So I added just a smidge of Supernatural in here ;)

Chapter 8

Being able to see a road through the trees was such a relief until he saw the lights from a vehicle. Quickly crouching down he waited for it to pass in case it was the same psychos that had gotten the jump on him in the first place. The tires squealed to a stop and he almost growled, there was no way those assholes would have been able to track him and he knew damn well he was well hidden from the road. It wasn't until he heard a soft gasp that curiosity got the best of him and he carefully crept his way towards the road.

The closer he got the more anger that built up inside of him as he saw Carol standing in front of his truck, the headlights giving her an angelic aura while one of the deranged freaks stood in front of her. The guy only took one step forward and before Carol even had a chance to react there was a scuffle, leaving Daryl on top punching the man in the face. He was so blinded by rage that he forgot Carol was even standing there until he heard her shift behind him. Pushing himself up from the road, he spit on the unconscious hillbilly, and then took Carol into his arms, the embrace so tight she was sure he was going to break her in half but she would never complain.

She finally pulled away enough to run her hand over his face as if to prove to herself he was really standing there. "What happened? I looked everywhere and I even called…" she trailed off, slamming her head into his chest. "I was calling Merle when the guy popped out of nowhere. I don't know if he answered or not but if he did, he heard me scream as I slammed on the breaks."

Daryl couldn't care less about his brother at the moment. Carol hadn't been touched and that was all that mattered. They broke apart only to get into the truck and then she scooted over, sitting right next to him feeling as though if she let him out of her sight he would disappear again.

Fourteen hours and one state later, Carol was nestled in Daryl's side, watching as the stars began to blanket the sky for the night. Their trip had been so hectic that she was sure she was going to need another vacation. She had called Merle back, lying and saying it was only a prank to see what he would do. He gave her an earful before hanging up on her with a growl. She let out a long breath as she adjusted her head on his chest, "I think we should go home."

"Tired?" Daryl traced his fingers up her bare arm, getting ready to get back in the truck and head to the motel room they booked for the night.

While Carol could have easily slept she was almost afraid to close her eyes, not knowing what would happen if she did. Just when she started to believe in the supernatural some very human freaks thought it would be a good idea to try and take Daryl from her. There wasn't anywhere that was safe.

"I meant home as in Georgia." Daryl shifted enough so that he was able to see her face and the questioning look in his eyes had her chewing on her bottom lip. "I thought this trip was going to be all fun and adventure but it's turned into some weird horror movie and I kind of just want to go home." Feeling terrible that she was cutting their time together short, she gave him a sly smile in hopes of lightening the mood. "Doesn't mean we have to tell anyone we are home."

He wasn't going to argue with her and agreed that in the morning they would head for home but they still had tonight. He pulled her on top of him, a laugh escaping before his lips locked on to hers.


Heading back to Georgia wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, in all honesty it was probably the best part of their vacation. They had stopped to see the world's largest ball of twine and even pulled off in the middle of the night to set off some fireworks. This was what it was supposed to have been like the whole time.

Carol had gotten sick of eating microwaved burritos from gas stations they had passed and they stopped at a place called The Roadhouse. In fact, she wasn't sure the place was even open for business if it hadn't been for the minivan in the parking lot. Daryl went first, his level of awareness on high alert until they got back home, and when he opened the door to the bar a woman greeted him, letting him know they were open. Only then did he motion for Carol to follow him, choosing a table away from the man sleeping on the pool table and away from the man with the leather jacket sitting at the bar. A short, skinny blonde who Daryl paid no attention to and Carol thought flirted a little too much took their order.

Carol shifted closer to Daryl, motioning to the guy that was laying on the pool table, "You don't think he's dead, do you?"

The blonde came back and set their drinks on the table and snorted, "That's Ash. Just ignore him."

Carol took a few quarters out of her pocket and made her way to the old jute box by the door. Scanning through the songs she was hoping to find one of her favorites but finally decided on REO Speedwagon before returning back to the table. Can't Fight This Feeling filled the bar and she couldn't help but laugh at the expression on Daryl's face for the song she picked. There was a pentagram carved into the corner of the table but she wasn't even going to let her mind wander to all the possibilities, instead choosing to cover it up with her napkin.

"Only about eight hours or so until we get to Georgia, was there anywhere else you wanted to stop before we got home?"

It was her idea to cut the trip short in the first place but the last few days had been normal that now she was wondering if she made a mistake. Once they got back home it would be different and there was a part of her that wished she could slow time down to be able to spend more of it together.

The blonde came back before she could answer and set their food on the table, apologizing for how empty the bar was. "Carnival is in town and every year it makes this place a ghost town. Lucky for you means quicker service and hot food." She winked before heading back to the man in the leather jacket.

Carol wasn't too keen on the waitress' choice of words but since it was in the middle of the day she felt a little better about staying there until they were finished with their food. She picked at one of the fries, dragging it through the mound of honey mustard she had. "I know we were aiming to at least get to the state line before pulling off for the night but if the carnival is in town…"

Daryl kept his gaze on his plate as he shoved half of his burger in his mouth, grease dripping down his chin. He knew damn well what she was so blatantly hinting at but hell if he was going to find himself walking around some clown infested fun house. It was second nature for him to glance at Carol every few minutes and he hadn't realized he even did it until he was purposely trying not to. He heard her calling his name and just grunted in response, not bothering to look up.

"Can we go?"

"It probably has two rusted rides and food that'll make you sick."

Carol's face scrunched in confusion. She loved the county fair back home and she couldn't understand what was so different about a carnival. It might just be the dose of childish antics they needed to distract themselves from everything that had happened. She wasn't one to argue with Daryl but she wasn't going to let this one go. "Daryl…maybe we can…" she trailed off as Daryl stuffed the rest of his burger in his mouth as if he were doing it so he didn't have to answer her. Carol had never seen too many similarities between Merle and Daryl but in this moment there was no denying they were brothers. She took a sip of her own soda feeling as though the bite was so big she had to wash it down. "I think it would be fun. Maybe you could even win me a stuffed bear."

"I'll buy you a bear," he grumbled, grabbing his wallet out of his jeans to pay for the food though Carol had yet to eat anything but a few fries.

How the hell was he supposed to explain to her that he hated clowns without sounding like an idiot? There was no way to tell her that when he was younger and watching It Merle came in late, lipstick smeared across his lips from whoever he had been making out with, scaring the ever living shit out of him. There was a reason he never went with her to the fair back home and it wasn't because he couldn't get off from work or had to help his dad. There was no excuse this time.

"Do you have something against the carnival?"

Nope, he couldn't do it. He was taking his fear to the grave with him, even if it meant he would die at this damn carnival she insisted on going to. "'Course not."