So, I'm experimenting. This is probably going to be a strictly smut story, if I even decide to continue it. I wanted to do a story where Clary was dominate. Seb is turned on by power you know, at least in this and my messed up mind. But, tell me if you want me to continue. I will probably post another chapter with smutty stuff, but one chapter max if I don't hear anything from you guys if it's good.

Clary closed the metal collar around Sebastian's neck, locking it tight so he would never be able to remove it. He was hers now and the burning, virile desire in his pitch colored eyes told her he wanted to be owned. His breathing was ragged as she ran her newly manicured nails down his cheek, the day old stubble scratching the tips of her fingers.

"You're mine now, Sebastian," she said, voice cool like that of an imperious ice queen whose word meant law. Sebastian nodded, lips parted as he watched her. "You kill only on my order, capture only on my order, breathe only on my order. Do you understand?" She questioned, fingers closing tightly around his jaw to tilt his head up more, exposing the throat she'd marked with her brand and collar.

She hadn't burned the brand in, she was not cruel as Valentine had been. She'd Marked him with a permanent rune, containing no specific power or purpose, only serving to Mark him as hers; her servant, her pet, her property—her brother.

"Yes, sister," he breathed reverently, his eyes riveted upon her face. She tightened her fingers, nails digging into his chin in reprimand. "Yes, my queen," he corrected.

She smiled; a cold, clear icicle. Her hand fell to his metal collar, his Infernal Cup that she had melted down. His vie to take the world had been looked upon sourly by her. Royals do not act in such a way. But her brother had a good thought in mind as he'd gone to try and conquer the known world. Her family only ruled a third of this planet, the only civilized and well off part of the world.

The Morgenstern Empire was prosperous; a well-oiled machine with a fair government, little to no unemployment, few and far between complaints, crimes or conflicts. The rest of the world, split into many self-governed countries and smaller, authoritarian and military controlled empires and city states, was crumbling and conflicted. They were killing off the planet, their people, their economy. Many sought the refuge of the Morgenstern Empire, and they were welcomed with open arms, as long as their backgrounds checked out.

Security procedures were simple to immigrate to the Empire. Submit your background for evaluation and if you had no malicious intentions, you were admitted into the Empire, given a decent home and presented with the latest job openings and six month leave to settle. During the six month period, you were watched and monitored closely by Imperial Military. Then, six violation-free months later, you were a citizen of the Morgenstern Empire.

Her gaze landed on her brother once more, her fingers tugging harshly at his collar to test its durability and resistance. Sebastian was not getting out of it anytime soon. Her thumb brushed his lower lip and he sucked in a sharp breath, his pupils—separated from the iris by a sliver of silver—were blown wide and filled with ecstasy. His body shuddered beneath her keen gaze as those large pupils disappeared beneath his eyelids. His breathing shook violently as he loosed a breath; his biceps bulged as he pulled against the chains binding his hands behind his back.

Her hand slipped into his snow white hair and she wrenched cruelly, forcing his head back. He growled with furious pain and tried to withdraw but she shifted her feet, driving her knee into his chest. He doubled over, gasping as she lowered herself into a crouch. She allowed him to rest his forehead on the space between her shoulder and neck as he regained his breath, her fingers still twisted in his hair.

"What you did, Sebastian, was unacceptable. And you killed innocent, imperial citizens in the process. Doing so, you forfeited your position in line for the throne. Not that you would have been king, the throne passes through the maternal bloodline as you well know. Your foolishness and recklessness is an act punishable by death," Clary mused, speaking more to the air than she was to her brother.

Sebastian took a deep, gasping breath against her shoulder, his chains rattling as he shook. She tugged softly, pensively at his shaggy locks.

"But I've decided to spare you. Mother and Father would be very disappointed in you, Jonathan," she said, using the name he despised but it was his Christian name, one that their mother had given him. Clary, on the inside, was still heartbroken that her mother and father had perished in the short war Sebastian had incited. "I'm unsure if Mother would have shown you the mercy I am but I need you, brother. You're an essential asset in the coming world war. I also admired your humility when you begged me to be spared, I know you are not a humble man, Sebastian," she said gently, smoothing her hand down the back of his neck.

"But most of all, you're my last remaining family," Clary whispered, leaning back to find her brother's eyes. There was pain there, she knew he regretted their parents' deaths, they pained him just as deeply as they did her, but he did not regret the war he started. She laid her hands on his cheeks and smiled gently.

"And you have to earn me, Sebastian," she said and her smile took on a sharper edge. "You have to prove you are worthy of my mercy. Fetch when I say fetch, crawl when I say crawl, and beg when I say beg. Our ancestors may have preordained incestuous marriages, equal marriages for us royals, but you will no longer be my equal. You've lost that right forever. One day, I might appoint you as my consort, brother, but for now you are my weapon, my black knight, my unseen dagger at my thigh. And when I allow it, you will beg me to touch you, to kiss you."

Clary rose from her crouch, Sebastian remaining on his knees like the loyal dog she was going to train him to be.

"These are the rules you will live by, will keep you warm at night if you are to keep your life and any shred of the title you once had and have foolishly forsaken. If you go against my rules, I will have you executed on the spot," she said coldly.

Though Clary had kneed him, his eyes still held lust and his breath was uneven.

"Yes, my queen," he said hoarsely.

She smiled and ran her hand along his chin. "Good boy," she murmured, allowing her tone to reflect how deeply he'd pleased her. His eyes lit like black fires at the pleased note, like a dog getting approval from its master. She called the guards in. They had been standing outside, this ritual punishment too personal for any eyes outside the imperial family. She ordered his ankle shackles binding him to the floor to be released but have his wrist shackles remain.

She stood on the balcony overlooking the lower level of the room. The double story, floor to ceiling windows looked out on one of the capitals in the Morgenstern Empire; Fairchild City, named after her mother's father's surname.

"Give me the key and you are dismissed," Clary ordered the guards. Lucian, one of her older and most loyal personal guards, handed her the key to her brother's shackles before bowing and turning on his heel to leave with his sister, Amatis, another long time personal guard.

Clary's hands closed around the wrought ironwork railing after slipping the key in her pocket, the Morgenstern initial twisted into the iron. Unlike other iron, this was smooth and the royal architects had mixed up a concoction to make it rust proof. Instead of keeping this commodity strictly to the palace, it was distributed throughout the empire to help preserve ancient sights, as their ancestors favored iron when this empire was established—most likely to keep the fey at bay—as well as to help improve older living structures throughout the land.

Her brother stood silently behind her, awaiting his orders like a good dog. He knew he was only alive by the skin of his teeth and if not for the love she bore him, he would have been drawn and quartered. Despite her icy appearance, she would have hated to order it, and the thought of having to watch it made her sick. She turned, sizing up her brother. The adamas collar now and forever locked around his throat, the Mark branding him as her servant, the piercing black eyes that begged to touch her. Good, she thought, smirking.

She stepped close to him, looking up the nine inch difference of height, not in the least bit less powerful than she had been with him on his knees, and ran her fingers up his throat and chin. He swallowed reflexively.

"You're in timeout for the time being, Sebastian," Clary said, her eyes half-lidded. Sebastian made a sound in his chest, half way between anger and arousal, two things he had no right to feel. At least in this moment. She slapped him, not hard enough to sting though, as a reprimand. "Don't disobey me, do not complain. Follow," Clary said, as a standing order and an order for him to follow now as she exited the room.

He followed, arms still bound behind him as she led him past his old chambers. His eyes widened as they descended a few levels to the dog kennels. The kennel master saw her and immediately gave her the keys with one word from her lips. She led Sebastian to the last kennel. Extra hay had been laid down for him but no bed had been provided.

"Did you not think, after starting a civil war and getting our parents killed, there would not be at least some form of punishment, Sebastian?" Clary said acidly, leaning against the kennel door. It was high enough for a Shadowhunter, more than enough room for a Shadowhunter of Sebastian's height and it was not cramped in the least. "You sleep here tonight, brother. And if you're well behaved and have shown you've learned some humility, you may sleep in your old chambers tomorrow. Understood?"

Sebastian nodded and entered the kennel, stone for three walls, iron bars for the door. Clary stood in the door frame, Sebastian's back to her for her to unlock his wrist shackles. She attached them to her weapons belt.

"Look at me and stop pouting, this is much less than you truly deserve," Clary ordered. Sebastian clenched his fists, blowing a harsh breath out of his nose before turning to face her. She took his chin and drew it down to give him a long, drugging, mind-numbing kiss. Sebastian tried to wrap his arms around her but she slapped him away, earning a growl of arousal and more insistence on his part of the kiss but Clary pulled away.

"I hope that and my rules keep you warm tonight, brother," she said and stepped back, closing and locking the kennel door. Sebastian stepped up to the door, threading his arms through the bars to rest his elbows on the cross bar. He smirked down at her.

"They will, my queen."