A/N: I will switch between Danny's POV, Phoenix's, and third person. This is post-Dual Destinies and pre-Phantom Planet, sometime during the 3rd season. I know Danny Phantom didn't take place in the late 2020s, buuuuut… it does now to fit the Ace Attorney time line. Enjoy!

The Phantom Turnabout

Day 0: Prologue (Danny's POV)

July 5th, 10:57 PM

Amity Park

Night Sky

I flew home as fast as I could, glancing at my watch. I only had three more minutes before curfew. If I could get home in time tonight, maybe I could avoid getting in trouble tonight.

A chill shot up my spine, and I saw my breath.


Of course I couldn't catch a break tonight. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the blue-skinned, squat ghost floating over a packing company. Cardboard boxes flew through an open window, surrounding the Box Ghost.

(Why boxes? Doesn't he realize how dumb a power that is?)

I turned to face the ghost fully.

"Can we just do this the quick way for once? I really don't want to be late again," I said dully, knowing the answer even before the words were out of my mouth.

"I will never bow to the likes of you and your cylindrical objects. BEWARE!" the Box Ghost replied, right before the mass of boxes around him shot towards me. I rose an eyebrow, turning intangible. The boxes passed harmlessly through me.

"My turn!" I called, whipping the Fenton Thermos off of my back and opening it, pointing it towards the Box Ghost. A light blue light burst from the opening, engulfing the ghost floating before me and sucking him into the thermos. I grinned and placed the cap back on.

Beep! Beep!

I looked down at my watch, where the beeping was coming from. My heart sank as I read the time. It was 11 o'clock at night.

My curfew.

With a soft curse under my breath, I took off through the city, flying as fast as I could, hoping my parents would be asleep.

I landed in front of Fenton Works and changed back to my human form, opening the door.

For the second time tonight, I came to the realization that I couldn't catch a break. Mom and Dad sat on the couch, both looking miffed.

"Hey Mom… hey Dad…" I said with a weak smile.

"Daniel Fenton, do you know what time it is!?" Mom exploded. I winced, knowing from past experience that to answer one way or another would be stupid. After a few seconds of silence, she continued, giving me the same lecture I've heard for the past few months.

A curfew was a curfew for a reason. I need to start following their rules again. Why am I acting out so bad? As every other time, this led into everything else. My grades. My "antisocialism". The mysterious injuries. I stayed silent, waiting for it to be over.

"Danny," Mom sighed, the anger finally passing. "We're just worried about you." She stood, coming over and putting her hands on my shoulders. I winced as she put pressure on a bruise I had gotten earlier from a battle with Spectra. Mom noticed and frowned, grabbing my collar and pulling it to the side to show the bruise.

"Where'd this come from?" she demanded.

"I fell off my scooter," I said, gently pushing her hand away and adjusting my collar. Mom frowned before sighing.

"Fine Danny. Whatever. Just… go to bed," she said. I nodded, standing and walking over to the stairs before looking back.

"Good night Mom. Dad. Love you," I said before walking up the steps, only to find Jazz sitting on the floor across from my room.

"Hey little bro. You okay?" she said, standing. I nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah. I tried getting home on time today, but the Box Ghost showed up," I explained, entering my room. Jazz followed, watching as I pulled off my shirt and tossed it aside.

"Hm. Get that bruise from him?" she asked, pointing to my shoulder.

"As if," I said with a smile. "Spectra."

"Ah. Oh! By the way. We're leaving tomorrow, so don't forget to pack," Jazz said. I looked up, confused.

"Leaving? Leaving where?" I asked.

"California. Remember?" she said. I looked at her, confused. She sighed, shaking her head. "We're going to California to visit this small village near LA that is all about Spirit Channeling. What was it called again…?" She frowned slightly, trying to think of the name.

"Wait, you don't mean they were serious about going to Kurain Village, right?" I said, frowning. Last week, Mom and Dad were talking about this. I didn't hear the entire conversation, though, because I was on my way out to hang out with Sam and Tucker.

Jazz's face lit up. "Yeah, that it! And yes. They were serious. So, you might want to start packing. We're going to be there for two weeks while they study this spirit channeling stuff," she said as she walked towards my door. "Night!" she slipped out. I frowned, kneeling down to pull my suitcase out from under my bed.

Spending days cooped up in the Fenton RV. Fun!


July 8th, 7:08 AM

Kurain Village

Village Center

"I will still never manage to figure out how Dad made that trip in three days," Jazz said as well pulled our bags from the trunk of the Fenton RV.

"I will still never manage to figure out how we didn't crash with Dad's driving," I countered, and we both laughed. Slinging my bag over my good shoulder, I looked around. It was hard to believe we were still in the United States.

The buildings looked like something out of those Japanese shows (anime?), and everyone walked around wearing traditional kinds of robes.

They also looked a little uncomfortable at the large, high tech vehicle that was sitting right in the middle of their village.

Almost everyone.

"You must be the Fentons!" a young, cheerful voice said. Turning, I found myself facing a young woman. Her long, black hair was half up in a top knot on top of her head, the rest falling to the middle of her back. Her robes were a lot more extravagant then everyone elses', and there was a huge grin across her face. She walked right up to my parents.

"Welcome to Kurain Village. I'm Maya Fey. And you are?" she said.

"I'm Maddie, and this is my husband, Jack, and our kids, Jazz and Danny," Mom said. I waved slightly as Maya looked in our direction. Her eyes lingered on me for a moment, and she played with the odd charm on her necklace before grinning wider.

"It's nice to meet you all. As my guests, I insist that you stay in the Fey manor," she said.

"Are you sure?" Maddie asked.

"Positive," Maya said, starting to walk, before glancing over her shoulder at us. "By the way, do you guys like hamburgers?"