adam helped Chin cast off and head out of the marina.
"I've been shanghaied," Danny complained as he settled back in another chair and took notice of how happy and relaxed Steve appeared. "So this is good medicine, huh babe?"
"Yes Danny, this is. I can't think of a better way to relax," Steve confirmed. "It is perfect."
"Ever the optimist," Danny sighed. He could see how happy the others and Grace were to be out on the water as Chin took them out further out to sea. The look of pure joy on his partner's face did confirm that this was better medicine that sitting at home. Lou handed him a Longboard and gave Steve a soft drink.
"No mixing alcohol with the meds you are taking, sorry," Lou said grinning.
"No problem Lou, I'm doing fine," Steve assured him.
They cruised for about an hour and a half that included a brief, unsuccessful attempt at fishing before Chin delivered everyone back to the dock. They then headed back to Lou's house where Renee and the kids had everything set up for a picnic outside.
Steve left the vehicle with Grace sticking close to his side.
"How do you feel Uncle Steve? Are you tired? Does your side hurt?" she peppered him with questions as he sat down in a lawn chair in the shade.
"I'm fine Grace, a little tired but okay. I am hungry though so I hope Lou gets that grill going soon," Steve teased.
"Just chill McGarrett, you'll be fed in due time," Grover growled from a few feet away as he started the grill.
"I have complete faith in you Lou," Steve smirked. His expression became serious. "Really…..thanks Lou, for all of this."
"After yesterday you deserve some fun and relaxation. Just sit back and enjoy yourself. And if you would like, Renee prepared the guest room if you would rather not be home alone tonight," he suggested.
"I couldn't….." Steve began but then paused. "Thanks Lou, I appreciate the offer. Let's see how I feel later on."
"Fair enough. I'll take you home if you insist but let me inform you that Renee makes Macadamia French Toast that is to die for. I've packed an overnight bag in case you decide to stay," Lou told him.
"You really did plan everything out. You drive a hard bargain," Steve chuckled. "We will see how I am feeling."
"Okay. And I promise you that this fish will melt in your mouth," Lou bragged.
"Bring it on," Steve challenged. He really did feel better than he had in a long time.
Danny drifted over with a Longboard in his hand and sat in a chair next to Steve.
"You do look relaxed babe."
"I am relaxed," Steve acknowledged. "Thanks for coming to get me from the hospital and for bringing Grace along. She's good medicine."
Danny looked over to where his daughter was helping Renee and Samantha put out the side dishes on a long table.
"That she is. And you handled the AMA thing okay. Grace is just starting to question authority a bit and I worry she'll want to emulate some of our behavior. You my friend….are not always the best example of what to do," Danny said and took a swallow of beer.
"I would never teach Grace anything dangerous," Steve said in concern.
"I know that. I'm just finding the teenage years are more stressful than expected," Danny admitted.
"She's a good girl and smart. Relax Danny, she'll be okay."
"That is true but between you and her, I'm aging rapidly," Danny complained.
"You'll survive, I'm not going anywhere," Steve laughed. He paused to inhale deeply. "Wow, Lou isn't kidding, that smells wonderful."
"Looks like this is going to be an okay ambush after all," Danny grinned.
"I heard that Jersey," Lou called out. "Everyone get ready, the fish will be ready in five."
"Would you like me to fix you a plate Boss?" Kono asked as she walked over. Adam and Chin were right behind her.
"Thanks Kono but I think I can manage to dish up my own food. All I've done today is sit around and relax," Steve smiled.
"Okay, that was a onetime offer," Kono teased.
"How come I never had you fetch me food when I've been hurt?" Danny asked getting to his feet.
"Would you like me to serve you?" Kono asked.
"No… would just give me pineapple," Danny groused good-naturedly.
"Heaven forbid you get that," Chin laughed.
As everyone went to collect their plates and select their side dishes, Lou motioned for Steve to come over to the grill. McGarrett stopped beside him and had to quickly stifle a laugh. Every portion of fish on the grill had a slice of pineapple on it.
"Don't you dare tell him," Lou warned.
"Never my friend…never," Steve promised. "That looks great and smells even better. I can't wait to dig in." He slapped Lou on the back before going to get a plate.
The group settled around the large picnic table and Lou delivered two platters of fish, pineapple rings around the edges as a garnish. Steve and Lou watched as Danny carefully selected a piece of fish that didn't touch any of the fruit.
When the main part of the meal was finishing up, Chin's phone rang. He answered and listened for a few minutes, then thanked Duke and broke the connection.
"Duke said that Terry Whitley is in the hospital willing to talk. He's ready to name names and give up the rest of the group operating on Maui. Score one for the good guys," he reported. "Duke did want me to say he would have called you Steve but he didn't want to disturb you since you just got out of the hospital. He tried you Danny but his call went straight to voicemail."
Danny patted his pockets and then looked guiltily at the others.
"It's in my car, charging. I was in such a hurry this morning and forgot it when we took Lou's vehicle to the hospital," he explained.
"Don't worry about it Danny. We've got the group dead to rights and they will all go to jail," Steve said quickly. He raised his glass of iced tea and smiled at his ohana. "Here's to a job well done, good food and excellent friends."
Everyone else raised their glasses.
"Perfect," Kono agreed.
"Well said," Lou echoed.
"Mahalo nui loan a ho'olaule'a me la kaua," Chin added. "Thank you for celebrating with us," he translated for those who didn't understand.
"I like that," Renee said. "This is a cause for celebration."
"Nothing like good food and good friends," Adam put in.
"I agree and I have to say it…Lou, the fish was delicious," Danny stated as he looked at his empty plate. "You are indeed a grill master."
Both Steve and Lou had trouble keeping a straight face, not willing to look at each other. Danny immediately caught on to them.
"You had the pineapple on the fish while it grilled, didn't you?" he asked suspiciously.
"It's called adding flavor Danny. There's also lime juice, sea salt and pepper," Lou grinned.
"Relax Danny, you're not allergic, you'll be fine," Steve commented. "No one expected you to eat the pineapple."
Danny shot him an annoyed look but then relented.
"Okay, I'll concede that as a flavoring on fish it's okay. The fish tasted wonderful. Just don't expect me to EVER put it on pizza," Danny told them. He looked at Renee, a pained expression on his face. "Please tell me dessert isn't pineapple upside down cake," he pleaded.
"I wouldn't do that to you Danny. We are having strawberry shortcake. How does that sound?" Renee asked.
"Heaven…..pure heaven," Danny responded with a happy sigh. Grace gave him a quick hug while the others laughed.
As the sun began to dip lower in the sky, the 5-0 ohana enjoyed their dessert, happy that they had survived the troubled waters of the day before.
End story.
I thank you very much for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed this little adventure.