I started writing this story months ago and never finished it. I just found it today and decided to add to it and post it. This may or may not turn into a multi chapter story. It depends on whether people actually like it, and if I have enough spare time and inspiration to continue it.

Read, enjoy, and leave reviews please :)


Elphaba gathered her things and made her way out of the dorm room off to her final class of the day. Her blonde roommate, who had no class at this time, was left inside to get started on her homework. Galinda had a pretty big assignment due soon in one class and it required a lot of research. Unfortunately her laptop had crashed last week. The blonde was upset at first and thought she would have to resort to using the public computers in library, but was grateful when her roommate suggested that she could share her laptop and use it for schoolwork when she isn't on it. So the past couple of days the blonde had been using Elphaba's computer. Galinda certainly didn't loathe her roommate anymore. Not at all. They got off to a rather bumpy start their first semester together. But eventually they learned to tolerate each other. After getting to know each other better and spending more time together, their unadulterated loathing evolved into a friendship. A friendship that they were both beginning to value more and more.

Galinda sighed as she sat at her desk. She was uncomfortable so she brought the laptop over to her bed so she could stretch out.

Come on Galinda. Do your homework. She tried to encourage herself, which was no help. Okay well, I tried. Time for a breaky break!

Galinda had the room to herself. It would be about two hours before Elphaba returned and she figured she should take advantage of having this type of alone time.

She opened up a new tab to log onto a website that tended to visit quite often: " ", which was basically site designated for adult videos and sexual content. She secretly had an account since she was 16. It was one her most guilty pleasures. Galinda only has one rule when it comes to watching those type of videos...NO BOYS.
She always made she she stayed on the lesbian side of Ozgasm. She tended to gag at the mere sight of male parts. But to her, girls were just so lovely. Females were the most beautiful majestic creatures the blonde had ever laid eyes on. It is possible to be straight, yet be incredibly turned on by lesbians? She wondered occasionally. But Galinda knew she was a lesbian. There's no way that the way she felt towards girls could be considered straight. Of course due to her social status if anyone were to ask, she would definitely deny it.

For most of Galinda's life she had assumed that she was straight but it never felt right. From middle school to about 11th grade she had liked boys, dated boys, and kissed boys. But deep down she had always thought that girls were prettier and cuter. She didn't want to be gay, which is why she forced herself to date boys. She tried to like it, but it just wasn't what she wanted.

At some point she concluded that she was bisexual. She was definitely attracted to girls but realized she didn't like boys at all. They were just disgusting to her and she didn't find them appealing at the way her friends did. Now she identifies as lesbian, but only to herself.

When the website loaded she was prepared to log in, but surprised to see that there was already another user signed in by the name of "fabalat1030"

What? No way! The blonde thought, surprised. Her roommate had mentioned before that her nickname back at home is Fabala….and T could obviously stand for Thropp… and its Elphaba's computer for Oz sake. Elphie watches porn?! Galinda would have never imaged Elphie to be the type to look at that kind of stuff online. Apparently everyone has their guilty pleasures. Galinda figured she now has one of two options. She could respect her friend's privacy and sign into her own account or look through Elphaba's search history to see what she's been watching because Sweet OZ Elphie watches porn!?

Wow. Was the only thought going through the blonde's mind as she looked through the type of things her roommate had been searching, which all seemed to be very lesbian related. Galinda looked through the videos that the green girl had favorited. Some of which looked extremely erotic and caught her attention instantly. She unbuttoned her blouse, unhooked her bra, and pulled her skirt down. One hand worked her breast while the other slipped beneath her underwear. Her hand began moving at a very fast pace and she involuntarily moaned her roommates name. This was not the first time she thought about Elphaba when she did this. The truth is, she liked Elphaba. A lot. There was just something about her that was so captivating and beautiful. Galinda wanted Elphie to touch her. Everywhere. And she wanted to touch her back and see the full extent of that beautiful emerald skin she had learned to love so much.

Galinda wondered of the things Elphaba did when no one was around. The look on her face, the sounds she would make. The thing is, the blonde could never imagine Elphaba of all people doing such things. But there is no way she could watch things like this and not… If Elphaba did touch herself, Galinda wondered who she thinks about, if anyone. She wondered if the green girl might actually think about her. I mean, I would assume she's gay...but I don't know for sure. Until now, Galinda had actually thought her roommate was asexual. She had never seen her express any sexual interest or attraction to anybody...but now she was curious.


Later that evening, Galinda wanted to talk to Elphaba about it but was not yet sure how to bring it up. Things were going pretty normal between the two girls so she decided to avoid that awkward conversation for now.


In the middle of the night Galinda began to stir in her sleep. Her eyes eventually opened to the darkness of their room. She reached over to her nightstand to check her cell phone for the time. 1:35am. There was still plenty of hours left to sleep. She was about to catch some more Z's, when she heard heavy breathing coming from Elphaba's side of the room. She discreetly used the light from her phone to see her roommate.

She noticed the green girl laying on her back with her eyes squeezed shut. Elphaba's blanket was tossed slightly to the side and the blonde's eyes widened when she saw that the green girl's nightgown was up stopping just below her breasts. She blushed when she noticed the placement of Elphaba's hand. It was down there moving at furious pace. The green girl let out some soft deep breaths trying to suppress her moans. Galinda was so aroused. She unconsciously moved her hands to her own breast and continued to watch her roommate.
After several minutes the green girl's hips bucked and she let out a gasp. Sweet Oz! This was greatest thing Galinda had ever seen. She felt herself getting wet. When the green girl's breathing returned to normal the blonde closed her eyes and pretend to sleep so she wouldn't be caught watching and she wasn't sure how she would now after witnessing her roommate pleasuring herself. Is this something she does every night? the blonde wondered.


For the next two nights Galinda went to bed before Elphaba and pretended to sleep. When the green girl was thought the blonde was completely asleep, she would begin her nightly activities. Little did she know she had an audience. The girl in the bed across from her was wide awake and getting turned on by every little sound.


Another night had passed Galinda could not take it anymore. She was sitting on her bed fiddling with her hands, trying figure out how to bring up the topic. The green girl sat at her desk, typing up her research report, oblivious to the thoughts going through her blonde friend's mind.

"Um...Elphie?" A small voice said, disrupting the green girl from her thoughts.

"Hm?" she said, not looking up from her work.

"Can we...can we talk about something?" the blonde asked uncertainly. The green girl turned around in her chair and gave her roommate her full attention.

"Sure, Galinda. What's on your mind?"

"Well...I have a question actually." Galinda wanted to chose her words carefully, she didn't want to be too straightforward or blunt.

"What's your question?" Elphaba eyed her curiously.

"There is this website called 'Ozgasm '..." Galinda started. "And I go on there every now and then…" the blonde confessed. Elphaba's eyes widened.

"While I was using your laptop I noticed that you have an account there too. I figured it would be rude to sign you out and while I was lingering on the site I may have noticed that you seem to be interested in girl on girl kind of stuff…"

Galinda noticed Elphaba cheeks were now a very dark shade of green and she wasn't make eye contact with the blonde.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to embarrass you." She said sincerely. "There's really not a casual way to broach this subject. It's awkward but you can be honest with me. I'm just wondering if you're actually a...uh…" the blonde hesitated.

The green girl looked down and bit her lip.

"Elphie, are you a...lesbian?" Galinda finally asked. There was silence for a while until the green girl took a deep breath and sighed.

"Yes Galinda, I'm- I am a lesbian. I… I'm attracted to girls, okay?" she blurted out and crossed her arms over chest and turned away. Her voice wavered as if she were on the verge of tears. "I- I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable or you think I'm disgusting.I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore or if you would rather room with someone else." Panicked thoughts ran through her mind of Galinda hating her now that she knew her secret. If the blonde found that that she actually liked her, she might never want to speak to her again. It broke her heart because they were just starting to become close friends. If she didn't get to have Galinda that way, she at least wanted her as a friend. Her only friend.

"Elphie? Elphie, look at me." The blonde pleaded. The green girl stayed facing away.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of...I'm a lesbian too." she confessed, that was her first time saying it out loud. Elphaba turned towards her roommate with a raised eyebrow.

"You are?" she asked, surprised. The blonde nodded.

"Wow...I would have never known that."

"Nobody else knows. You're the first person I've ever came out to. Oh Elphie, I'm so glad I can be open about this now with you." the blonde got up and wrapped her arms around her friend. The green girl stood up she she could be hugged easier. After a moment Galinda looked up and without thinking at all she pressed her lips to Elphaba's. They stayed connected until the blonde pulled back, realising what she had just done.

"Elphie, I- I'm-"

"It's okay." the green girl cut her off, blushing slightly.


Elphaba nodded and Galinda relaxed when she saw the green girl smiling.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while actually." Galinda said, with her arms still around her roommate.

"Me too."

The blonde beamed.

"Can we do it again?"

"Yes." Elphaba said softly, still blushing.

Galinda leaned up and brought their lips back together. The kiss deepened by the second and Galinda soon fell backward onto her bed, bringing Elphaba with her. Their lips pressed and pulled and tongues brushed. Elphaba slid a hand up Galinda's ribs to the start of her breast and the blonde inhaled sharply. Elphaba pulled her hand back.

"I'm sorry Galinda…I-" she was worried they were moving too fast. She liked what was happening but was worried that they shouldn't go that far.

"Don't apologize." the blonde took both of Elphaba's hands and placed them directly on her breasts. Elphie looked down nervously at her hands then back up at Galinda. She had never felt anyone's breasts before but her own. "It's okay. I like this. Believe me, I want this. I want you."

"You don't think it's too soon?"

Galinda pulled her friend (girlfriend?) into a long, deep, passionate kiss. The green girl was flushed and embarrassingly out of breath afterwards. Her hands never moved from Galinda's breasts.

"It's not soon enough." She whispered.

"I'm just- I…" Elphie faltered.

"Nervous?" Galinda asked and the green girl nodded. "I'm nervous too to be honest. But it's just. We can see where this goes. Only if you want." She said and Elphie nodded.

"And I know you know what you're doing. I'm well aware of those sounds you make when you think I've gone to sleep at night." she added.

The green girl's eyes widened and her cheeks turned a deep pine green.

"You..oh Oz." she said quietly. The blonde giggled.

"Its okay, Elphie I do it too."

"I kind of figured." Elphaba said with a small laugh. "I really like you Galinda." she placed another kiss on Galinda's lips. "I've really never felt this way about anyone before."

"I more than like you Elphie. I'm many miles past like." Galinda held Elphie's face in her hand and looked her in the eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Galinda leaned in to kiss her again.

"I love that as well."

"So do I." Elphaba smiled. They kissed again. This time a lot longer and deeper, exploring each other's mouths. Elphaba realized that Galinda's breasts were still in her hands and began to gently caress and massage them, causing the blonde moan softly into their kiss. the blonde said and guided a green hand to the zipper of her dress. "Please."

"Are you sure?" Elphie asked, Galinda nodded and kissed her again.

"If you say so." Elphaba pulled the zipper down Galinda's back and the blonde shimmied out of the dress.

"Wow." the green girl said, amazed by how stunning her friend (girlfriend?) was in her undergarments.

"Thanks." the blonde grinned. After some more intense kissing and some visual consent, Galinda began to unbutton Elphaba's dress. Elphaba was feeling very insecure. She knew her body was nowhere near as attractive as Galinda's. There was also the fact that she was green, everywhere. But before she knew it, her dress was off and all of her insecurities faded away because she saw nothing in Galinda's eyes but fondness and adoration.

"Oh Elphie, you are stunning." she breathed as she kissed those soft green lips again. They kissed again and again. Continuing to explore each other's mouths, along with touching and caressing the newly exposed skin. Their bras were soon removed
soon as well. Although they lived together they had never been this close to naked with each other and it was a new experience. They took turns exploring each other's breasts, which boldly lead to kissing and sucking their nipples and beginning to explore other body parts. They moaned each others names and felt wonderful sparks of pleasure. Elphie had never experienced this with anyone before and Galinda had never allowed a boy to go this far with her before.

"I never imagined myself in such an intimate situation with anyone, especially my hot blonde roommate." Elphaba said after a while.

"Really? Because I've imagined myself in very intimate situations with my sexy green roommate on many occasions." the blonde said. Elphaba blushed because she had never been referred to as sexy.

"Okay, I have definitely imagined it quite a lot actually. I just never thought it would ever happen. It's so amazing getting to kiss you and feel you like that. It feels so...so exciting. I don't think I ever want to stop." Elphaba wrapped her arms around Galinda, pulling her close and kissing her deeply.

"Who says we ever have to stop?" Galinda asked breathlessly. "There's no place I'd rather be right now then right here. With you. Doing just what we're doing."

They stayed there all night, kissing, touching, exploring and enjoying every feeling and sensation of each other.