Heyo! Wow, its been a while, huh? I've missed you guys! But alas, I have had the worst writers block/lack of motivation ever. Well, at least I'm here now, if I manage to post this within the next few hours. So for those of you who recognize the title, welcome back to the story of Sierra Kryze Kenobi, my OC! If you're here for the first time, then welcome!

Sierra: Hey guys, I missed you! Feels good to be back!

Yes, I've also decided to keep character commentary for this story. I know I don't do it anymore, but it might be nice to try again, huh? Which brings me to the point of this story. This was perhaps my 4th or 5th story, and I got a lot of support but I lost motivation to continue it and let it sit and rot. Well then, my children, the time of resurrection has come! My ultimate summer goal was to write a whole story, start to finish, and I'm gonna do it! Well then, please enjoy!

"...You should have chosen the dark side, Master-...Your emotions betray you...let your anger deepen your hatred!"

"Don't listen to him,-"

"You will never destroy me... Only the weak embrace it!"

"...the decision to join the dark side wasn't yours..."

"...And now, the perfect tool for my vengeance is in front of us. I never planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain, Ke-"

Sierra snapped awake from her nightmare, breathing heavily. This was the third night in a row that she had had this dream, and the third night in a row it didn't make any sense. It was exactly the same each time, with nothing but darkness and despair and these strange voices. She felt as if she should know them, but she was sure she had never heard them outside of her dreams. Wiping some sweat off of her forehead with her sleeve, Sierra glanced sleepily at her clock.

3 AM. Great, and only five more hours until school... She thought sourly, pulling her covers away from her and stepping out of bed. She wandered over to her window, marveling the feeling of her cool carpet against her bare feet. She rested her elbows on her windowsill and stared out into the dark night air of Mandalore. A small breeze blew into her room, barely lifting her ginger hair off of her shoulders. She let out a deep breath, enjoying the serenity of the moment. Though she was slightly frustrated at waking up this early from a bad dream, she was appreciative of this small slice of peace. She turned away from the window, walking slowly towards her bed once more. Maybe if she was lucky, she would get some more sleep. She crawled back under the thick, downy comforter and turned on her side, still feeling the air moving in her room from the window. This welcome breath of fresh air in her otherwise stuffy room was enough to gently pull her under sleep's influence...

Sierra let out a small yawn as she reached for a bowl from the cupboard. She was still tired after waking up at 3 the night before, but at least the dream hadn't come back. It wasn't particularly scary, but she always found the end of the dream disturbing. It felt as if she was stabbed in the heart, filling her with pain and sadness and loss so suddenly. An abrupt end to the mysterious voices, also resulting in the abrupt end of her sleep. As she sleepily poured some cereal into the bowl, she noticed that she was still hung up on one of the voices. If her memory was correct, there were a total of three voices, but there was one that she just couldn't let go of. It was a male voice, but it had so much power behind it, not at all like the harsh, unforgiving tone of the prominent male voice. It filled her with a sense of pride, like as long as she had that voice to listen to she would never be led astray. It seemed like a kind, benign, and gentle voice, not afraid to stand by it's owners convictions. Sierra only realized how ridiculous she was being as corn flakes bounced and skittered onto the table and on the floor. No matter how confusing the dream was, she was certain of one thing. She was not a morning person. She cleaned up the mess she had made and for the moment the dream was forgotten.


"Morning, Sierra!" Sierra let out a squeal as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her shoulders, pulling her back.

"Mo-ing, Korkie." She said with a yawn, breaking free from his hold to raise a hand to her mouth.

"Well well, somebody's tired." He said, bounding in front of her then turning to walk backwards in front of her. "Was it the dream again?" She nodded sleepily, readjusting he book bag on her shoulder.

"Third night in a row. Man, I'm getting sick of this."

"Have you told your aunt?" She shook her head, trying to conceal another yawn.

"I didn't see her this morning, anyway. Death Watch stuff, probably."

"So you just have the whole house to yourself? Day and night?" She nodded, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, it kinda sucks, but then again she's second in command, what do you expect?" He gave a head tilt in her direction.

"You do have a point, there."

"You're lucky," she said, rolling her eyes at her cousin, "you get to live at a fancy academy year-round with your cadet buddies."

"If you want, you could probably sneak in and hang with us tonight."

"Nah," she said, waving her hand and shaking her head, "not after last time. The last thing I want is to get you in more trouble, mr. Detention."

"Well I'm not going to leave you all by yourself, couz. How about I come over and spend the night? I'm sure Bo-Katan won't care."

"Sure, if you want to. I don't think my aunt is the problem, though. You could get in a lot of trouble for sneaking out... Speaking of which,"she asked, glancing at her watch," don't your classes start in a few minutes?" She chuckled a bit at his horrified expression as he looked at her watch.

"Kriff! I gotta go, I'll see you later tonight!" He said, running in the other direction. She shook her head and rolled her eyes, laughing at the fact that his academy was blocks away and he was going to be late, big time.

Hi guys! Well, this went a lot better than I expected it would! See you tomorrow night!

Korkie: Ah, man! I got a full week of after school detentions...

Sierra: That's what you get for being late, tardy-pants!

G'night! I hope to see you all again next chapter!