ShredderRex14 Presents

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ~ Courtroom Champions

-September 5, 3:11 PM-
-District Court-
-Courtroom No. 4-

"It appears we have come to the conclusion to this whole mess." The Judge announced. "Miss Novak, how is Mr. Façade?"

"Mr. Façade has been taken into police custody, Your Honor." Hera answered. "After he gained consciousness, he left a message for St. Owen's Baptist Church."

David, who was at the witness stand, said, "He did? What did he say?"

"He said, and I quote," Hera replied, "'I don't ever want to see that damn church ever in my life. If I do, it'll be far too soon. However, should I ever do want to return, please lock me up in an asylum with no chance to escape. I seriously hate them all, especially David Vaughan'."

David paused, then looked at the floor. "Oh…"

"'Oh, and Mr. Wright…'" Hera continued reading, "'Let's play some cards sometime… after you get arrested for being the crook that you are."

Speechless, Phoenix lumped over his desk. (Thanks, buddy… coming from you, that means a lot.)

"… And that's it." Hera finally said.

The Judge announced. "Well, otherwise, it appears we have come to a happy ending today."

Hera looked at Phoenix coldly. "This is… this is utterly unfair! This trial was mine!"

Phoenix stood triumphantly from the opposite end of the courtroom. "I will say, Miss Novak, you did well for your first trial. However, you still have a long way to go. Take it from me, I'd be happy to help you in order to-."

Before he could finish, yet another blue dart hit him right in the neck, causing Phoenix to jump and instantly fall to the floor.

"M-Mr. Wright!? Mr. Wright, wake up!" Apollo cried, shaking Phoenix.

Hera aimed her arm right at His Honor and said, "That'll do, Your Honor. You were saying?"

Nervous, the Judge said, "Oh! Uh, I'll make it quick! I hereby declare Mr. David Vaughan…"


Confetti and applause stormed the courtroom as David stood at the stand, smiling and proud. Apollo stood at the stand, alone and nervous, despite the victory. Meanwhile, Hera stood at her end, her eyes closed, and her arms crossed.

"Until next time… Wright." She whispered.

"Court is adjourned!" The Judge slammed the gavel, officially bringing the case to an end.

-September 5, 3:16 PM-
-District Court-
-Defendant Lobby No. 4-

"Apollo… I am eternally in your debt." David told Apollo, his arms crossed. "You are no longer the same kid I met in school. You changed."

Apollo grinned. "You changed a lot too, David. I'm proud of you." That was when Athena ran in, glowing and radiant.

"Apollo! You did fantastic! You were amazing!" She exclaimed.

"Thanks, everyone. But the real hero, as usual, is Mr. Wright." Apollo turned to Phoenix, who was passed out on the couch, drool dripping from his gaping mouth. Apollo chuckled. "He deserves a rest, anyway, don't you think?"

"What I wouldn't give to thank him right now." David said, shaking his head.

"Don't worry, David." Athena told him. "We'll put in a good word for you, alright?"

"Thank you… both of you." David said to them. Apollo sighed.

"So, David… what's next for you?"

"Oh… right. I have something I'd like to say."


It was Maria Cupp, her hands to her chest. She approached David. There was an odd silence in the air. "Maria… it's… it's good to see you." David nervously told her.

Maria was visibly upset as she said, "David… I'm so sorry. I haven't been good or fair to you. And I want to make amends. Can I have that, Mr. Vaughan? Again… I am so sorry for everything I've done, I…"

David turned away. "Maria… stop right there. I don't want your apology. I am sick and tired of everyone apologizing to me."

Surprised, Maria slowly looked down. "I… I see…"

Then, David turned to her and said, "Because I should be the one to apologize, Maria."

Maria held her hand to her mouth. "D-David…"

David nodded. "I've been a poor priest. For you… for the city… for everyone. I want to change that. I want to be a better man for you all. It'll take time, but-."

Maria then hugged David, tears coming from her eyes. Apollo and Athena smiled. Maria moved back and said, "David… I… I brought something just in case." She pulled out a bag and inside was David's priest coat, much to David's surprise.

"David… will you return to St. Owen's?"

David looked up at Maria, and nodded. He quickly put the coat on; a perfect fit, looking like the David Apollo has met since the case first started. Apollo smiled, then nodded at him.

(There we go… that's the David I know!)

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

Jack Anchor. He approached everyone, a smile on his face.

"Congrats on the win, buddies." Jack told them. "So, now that Mr. Rufus or whatever his name is gone, guess what that means? I'm on top again, baby!"

Apollo and Athena glared at Jack. "Ha… come tomorrow, that church will be rubble and bad memories. Think about it… book deals, a documentary, notoriety… everything is gonna be handed to me in a silver platter. Just as it always was."

At that moment, a stranger approached them. "Er… hi. Are you-?" Jack held his hand out to shake hands.

"Yes, my name is Jack Anchor. Would you like a question? Autograph, maybe?" The man looked at Jack with a weird eye.

"Er… no thank you." He turned to David and said, "Mr. Vaughan, is it?"

"Hello, sir, how may I help you?" David replied to him with a generous tone.

"I think I'm interested in going to this church of yours. My daughter goes there, you see."

"Why, of course! We're always available! Let me write you an address." David said, smiling. Suddenly, an older woman approached David.

"Hello, young man… you are so brave for doing all that." The lady told him. "May I be interested in your studies?"

David chuckled. "Why, yes, of course! Anyone is welcome!"

Jack was appalled at what he was seeing. "Wh-what is this!? What are you all doing!? He could be a murderer or a thief!"

People of all ages were coming in from the courtroom to anxiously congratulate and meet David, who was taking it by stride. "I can't believe this… what about my story!?" Jack yelled.

"It could just be me, Mr. Anchor." Apollo said to him. "But I doubt a lot of people care about a story as long as something good derives from it. You understand?"

Jack grumbled. "Whatever. What a waste of my time. I might as well be covering stories on diseases, or obesity, or violent video games!" Jack paused and smiled. "Say… there's an idea… obese kids with diseases playing violent video games! It's perfect!"

Apollo grinned. "Good luck, Mr. Anchor. Hope everything goes well for you."

With that, Jack makes his final goodbye and left the courthouse. David walks over to Apollo and nods. "Will I ever see you three again?"

"Of course! We'll be sure to visit the moment we can!" Athena said, walking in on the conversation, and placing her arm on Apollo's shoulder.

David smiled. "Thank you again. Now, I must head out. I have a feeling church will be packed this evening." David nodded and left. The next day, the church got a whole new name:


(Another trial solved. Athena and Mr. Wright, after regaining consciousness, headed back to the agency while I went to the boardwalk to help preparations with Trucy's show with the 'Wonderful Entente'. And despite today's good fortunes, I could feel more danger coming from the horizon.)

A/N: And that's all she wrote... for now! And that concludes 'Turnabout for a Prayer', everyone! Thanks for being a part of this, and a thousand apologies for the five-month long delay. Again, life has been kicking my ass again, and I'm happy to be a part of this! Now, get ready for magic, oddities, and murder for the next installment, 'Turnabout Boardwalk'!