Author's Note: Hello, friends/superiors/people who accidentally stumbled across this story. So ages ago I had an account here and took a long, long break from Fanfiction, only to find myself back here for some reason. Guess I needed an outlet for my writing since I'm jobless and done with school for a little while. Anyway, I don't plan to be here for too long. Just every now and then I may submit a story and read some stories to find creative inspiration for my writing. But, I digress. Please enjoy my first take on the 'Ace Attorney' lore. COMMENTS AND CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED! Enjoy!

Author's Note 2: Okay, so I went back and noticed some MAJOR clunkiness and mess with the story from a grammatical/story perspective. I decided to go through and clean up any and all errors I came across. I try to be as literate as I can; I just get so into writing at times that I fail to catch myself flubbing up. Anyway, I'm done here. READ ON!

Earthcub12 Presents

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ~ Courtroom Champions


Law. Justice. Fate. That is what defines the Legal System. For better or worse. We live in a time where prosecutors can go years without defeat; lives with perfection. A time where judges desire justice and order, but won't hesitate to sentence an innocent man or woman to prison. As for us defense lawyers… we seek truth and justice, whatever means possible. People need hope. People need redemption and retribution. That is where we come in. We help the helpless when no one else will. I am Phoenix Wright. And I am a defense lawyer.

Years and years ago, I became a defense attorney for these very reasons. I didn't expect to last this long. To think I would have my own chair in my very own legal agency. To think I would be the boss and coach for two young, gifted lawyers: Apollo Justice and Athena Cykes. Apollo joined the agency when I lost my attorney badge several years back. Since then, he has proven himself to be a very capable – albeit loud and oftentimes obnoxious – attorney that can see through people's lies through their movements and habits.

Athena Cykes is the newest and youngest attorney we got. She may be young, but her gift of seeing through people's emotions has helped us get the truth out of some witnesses more than a handful of times. With enough training, she will be a prodigy.

Since unraveling the UR-1 Incident that involved the death of Athena's mother's murder and the mysterious 'Phantom', things have been… I don't know… quiet. Nothing has been too exciting or noteworthy. I almost thought of sending Apollo and Athena off for a paid vacation. However, who knew that a case just around the corner was about to turn everything over their heels.


-Wall-2-Wall Shopping Center-

Time: 11:47 PM

Date: August 19

"You sure this works"? Asked Richard Mann. He was sitting in his office at night with fortune teller Rosie Flowers.

Rosie smiled at the man. "No need to worry, my good sir." She held onto his hands as they sat down at a table. "Everything will be fine. I've done this for a while now."

Rosie, a young and pretty woman with attire so heinous you would think she's from a different century, leaned in closer. Richard leaned in as well. They both had their eyes closed. That was when a door slowly and quietly opened. A figure stepped into the room, sly as a shadow, minding not to alert the two. That was when the dark figure pulled out his weapon and charged towards Richard and Rosie. Rosie turned to the attacker and screamed. She dodged his attack as the attacker broke the table with his weapon. Richard grabbed the cloth covering the table and threw it over the culprit, disorienting him.

"GO!" Shouted Richard towards Rosie. "GO! Call the police! Now!"

That's when it happened. The assaulter took the cloth off and clobbered the man with his blunt weapon, knocking him out. The man turned to the door to take care of the witness and… she was gone. Possibly off to call the police. The attacker began walking to the door to nab her when Richard grabbed his foot. Blood was pouring from his head. It took every strength he had to stop his movements.

"No…" Richard begged under his breath. "Don't… do this… please…"

The mysterious intruder bent down and began pounding on the poor Mann to a pulp with his weapon until Richard's body was just a motionless, purple corpse.