It was a bright and welcoming morning that greeted Ursula as she rose from bed. The water was just the right temperature for autumn, not too hot, or too cold. It was that comfortable level that gives one a nostalgic feeling for youth gone by. The morning sun gleamed over the water's surface with sparks of white interspaced with bright blue, like diamonds on a chandelier, casting its brilliance on the underwater kingdom of Atlantica.
Even after so many months as queen, Ursula still had a hard time believing that such a graceful and radiant morning was even possible. After years of being trapped in suffocating darkness that blotted out all but the most twisted light, it was like swimming into the panels of a fairy tale she once heard. While the sun's gleam would bleed into her room and wake her up early, Ursula did not mind. To her, it was the most welcoming sight of her day; never failing to bring her joy. It was so beautiful that, the first time Ursula woke up to one, she honestly thought she was going to die.
Ursula raised herself upright from her bed casually, and gave her muscles a stretch before relaxing. One by one, her tentacles revealed themselves from underneath the blanket, gently brushing the quilt aside to let Ursula appraise herself more closely. She seemed to have gained several kilos over past few months, and it showed in the flab of her stomach, and the great expanse of her breasts. She was so happy; after so long of having to endure starvation, she was beginning to regain some of her more shapely form.
As Ursula looked down, she caught a glimpse of her nautilus necklace, laying snuggly on her cleavage, held tightly together by her octopus skin. It was a magical trinket she had taken long ago, but that's all it really was now. There was nothing inside it except for the magic that gave it, its capabilities; no mermaid's voice to echo a haunting melody from within, just an empty shell.
Ursula placed a hand to her throat and gave a soft chuckle.
"Yes; that's right," she spoke with a youthful tone. "It's merged with my voice. There's no giving this back now."
That was quite the pickle Ursula was able to get herself out of with the girl's voice. When her victory seemed to be crumbling around her by the day, inspiration struck just in time. She had to put all her eggs into manipulating the crab's emotions for Ariel, and it really paid off. True, it was a painful experience to have herself mutilated by her own guards, but it was worth it for the sake of her triumph.
"That's one more thing I must reward her for," said Ursula, still speaking in her other voice. "Things are just now dying down, so maybe I can get to work on making a replacement voice for her. Artificial ones are never the same, but it does its job."
Ursula sighed. There was a lot for her to do now that she was finally gaining control of the situation. She would have to work an alternate hypnotism spell for the girls. They would be more useful to her if they had a broader range of emotions, and would pleasure her better in bed. There was the immigration paperwork to sift through; and that would probably take days of listening to Flotsam gab on and on. She'd also have to get to work on redecorating this palace; she found herself missing the more purple hues of her lair; it went better with her cecaelian skin. Then there was the meeting she was to have today with the representatives of the cecaelian provinces, and that would clearly take all day.
Oh well, she had time. She had waited years for this moment to come to her, what were a few more weeks of stabilization?
Speaking of time; it was soon approaching the time of the month where Ursula would have to collect tribute from her sister Morgana, and that was sure to take time away from her schedule. Ursula often wondered how Morgy was doing up there in the human world; to be surrounded by brainless barbarians day in and day out harassing her on petty insular topics. Ursula certainly didn't envy her sister for that, but she did somewhat regret having to leave behind the prince with her. Ursula didn't lie; he was quite the catch, and far too good for her sister. Oh well; she probably deserved to get something good out of the deal; she was family after all.
Little Morgy was a lot like a shark who couldn't grow its teeth back. Ursula knew how much the girl hated her talent, and how she would talk behind her back in pitiful attempts to bring her down. Instead of trying to better herself, she would always just aim to bring Ursula down to her level because she had no faith in her own ability to grow. She had no presence, or identity, even when they were inklings. Ursula wanted to say she felt bad for her, but the girl brought most of it on herself. Perhaps time in human form would give her an identity to achieve, but knowing Morgy, Ursula doubted it.
Ursula gave a loud yawn as she began to slink herself out of bed; falling to the floor with a soft thud. She beheld the sight of her room; a large an expansive place suited to her grand personality. The ceiling rose high above, with a great chandelier as its only decoration. On the walls were multitudes paintings of herself, which she commissioned a few months back. One painting, in particular had her lavishly sitting on her throne while her slaves floated beside her in pathetic and submissive poses. To think, the royal family she once bowed and scraped to, were now the ones who bowed to her. It was the perfect revenge really.
Ursula then turned her attention towards the window and the kingdom that stretched beyond. Down there, people would be waking up to greet the morning, just like she was; only this time the population greeting the day would be the rightful rulers of Atlantica. For years, Ursula's people had suffered just as much as she had, and it was about time they were given their due. She'd make certain that the fish-folk were put into their place for their crimes against her people. All the prejudice, banishment, and executions would be met a hundred-fold. Her wrath would be swift like a passing hurricane; the polyps she placed throughout the kingdom were just the beginning.
And the main component to Ursula's scheme slept soundly on her vanity. Ursula turned and gave a sly smirk to the creature resting in a pot. The former Princess Ariel of Atlantica; one of the most beautiful mermaids ever to swim the seven seas, now a lowly plant enslaved by desire for her mistress. The poor thing was a truly pathetic sight to behold now; a shriveled shadow of her former glory that carried none of her former innocence and grace. And with the girl's voice inside her, it was as if Ursula truly owned her, both body and soul.
But there was more to this girl than even she knew. Ursula could see it the moment Flotsam and Jetsam laid eyes on her, that Ariel was a lot like her in her youth. She was headstrong, and determined, but she lacked confidence, experience, and training. She relied too much on others to do the hard labor required to see her goals met. That accursed Triton did a very fine job of stifling the girl's potential, but couldn't totally erase it like he did in her sisters. Despite still having their normal bodies, those girls were a thousand times more pathetic than Ariel ever had been, at least the girl could carry herself somewhat in her more gruesome state. If Ursula had ever transformed those other brats, they'd be no different from the other polyps; crying, and begging, and blaming others for their problems. Ariel though, she was different.
Ariel could have been doing that; she could have been weeping about herself daily, but she didn't. She was always more focused on what was going on around her, and learning. Even in her limited form, she retained this desire to learn about the new and strange; never failing to engage with Ursula on serious topics. (The girl did need to work on her sense of humor though.) These traits were important, for when Ursula gave her form again. Of course, Ursula intended to reward her with a more fitting form than a mere fish-girl. A bit of her blood was all Ursula would need to make a fine cecaelian out of her. Then the fish-folk would learn to suffer pain from the girl who they once adored as their princess.
Ursula gave a sinister snicker in her younger voice as she slithered on slowly to the vanity.
Ursula sat herself down on the cushion and was met with a gaze from her reflection in the mirror. To other folk, it was just a single reflection of Ursula smiling back at her, but to Ursula it was so much more. To her, she could see the visages of three confident women gazing back at her; herself; her alter ego Vanessa; and an older cecaelian Ariel. She then looked down at the sleeping polyp beside her.
"You will be my great legacy child. You shall sustain me for all eternity," Ursula purred in her normal voice as she stroked the polyp girl with the tips of her fingernails.
For several minutes, she just repeatedly stroked the polyp, until at last she leaned forward and gave her a forceful kiss on the cheek.
The polyp sputtered and stirred in her sleep, until finally waking up with a start.
"Good morning angelfish," cooed Ursula to her pet.
The polyp looked up at Ursula with an annoyed frown, and then gave a yawn before laying her head back down on the vanity.
"Oh no you don't, girl," Ursula said in a stern tone. "We have a busy day today, and I need you to be awake for it. Up with you!"
Ursula's gentle strokes now became hard pokes that didn't hold back in strength. Ariel's soft polyp head bounced against the stone vanity several times before she finally surrendered. As she rose herself upward, she grumbled and gurgled loudly at her mistress.
Polyps usually only have one voice, which sounds somewhat like gurgling. Polyps that Ursula transformed though, would always have two voices; one would be the polyp gurgle, while the other would be an echo of their former voice. It was usually the only hint that any polyp had been transformed from something else. Since the mermaid didn't have her voice anymore, she could only gurgle out loud. Now Ursula could always just read her mind, but it was early, and she didn't feel like it.
"Bright and alert as always, I see." Ursula had switched her voice again, much to the chagrin of her pet.
"We have a busy day today, and I'm going to need us both to look our best when speaking to the representatives. I'll need you to be there as well, you will need to pay attention to how high class discusses politics." Several tentacles rose up from below the vanity to grasp at a variety of cosmetics strewn about the table. One tentacle grabbed a powder brush and began to apply it to a grumbling Ariel.
"Things are finally starting to come together aren't they," Ursula said as she had several tentacles applying eyeliner and eye shadow. "Rebellions are quieting down, and more of my people are arriving in the city in droves. Soon there will be no one left to oppose us. Do you think this color matches my eyes?"
As Ariel was being harassed by a prodding tentacle, Ursula could hear an audible gurgle come from her.
"I think it does too," remarked Ursula with a playful smirk as she applied. "I'll be putting those fish-folk to work soon. It's been far too long since this city had a decent source of income behind it. Triton may have brute forced his way around everything, but I won't fall into that same trap, I am a diplomat at heart, even if a bit twisted. Do you think I should try the Australian Gold, or the Caspian Yellow?"
The polyp gurgled some more as a tiny brush was run through its scruffy hair, painfully running into knot after knot.
"Caspian Yellow it is then. Things are finally looking our way aren't they darling? Soon enough, this kingdom will be celebrating the dawn of a new era, even if the old one shall desperately try to cling on. Pretty soon, I can look into finding a suitable merman to mate with and begin the process of gaining heirs to my throne, and you'll be the treasure I pass down. Perhaps I should for the scarlet lipstick instead of the violet one."
The polyp just sighed as its hair had been arranged in a silly bow.
"Oh, you always have the best answers dearie; scarlet it is!"
As Ursula finished applying her makeup, an outstretched tentacle brought forth her crown and trident. Once she equipped them both, she took a chance to appraise herself in the mirror.
"Oooh, who is that beautiful lady on the other end? She seems regal enough to be a queen I'd say. What do you think honey?"
This time, Ursula chose to read the girl's mind. She was curious what may be on the other end.
Sheesh… I don't know why she has to make such a big deal out of it; she looks good. Maybe if she actually listened to me during the mornings we wouldn't have to go through this bravado. I gotta admit though, I am starting to like this bow a little.
Ariel was facing the mirror, giving her own little appraisal of the bow on her head. All the while, Ursula rested her head on her arm and smirked at the little polyp before her. She just loved this girl.
Ursula then rose from her seat and pulled away from the vanity. One of her tentacles then grabbed Ariel and uprooted her from the soil she was in.
"Well now dearest, it's time for us to go. We have a very long day ahead of us."
Ursula brought the little polyp to her face and gave the girl a light peck before having her tentacle wrap her into the strands of her hair. As she swam off she found herself humming a little tune; something that they both held deep in their hearts.
And that's all folks. It's been a swell time disturbing you all with my finest piece of horror yet. Writing this story has been one hell of a cathartic experience for me; regardless of how terrifying a scenario it paints to normal people. I've been wanting to get this damn sort of story off my chest for years now, and I've finally done it.
As for whatever message I may be sending with this story, I just like to say that the only message I wrote is for me, and me alone. Whatever message you may take from it is yours to make. I write my stories to be open to everyone with room for them to make their own messages. So don't be so quick to guess what might be on my mind when writing this, but don't immediately dismiss your own interpretations.
As for the story and all it's loose ends, anyone's free to continue it if they like, and half ass some stupid happy ending to it, I don't really care at this point. The story I wanted to tell is now done, and I've got other stories in the making.
This has been a long, and lonely journey, but now, I'm happy it's finished. I hope you've had A time, regardless of whatever you've taken from it.