Hi, so this is me trying to get rid of an annoying writers block. The story may or may not be finished. I have been reading lots of fanfics to try and get inspired to write again and stumbled into the HP/NCIS stories, which made me want to try it out.
So a warning about it perhaps not being continued.

The NCIS Timeline has been adapted to make the Tony, Ziva, McGee team appear in 1999 with everything that has happened until then part of the story. Director Vance has taken over from the late Jenny Shepherd.
Potter timeline is ayear after Voldemort's death.

Disclaimer for this chapter and all following: I don't own anything.

Rough week.

Harry Potter, the wizarding world's hero, would never understand girls. Ginny wanted them to have a break, some time apart, so that he could decide where he wanted to take their relationship.
Him, Harry, not her even though she was the one talking about them splitting up.
In the year since Voldemort's death he had been going steady with Ginny, even gone as far as offering for her to move in with him at Grimmauld Place, which had been vetoed by Mrs Weasley who said that they were too young. He had even thought about proposing, for a moment, as he'd watched Hermione and Ron marry each other. Had even gone as far as buying a ring for her on one of his secret visits to London, where he could blend in to the crowd and disappear for a moment.

"You're stuck Harry, you do the same thing day in and day out. You don't do anything but work and visit Teddy. You haven't taken a single day off since last year to just do other things and if you are off, you're looking at maps and info on possible sightings. It never ends." Ginny said eyeing him mulishly from the chair she was seated on. Harry eyed the empty plates on the table and felt happy she'd at least let them finish eating before dropping her bombshell announcement, he'd just lost his appetite.

"The Deatheaters won't exactly take time off just because I want a holiday Ginny. Kingsley-" Harry was interrupted by her derisive snort and pulled a hand through his hair in frustration. She never let him finish talking, always interrupting with something she wanted to say.

"Kingsley needs you! Is that what you were going to say? Well maybe I want you to take time off, maybe I want more than this Harry!" She exclaimed, motioning at the interior of the room which hadn't changed much since Harry moved in. Harry looked around and agreed that yes, maybe he could have made his godfathers house a bit more hospitable since moving in but since it was just him living here he'd not seen the reason to start on the work yet. Besides which, he'd been too busy working with the ministry keeping everyone else safe from Deatheaters.
"Ron doesn't seem to have the same problem to take time off as you do, does he? He and Hermione are married already, he helps George out with the shop when he can and he still had time to play Quidditch with the other Aurors after work." She said giving him a pointed look.
It was well known fact that Harry had said no to every offer of playing with the Aurors but Ginny didn't know how it was at the ministry. It was fine to work with Kingsley who treated him like anyone else and working with Ron and Neville was no hardship but the other Aurors either loved him or hated him. Most seemed to think that he didn't belong at the ministry which was odd as both Ron and Neville had been accepted rather quickly. Harry felt that he had to prove that he was worth his position as an interim Auror all the time, which is why he tried to be the first one in and the last one out of the Auror office every day when he worked.

"Well I'm not Ron, am I?" Harry sighed, making her glare.

"No, at least he's developed since the war ended. When you're not in your uniform you you're still wearing your cousin's old clothes and have you looked around Harry! This house looks exactly the same as when Sirius lived here!" She exclaimed angrily.
"Nothing has changed here!" She added making Harry shrug. He didn't see what his clothes had to do with anything, he'd been too busy making sure the rest of the wizarding world slept soundly at night to think about his wardrobe. He wore his Auror robes at work and nobody else had made any comments.
"Harry, our relationship is not working. I want us to have some time apart, you need to find yourself and then we can see if we can make things work. "She said after taking a deep calming breath, staring at him from across the table.

"Ginny things are calming down at the ministry, I'm sure I'll be able to take some time off soon." Harry tried, ignoring her rolling eyes and her derisive snort.

"I've been offered a place with the Holyhead Harpies and I've accepted it. It's a yearlong contract and we'll be travelling a lot. I think you should use the year to really think about where you want us to be in the future." She said surprising him, he'd not even been aware that she was thinking of going into Quidditch after her graduation.
"Don't get up, I know where the door is." She muttered at his silence before stalking out of the room, her ponytail flicking angrily. Harry sat frozen until the front door slammed shut with a bang, then he gathered the dishes and dumped them into the sink. Had she been expecting a congratulation after dumping him he wondered, making his way towards the Drawing room where his work files were kept. Might as well keep busy, he doubted he'd get any sleep now anyway.

After a night of burying himself in work, so that he could forget the disastrous dinner, he made it to work early as usual. He wasn't one to usually hope for action but today he hoped they were kept busy.

Ron came in an hour later to find him rechecking old files and sat down in front of Harry with a knowing look in his eyes, nervously fidgeting on the chair.
"Ginny broke things off huh?" He asked, though it sounded more like a statement.
"Hermione said that she might, apparently she's seen all the warning signs for a while." Ron said quickly at the stare Harry sent him. Great Harry thought, how kind of her to not point them out to him in time to make a difference.
"She'll come around Harry, she's had a crush on you for years and years. Mum is just waiting for the two of you to announce your engagement." Ron laughed before making a face at the mention of Mrs Weasley.
"Mate, you might want to stay away from mum for a while. This is going to break her heart. Not that it's your fault or anything." He mumbled, looking away at Harry's dark look. Harry turned back to the file without comment and Ron soon took the hint and made it over to his own desk, where he cast furtive looks Harry's way all day.

Harry suffered through a whole day at the office. They'd had a quiet day of course, which meant training and going through old files and plenty of time for just sitting around. Harry was exhausted by the time he got back home and nearly groaned at the sight of Hermione seated at the kitchen table, work papers in front of her. He'd managed to keep up a calm and jovial front all day and had been hoping to be able to just relax when he got home.
"I have a really bad headache Hermione." Harry said as a way of greeting her when she looked up from her papers at is entrance into the room.

"Ginny told me about yesterday Harry, I'm sorry." She said in response, packing her papers away into an elegant briefcase Ron had gifted her after getting his first salary.
"Harry maybe it's for the best. A little time apart might be just what the two of you need." She continued, ignoring his huff as he sank down in the chair next to her.
"She has the Quidditch to get into and you have work. You two haven't really spent all that much time together since she graduated Harry, you're always at work." She said, watching him sulk as he sank deeper into a slouch. Yes it was all his fault, just as Ginny had said.

"Well, her breaking up won't exactly give us more time together will it?" Harry muttered, rubbing his forehead wearily wishing the headache away.

"No, but it will give you both time to think about what you want from your relationship." Hermione said leaning closer with a soft look in her eyes.
"I am sorry Harry, I know that you've been trying to stretch yourself so that you can be everywhere all the time." She mumbled before getting out of her seat and giving him a hug.
"Have you thought about taking some time off now that things are calming down at the Ministry? I know that Kingsley is going to talk to you about joining the Aurors permanently but are you sure that's what you want?" She asked after a moment of silence once she got seated again.

"Of course I want to be an Auror, what else would I do?" Harry muttered standing up from the table restlessly.

"You could study again. It doesn't have to be in the magical world, you could take a muggle class somewhere where nobody knows who you are." Hermione suggested quickly, making Harry wonder how long she'd thought about the subject.
"You're not happy Harry, not really." She insisted when he took too long to respond. He shut the door on any thoughts about leaving, he was needed here and didn't even want to think about what The Daily Prophet would write if he left for the muggle world.

"I'm fine Hermione." He muttered, ignoring her sigh.

"Well, you should at least think about it." She suggested lightly, coming up behind him, making him sigh again.
"You know I'm here if you need me, Ron too." She mumbled giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek before heading home, to the no doubt waiting Ron.

"I know." Harry mumbled into the silence, long after she'd gone.

The week passed agonisingly slow for Harry. The breakup had made first page news as expected and he'd been avoiding people as much as he could. The Aurors he worked with were a bit harder to avoid however and he'd nearly come to blows with one, who'd poked him one too many times. Ron had luckily managed to pull Harry away for a bit of cooling off and he'd worked hard to not let anyone else get to him since.
So here he was, Friday afternoon, outside the minister's office waiting for his meeting with Kingsley to start. The door finally opened and Harry stood from his seat, glad to get away from the staring secretary.

"Hi Harry." Neville said as soon as he stepped out of the office Harry was headed towards.

"Hi Nev." Harry greeted, raising his brows in silent question.

"I said no to become an Auror. Professor Sprout offered me the internship as her teaching assistant so that I can take my Herbology Mastery, I want that more than this. I'll leave the fighting to others." Neville said in response making Harry nod as he'd expected as much. Kingsley appeared in the doorway behind Neville, who gave Harry a wave before making his way homewards, looking relieved to have done his duty.

"Harry good to see you. How are you getting on?" The minister asked as they entered his office, Harry sighed quietly at the question everyone had been asking him all week.

"I'm fine sir, keeping busy." Harry answered sitting down in the chair opposite of the ministers. Kingsley eyed him for a moment in silence and Harry wondered what the man was thinking.

"Harry, you know I want you join the Aurors fulltime, I'd be stupid not to offer you the position." Kingsley started, sighing at Harry's immediate nod of agreement.
"I am a bit worried that you've been burning the candles at both ends however." He continued making Harry look away in irritation at the mans words.

"I'm fine sir. Really." Harry bit out as he met the minister's eyes.

"Harry you nearly slugged one of my Aurors earlier, if it hadn't been for Ron…I have decided not to make a thing out of the incident even though Auror King was upset." Kingsley said sounding slightly annoyed at the mention of Kings name. Harry bit his tongue to keep himself from saying anything stupid about the Auror in question and was just happy that Ron had missed what the man had said about Ginny being on the open market. Harry wasn't sure he would have been as considerate as his friend and held Ron back if the red head had wanted a swing at the jerk.

"Harry, I want you to take a holiday before you come back and give me your answer." Kingsley said, holding his hands up to stop Harry from arguing when he opened his mouth.
"A month, minimum. Go do something fun." He added making Harry's mouth fall open in horror.

"A month!" Harry exclaimed, what was he supposed to do for a whole month?

"At the least, Harry. Leave the country, fix the house up or just visit friends. Do something other than work, just don't come back here until at least a month has passed." Kingsley said staring at him kindly.

"Fine!" Harry snapped, getting out of the chair stiffly and pulling his Auror badge out and placing it on the table with a jerk.
"Fine." He muttered again as he stepped out of the Ministry building and made it home, this was not a good end to an otherwise rough week.

"Master has a letter from the muggles waiting on the kitchen table." Kreacher said, pointing at the letter disapprovingly, as Harry stepped through the kitchen door.

"Great, what do the muggles want? It's not like they could make this week any worse." Harry muttered as he stalked to the kitchen table and grabbed the stamped letter.
"Oh, how wrong I was…" Harry groaned as he'd opened it and realised who it was from. He took a few deep breaths as he debated whether to just chuck his aunts letter in the bin and ignore it before sitting down heavily. It might be something important, his aunt wouldn't have taken the time to send him a letter otherwise. He folded the paper out and read her message before re-reading it a few more times. He then got out of the chair and made it to the front door before apparating away with an angry pop.

"What the hell is this?" He asked, holding the letter up, as soon as the Dursley's front door opened.

"Petunia, the boy is here!" Vernon Dursley called, blocking the doorway in case Harry tried to enter the house.

"You have no right to come to our door anymore! I wrote down everything that needed to be said in the letter. I always knew that…that freakishness didn't have anything to do with our family." Petunia said with a manic glint to her eyes.
"I was right, wasn't I! You should never have been left on our doorstep, never." She spat staring at him hard.

"Where did you get this information from?" Harry spat back, fighting to keep down the rage he'd been battling all week.

"That family-tree company on the internet. Mrs Whitley four doors down told me all about it and I decided to see who I was related to. They wanted some DNA samples and then they matched them against other people." She explained as if he was stupid, which to be honest he felt like he was.
"The Evans's are related to many well-known individuals, all from a good stock. I knew there was something off when she received that letter. And mother and father never said anything about having adopted her, can you imagine the shock I got when the test was returned." She added, glancing towards the neighbour's house.
"Her real father was a Yank, you have dirty Yank blood in you, it's no wonder you turned out the way you did. They're all brutish savages over there, no class whatsoever." She hissed leaning closer to him as if afraid someone should overhear her, Vernon nodded behind her in agreement.
"I did my duty as I saw it, even though I didn't have to. I have been kind enough to add the information about your mother's family that popped up on my search, I even payed for it. I expect you to leave us alone from now on." She said with a satisfied sniff before closing the door in Harry's shocked face.

Harry wasn't sure how he got back to Grimmauld Place but he eventually became aware that he was lying in his bed, still fully clothed with shoes and all.
"Mate? Are you alright? We've been calling your name for ages." Ron asked suddenly from the doorway, making Harry groan tiredly. He was finished, done with the week, he just wanted to forget all about it.

"Peachy Ron, I'm just peachy." Harry finally mumbled, when it became clear that Ron wasn't leaving him alone. He stared at the cracks in the ceiling wishing he could just be sucked into one.

"I heard Kingsley gave you a holiday, that's nice." Ron said cheerfully, eyeing him worriedly, as he came further into the gloomy room.

"Oh Ron stop beating about the bush! Harry, you're being silly it's just a month's holiday!" Hermione scolded stepping in from behind Ron and making the lamps come to life.
"I know this week has been hard what with Ginny leaving but a month's holiday is just what you need. It will be good for you." She added in a softer tone of voice patting him on his shoulder comfortingly.

"My mum was adopted, so I didn't have to grow up with the Dursley's. The blood wards were useless all this time." Harry muttered, making the other two blink and eye him in surprise at his words.
"It's all in the letter." He added when the silence got too long. Hermione moved closer and grabbed the letter from the bedside table without a word.

"Harry, it might be a mistake. These internet web pages aren't always what they seem. It might be a hoax or a simple mix up." Hermione said after reading through the letter.
"I mean, Ancestry is a known website but who knows what information your aunt might have put in or what she sent in. She might have gotten the DNA of someone else. Just remember what happened with me and the polyjuice in our second year." She added, making him nod slowly as he saw her point.
"If you really had a grandfather who was an American soldier, you can just go to the American Embassy here in London and ask them to check if it's correct." She suggested, her words making him sit up in the bed.
"Not now Harry, I don't think that they're open for visits right now. But tomorrow or Monday." She said as Harry looked ready to jump out of bed and go.

"See mate, it's a good thing that you're on holiday. Otherwise you wouldn't have time to sort out this mess and-"Ron was interrupted by Hermione's glare and quickly busied himself with looking out the grimy window.

"I'm sure things will look better tomorrow after a good night's sleep. And if you happen to have different relations than the Dursley's then perhaps it's not such a big loss, is it?" Hermione said, glaring at Petunias letter making Harry nod slowly.

"I guess I should be grateful if I happen to not be related to them." Harry muttered, making Ron smile.
"Thanks Hermione." He added when she and Ron moved to leave, having only come to make sure he was alright before going to the Burrow for dinner with Mrs Weasley. Harry had declined his invitation earlier as he had no desire to run into Ginny or sit and listen to the others try and patch things up between them.
He ended up following Hermione's advice to call it a day and just rolled over and prayed for sleep to claim him as he tried hard to block out any and all thoughts.

The next day he arrived early at the American Embassy, after a small breakfast, too jittery to stay at home for long. The office hours stated that the embassy was closed on weekends but Harry was let in and guided to the Wizarding section by eagle-eyed personnel anyway. He soon had a cup of steaming tea in his hand and a reassurance that the ambassador would see him shortly.

"Matthew Sharp, American Ambassador for the wizarding section." An older man greeted as he stepped into the waiting room where Harry was sat.
"I hope you weren't kept waiting too long, we were unaware of your visit Mr Potter." He added holding his hand out for Harry to shake.
"How can we at the Embassy help you today? Are you perhaps thinking of making a visit to the US?" He asked as he showed Harry into his office.

"I'm sorry sir, for not having alerted you beforehand about my visit. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing." Harry mumbled as he got seated. He took a deep breath as the Ambassador eyed him curiously from across the table. He felt himself blush slightly as he'd babbled.
"I found out that I might have an American grandfather, I guess I would like to know if it's true." Harry said, pulling his now crumpled letter out of his pocket.
"He's listed as Jackson Gibbs, he was born in Stillwater Pennsylvania. My aunt writes that he was a soldier in the US army and that's where she got the DNA match from." Harry said looking up from his letter. The Ambassador was eyeing him in surprise, clearly that was not what he'd been expecting Harry to tell him.
"I found out yesterday about my mum having been adopted, her mum was English and there isn't any more information about her either but…" Harry trailed off as the Ambassador raised his hand, stopping Harry from making further talk.

"Say no more, I'll see what I can do Mr Potter. If you give me a moment I'll help you with your inquiry." The man got up and disappeared out from the room, leaving Harry to his churning thoughts for a while.
"Mr Potter I'd like you to meet Mr Goldfinger, he takes care of our special consular services here at the embassy." The ambassador said stepping back into the room, followed by a very well dressed goblin. The goblin soon had Harry's blood which he used to determine if Harry's claim of having American blood in his veins was valid. Harry eyed the small cauldron filled with his blood and only Merlin knew what else and observed the Goblin curiously as he dipped a large ornate gold quill into the liquid before putting the tip onto a thick parchment.

"What does this mean exactly?" Harry asked the ambassador an hour later, having finally processed the fact that his aunt had been right. He wasn't related to the Dursley's at all and his Muggle grandfather and an uncle still lived. His grandmother had been an English witch but had passed away years before when his mum was still a child, with no further family alive.
Both his maternal grandfather and his uncle had been enlisted in the American army, which is why they were easily matched to Harry even though they were muggles.

"It means that you definitely should visit our fine country, your country even though you were born here." The ambassador said smiling brightly.

Harry opened his mouth and nodded weakly before shrugging.
"Why not. I was told to take a holiday." Harry said sitting straighter, his words made the ambassador smiled even brighter.
"I guess I should visit my grandfather's birthplace and…just check the place out." Harry added, wondering quietly what he was doing.

"Sounds like a good idea. Mr Goldfinger gave you all the information you wanted, didn't he?" The ambassador asked, looking up when the door opened behind Harry. A blond man eyed them with raised eyebrows and stepped in to the room. Harry pocketed the magical and the muggle versions of the DNA test papers with a slow nod, still feeling rather stunned.
"Tom, get Mr Potter a gold card and make sure he gets a full validity passport for muggle and magical travel into the US." He ordered and the blond man motioned for Harry to follow him.
"Mr Potter if I may make a suggestion, I couldn't help spotting a familiar name listed on that sheet." The ambassador said as they shook hands for a last time.
"Your uncle Leroy Jethro Gibbs is a federal agent with NCIS, he's got a good reputation. He doesn't know about our world but I'd start with him if I were you. He lives in Washington DC." he said following Harry to the door. Harry took the man's word for it as he'd barely melted the fact that he wasn't related to the Dursley's.

"Thank you for your help sir, I really appreciate you giving me the time at such short notice." Harry said before following the aid to get his papers.
He exited the Embassy a while later, blinking up at the cloudless sky feeling as if he'd been hit over the head with a beaters bat. He glanced down at the brand new muggle passport and the gold plastic card that worked as a magical id as well as a muggle one.
He made to apparate to the ministry before remembering that he was ordered to stay away.
Instead he made it to Gringotts where he found out that they had branches all over the world and that he could access his account from any of these. He was also handed a travel bankcard that gave him access to muggle money from the cash machines should he need it.
Harry shook his head as he wondered if he really was going to go to America, or if he'd completely lost the plot. Did he really want to meet more muggle relatives who might tell him to go away?

Hope this seems interesting. Let me know what you think and thank you for taking the time to read. / Elerosse