

"Mind link"

"Sign Language"


JULY 17 23:16 PDT

Speedy watched as the thugs unloaded a shipment of weapons from the shipping crate. He nodded to a shadowed figure next to him wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. The figure gave the slightest of nods before the vigilante shot an arrow down at the thugs. When the thugs dropped the case of weapons, a gun skidded over to a large man in a suite who kicked it up into his hand and aimed it at Speedy, standing proud as his partner had already faded into the shadows.

"You again!" the thug snarled. "I'm starting to get insulted Green Arrow's not messing with my operations personally."

Speedy began to dodge plasma blasts from the aggressive thug. When Speedy landed on a catwalk, he managed to pull an arrow from his quiver and made a front flip shot.

Show off. The figure snorted from their hiding spot, knowing that flip wasn't necessary to make the shot as the arrow exploded inside the gun, destroying it and the thug's suit. However the thug remained unharmed.

The thug examined his shredded suit and glared heatedly at the archer. "Do you know what I pay for a suit in my size?!" he snarled before barking orders to his lackeys. "Scorch the earth boys."

They all raised their guns at Speedy, ready to fire, but a yellow blur knocked two over, becoming their knew target, and what looked to be a batarangs lodged themselves in the others as Robin cackled, swinging by on a grappling hook and landing somewhere behind some crates. Aqualad took Robin's place before pouncing onto the thugs with his water bearers, knocking two out by whipping them into the loading truck. The lead thug ripped out a boulder-sized piece of ground and threw it at Speedy, who had been running along a line of crates. He shot an explosive arrow at the man, once again with no real affect as the thug threw another boulder at him. Speedy dodged out of the way and Aqualad jumped in his place, cutting the boulder in half, giving the archer the perfect opportunity to shoot a smoke screen arrow at the thug.

"The cave is perfect," Aqualad said, turning to ginger. "It has everything the team will need."

Robin landed behind him, smiling eagerly, "For covert missions. You know spy stuff."

Kid Flash ran up the crates to add his two cents, "And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian, but I saw her first."

The thug, in a fit of fury threw another boulder at the group of teenage vigilantes. All of them dodged except for Aqualad who used his water bearers to create a mace and smashed it into pieces. Speedy shot three arrows at once at the thug, one exploded and the other two lodged themselves into his chest, exploding one by one. The thug began to laugh at his efforts, taunting him, "Tell Arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job."

Speedy's face remained passive as he calmly notched an arrow aimed directly at his chest. The thug held his arms out in challenge. "Go ahead," he'll wish he never said that.

Speedy let the arrow fly and it hit its mark, releasing a red foam that completely covered the giant thug, and hardening once it settled. Kid Flash skidded to a stop in front of Speedy, "High density polyurethane foam, nice."

The ginger didn't reply as he turned away, walking past Robin and Aqualad, who were waiting for him. "So Speedy, you in?" Robin asked, leaning against a nearby set of crates with his arms crossed over his chest. Speedy stopped and barely turned to look at him.

"Pass," he scowled. "I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do. I don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your Junior Justice League is a joke, something to keep you busy and in your place. I don't want any part of it."

"You could at least thank us for the back up," Kid Flash snapped.

All heads turned at the sound of cracks being made in the foam. The thug broke out of the foam with roar of triumph. The boys with the exception of Speedy fell into defensive stances. The thug began to walk towards the young heroes. Speedy simply folded his arms and watched as the guy's shadow shot someone out. The thug looked up in shock before a pair of converse boots landed on his face. The figure hopped off, watching as the thug staggered back, and swept his legs out from under him. While he was sprawled out on the ground they snapped their fingers and several black tendrils rose from the shadowy ground and subdued the criminal. The figure slowly sank into the shadowy tendrils and walked out of the shadows that the archer was ready to depart into.

"I already had back up," Speedy chuckled, approaching the new arrival and gently place a hand on the small of their back. The figure watched them warily, unsure of how the famous protégés would react to their presence.

"Who's this?" Kid Flash bluntly demanded.

"This is Kage," Speedy answered, gesturing to the black clad figure standing next to him, who nodded in greeting.

"Found her when I was out on patrol. She doesn't talk so don't expect a grand debate," Kage shoulders shook in silent laughter, amused at the inside joke.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Kage," Aqualad said with a friendly smile as he held his hand out for her to shake. A hand wrapped in black bandages gave his a firm shake, however to his slight disappointment the bandages covered her entire hand, giving no clue as to her skin color. Kage was an enigma due to her shadowy silhouette. She wore a black hoodie that hid her feminine figure with the hood drawn over her head that shadowed her face, black skinny jeans, and black converse boot with the light blue strings being the only color in her outfit.

Speedy gave a small smile at the exchange, noticing how relaxed his new friend was around his old ones. However he grew slightly nervous when Kage stormed over to him and began to sign furiously. He backed away nervously with his hands up in surrender, "What did I do this time?!" He got his answer when the silent girl sharply smacked him upside the head and began signing furiously. The three protégés watched in amusement at the seemingly one-sided conversation as the usually intimidating archer pleaded his case to the smaller teenager.

"Look, if it makes you feel any better, I'm sorry, but you gotta admit that that flip shot was awesome," he futilely tried to end the embarrassing conversation only for Kage to smack his head again. She gestured furiously to her hooded head and sighed tiredly, her shoulders slumping in exasperation. Speedy put his hands on her shoulders, "If I buy you some strawberries, will you forgive me?"

Kage folded her arms and held her head up sternly before slowly signing something that devastated the ginger. He sighed forlornly, "Yes ma'am."

"What just happened?" Kid Flash asked Robin who cackled mercilessly at his friend's apparent misfortune.

"Speedy just got owned!" the two friends gave each other a brofist.

Aqualad ignored their antics and approached Kage with the idea of the Young Justice League. "What about you Kage? Would you be willing to give the team a try?" Her hood tilted to the side in thought before she gestured back to Speedy. Aqualad seemed to catch on to what she was trying to say, "Of course you will still be able to patrol with Speedy. Will you take it into consideration?"

Kage was surprised at how they so easily extended this offer to her without even knowing her. She thought hard on the offer. Speedy made the team sound like a social club for wannabe heroes. However, what if the archer was wrong? What would like to be on a team? Sure she was partners with Speedy, but it was just the two of them, and she didn't want her only friend to be just Speedy. She turned to said archer who gave her a supportive pat on the back before bringing her gaze back to the Atlantean. Slowly, she nodded her head to accept the offer and held her hand out to Aqualad. She received a bright smile from the sea dwelling protégé and Aqualad was confident that she was smiling too.


JULY 18 11:00 EDT

"Recognized: Kage B13."

Kage walked out the Zeta Beam transporter, staggering slightly at the disorientating experience. She tried to steady herself as Miss Martian, Superboy, and Aqualad came to greet her. "I am glad that you could make it, Kage. Meet Miss Martian and Superboy, the other members of the team we mentioned last night. We are currently waiting for Red Tornado to arrive with a mission for us," he smiled in a welcoming manner. The next thing she knew, the black clad teen was being choked to death by a pair of green arms.

"I'm so glad I'm not the only girl on the team!" Miss Martian exclaimed, tightening her grip. Kage flailed her arms frantically, trying to tell the girl that she couldn't breathe.

"Recognized: Robin B01. Kid Flash B03."

The speedster and Boy Wonder ran over to the small group eagerly, but paused at the sight of one teammate slowly killing another. Robin gave Kage a sympathetic look, "I think you're choking her Miss M."

Before the Martian could look down in shock, the weight of said girl disappeared. She floated through Miss Martian's arms in a black mist. Their jaws dropped as Kage solidified a few feet away, hunched over in an attempt to catch her breath.

"Whoa," Kid Flash said breathlessly.

Miss Martian quickly got over her shock and apologized profusely, but Kage merely shook her head before straightening up to pat the Martian on the shoulder, commending her for her strong grip. "I think she's trying to say no hard feelings," Robin explained to the confused ginger. Miss Martian sighed in relief and smiled at the hooded girl.

"Did you ask him?"

"What did he say?" Kid Flash and Robin asked eagerly as they turned to the holographic map with a picture of Red Tornado headed to their location.

Aqualad looked back at them with an equally eager expression, "He's arriving now."

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Kid didn't wait for an answer as he ran to the entrance of the cave with the others trailing after him. Kage followed quietly, curious as to what the android was like. Once outside, she was met with the fierce winds of the hero's namesake as he lowered himself to the ground.

"Red Tornado!" Kid Flash called in greeting, unable to hide the huge grin on his face.

"Greetings," the android said in a stern robotic voice. "Is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?"

"We hoped you had a mission for us," Aqualad answered with hope alight in his eyes.

This, however, did nothing to sway the android, "Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility."

"But it's been over a week and nothing –"

He held his hand up to stop Robin's impending rant, "You will be tested soon enough, for the time being, simply enjoy each other's company."

"This team is not a social club," Aqualad scoffed.

Red Tornado either didn't notice or ignored the ire in the Atlantean's voice, "No, but I am told social interaction is an important team building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourself with the cave." With that the android walked into the cave to let that information sink in.

"Keep busy," Kid scoffed.

"Does he think we're falling for this?" Robin demanded in outrage.

"I'll find out!" Miss Martian offered eagerly before focusing on the android's mind. No one noticed Kage flinching at the thought of telepathy. She sighed in disappointment, "I'm sorry. I forgot he's a machine. Inorganic, I cannot read his mind."

Kid Flash took this as a chance to flirt with the green teen, "Nice try though. So, uh, you know what I'm thinking right now?"

Robin scoffed, elbowing his best friend in the ribs earning a yelp from the speedster, "We all know what you're thinking now."

"And now we tour the clubhouse," Aqualad sneered. Kage walked up to the sea dweller and placed a gloved hand on his shoulder to show her sympathy. He gave her a small smile in return for the sentiment.

"Well, Superboy and I live here. We could play tour guides," all heads turned to said Kryptonian.

His eyes widened in panic, "Don't look at me!"

"We won't," Kid said dismissively. "A private tour sounds much more fun."

Robin sputtered in disbelief, "She never said private!"

"Team building, we'll all go," Aqualad said, leaving no room for argument.

So began Miss Martian's exclusive tour around the cave. Kage gave a huff of laughter when Robin hit Kid as he passed. They went all around the cave from the front to the back.

"The cave is actually the entire mountain," she said informatively.

"It was hollowed out and reinforced by Superman and Green Lantern in the early days of the League," Kid added.

"Then why abandon it for The Hall of Justice?" Superboy wondered aloud.

"The cave's secret location was compromised," Aqualad answered.

"So they traded it in for a tourist trap? Yeah, that makes sense," the Kryptonian scoffed derisively.

"If villains know the location of the cave, then we must be on constant alert," Miss Martian mused somberly.

Robin took her hand in his and gave what he thought was a suave smile, "The bad guys know we know they know about the place so they'd never think to look here."

Kid took her hand from the Boy Wonder and gave a flirtatious smile to the Martian, "He means we hiding in plain sight."

"Ah, that's much clearer," she said with an uneasy smile.

Superboy's attention was grasped by the small hooded figure tugging on the sleeve of his jacket. He gave her a curious look before she pointed to his nose. The clone raised a brow at her but sniffed the air anyway to see what she meant. "I smell smoke," he told her, catching Miss Martian's attention.

"My cookies!" she gasped. She flew to the kitchen where she mentally removed a sheet of burnt black cookies from the smoking oven and placed it carefully on the counter. She looked down in disappointment, "I was trying out Grammy Jones' recipe from episode seventeen of – oh! Never mind."

"I bet they would have tasted great. He doesn't seem to mind," Robin tossed sly smirk in the speedster's direction as he munched on the burnt cookies.

Kid looked around at the pointed stares in shock. "I have a serious metabolism," he said with a sheepish smile.

"I'll make more?" she asked hopefully.

"It was sweet of you to make any," Aqualad said reassuringly. Kage put a comforting hand on the red-head's shoulder.

"Thanks Aqualad," she said with a shy smile.

"We're off duty, call me Kaldur'ahm. Actually, my friends call me Kaldur," he offered a friendly smile to the Martian.

"I'm Wally, see I already trust you with my secret ID, unlike Mr. Dark Glasses over here," Robin put his hands on his hips and scowled at the speedster. "Batman's forbidden Boy Wonder from telling anyone his real name."

"Mine's no secret, it's M'gnn M'orzz, but you can call me Megan. It's an earth name, and I'm on earth now," she said happily.

All eyes turned to the only person that hadn't spoken all day. She hesitant reached a hand up to hood. The others tried not to show just how interested they were in their mysterious teammate's appearance. What they found wasn't what they expected. Instead of her face, the hood unveiled a bone white smiley face mask. However, the smiley had an eerie quality to it, for it didn't give off a very happy vibe. Thick black curls tumbled over her shoulder with blue shining from the lighting, covering a pair of black headphones. Kage tilted her head in confusion at the deadpanned looks her teammates were giving her.

Superboy began to walk out when he gave an irritated grunt. He stared at the Martian girl in disbelief as she gave him a comforting smile. He held his head and roared, "Get out of my head!"

Everyone stared at the clone with concern before turning their attention to the Martian girl, who watched his reaction in shock. "What's wrong? I don't understand. Everyone on Mars communicates telepathically," her voice echoed in everyone else's minds as they held their heads in pain.

"M'gnn, stop!" Kaldur ordered sternly.

"Holy fucking hell that was loud!" a southern accented voice echoed in their minds through the link.

Kaldur ignored the extra voice for the moment and began to explain the predicament to the Martian girl, "Things are different on Earth, here your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy."

"Besides, Cadmus's creepy little psychic genomes left a bad taste in his brain," Kid Flash added.

"I-I didn't mean to –"

"Just. Stay. Out," Superboy snarled before storming into the living room. M'gnn looked down in shame at her blunder.

"You know you can still talk to me if you want. I don't think any of you know sign language," the southern voice gave the Martian comfort before realization set in, and she turned to the voice's source who gave an almost imperceptible nod.

M'gnn suddenly smacked her forehead, "Hello Megan! I know what we can do!" With no other warning, she flew out of the kitchen area, and without any other option, the others followed, leaving Superboy to brood alone. However, Kage stayed behind, her hands shoved in her pockets as she approached the sulking clone.

"What do you want?" he grumbled childishly. Kage as usual said nothing and simply held her hand out to him. Superboy stared at her hand before narrowing his eyes at her masked face. He gave her a small smile and allowed her to help him off the couch. He watched in amusement as the significantly shorter girl pulled his large frame to the elevator with the others.

The elevator went down into the hangar, and Superboy looked down at Kage in veiled curiosity. He knew he could use his x-ray vision to see her face and he tried, however there was a black barrier preventing him from seeing her true appearance. The mask itself should have revealed her appearance due its large black holes where the eyes should be, but whatever the mask didn't cover, the barrier did, for it seemed to allow her to see out but no one to see in. He was brought out of his thoughts at the sight of a big red ball sitting in the middle of the hangar that Miss Martian claimed to be her ship.

"Cute, not aerodynamic, but cute," Kid tried to flirt with the girl even now. You'd think he'd give the girl a break.

This didn't faze M'gnn as she gave a bright smile, "It's at rest silly. I'll wake it." With a wave of her hand, the ship morphed out of its ball-like rest state, and gained the aerodynamic build that flight required. It floated around and opened the door for them, from the back. M'gnn looked back at the shocked and blank faces with a little bit of smug pride, "Well, are you coming?"

Kage pushed her way passed the boys and followed her fellow female on board, her shoulders shaking in silent laughter as the others followed. They watched in awe as the interior of the ship formed itself around them, creating five seats around the pilot's seat in the middle. Kage sat directly in front of the pilot's seat where M'gnn sat and nearly relaxed in her seat as the ship buckled her in.

"Red Tornado, please open the bay doors," M'gnn politely ordered. As if in answer the large doors in front of the ship slowly slid open as two orb shaped panels rose from the floor by M'gnn's hands. Kage observed the ginger placing her hands on them to steer the ship.

"Incredible!" Robin exclaimed happily, watching the scenery.

Wally, however had a different view, and watched with a dopey grin, "She sure is." However once the object of his affections turned to him, he became a stuttering mess, "I mean the ship, which, like all ships is a she."

"Smooth," Kage signed in amusement, catching Aqualad's gaze.

"Fast with his feet, not so much with his mouth," Robin chuckled.

"Dude!" Kid called out incredulously.

Kage pulled her headphones over her head and plugged them into her Samsung Galaxy S5. Blue lights lit up the headphones them to reveal a happy face on the right side and a sad one on the left, much like the one on her mask. The lights of the headphones showed off the blue tint in her hair and gave her mask an almost technical quality. She turned the volume out to drown out any conversation and leaned back into her chair. She was pulled out of her world when Kaldur nudged her side gently and tossed a meaningful look in Superboy's direction.

Kage tugged his sleeve twice to get his attention so Kaldur could give his advice, "I may not have psychic powers but I can guess what you're thinking. You overreacted and you don't know how to apologize. Just say sorry."

Superboy averted his gaze but took his words into consideration. Kage went to put her headphones on when she heard Robin whisper to M'gnn, "He'll come around."

"He doesn't seem to like me much," she whispered back.

"You guys remember he has super hearing right?" all that could be heard was Kage's sigh of exasperation at their antics. How can you forget that a Kryptonian has heightened senses? She patted the boy's shoulder in sympathy for his predicament.

Quick to change the subject, Robin turned to M'gnn, "Hey, how about showing us a little Martian shape shifting."

M'gnn smiled and stood up to show case her skin rippling into a genderbent Robin, then turned into a genderbent Kid Flash with a pose. Wally was practically drooling, "Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?"

Kage caught Superboy and Kaldur's eye and nodded vigorously before giving an exaggerated shudder of disgust. They chuckled at her silent humor.

Robin clapped at the display, "Impressive, but you know you're not exactly gonna fool anyone with those."

M'gnn sighed sadly, "Mimicking boys is a lot harder." Her skin rippled again to show an exact copy of a hoodless Kage.

"And your clothes?" Kaldur asked as she sat back down.

"They're organic like the ship," she replied, tugging at her pink jacket. "They respond to my mental commands."

"As long as they're the only ones," Superboy scowled. He glared down at Kage when she scoldingly smacked his arm and directed his gaze to a crestfallen Martian. His gaze softened, and he gave the smaller girl an apologetic look as she folded her arms.

"Can you do that ghosting through walls thing that Manhunter does?" Kid Flash asked in an attempt to lighten her mood.

M'gnn's brows furrowed in thought, "Density shifting? No, it's a very advanced technique."

"Flash can vibrate his molecules right through a wall." Robin gave an evil chuckle at his next statement, "When he tries it, bloody nose."

"Dude!" Kid cried.

"Here's something I can do," M'gnn said before the outline of the ship vanished from view, "camouflage mode."

Superboy looked down at Kage and bluntly asked, "What can you do?"

Before she could try to sign her answer, Red Tornado called in, "Red Tornado to Miss Martian, an emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor power plant. I suggest you investigate covertly. I'm sending coordinates."

"Received," M'gnn responded somberly, "adjusting course."

Robin scoffed, "Tornado's keeping us busy again."

M'gnn tried to be optimistic about the situation, "Well, a simply fire led you to Superboy. We should find out what caused the alert."

"I think I know the cause," everyone followed Superboy's gaze to a tornado headed their way.

Kage had black tendrils wrap tightly around her legs as the bioship was tossed around in the rough winds. Miss Martian managed to fly them out of it and landed in the nearby parking lot. They all dropped down to assess the situation. "Robin, are tornados common in New England?" Aqualad turned to where the Boy Wonder once stood for his answers only to find that he wasn't there. "Robin?!"

His cackles echoed from the power plant.

"He was just here," Miss Martian said with an astonished expression as she returned her attention to the building where the windows were being blown out.

They all ran inside to find Robin getting tossed around. "Who's your new friend?" Superboy asked sarcastically as he and Kage came to his aid.

"Didn't catch his name but he plays kind of rough," Kage would have laughed at his choice of words if the situation wasn't so serious.

"My apologies, you may address me as Mister Twister," the large red and black android jeered.

Really? He couldn't think of anything better than Mister Twister? Kage fell into a fighting stance as the robot pushed tornados from his hands. Superboy tried to force his way through the harsh winds, however Twister tossed him into a wall by forming a cyclone beneath his feet. Everyone fell into offensive stances in preparation for the new threat.

Aqualad gave Miss Martian a small nod. Her uncertain expression melted into one of fierce determination as Kid Flash ran over and tried to kick the android. Twister simply brushed him off and sent him skidding out of the building. Miss Martian and Aqualad tried to deliver a surprise attack, but the android engulfed them in two miniature tornados and sent them flying back. That left only Robin and Kage standing to fight.

"I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero. I was not, however, expecting children."

Robin grit his teeth in frustration as he tossed two at Mister Twister, "We're not children." The android used the wind to deflect the first one and the second one lodged itself in his chest, but he simply flicked it off like a bug.

"Objectively you are," Twister taunted as the weapon exploded in the distance. "Have you no adult supervision? I find your presence here quite disturbing."

"Well we hate to see you disturbed. Let's see if you're more turbed once we kick your can," Robin snarled as the others gathered around him.

Miss Martian used her telekinesis to create a steam cover from the large pipe above the android. Superboy took this chance to lunge at him, only to be pushed back into M'gnn by Twister's tornados. Aqualad, Kage, and Robin dodged them, but before they could attack, Robin and Aqualad were sucked into two tornados and crashed into each other. Kage continued forward, but before Twister could blow her away, she vanished, leaving nothing behind but black wisps. She shot out from his shadow on the wall with a wicked looking knife in hand. She managed to leave a deep scratch into his back before using his shoulders as a foot hold and driving the knife into his shoulder.

She jumped off and formed her hands into to black claws, digging them into the ground in preparation of another wind based attack as the knife faded from existence, leaving only the wound. Instead she received satisfied laughter, "Finally a real challenge. I might get a decent fight yet."

He blasted her full force with tornados, sending her legs into the air, but her claws held firmly to the concrete. She struggled to bring her feet back to the ground in a cat-like crouch. She formed black claws on her feet, and ran at her adversary like a lion chasing its prey. She brought her claws down on Twister's metal body, leaving some nasty cuts in the armor before his blasted her back with tornados. Kage bounced off a wall with a sickening thud and tried to stand back up to fight some more. "Indeed, that was quite turbing, thank you," his voice sounded like he was sneering as he flew away.

The team regained their bearings in time for Miss Martian to catch Kid before he splattered on the side of the power plant. She carefully lowered him down as they approached. "I got you Wally."

"Thanks!" he said gratefully.

Robin took in the damages done to the android and whistled at the sight, turning to the masked face of Kage, "Impressive."

Kage mockingly bowed in reply before returning her attention to Mister Twister as he went on another rant, "I would have that you had all learned your limitations by now."

"What do you want?!" Aqualad snapped irritably.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm waiting for a real hero," Twister basically just called them frauds.

"Read his mind. Find a weakness," Aqualad ordered Miss Martian.

"I thought I wasn't supposed to do that," Miss Martian said nervously.

"It's okay with the bad guys," Robin snapped.

Kage shuffled closer to M'gnn as she attempted to read Twister's mind. "Nothing, I'm getting nothing," realization seemed to strike as she smacked her head again. "Hello Megan! Mister Twister is Red Tornado in disguise! He's inorganic, an android! How many androids do you know that can generate tornados?"

"That's solid reasoning M'gnn but something doesn't feel right," Kage tried to tell her but she ignored the mental message with her confidence in her logic.

"Red Tornado sent us here," Aqualad pointed out.

"After saying we'd be tested soon enough. This is his test, something to keep us busy," Robin snarled, remembering what Speedy told them at the docks.

"Speedy called it, we're a joke," Kid's shoulders slumped in defeat. The usually peaceful Aqualad punched his hand in frustration and began to approach Twister with Robin and Kid not far behind. "This game is so over."

"We know who you are and what you want," Robin began with a snarl.

"So let's end this," Aqualad finished.

"Consider it ended," Twister said ominously. Alarm bells went off in Kage's head screaming at her that something wasn't right. Twister raised his hands into the air and sent two tornados up, creating a storm cloud over their heads.

"An impressive show, but we will not indulge you. We will not engage," Aqualad held firm to his belief that Twister was Red Tornado. Kage had long abandoned that notion once she pointed out the holes in Miss Martian's theory.

If he's Tornado, why would he attack innocent people, much less at a power plant where everything can go wrong? Wouldn't it have been safer for someone like Batman or Martian Manhunter to test us considering all the possible damage that tornados can cause? Kage was brought out of her thoughts when lightning started flashing around Mister Twister. I don't think Red Tornado is capable of calling lightning.

"Uh, can Red Tornado do that?" Kid asked uncertainly.

"You think I'm Tornado? Ironic," Twister said before bringing lightning down on the heroes. Kage and Superboy were the only ones of their team left standing. Superboy and Kage jumped at the android only to be struck down, but the clone grabbed his teammate's leg and threw her at Twister. Kage landed on the android and formed a black knife in her hand, she managed to stab the android once more before be thrown back down, creating a crater where she crashed. Twister lowered himself to the ground in order to finish them off, however they vanished from his sight. "Fine then, I won't deny you children have power. The hooded one even managed to damage me, but playing hide and seek with you will not help me achieve my objectives, so stay concealed. If you confront me again I will show no mercy." Twister flew off once more, leaving the teen heroes to lick their wounds.

"What happened?" Kid asked Miss Martian in disbelief.

"I placed the bioship between us," she answered nervously.

Superboy destroyed a large rock in a fit of rage, "And that's supposed to make it right? You tricked us into thinking Twister was Red Tornado."

"She didn't do it on purpose," Aqualad said, coming to her defense.

"It was a rookie mistake. We shouldn't have listened," Robin said, unwittingly destroying the Martian girl's self-esteem.

Even Kid Flash agreed, "You are pretty inexperienced. Hit the showers we'll take it from here."

"Stay out of our way," Superboy snarled, walking away from her with barely a glance back.

Kage had had enough. She grabbed Superboy by his arm and yanked him back to the team, earning a harsh glare in which she returned ten-fold. All eyes were on her as she pointed to Miss Martian and pointed at her head. Getting the message she linked the team up with the silent teammate with a lot to say to them. "I've had just about as much as I can take. You're a team, fucking act like it! Without a solid plan how the hell do you think you're going to win?" She mentally snarled at all of them, directing the last part to Superboy, and felt satisfaction when they looked down in shame.

"So what do you want us to do?" Superboy demanded with an angry scowl.

He could practically feel the glare she was sending him, "I want you to stop blaming M'gnn, pull on your big boy pants, and get your shit together. You're all disorganized and attacking Twister individually and blindly. You need to work off each other if we're gonna take him down. I have a plan, so listen up numbnuts 'cuz I'll only say it once."

Mister Twister was terrorizing Happy Harbor. He brought tornados down into the water, throwing many of the boats into the small town. "Certainly this will get my required attention."

"You got ours, full and undivided!" Kid Flash shouted as he sped over to the android and kicked him back.

"Inferior and insufficient, you are a distraction I can no longer tolerate," Twister growled in outrage,

Superboy lunged for Mister Twister, but the large android easily dodged him. The clone fell into a ready a stance with a determined scowl as Twister sent tornados his way. Superboy went to lunge at Twister again, but Twister threw a boat, putting swift an end to the assault before directing his attention to Robin and Aqualad who had vaulted over a car in their charge. Aqualad managed to dodge a cyclone sent his way but got tossed into an apartment complex. Kid tried to rush him but got thrown into the ground and chased by a tornado. Robin tossed some birdarangs but they got caught in the tornados he used to block them as he dodged a punch from Superboy. The clone got tossed yards away by a cyclone from under his feet. Superboy and a boat that was thrown at him landed in the apartment complex, making it collapse around him.

Aqualad threw the boat's motor at the android, only for it to be deflected by a tornado. Just as the four boys were going to assault the android again, Red Tornado flew in. "Hit the showers boys. I was hoping you could handle this, clearly you cannot," he said coldly.

"But we've got a plan now," Robin pleaded.

"The subject is not up for debate," he said, leaving no room for argument.

"I was beginning to believe you'd never show up," Twister taunted.

"I'm here now," Tornado said before sending a tornado at Twister, who swallowed it with a larger one in which he sent at the other android. Red Tornado simply dissipated the cyclone. "We are evenly matched Twister," he observed, creating a tornado behind him.

"No tornado, we are not," Twister, punched the ground, pushing up a wall of air to protect him from the rocks that were thrown out of the tornado, and shooting lightning at the red android. However, as Red Tornado dodged the bolts, he got caught in the explosion of a boat that got struck, falling limply to the ground. "Remain still android, the reprogramming won't take long," wires and plugs came from Twister's hands and connected to Tornado's skull.

However, "Tornado" reached up and grabbed the wires, his face morphing to reveal M'gnn. "Longer than you might think," she gave him a smug grin.

In his shock, Twister got pushed into an oncoming tornado by M'gnn that dissipated to reveal Kid standing proudly. He tumbled on the ground into a punch from Superboy, as the clone grabbed his arm to repeated punch holes in the android. With one good punch, he sent the android flying into the harbor where Aqualad met him underwater. He hit Twister with a piece of ship and electrocuted him with his Atlantean magic, sending flying out of the water into Kage's hands. She jumped up, grabbing the android's head with a black clawed hand as they flew up, and positioned herself on what was left of its chest, holding tightly to its head as they came crashing to the ground, the force of which causing the arm that was barely hanging on by a few wires to fly off. Kage hopped off Twister when his back arched upward.

Finally Miss Martian, grabbed him in her telekinetic grip. She ripped off his remaining arm and held him up as Robin threw some birdarangs into his back, and the Martian released him.

The android landed flat on his face and barely managed to push himself onto his knees to face the team before him, and Kage folded her arms, glad that her plan went exceptionally well. Twister's chest opened to reveal a small man and the team watched him warily as he fell out. "Foul! I-I call foul!" he pleaded. However, Kage and Miss Martian were unconvinced by the act.

Miss Martian looked at the masked girl, "You can sense it too?"

Kage nodded, "He's not organic or human."

"That's all I needed to know," M'gnn nodded solemnly and brought a large boulder down on the "man."

Seeing this, Aqualad tried to stop her, "M'gnn no!"

Robin stormed up to them pure anger in his voice, "Don't know how things are done on Mars, but on Earth, we don't execute our captives." Kage's claws dissolved and pushed her hand into Robin's chest to cut off his next rebuttal. He angrily shoved her hand off and glared at her masked face, "What?!"

Kage simply pointed at the broken android that was crushed under M'gnn's boulder. "That's why I couldn't read his mind," M'gnn proudly stated.

Kid picked up one the robot's eyeballs and examined it closely with a smirk, "Cool, souvenir."

"We should have had more faith in you," Aqualad said, putting a hand on the Martian's shoulder. Kage cleared her throat loudly, and Kaldur gave her an amused smile, "And you too Kage."

"Yeah, you girls rocked this mission. Get it? Rocked?" Kid Flash tried in vain to get everyone to laugh at his joke.

"Ignore him," Robin stated simply. "We're all just turbed you're on the team."

Kage caught sight of something glowing red and turned to find that one of the eyes was probably recording the conversation. She glared down at the eye and crushed the robotic skull, ending the transmission. She turned back to the conversation and was pleased to see her Martian friend smiling excitedly, "Thanks, me too."

They went back to the cave to talk to Tornado about Mister Twister. "It was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you," Aqualad pointed out.

"Agreed," Tornado's robotic voice answered. He looked down at Kage when she knocked on his arm.

"Is that why you wouldn't help us?" Miss Martian asked curiously.

"No," he answered simply, "this was your battle, I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you, nor should you solve mine for me."

They all looked at him solemnly, knowing what he was implying. M'gnn nervously tried to convince him otherwise. "B-but if you're in danger…" she trailed off.

"Consider this matter closed," he firmly ordered.

Kage, however knocked on his arm to gain his attention. She needed to relay some important information. "The eyes were recording everything that was happening. I think it was to confirm that you were here should the android be destroyed," she signed carefully.

Red Tornado stared at her for a bit before nodding in understanding, "I will take this into consideration."

"Wait, you understood that?" Kid asked in disbelief.

"Indeed," Red Tornado said before taking his leave.

Robin and Kid stared after him. "Batman, Aquaman, and Flash, they'd have jumped right in t fix things," Wally pointed out.

"Guess if we're gonna have a babysitter, a heartless machine is exactly what we need," Robin gestured to Red Tornado with furrowed brows.

"Dude, harsh," Kid admonished.

"And inaccurate," Tornado corrected, "I have a heart made of carbon steel alloy." He turned back to his charges, "I also have excellent hearing."

Robin gave an embarrassed smile, "Right, sorry, I'll strive to be more accurate."

"And more respectful," Aqualad added, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder. Seemingly satisfied with that, the android continued down the hall.

"Speedy was so wrong," Wally grinned.

"This team thing," Robin started.

"Might just work out," Kaldur finished as they left the room, leaving Kage, Superboy, and M'gnn.

The clone stared at the green skinned girl and said one word, "Sorry." Kage walked with away with him when she saw that there was more he wanted to say, and M'gnn stared after them with a content smile.

The pair stopped in front of the Zeta Tubes and Kage crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her head expectantly. The clone seemed to be trying to carefully say what was on his mind. "Thanks for today. I know I'm not the easiest to deal with and I got out of line with M'gnn, so thanks for setting me straight," he sighed, not meeting her mask's unwavering gaze.

Kage grinned from under her mask at the apology from the Boy of Steel, and reached up to pat his shoulder comfortingly, as if to say, "No problem." Superboy seemed to get the message and gave her a small smile. She waved at him before walking into the teleporter to go back home to Star City. Wait till Roy here's about this.

Hey everybody, HiddenBerserker here and I'd like first say that this is my first successful Young Justice fic that I'm putting on this site. Yay me! Like many here, I loved the Young Justice series and was sad to here that there wouldn't be another season. I'd also like to thank shishiwastaken for helping get rid of my writer's block. If you have any questions about Kage or anything else, please ask me in the reviews and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities. That's it for this chapter. See you all in my next update!