The next morning, Hiccup got up a bit earlier than normal, he stayed up reading Gothi's book, so he was sleepy but awake to see the sunrise.
After breakfast and doing his chores, Hiccup made up two baskets of fish and set off to the cove.
When he got there, he thought he could here singing. Staying quiet setting down the baskets in the clearing before the cove, Hiccup slowly and carefully made it to the cliff that over looked the cove where he first saw Toothless.
In the cove down below him the two Night Fury's were playing around together humming a sad sounding but beautiful tune, repeating it over and over, rolling around together and rubbing up against each other.
Deciding to let them be Hiccup got up and was just about to go back to the baskets when he shifted some pebbles and the song stopped making him halt.
'Hiccup!' he heardone of them call happily.
Hiccup turned around and smiled. Racing back to the baskets, he entered the cove placing one each in front of them.
'Draco came to us last night Hiccup,' Toothless said his mouth full smiling 'Said Gothi gave you her book on how to speak to us yes?'
"Yes she did, but I think, I'll keep speaking Norse until I know I can do it right,' Hiccup said scratching Toothless in that spot right between the ears where he liked it.
'You can understand us now Prince?' Night Sky asked abandoning her food and coming over to the boys.
"Yes, I just don't think I'll be that good speaking you're language yet," he said pulling out the book and looking at it. "That was a nice song by the way." he said putting it back into his pocket, laughing at the reactions both Night Fury's gave.
'You heard that?' Night Sky asked backing off a bit curling her tail around her.
"What... What's wrong with that?" Hiccup asked looking between them confused.
'That was the Night Rider mating song,'Toothless said not looking his human in the eye out of embarrassment.
"So you..." Hiccup began pointing to Toothless "And you..." Night Sky "Both lo..."
"There you are Hiccup!" Astrid's voice called out above them snapping the three out of their awkward moment. "We need you over at the academy, Fishlegs says that the dragons were acting strange last night and he wants to know why. Said something about at the same time all looking up into the sky and closing their eyes, with a dream like smile on their faces or something."
"I don't think it's anything to worry about Astrid," Hiccup said welcoming Stormfly as she landed "They were probably just star gazing."
"All of them... At the same time?" she asked crossing her arms eying him.
'Is it true Prince?' Stormfly asked butting him gently turning her head to see him properly 'Did Draco gift you with the knowledge to understand us last night?'
"Yes." Hiccup said smiling answering both their questions.
As Astrid started to question if he was alright, knowing that he wouldn't pass up something like this, Stormfly looked to the other two dragons smirking a bit.
'You heard it too right?' Toothless asked sighing, letting her at the fish not feeling hungry anymore.
'Well you were a little loud Noche Oscura,' Stormfly replied helping herself to some trout.
'Um... how loud were we?'Night Sky asked shakily coming up next to Toothless looking scared.
'Loud enough that all the ones who were awake could hear you,' Stormfly replied 'So I doubt you need to worry that much.'
"Err... are Toothless and Night Sky alright Hiccup?" Astrid asked seeing the weird behavior of the two black dragons.
"They're just embarrassed that I caught them doing their mating song." Hiccup said scratching both dragons under the chin to cheer them up.
"Oh ok. Wait... what?" Astrid asked slight wonder in her eyes. "Well congrats you two. Wonder how Fishlegs will take this news."
'NO!' both Night Fury's cried backing away eyes wide scared.
'Don't let her say anything Hiccup please...' Toothless asked whining a bit 'Even though we think the other dragons know anyway, don't let her tell anyone.'
"No need to be so loud you two," Hiccup said rubbing his ear a bit to check it still worked. "And why not? Don't you want everyone to be happy for you?"
'Can it be between just us first please Prince,' Night Sky asked whining too her eyes turning from terror struck to pleading 'Just until I know everyone better.'
"So you do want to meet everyone then?" Hiccup asked happy.
"Are you ok Hiccup?" Astrid called over his shoulder standing a bit back from him not sure what was going on.
"Err..." he said forgetting she was there.
'I think the best way to get out of this is to say the truth Prince,' Stormfly said finished with the fish still leaving some for the Night Fury's.
"Ok," he said pulling out the book and looking to his girlfriend "But you might want to get comfy it might take a bit of time to explain."
When the story was done Astrid had an unreadable face meaning that Hiccup wasn't sure how to react.
"That... is..." she said slowly lifting her head reviling a big smile "AWESOME! Now when the village has any problems consisting on dragons we can just go straight to you and we'll be able to get it sorted out so much quicker than before. Have you told anyone else yet?"
"I only found out this morning Astrid and have been here since just after sunrise," Hiccup said fiddling with the book slightly on the ground with the dragons around him not looking at anything in particular.
'Being able to understand us is not something wrong Prince,' Stormfly said seeing these thoughts go through Hiccup's mind. 'Not many humans are blessed with this gift you know.'
"Yeah well..." he said getting up and putting the book away. "So let's go introduce Night Sky to everyone then shall we?" he asked getting onto Toothless and off they flew back to the village.
When they got there, at first everyone was starstruck at the sight of another Night Fury with them, wondering where they found it, slowly but quickly running over to look at her in amazement.
Not sure how she liked all these humans coming at her, Night Sky got down low and backed away a bit eyes on these beings that stood before her, prepared to fight if need be.
"It's ok Night," Hiccup said softly seeing her distress "They're just surprised to see two Night Riders that's all."
"You sure this was a good idea?" Astrid asked as they walked through the crowd and up to the chief's house for a bit of privacy, or as much privacy they could get with the whole village having their eyes on them.
'"Not really," Hiccup said going in, inviting Astrid in while letting the dragons take rest in the garden. "But they were going to find out about her eventually right?"
Outside Stormfly and Toothless were telling Night Sky about the humans in the village and who to look out for.
'And then there's the one who hates us,' Stormfly said continuing the run down 'You'll know who he is when you meet him, so try no need to pick out who he is.'
'I'm not sure this was such a good idea...' Night Sky mumbled looking down at the village. 'What if they all hate me because I'm from a different flock or something? Maybe I should just go...'
'Night, how many times do we have to say it?' Toothless asked turning onto his stomach to look at her 'No one on this island will hurt you. And if they did then they'll have to face me as consequence.'
'Humph no need to be getting all hero like brother,' Night Sky said hitting him with with her tail in playful fighting.
'And that is the story of how I came to be with my eternally beautiful Night.' Toothless told the audience wrapping up the story.
'With her on Berk, things finally got a bit more interesting. From those few nights Hiccup no longer had night-terrors though we still went flying sometimes.
Astrid's plan to set it so Hiccup would be the translator between us and them didn't go all that well at first. I still remember the Kings reaction once he found out that his son could understand us' Toothless continued laughing a bit.
Then Hiccup became the new King leading his people with the loyalty and strength as the great Draco himself, always keeping his promise to any new dragons that came to Berk that as long as they're there, no on one that island will harm them.
There was no other Human like him.
He had the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon. With him leading us, no more pain was brought to my brothers as he made the world a better safer place for us to grow in strong and happy.
And he passed his knowledge down to his people so they too could train us and we could work as one with each other. But to me, he will always be the one and only...
AN : And here we are, at the last chapter of this story. If anyone wants to know what the 'song' the two dragons were humming, type 'Dragon Heart To the Stars' into to Youtube. Hope you liked this and thank you to all who favored it 3 :)