Wow.. It really took me a while to even squeeze this chapter in my head but, oh well. Sorry it took long... so, here's chapter 3! :D

Chapter 3: "Wand Job 101"

No ones POV

Far far away, in the not-so magical city of Echo Creek, lies the peaceful household of the Diaz family. Where a certain magical safe kid, lived.

"Super Awesome Syrup Pancakes!", with a wave of a wand, a plate of hot pancakes appeared in front of the all so-popular safe kid Marco Diaz.

"Wow, Marco! You're really getting the hang of this!", said the little girl sitting across the table as she shoved the pancakes in to her mouth.

"You think so, Star?", he said as he twirls the wand in his hand. "Well, that's what you expect from an amazing rookie, if I do say so myself.", he said confidently.

Star rolled her eyes and smirking from his over confidence, "Yeah, yeah sure.."

While Star continues eating her pancakes, Marco stared at the wand in his hand... lost in his thought for a while.

'I bet I can get all the things that I ever wanted with this in my possession. Like, getting my own black belt, or getting Jackie Lynn Thomas to finally notice me, or even prank Jeremy... This is gonna be sweet!'. , he giggled by the thought of it. 'But, I know for sure that is not me and that will never happened.'

'The wand is never ment to be used to grant your selfish desires...'

He sighed, 'I know that... It's just tha—', he paused for a while. 'Who said that?'.

'The wand's purpose was to cleanse evil from this corrupted universe, not to be misused with someones' selfish wishes.'

Marco then shaked his head and stared at where Star was suppose to be sitting in. He must be out of his mind as he stared at... nothing. The whole living room... just vanished in to thin air... so is Star... Only blackness had remained in his presence.

"What's happening?", he said as he just floats around in the darkness. The wand being his only remaining light source.

"Mom!? Dad!? STAR!?", he yelled out loud in case if anyone can hear him but, alas... there was no response. As he tried calling to everyone again, a gentle breeze of air rushes through his hair. He then heard a soft whisper next to his ear.

'...You...', the voice was warm and soft to the hearing.

"Who said that? Show yourself!", he said as fear almost took over him.

'...Your best friend..'

"What is it about my best friend?"

'...Your best friend... is in danger...'

"Star? In danger? Where!? Where is she!? Where's Star!? Did you took her!?, he shouted angrily at the voice.

'...Time is your enemy... You must hurry... or else...'

Suddenly, the darkness in the surroundings shifted and showed a colorful yet blurry red image in front of Marco.


His eyes snapped open... he recognized that voice anywhere...

"STAR!? Is that you!? Where are you!? Tell me!", he said as he turned his head left and right.

"Help me! Someone!? Anyone!?", her voice was cracking as if she was in the verge of tears.

Marco sensed it, as he started to panic a little.

"Star! Can you hear me!? Where are you!?"

"Ahhhh!", she screamed before her voice disappeared slowly.


Marco suddenly bolt up from his bed... It was all just a dream... more like a nightmare. He keeps panting and sweating heavily as if he ran in a never ending marathon.

"I was asleep... all this time?", he said as he let his legs out dangling off of bed. "What is up with that dream?", he scratched his head as he remembered Star's scream from his dream. His eyes popped open and screamed. "OH GOD! STAR!", he burst out of his room and bolted down the hallway and towards Star's bedroom.

In Star's Bedroom, 7:30 a.m.

"STAR!", Marco slam the door opened in Star's room and wasted no time searching for her.

"Star? Are you in here? Are you still asleep?", he went to the side of the bed as he removed the pillows, blankets, and some random alien plushies off of her bed. When he finally got rid of the last pillow, Star was nowhere to be seen.

"Where are you Star? Don't tell me that my nightmares we—", Marco stopped shortly as he heard laughter from downstairs.

"Wait... she's awake already?", he bolted downstairs as he heard the laughter getting louder and louder.

Living Room, 7:45 a.m.

"Awwwwwwww... Aren't you just the cutest little foreign exchange student that we ever had?"

"Hahaha... Yes, and you literally took us by surprise. We didn't know that you can shape shift yourself into a child? Is that a Mewman thing?"

When Marco finally got in to the living room and was surprise to see his parents holding the certain Princess from Mewni that he was frantically been searching for. She was still wearing her nightgown. The one that she usually wears but, smaller. And a slightly messy hair.

Marco instantly went in front of them which caught the Princess' attention, "Morning Mom! Dad!"

"Marco!", his parents said in unison and gave him a morning hug. "You're finally awake! Oh! Have you seen Star's cutest transformation? She said that all Mewmans can shape shift in to anything, isn't that right? Star?", his Mom gestured to Star who was beeing held by Mr. Diaz.

Marco stared at Star and practically searching for answers but the only respond he got was a simple nod which Marco was certain that the nod was a bit hesitant and she was nervously sweating. "... Uh...huh.?", he responded eyeing the small Princess.

"Uhhmmm Mom? Dad? Can you give me and Star a few minutes? Thank You!", as he said that he pulled out Star out of his Dad's arms and carried her towards the kitchen.

At the Kitchen, 7:50 a.m.

"Star, what is going on? Why did you tell them that you can shape shift? As far as I know you're species are same as of a human. Except for the part about your Mewberty and being magical so, maybe you can?", he whispered at her as he practically remembered that terrifying yet satisfying day.

"I can't let them know that!", Star loudly whispered with her squeaky voice towards Marco as she flailed her arms out to emphasize her point.

Both are now alone in the kitchen. Star starring up at Marco who, was kneeling in front of her.

"Then why didn't you tell them the truth?", he said as he crosses his arms.

"I... uhh... 'cause... I...", she stared down at her feet, avoiding Marco's intense stare and started fiddling with her tiny hands. "I... I didn't want them to get worried too much about me. About the state I'm in. I want them away from any danger that we're gonna get in at, 'cause of that ancient story or more like a history about Celestia being connected to me after I casted that youth spell. I know your parents. They would do anything to help, that's one of the things why I really love them. I don't want you to get involve as well. I wouldn't forgive myself if my best friend got hurt because of my recklessness. So I don't want you or them to get hurt... because of me."

There was a strong silence after Star finished talking. She was about stare up at Marco but then she felt a hand on top her head and felt the hand started patting her.

"Marco! Why are you—"

"Star, as far as I'm concerned, my best friend wouldn't talk like this. My best friend would think of a positive way to get out of this mess. If it means something dangerous or just getting in any situations that are just plain weird. I know you're concern about all this but I'm sorry, I wouldn't let you do this alone. That's what best friends are for. We stick together till the end.", he gave a little wink to Star that made her blush a little... well... a little.

"Are you sure about this Marco?"

"Of course I am! With the wand in my possession, I can totally handle the weirdness that your wand can give me. I mean, I handled you so that's...pretty much what I can do for, at least.", he said as he stand up all confident.

Star laughed at Marco's poor attempt to be cool. But... she gotta admit... he looked... dashing pretending to be all confident...even in his jam jams.

"Marco dear! Can you come over here for a second? There's a phone call for you from one of your friends at school! And I think it's urgent!" the voice of Angie Diaz echoing to the living room.

"Ugh what is it this time...", said Marco as he and Star went to the Living Room.

"Oh before that Mijo", Marco stared at her Mom. "Me and your Father are going out on an 5 day trip to an Art Camp outside of town. I filled the fridge with enough food for you and Star. Oh! We're gonna be late on our first day", both Angie and Rafael hugged Star and Marco putting them down as they bid them farewell. "We'll be back soon kids. Try not to set the house on fire again!", said a smiling Rafael as they got on the family car and drove off in to the sunrise.

Star then started pulling on Marco's jamjams, "I hope they enjoy their selves in this Art Camp . Unlike the last time..." Both remembered the last time Mr. And Mrs. Diaz got in to an Art Camp. They came home covered in paint. Both faces has traces of happiness and fear. Marco tried to ask them what happened but, they suddenly plopped themselves on the floor, all tired.

Both shivered at the memory. "Who knew Art Camp can be an extreme sport if you wanted it to be", Star squints her eyes at the memory. Marco then started walking towards the phone, "Yeah, it can be a total hell and heaven at the same time"

Marco then picked up the phone and almost dropped it because of a shrieking voice that came from the other line. There is only one person that could shriek like that in a perfect grace of a woman.

"Alfonzo?! Can you hear me? What's happening in there!?"

At Echo Creek Academy, 8:30 a.m.

"Find Star Butterfly! NOW!", a shrieking voice from the non-other than the small Kappa, Ludo. "Flip this school if you have to. I NEED THAT WAND!", he commanded several of his monster minions.

"WHERE IS STAR, MARCO!?", said by Alfonzo who is hiding behind a wall, frantically trying to catch his breath

"What's going on in there Al? I can hear a lot of screaming", said Marco on the other line

"Some monsters here are terrorizing the school grounds and is looking for Star! Where is she? We need her help!", Marco froze then stares down at Star who is now starring at him in complete worried.

"Uhh.. S-she can't right now because..." Marco stared back at Star. "She's.. uhh... she's... SICK! Yes she's sick in bed and can't come to school right now and I have to take care of her for the rest of the day!", he mentally facepalmed himself since everybody knows that Marco, as the safe kid he is, haven't got any absenses. Not even once. And Star being all hyper and energetic, even in sickness, she'll still have the energy to come to school and greet her classmates.

"But Marco! No one else in here at school who has the ability to fight them! What should we do?!"

Marco starred at the floor for a while and snaps his fingers. Star just starred at him in awe as he pulled out the newly transformed wand on his hand.

"Okay listen to me Al. Try to point your phone towards the monsters", he said as he twirls the wand on his hand.

"But, Marco. What are you gon-"

"Just do It Alfonzo!", he said impatiently.

"Alright geez no need to shout.", he rolled his eyes then points his phone over at the monsters direction. "Okay Marco! It's ready!"

"Alright!", Marco then closed his eyes and started twirling the wand.

Star took a step forward to question Marco but, he raised his other hand to stop her and gave her the most reassuring smile she had ever seen.

"I hope magic particles can travel through electromagnetic waves or rather phone signals", he closed his eyes and chanted... "Dimensional Super Vacuum Tornado!", he shouted as he point the wand on his phone.

Back at school...

Alfonzo was now surrounded by a pack of monsters while still pointing his phone on their direction. An enormous monster stepped forward and leaned closer to him. It spoke to him but in a rather gentle way.

"Hi my name is Spike Balls and please do answer our question. Where is Star Butterfly? If you do not tell us, we will have to-", Spike Balls was cut off mid-sentence when a swirling vortex started escaping from Alfonzo's phone. Every monster backed away as it turned in to a giant tornado and tries to suck every monsters in sight.

Ludo was now grabbing the Earth for dear life, "Nononononono! Not again! I'll catch you for this Star Butterfly wherever you are!", he screamed as he and the other monsters got sucked inside the dimensional tornado before disappearing in sight. Everyone cheered as Alfonzo tries to catch his breath again before regaining his composure and grabbing his phone.

"Marco! The Monsters are gone! Thank you very much Star!"

Marco smiled at the good news even though they are unaware that he was the one who casted that spell. "Glad to hear Al! You guys can just call if there are any more trouble, okay?"

"Sure Marco! Thanks again! And tell Star to get better soon!", he turned off the phone and so did Marco.

Marco turned to Star to tell her the good news but, he caught Star smiling at him with tears in her eyes.

"Star? What's t-the matter?", he patted his best friend before he got a surprised tackle hug from Star.

"Star! What are y-"

"You have been practicing. Haven't you?", Star murmured on his night shirt and stared up at him. Recognizing the dead tired eyes and eye bags on his calmed face, she knew that Marco has been practicing all night.

"I-I did. I mean had too. I need to protect you and the others some way or another. And since you are not in the right condition to fight, I have to do it.", he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her, completely covering Star's small body which sended tiny electricity in her spine.

"I knew you could do it. I always knew.", she snuggled in to his chest with a content smile.

Marco's face flushed as he gently caress Star's head. "You always did, Star... You always did..."

"So, since we're not going to school today because my 'sudden' sickness." Marco then playfully rolled his eyes and tried not to laugh. "What do you wanna do now Marco?", she ask Marco as she stared up to her best friend. He flushed even more as he can feel her breathing just inches under his chin. Marco coughs for a second then thinks for a moment and puts on a smirked towards Star's direction. "I know just what we're going to do today."

The Diaz household became quite peaceful... Except for the loud snoring that can be heard on the Living Room. Star and Marco quickly got back to sleep on the couch. Star, resting her small form on the snoring Marco's chest. Her pink hearts glowing... or blinking in a rather...strange way.

Uh.. Oh... Who was that voice inside Marco's dream? And not bad for Marco on his first day on the job as Star and Wand caretaker, huh? :3

There you have it Chapter 3! I hope you like it. And I'm really sorry I took so long to update like... it's been a year! ;-; Anyways, have a great day everyone. If you have time you can pass by my Tumblr art blog Marionette-J2X for any drawings of SVTFOE. :D