Note: I didn't see this coming either. Enjoy x

Is This It?


Damon's gaze flicked back over to where she was, wound in on herself, and then suddenly out, her whole body arching with a comical yawn. The sun cast a glow over her skin from where it shimmered in through the leafy trees. The banners of gold bounced off of her, framing her body in a searing gleam. He couldn't look away. She was going to find out any day now.

Her phone rang, and he heard Lucy's warm voice greet Bonnie on the other end of the line.

"Where in the world are you this time?" Bonnie asked with a musical laugh.

"Says you," Lucy chortled. "Brazil. You and Damon?"


"I don't even know what that means, sounds Salvatore-related, though."

"Yeah," Bonnie's eyes avoided him and lifted up to a passing butterfly. "Damon is still convinced he's Italian."

Damon snorted.

"When am I seeing you?" Lucy asked.

"When are you back in California? We'll come by," Bonnie fiddled absentmindedly with the chain he'd had made for her. Damon had found a drawing Emily had made while packing up at the Boarding House, the witch had made it in jest, a few lifetimes ago, for a Bennett crest after Damon had teased her into admitting her want of her own legacy.

Emily had been alone as long as Bonnie had in her short life, and while he and Emily could never reconcile, he was glad Bonnie and he had managed to.

He watched the light play off of the keepsake. Behind it was Sheila's, Abby's and Rudy's initials. On the front was Emily's design, cupped palms at the centre of swirling metal, surrounded by an arch of gothic stars, all set on a sturdy cut of emerald pressed between the two golden plates.

"Two months? Ish?" When he'd given it to her she'd cried, and then smacked him on the arm for making her cry on her birthday. The memory made him smile still.

"Oh, you like him," Bonnie teased, "Will I get to meet him this time?"

"You can meet my boyfriend when you introduce me to yours," Lucy quipped in return. Damon's attention returned to their conversation.

"I don't have a boyfriend, Lucy," Bonnie said with an upward eye-roll. There was a strain in her voice; perhaps at the consistent conspiring on her cousin's behalf to get her laid, or perhaps at the very thought of ever dating again - Damon couldn't tell.

"So you've been touring Europe with the world's sluttiest vampire - again, need I remind you - and you haven't been dick-" Bonnie shot up.

"Okay, bye Lucy-"

"-ed down, put him on the phone! I know sabotage when I see it-"

"I love you! Text me when you're back in Cali."

"Fine. I still call bullshit, but I love you!"

The call ended and Bonnie let out a loud sigh, but a smile lingered on her face. It was no secret she loved her phone-calls with Lucy, no matter how long or short they were.

Bonnie's heart galumphed as their eyes connected, and the sound wound Damon's mouth quickly into a smile.

"We're sleeping in a meadow," he murmured, more to himself. "Maybe this is Twilight after all."

"Please," Bonnie scoffed, wrinkling her nose as she turned her body to his, "Name one character you identify with in that godforsaken saga." He pursed his lips in faux thought before grinning.

"You're right," Damon decided, finally looking away from her face to cast his eyes over the view peeking at him through the trees, "they haven't written a story like ours yet." While his eyes studied the steady roll of the current moving across the vast lake, Bonnie's eyes stayed on him.

"Sounds like something Jacob would say," Bonnie observed, not bothering to tame her grin.

"Do you know what I don't get?" Bonnie's brows lifted in question. "Why she never picked Jacob."

"Wait. You're Team Jacob?"

"I'm Team Underdog... Get it, 'cause he's-"

"A wolf, yeah, I got it Damon." Bonnie side-eyed him for a beat and then fell back and looked up at the sky. "So you're just always rooting for the other guy, then? And it never occurred to you to emotionally investigate that?"

"Emotionally investigate? Jesus, Bonnie. These podcasts you're into are getting out of hand." He flopped down next to her and tickled her side until she hit his hand, admonishing him with her eyes. The moment holds.

He doesn't, but she catches a quick glint in his eye as he ponders looking at the bottom half of her face. Bonnie knows because she's thinking the exact same thing and the symmetry they'd exchanged had just given them both away.

"When last did you speak to Stefan?" She asked after a while.

"This morning, Caroline says hi. They're meeting us in Sweden, she has a whole vision-board vacation planned for the two of you."

"You and Stefan aren't staying with us?" Bonnie's instant reaction at that warmed his heart, and he savoured the moment's feeling. Even if it wasn't entirely what he wanted to hear.

"Of course we are, but she doesn't give a shit about that. Something about a childhood bet?"

"Of course she remembers," Bonnie replied vaguely, and Damon made a note to poke into that some time. Bonnie was her best when she was telling a story, and he liked that the more time he spent with her, the more she seemed to reveal herself. It had been five years since his declaration to her after Elena's death, and he was still picking up Bonnie's details. "Vampires are so sentimental," she said looking him in the eye, "you three swear up and down that you're tough as nails, but all three of you have some of the biggest hearts I've ever seen."

"You lost me the moment you lumped me in with Barbie and Sven," Damon shrugged and Bonnie couldn't smother her amusement at the nicknames.

"Not bad," she admitted, "Sweden?"


In a flash he was upright, and held his hand out and down to Bonnie. She placed her hand in his and delighted at the soft whoosh of him lifting her to stand toe to toe with him.

"You were right to get us out of Mystic Falls," Bonnie admitted aloud suddenly, surprising them both.

"I can't believe people think I'm stubborn. I've been waiting years to hear you say that, you know."

"I'm a grower not a show-er," Bonnie said with a shrug.

"You know you're not using that right-"

"Did you know what I meant?"

"-That's not the point-"

"-Sounds like one," she chuckled as he pulled her into his side, hoisted up the picnic basket and lead her back to the villa.

"Say that first bit again, the part about me being right-"

"No good deed goes unpunished with you, huh?"

"I can't believe you're asking me that," their bickering echoed out into the quiet hills of Pienza, Tuscany.

Bonnie and Damon didn't stop arguing after that confrontation in her driveway all those years ago, but even that night the sting was cut through, this time with the four of them going to the Grille for a drink afterward.

It was Stefan's idea, but it had been Caroline's loud sigh that sealed the deal, if she could put up with Damon, so could Bonnie.

"We can't stand in Bonnie's driveway all night, and you're clearly not going anywhere," she added scowling over at Damon.

Matt was on shift, it was ...nice. Vaguely human and calming.

They broke the ice with jokes at Damon's expense and bought the most expensive bourbon on the menu, which cost an anticlimactic $35 a fill. This amused Bonnie no end and she felt the exact moment it happened; the moment she knew they'd be okay.

Stefan and Caroline had just challenged one another to a game of pool (loser has to compliment Damon) and her eyes had just finished trailing after them, when they swung over to lock with Damon's.

He'd already been looking at her. Waiting.

"I meant every word I said," Damon said, before his face pinched and he raised a finger, "When I was apologising. I-meant-every-word-I-said-while-I-was-apolgising."


"I'm not finished." He gestured next to her. "Do you mind?"

All Bonnie managed was a quick nod, her frown following the swift change in his tone.

He came to sit next her and the body language was all wrong, his shoulders were stiff and his knuckles were white where his fists ducked under the table.

"I know what I said, but I want to apologise to you for making you feel like you don't have a choice. I've been playing the words over in my head, while you three 'roasted' me," an eye-roll, "I literally said I love you too much to let you go." He stopped after that, looking down, and seemed to struggle with what he needed to say next. "I do love you," Damon's eyes were on her again. "I love you so much it baffles me sometimes, when I look back over all of it, when I remember what we've been through, the amount of rabbits we pulled out of our asses."

"It's nothing short of a fucking miracle, you giving me the time of day, and the way everything has become so broken and bad is obviously me-adjacent, and what... what I'm trying to say is that this is your out." He was so tense, so terrified, but so sure he was doing the right thing. She'd never seen him like this. Is this what he looked like when he chose her? "No bullshit, no burden, no hard feelings. I want you to be happy, more than I want to be there to see it for myself, and if it takes me never seeing it for myself, what cost is that if you get the life you deserve?"

There it was.

Bonnie held the moment for herself, kept it there, between the rhythm of her lungs.

"Was that another rabbit?-" she couldn't help herself.

"-Slid right out," Damon said with a wave of his hand, laughing with her.

"Careful, Salvatore." Those two words, her voice, her green eyes, brought with them a welcome nostalgia.

"However this ends," Damon said, "us? Just know I'm always putting you first."

Bonnie rested her chin on an upturned hand as she held his eyes.

"I'm done punishing you, and I'm done being punished," Bonnie said after a long sigh. "I wanna know who we are when we're out from under this."

His eyes turned knowing, and he nodded and took her free hand in both of his, resting between them under the table on the taught leather of the booth settee.

He knew she meant the more recent events, but he couldn't help but see this as an opportunity to know who he was out from under the legacy tied to his name. He wanted to be new, and not just want to be new, anymore.

And if anyone was going to make sure he found his own direction, it was going to be the woman beside him, deserving to wield her own life on her own terms as well.

The feeling of being held by the other was still a marvel to either of them then, and it added untold dimensions to both of their thinking. Damon drew in the sound of her body; alive, near him, cautious but content. He vowed then, to himself, to make sure that wherever she went, he would make sure her joy would follow.

"Me too."

Bonnie was hyper-aware of him on the plane leaving Italy.

It felt like little fires everywhere.

When his hand hovered at the small of her back.

When the sides of their arms ghosted past each other.

They haven't written a story like ours yet.

When he wiggled his elbow at her, offering his arm, and beaming when she curled into it.

When she woke up the first time, she was pressed to his chest with that arm now wrapped around her.

The smell of him, everywhere.

Submerged into her subconscious while carrying trails of him with her, Bonnie had dream number twenty-two about Damon Salvatore. She'd long ago made an explicit distinction between visions and dreams, for the sake of relevance. Visions were important information for any given mission, and dreams, well, Bonnie's dreams were her secret hideout.

She welcomed them all, with the same abandon they would flower her with upon arrival. Her dreams were fantastic, detailed, consuming. Once, and there'd been a reason they'd never done it again, Damon and Bonnie shared a dream.

This time must have been an accident, a little turbulence, a little mind-melding. They always sat so close these days, and who could remember who drank who's blood last? Damon dipped into her dreaming for just a moment, but they both jerked at the contact and startled awake.

"You okay?" He asked, forgoing commenting on the colour of her cheeks, or the 'what-the-fuck' dancing in her wide eyes as she took in their surroundings. It was only a four hour flight, but Bonnie had the habit of only falling asleep in inconvenient places; like now for example, instead of the California King that had been in her room in the villa.

"Were you just-"

"In your head?" she nodded. "For like a second, yeah. I didn't mean to."

"I'm not mad," she said around a tiny yawn. Then a moment later, she was back asleep.

That left Damon to decipher the millisecond of information that he'd garnered after falling into her head.

The picture was static as he combed over it; Bonnie's hand reaching up to curl around a neck.

Both limbs he knew like the back of his own hand.

"Oh. My. God!" Damon winced theatrically as Caroline hurried over to them, her hair bouncing in the sunlight as she picked Bonnie up and spun her around. "You're here!" The gravel crunched underfoot as they stood in the driveway at the mouth of an enormous estate. It had taken the plane, a small boat and a brisk walk down the lane to finally reach the island-ed home.

"We're here!" Bonnie giggled, wrapping her legs around Caroline's middle. "I hear there's a vacation itinerary."

Stefan and Damon hugged and shared an amused glance at Caroline shifting her weight, still carrying Bonnie as she turned to the two brothers.

"For us maybe, I'm not sure if these two deserve nice things anymore." The blondes brows were high arches as she dared them to deny their mocking.

"You're the one who used the word 'itinerary', babe," Stefan reminded her.

"Et tu, brute?" Caroline accused with narrowed eyes, before she gasped, whipping around and speeding off.

"You know, you're even rubbing off on Caroline," Stefan remarked, laughing under his breath. "These last five years has made her a lot 'spicier' as Bonnie would say."

"I never thought it would be the four of us, either." Damon said with a wink, lifting the luggage and moving forward.

"Maybe we're all rubbing off on each other." Stefan murmured, watching Damon quietly as he fell in step, and they made their way to the lakeside lodge.

"Sounds like a precedent for a sex tape in another life," Damon scoffed.

"There he is."

"The two of you have been chasing summer for months now, I demand Bonnie time!" Caroline decreed as she sat Bonnie down on her bed. "I've missed you."

"I know it's weird," Bonnie said, reaching out for her friend's hand. "I don't know how we went from him resenting me being alive to this."

"You two have been arguing all over Europe for years now, it's like your love language or something." Caroline laughed a little at that, but still looked a bit sad.

"Do you wanna know what ours is?" Bonnie asked, tilting her head. "No matter where you are, or what I'm doing, running toward you is always going to be home." Caroline's face pinched with tears even as she smiled back at Bonnie.

"Of course the man I'm marrying and my best friend are both romantics."

"You're getting MARRIED?!" Bonnie screamed, jumping back into Caroline's arms to hold her. "Caroline best-friend-since-we-killed-our-gymnastics-duo-round-in-pre-school-and-got-medals Forbes is getting married?"

"Will you be my maid of honour?" The vampire asked, pulling away just enough for them to beam at each other.

"Of course! Yes! Obviously! Oh my god!" Bonnie couldn't help her excitement. They bounced around each other just squealing. "This is amazing, when, where, tell me everything." Bonnie lead Caroline to sit beside her on the bed. Taking a deep breath, the witch squared her shoulders. "Let's start with the guest-list."

"Like, seven people, including us, the photographer and the priest." Caroline said, eyes sparkling with one last thing she had to tell Bonnie. Bonnie almost got whiplash. This was not the memo she'd received in years of transmission between her and her best friend.

"Seven?-there's four of-"

"We're getting married this weekend, here. With you and Damon."

"...What?" Bonnie's smile was riddled with confusion for a moment, then she hissed under her breath, "what about the wedding that's going to break the Guinness World Record for the biggest spectacle ever known to man?" Caroline snorted at that. It made her love Bonnie even more, if that was at all possible.

"We'll do that when we set down roots, tracking the two of you down was hard enough, never mind coordinating the best wedding in human history."

"Have you been postponing for us?" It dawned on Bonnie as she said it, and the guilt came swiftly after that, and then another realisation, "Did Damon know and just not care, I'll-" The vampire ducked in front of Bonnie's roaming eyes, now was not the time to give Damon an aneurysm, even for fun.

"This is what we wanted, what I wanted," Caroline swore. "So? You down with me hijacking the vacation?"

"Give me that itinerary, I'm in!" Bonnie grinned, pulling her in for another hug.

Stefan had found a quaint church, and 'convinced' the priest to clear the Saturday morning schedule for them. With it being Thursday morning, there was a fair amount left to be done.

But Caroline soon-to-be Salvatore was never one to back down from a challenge, and she knew that with Bonnie beside her, they could pull it off.

The two were upended in last minute alterations of their dresses that Caroline had already had made. There was a knock on the door as they debated the dip at Bonnie's neckline. Caroline was tugging at the embroidered bodice with a frown.

"You're thinner than I last saw you, is Damon rationing you?"

"Hilarious," Bonnie deadpanned, smiling apologetically at the seamstress they'd found in town. The woman winked in return and pinned the bodice deftly to Bonnie's form.

Sarah Salvatore and Matt walked in, wearing matching warm, soft, almost-sheepish smiles.

"You're here!" Caroline clapped her hands together, leaving Bonnie to the seamstress and hurrying over to her friends.

"I brought a film camera and a digital one, because I couldn't decide," Sarah said, before her eyes fell on Bonnie. "Wait, I thought you said this was for your interior design company?"

Caroline kissed her cheek and hugged Matt closed before he ambled over to Bonnie's outreached arms.

"Im getting married!" Caroline squealed and Sarah's mouth fell open and they both started jumping together. Sarah was the 'something missing' in Caroline's fond opinion. The two of them had fallen in step with one another so easily, the only thing that made more sense was Sarah and Matt.

Stefan had confessed about Sarah a few days before Damon and Bonnie left Mystic Falls to Berlin. It had almost derailed everything; their first vacation, Stefan and Damon's relationship, and well, Damon. On the plane out of the U.S, Damon had taken Bonnie's hand and stared out of the window in business class from take off to landing.

All he ever did was apologise to Sarah, when he wasn't apologising to Bonnie or Caroline about the mistakes he'd made.

It was hard, Bonnie thought, to hate this Damon, and as necessary as the apologies were, it felt strange to hold them against who he was now, strange, but necessary too. His mistakes were a reminder now, of who he would never be again.

"Oh my god you're getting married!" Sarah cried out, ecstatic. "I didn't bring an impromptu-wedding outfit," she realised.

"Well, how does a bridesmaid dress sound instead?" Caroline asked, wiggling her brows.

"Caroline Forbes you are the single most thoughtful, caring and spontaneous person I know," Sarah complimented, hugging her again.

"I had no choice but to marry her," Stefan said, eyes lighting up at the sight of Sarah's expression when she spun around with a yelp of delight and threw her arms around his neck.

"Uncle Stefan!" Sarah hugged him as he lifted her a little and set her down, planting a kiss on her forehead and pulling her to his side, inclining his head at Matt with a soft smile.

"Gang's all here," Damon said, announcing himself grandly, swinging a bottle of bourbon in one hand and ruffling Sarah's hair with the other.

"Damon!" Sarah gave Stefan one more squeeze and pulled her other 'uncle' into a hug as well. "I didn't think I'd see you before Christmas."

"Well, be careful what you wish for," he said hugging her, the lines of his eyes softening as he held her gaze. She'd told him she'd never forgive him for her mother, but they were family, and after he'd vowed himself indebted to her safety, and made good on those words, she'd let him in. Called him the Reddington to her Elizabeth. "Bonnie and I have been getting scolded left and right for not being around enough."

"As you should be," Sarah smirked, tip-toeing with a wide smile over to Bonnie and kissing her cheek and greeting the seamstress. "I missed you, woman." Sarah said directly to Bonnie. "We have so much to catch up on!"

"First things first, alterations, all of you," Caroline ordered with a loud clap of her hands. "Then, we're having breakfast downstairs, and then a neighbour an island over offered us his boat for the afternoon. That could be fun?" Everyone hummed in agreement. "Then dinner-"

"uh-gen-dah!" Bonnie started chanting under her breath, getting a glance from Caroline.

"uh-gen-dah!" Damon and Matt joined in.

"Then we're projecting a screening of The Bodyguard, Damon fought really hard for that movie selection, god knows why-"

"uh-gen-dah!" Sarah joined in and pointed at Stefan until he did, too.

"Friday is bachelorette and bachelor day-eve-whatever-"

"And then dinner with everyone again and you and Stefan get married Saturday morning." Bonnie finished for her, tapping her temple when Caroline smiled gratefully while the rest still chanted. "We've got you."

"First on my agenda," Damon held up his bottle of bourbon, which vanished, reappearing in Bonnie's hand much to everyone's amusement. Bonnie looked quickly down and thanked the gods Ariette was still focused on her gown.

"Snooze you lose, Salvatore," Bonnie mocked, drinking straight from the bottle.

"She's right, you know." Stefan whispered to Damon, before he patted him on the shoulder and offered to show Matt and Sarah their room.

Bonnie couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed this much.

The boat trip was breath-taking, and Sarah captured some of the day on black and white film while Matt and Stefan took turns operating the vessel under the instruction of the man and the wife. When the couple learned of the impending wedding, they'd directed the group to another nearby island where the townsfolk came to commemorate their milestones.

"What's Swedish for thirsty?" Damon asked Bonnie under his breath and she nudged him in his side with her elbow as they followed behind everyone else. There was a long walkway down the island the couple had brought them to, lined with tulips and wildflowers.

"I've sat through your monologues about the difference between whiskey and bourbon, I think you can play tourist for a while longer," Bonnie hissed back, narrowing her eyes.

"That's valuable information, Bon-Bon," Damon rebutted in a whisper, "This is like a dumping ground-"

"Have you ever seen a dumping ground-"

"-I'm just saying we don't even know them, they could be killers-"

"-Did you hit your head or something?" Bonnie looked up at him both amused and un-amused at once, he'd always had that affect on her, for whatever that was worth. "That's us."

"Wrong again," Damon said cupping a hand at the back of her head as he looked down at her, and she up at him. "That's me."

"Really?" Bonnie pulled him closer at the pocket of his leather jacket and lifted her brows, "I know we're overdue for a Damon-devolution, but really? On a beautiful day like this?"

"Fine," he relented loudly, "Let's live in the moment, shall we?" Before she could reply, he spun her around and dipped her in front of a tall arrangement of flowers.

The wife smiled and nudged her husband.

"Maybe you two aren't the only ones to be married here," she whispered at Caroline, patting her arm before pointing Sarah at the wreath of gold leaves and twine that sat before the path leading to a space they deemed perfect for the planned picnic.

Caroline and Stefan turned to see Damon and Bonnie dancing (admittedly, quite badly; falling into each other and knocking knees as they half-wrestled, half-teased each other).

"Remember when I told you he loved her, all those years ago?" Stefan asked, taking her hand in his.

"Yeah..." Caroline's voice trailed off. " you think they'll ever know how much?"

"I think they know," Stefan said, pulling her after the group ahead of them, "I'm just not sure if they're ever going to do anything about it."

For some reason, that troubled Caroline. She'd made good on her promise to be there for Bonnie, to stand between whatever came next, and her friends right to live. To be happy, loved and safe. Back then that meant fighting with Stefan, and coordinating secretly with Matt and Lucy to make sure Bonnie had options if it came down to it. If it'd had come down to Damon.

What that meant in the years that followed was to travel with Bonnie, to make new memories and leave behind the ones they'd sucked dry for motivation to keep moving forward. To be best friends. To move on.

Looking back at the two of them over her shoulder, hearing Bonnie laugh with her whole body, like she used to when they were kids, and knowing it was Damon who was the cause threw her.

What did that make of everything the two of them had left behind?

What did that mean for Elena?

Bonnie was wriggling, wide-awake in bed when there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"It's me," Damon said before she could even lift up the covers to get up. Sitting back down, she waited for him to come in and smiled over at him when he did.

"You okay?" Bonnie wondered, and he nodded as he made his way over. Tucking her legs up under her weight so he could sit where they'd just been, she frowned when he didn't start talking immediately.

"I can't sleep," he explained after a beat.

"Me either, I'm so excited for tomorrow, Caroline, Sarah and I are going to get shit-faced," Damon let out a breathy laugh and tilted his head at her.

"When we were in Pienza, you looked annoyed with Lucy for asking if you were dating someone."

"I don't...follow," Bonnie said, her love-life being brought up lifting her guard immediately.

"Well, remember when, uh-"

"Please don't, Damon," Bonnie said running a hand through her hair and flipping the weight of the curls over her shoulder. It had grown long over the last five years, and she'd only ever trimmed it. Longer even, than it'd had been when she still lived in Mystic Falls. She looked ethereal.

"So we never talk about it?" Damon asked, aware of the hurt that had cut through his tone.

"Unless you want us to kiss again, I don't see the point in trying to have this conversation," Bonnie told him. "We made a deal, remember? It was eons ago, in a literal different dimension, and we thought we were going to die, and we shared a dream and then..."

"And then we almost fucked up against the wall by the fireplace in the den, I remember," Damon sighed, strain riddling his body as he clenched his jaw and looked away. There was a long moment of silence.

Bonnie could swear the sound of them panting was echoing straight out of her memory into the foreground of her mind, and the feeling surging through her made her breathing shorten, and her mouth dried out when his eyes connected back with hers.

"Well, I''m bringing it up again," Damon decided.

"Why now? When we're with everyone?" Bonnie asked.

"Are you ashamed?" Damon's dead heart twisted at the thought.

"Of you? Never," Bonnie relented, "But of what we did? Shouldn't I be? Aren't you?"

"I think we were trying to come to terms with a lot, and the timing probably wasn't great-"

"Timing?" Bonnie chuckled softly, "you think the issue here is timing?"

"Isn't it?" Damon retorted, "Don't you think I've thought about every version of this? It's what I do, Bonnie. Overthinking means staying ahead, which means staying alive. It also means, that your brain ventures off without you, and only ever brings back bad news."

"What are you trying to say?" Bonnie urged him, knowing that was the only way through this conversation.

"I want a reaction out of you," Damon admitted, "No more innuendo, or avoidance. I want to know how you feel about me."

"Why?" Bonnie swallowed, feeling the walls closing in around them.

"So I can tell you how I feel about you."

The memory of Damon's mouth against hers rose then, and he heard her heart speed as she stared blankly back at him. Bonnie's face was always reserved, always guarded, cautious and unbelieving.

First, she tested the feeling in her fingers, moving them, clenching and un-clenching her fists. Then, she moved forward, mouth pressed closed as she reached for him.

She knew that one of two things would happen: they'd either fight, or-

"I know you want answers," Bonnie whispered against his mouth, steadying herself when he lifted her onto his lap, hands gripping her waist as she held his face in her hands. "I don't have them." Her hair fell around them, hiding them from the world.

"Me either," Damon said, before he tilted his head up as she dropped her mouth to meet his.

A/N: The real question is: is this it? And I'm honestly unsure, but it has been five years, and I thought hey, why the hell not.