Fallout: A New Tale

Chapter 1

Hey! This is actually a rewrite of the first chapter, but it was just a wall of text and had many mistakes but now I've rewritten it and it should be much, much better. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the fanfic, enjoy!

I sat forward in the decaying chair, frustrated that no matter what I said my dad wouldn't let me go to the Super Duper Mart to try and get our lost gear back.

"Dad, seriously I don't understand the problem! I can sneak in, get the gear and then kill the rest of the ghouls there!"

"Alex, you DO understand, don't you remember what happened last time? You barely got back here, and you had my repeater with you then, but you lost it in the same bloody place!" Dad replied, he then stood up to leave.

Suddenly I heard a sharp bang and the sound of splitting wood as a bullet tore through the hut, I instantly got on the ground and lay against the wall. I heard more bullets fire off and tear through the wood, I noticed my dad was looking out a small window across from the chair I was sitting in, he then crawled across the room to a small cabinet, the same one we kept our bottlecaps and a grenade. Dad grabbed both and tossed me the small bag of caps, I caught them and stuffed them in my pocket," What are we gonna do!?" I said glancing at him.

"I'm gonna sit here and you're gonna get out of here." Dad mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear.

"No, Dad. You can't be a bloody hero now! WE need to get out of here, just throw the grenade at them!"

"Alex, there's about twenty of them out there, I doubt one grenade will kill them, I'll wait till they are all inside, or as much as I can get inside, then I'll pull the pin. Now get your bat and go."

"N... But..."

"Alex, I'm sorry, I wish I could come with you but hell I've lived my life and I can't fight for shit. Just go." Dad finished looking at me with a sorrowful gaze, I nodded slightly and crawled into my room, I grabbed my bat from under the bed and a family photo of me, mum (she died a few years ago) and dad then left. I heard the mutants insane yells and ran, knowing it would only be a matter of time before dad pulled the pin, I reached the top of a small hill and looked down at our house, tears flowing from my eyes.

The small shack exploded and sent bits of wood and metal everywhere. I dropped to my knee's and sat there, crying.

I sat there for about half an hour, until I finally stood and walked off to the direction of the
pre-war road, it was about half a days walk to get there so it was dark when I arrived, I walked down the road for a while until I came across an old gas station, I heard some chatter and froze. I looked at where the sound came from and slowly walked towards it, holding my bat up, ready to attack.

I stood right at the corner and patted the bat against the ground three times then raised it back up.

"What the fuck was that?" Said a male voice.

"How the fuck should I know go check it out." replied a female voice. I heard footsteps and hugged tighter to the wall, terrified of what it could be suddenly a gun poked out from around the corner, 32. calibre pistol. I took a step back and waited about two seconds more and the person had come around the corner and I swung," OH FUCK-!"

The bat made direct contact with the raiders face and blood splattered everywhere, the raiders head collided with the brick wall and as my swing pushed against their head I heard a cracking sound and blood flowed from their head, they dropped to the floor. Dead. I quickly collected what gear I could and stood up knowing the other raider would be here any second, I saw another gun poke around and swung, to early, the bat smacked against the wall and I stumbled back, I looked at the raider and they fired off three rounds, all missing I panicked and threw my bat at their head, it clipped off their gun knocking it from the raiders grip and causing the raider to stumbled to the ground. I saw a large rock lying on the ground and ran over, I picked it up and walked back over to the raider, she was sitting up and looking around, I kicked her square in the chest and she fell back to the floor I dropped the rock on her head and watched as blood flowed from underneath. I looted her corpse for what ammo I could and walked back to the building.

I walked to the front doors and looked inside, there wasn't much, it was pretty small, there were about three raiders inside. How did they not hear the fighting? Maybe they thought their guys killed me. Looking at the raiders made me realise I should reload the pistol, I popped out the chamber and loaded in each bullet, it could only hold six bullets and two were already in the chamber. Okay I've got twenty-six extra bullets from the dead raiders. I cocked the gun and kicked open the door, as soon as I did I dived to cover.

I aimed in and shot at a guy the the left, it only clipped his arm but it stunned him.

" I'M GONNA STRING YOU UP LIKE BRAHMIN MEAT!" One of the raiders yelled the other just laughed, the one who I shot was holding his arm in pain. I looked in and shot at a guy behind a shelf, he was wearing some sort of wielding mask so the bullet just skimmed off. I shot at him again this time I got him right in the chest, he gasped and stumbled backwards until he hit another shelf and fell, there was a guy to the right, hiding behind the counter. I couldn't get a shot at him so I reverted my attention to the guy with the arm wound. He was trying to aim at me, but he was just holding the gun by his waste and firing of rounds every few seconds until he needed to reload.

I took a shot at his head and this time I got a direct hit, directly in his forehead, he just collapsed to the floor, dead. The counter guy was still shooting , not giving me a chance to get him, so I waited for him to reload and ran out at him, firing of my last two rounds at him, I missed once and the next got him in the throat. He clasped his hand around his throat and gasped for air, he dropped in a few seconds.

I got everything off of them, including the wielding mask off that one guy. they all had very little ammo, counter guy had one bullet left, wielding mask guy had five bullets and arm wound guy had three bullets but he had a 10mm pistol, I didn't notice in the panic, but there was a device sitting behind the counter, I picked it up and looked at, it It said 'pipboy 3000' on the bottom, I stuck it on and after a bit of tinkering it started up, It took like half an hour then said 'processing skills, perks and S.P.E.C.I.A.L' It finished and gave me a ton of information my stats which confused me, how did it work?

After looking at it a bit more I noticed it had a little scanner above it, it said 'item scanner: place item barcode in front of scanner' I looked at my 32 calibre pistol and noticed a barcode under the barrel, I scanned it and the item digitalized and went into the pip boy, I repeated the process with the stuff I wasn't using like my baseball bat, my food and what-not.

I was amazed, but when I tried to scan in the family photo, there was no barcode so I couldn't, So I just stuffed it in my pocket and looked around the store. I hadn't found anything just some nuka cola and dandy lad apples but nothing else.

I was going to check the back then rest up for the night here, maybe. I made my way to the back and looked around when suddenly I heard a loud bang and splitting flesh.

A sudden surge of pain shot through my leg and I yelled and dropped to the ground, hearing the insane laugh of a raider, I looked around reaching for my 10mm that had twelve bullets or a full magazine. I saw the raider in the corner and took a shot, the bullet hit and went right through and blood poured out of his forehead.

I crawled over to him and noticed a little leather pouch on his belt I opened it and saw 3 stimpacks, I grabbed one and injected it into my leg, I felt the hole in my leg close up almost instantly. I scanned the other two stimpacks into my pipboy then cleared out the bodies and slept there for the night on an old torn up mattress.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the rewrite of the first chapter and if you're wondering why Alex's (zom's) dad just killed himself instead of leaving, his father is fairly old, is not in very good condition to fight and he has been very depressed over loosing his wife and wants to be with her. One other thing, you may be wondering why Alex's (Zom's) dad just let his son leave is that a certain event that I write in detail about in chapter 4, proved to his father that he has been capable in a fight from a young age and his father had trained him how to survive on his own until he was to out of shape to effectively teach his son any more (Alex's backstory will be revealed as the fan-fic goes on). A rewrite of the second chapter will be out soon. But all the other chapters (three and up) don't require a rewrite (as far as I'm aware) so you don't need to wait for that :)