Last chapter!
When I open my eyes,
I found myself in a classroom, sitting in the corner, back near the window. Then not so far from me, there's Nozomi sitting behind Eli who seems to be extremely serious on listening to the lecture.
I can't remember much about what exactly happened, but…I feel like I've fallen into a deep slumber during this class.
Then down in the school yard, I could hear some noises of girls fooling around. They are probably in the sport study hour….
I tried to look down through the window— and I could see that specific red haired girl standing next to a Rin and Hanayo. Then she turned her sight at me and….
I quickly made a frown and a mocking face at her.
What the hell is with that wink.
Such an arrogant kid!
She is only a first year!
Waitttt a minuteeee…
How did I even know their name and details…
Is this not my first time to know them?
"Oi! Yazawa-san!" my teacher throws a small piece of chalk at me.
"Please answer this question!" he said as he pats his hand to the book.
Damn it…
Which question is it?!
"Uurh…." I turned my eyes to Nozomi, hoping that she will help…
"The question is the one that you wrote under the check box on the left bottom…" Nozomi whispered,
"Yazawa-san! Read the question out loud!" my teacher said again.
I have no choice…
"Do I love Nishikino Maki?" I said loudly.
"The answer is , yes I do…." I continued.
Then the class went quiet for a moment….
Until Nozomi burst into a fit of laughter along with Eli…then followed by a few of my classmates….
"Yazawa-san!" My teacher said clearly before he pointed to the door, telling me to leave the classroom.
That sucked…
But that wasn't my fault…
That was Nozomi's fault for telling me the wrong information!
She tricked me! Damn it!
Ah well... it's not that it was entirely her fault, I should've paid attention so I didn't have to ask her…
Either way,
Now the three of us are in the school canteen,
Eli and Nozomi are being romantic as ever, they fed each other and brushing each other's shoulder like a damned love bird.
While me…. still left wondering about what happened before I woke up from my nap before….
"Oi…Nozomi…" I called her.
"Yes Nikocchi?" she replied with her teasing face.
"What happened before I fell asleep?" I asked.
"A lot of things.. something with time traveling and all… then about you being the daughter of a yakuza leader… it was an exciting adventure… don't you think?" she replied.
"Heh—I don't think it was something exciting, it was more nightmare-ish…." I smirked,
"Don't worry, Nikocchi, I got the proof here if you still wonder if it was real or not…" she said.
"What?" I raised my eyebrow.
She smirked playfully in her response,
"Check this out!" Nozomi pulled up Eli's skirt and…
"W-whaaaa! N-Nozomi!" Eli tried to hold it down, but it was too late…
I saw a big….bump behind her underwear….
It's too big to be anything but what man owns in his crotch…
"W-What are you doing, Nozomi?! Do-Don't show it off!" Eli protested.
"Hehe don't worry Ericchi, no one will doubt your gender since you're like the hottest diva— the great student council leader and all!"
"Still doesn't make it right of you show off my thing! It's not for public!"
"Awhh…Ericchi, being an exhibitionist isn't that bad…" Nozomi said.
"W-What kind of statement is that?!" Eli protested.
Idiot lovebirds….
Ah well…
When I turn my sight to a table right across the room, I notice the specific red hair is look at me again, then she smirked proudly before she throws her sight away from me.
"Oi! Why the hell are you looking at me?!" I yelled,
The red hair remain quiet before she stood up and turning her sight at me,
"I'm not looking at you! You were the one who was looking at me!" she yelled back.
"See?! You're looking at me!" I said loudly.
"S-Stop looking at me and stop pulling me into your trap! You just want me to look at you!" she replied.
"Hmmph! Big mouth!" I said
"S-Shut up!" she replied.
"You shut up!" I yelled back again.
"Fine!" She replied.
"Fine by me too!" I said as we sat back down on our seat.
Is she a friend…? Or an enemy….?
I don't understand!
Either way, she does sound somewhat suspicious…is this all part of her plan to make me argue like that?
It's not fair! She hid her true intentions!
It really is not fair!
I'll make her pay!
The school ended and the day is still bright as ever,
Nozomi and Eli are student councils so they had to go first while I need to go to the clubroom for my club activity.
I don't really remember about what club I'm supposedly to be in…
I just remember that I need to go to a specific place…
When I keep walking through the hallway, I notice the same specific red haired girl—Nishikino Maki walking behind me.
"What the heck are you doing now?" I said,
"Why are you in front of me?" she said.
"What the heck? You are following me!" I said clearly,
"Not a chance, you're just in front of me… not my fault…" she said.
"What the hell?!" I complained again.
"Move already!" she said.
"Fine!" then I continues to talk again,
She is following me….
"Stop following me!" I said loudly.
"Why are you always standing right in front of me?!" she replied loudly too.
"I did not! You were just following me around!" I said.
"Move! Idiot!" she said loudly.
I just pouted at her and started to move again,
Though…she is still walking behind me…
After a while, I turned again and….
She grabs me on my hips, then presses her lips against mine….
I don't understand…..
I just shoved her and yelled,
"W-What the hell did you just do to me?!"
"W-What the hell?! Why did you kiss me all so sudden?!" she said,
"Huh?! You were the one who—…."
She kissed me again….
"That's fair now! Stop being an idiot!" she said before she winked and left….
"OI! You little bastard!" I yelled,
"What the fuck are you even trying to say!" I continued.
Not that I mind with that kiss,
I just don't understand it…
The moment I watch her leave, I realized that she is entering my clubroom…
Does that mean I'm in the same club as her?
In the clubroom,
I began to realize…
Everyone else,
Honoka, Umi, Kotori, Rin, Hanayo, and Maki are here. They were talking about dreams…
A dream that is so familiar to mine…
A dream where we all traveled in time and passed through hell together as we selfishly shouted our own wishes when one great force overwhelmed us...Even when we were together, we completely ignored each other's heart and all…
"….Right, Niko-chan?!" Honoka suddenly asked.
"U-uh… yes? I don't really remember…." I replied.
"Sheesh, Niko-chan! How could you forget! You were a Yakuza leader's daughter! Then you also owned Nozomi-chan as your wish maker!"
That kind of dream….
Did we all experience the same dream?
"….did all of your dreams…." A voice that we know said as we all turned our sight to the door,
Nozomi is standing right in front of Eli as they enter the room.
"….end with a girl who saved the entire world by saving the one greatest villain that was created by everyone's desire and greed?" she continued.
Everyone except Maki seems to be flustered…
"Maybe…." Maki said.
"The story supposedly ends where that girl said to the greatest villain, there's no one else in this world but her need to be saved because they're all actually in peace while she—who was created by desire and greed has fallen into a state she wasn't suppose to fall into. They have lived their life to grant their own wishes, to create their own music that would repeat and change as it grew into the end of the line. A music where each of them express their own colors. It may be selfish, but one day it will fit be for each other as they are composed together into one arrangement…" Eli said.
I still don't get it….
"She said all that with music, can you believe that?" Nozomi said.
"Waah! She must be great at it!" Kotori appreciated.
"Of course she is!" Maki said with a smirk,
Eli suddenly chuckled,
"Tell you what? The next wish she asked for was that she wanted a world without wish makers— so everyone has to work on each of their own wishes, but she selfishly said that she just want someone special to be eternally attracted to her…even if it has to come with denial…"
"Who wants her anyway?!" I said.
"I know you want her, Nikocchi…." Nozomi said with a chuckle,
"No way!" I yelled.
"No one will want her! She is just one stupid faced rich papa's girl!" I continued again as I point to her.
"Shut up, at least I'm not trying to act rich like a specific someone who gets too obsessed with idols…." She said.
"What the heck!?"
"There-there Nikocchi…." Nozomi giggled at me followed by other's flustered face.
"You don't need to act though, we all know you love her already…you just declared it in class..." Nozomi giggled.
"S-Shut up!" I yelled.
"W-what's happening here?" Umi asked.
"You see, Umi-chan…" Nozomi started.
"Don't listen to her!" I yelled.
"…..Niko-chan here is just denying that—…"
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled again.
Then I could hear Maki chuckle,
"Well, I can't blame her… I'm just that attractive…" she said.
How could she get the idea of self-importance huh?!
"You're not attractive!" I said clearly.
"You don't need to be jealous… now let's just hurry up and work on our next song…." Maki said.
"Yes! Club President Niko-chan! Let's start working on the new song!" Honoka said.
I don't understand this at all!
"Niko-chan! Don't tell me you're no longer interested in being an idol…!" Hanayo said.
"What?! Of course I'm still interested! I'm the number one idol after all!" I said.
What's an idol again?
"Then let's go for it-nyaa!" Rin said cheerfully.
"Yes-yes! I can't wait to design new costumes for everyoneee!" Kotori said.
"K-Kotori! Please spare me and let's use a long skirt, ok? Long skirt!" Umi said.
"But…it's going to be harder to dance in a long skirt….." Kotori pouted,
"Right Niko-chan?!" she asked me.
"Huh? Of course… the shorter it is, the better it will look… I mean, we all need to show those legs moving, right?" I said.
Actually, I have no idea…
"This is not allowed!" Umi said.
"You're a spoilsport-nya!" Rin said.
"Yeah! Umi-chan is a spoilsport!" Honoka added.
Then they started to argue. I don't really understand what exactly happened here, but…looking at them having fun with each other makes me feel happy…
"Heh…maybe the world where wishes will never magically come true isn't that bad…" Maki said.
"The heck are you saying?…Do you even still believe in magic?!" I said.
"N-no! That's stupid… why would I believe in magic?!" she replied as she averted her eyes.
"You do!" I said clearly.
"Either way! Just shut up! We need to focus on this club— you're the one who made this club after all, yeah? We have to work…no one will give you a kiss out of nowhere, unless they are weird like you."
"Now you're blaming it on me!" I said..
She chuckled mockingly as she started to play with the tip of her hair…
"What are you saying… I don't get it…." she continued with her sarcastic tone.
So annoying! I'll certainly will annoy her back later!
We dreamed together and tailoring our stories into one….
….You may never realized it
But did you know…
Because you're a music to my life...
I want you to stay with me eternally.
Even if we will deny our feeling on our lips…
About a few years passed after my graduation with Eli and Nozomi. Well, we all have worked hard to get the studies go right. I swear there are just too many things I don't know in study. I wonder how the heck Nozomi and Eli can do it…
Either way, I'm done with's already past a few years! Everyone is an adult including….
Maki Nishikino, who it still mysteriously attractive to me…
We even started dating…
…for ridiculous reasons like…
We need to stick around together until we finally agree on something…
We never agree with each other!
"Listen!" I said loudly,
"What?" she replied,
"Why are we going to a sex store?!" I asked.
"You said you wanted to go here?"
"I said, a toy store! Damn it! I need to get new toys for my siblings because they've grown older!" I said loudly.
"So it's an adult toy, right?"
"No!" I yelled again,
"They're not that old yet, moron!" I continued.
"You didn't tell me! I wouldn't know!" she replied.
"Gah! You're just an idiot!" I said.
"…and yet you love me that much…" she smirked,
"Who the hell loves you?! I don't love you!" I said.
"Liar. you do and you're just denying it!" She replied.
"What about you huh!? Do you love me?!" I yelled.
"I wouldn't stick around you if I didn't. You're annoying!" she said.
"You are the annoying one!" I yelled back.
"Stupid face!" she said.
"Shit-head!" I yelled again.
Then suddenly, we could hear a familiar voice nearby,
"Nozomi, listen, we really need to transfer and synchronize like before! I mean… who can get rid of this thing off my groin now?!" Eli said.
"Ah—Ericchi….you do know that there will never be any wish makers again, right? So… if we have sex now… you have the risk of making me pregnant for real… plus… there won't be any magic…."
"Seriously?! Sigh! I could've asked to take this thing away to Maki before she abolished all magic in this world!"
"We can ask Umi-chan to cut it…."
"Oh no! Please don't!"
"Then how else, Ericchi? There's no more actual magic in this world. Just some miracles and tricks…
"Fine we keep it…."
"Hehe— let's just get the flavored one this time…"
Then the voice started to fade…
As I turned to Maki, she seemed somewhat a little pale,
Then she placed something inside the bag that I've been carrying…
I tried to peek in and it's….
A strap on….
"What the heck, Maki?!" I yelled.
"What?!" she replied.
"Why are you even taking that?!"
"You said you want it!"
"I never said that you idiot!"
"You did!"
"Shut the hell up, you're going to my place tonight…" she said.
"What the hell?!"
"Don't worry about your siblings! I'll send enough baby sitters to take care of them!"
"What am I even going to do at your home huh!?"
"Guess!" she said loudly.
I don't like where this is going….
But in a way…
I feel like it will be a fun night as well….
I admit…
There's something about her that makes me want to stick together as long as we can….
Maybe it's called a magical magnetic love.
Alright, everyone, i hope you can understand what exactly this fan fiction really tell lol. But if you can't figure out, I'll help you out...
The plot is actually inspired from 'creating a music' . Where the plot will repeat for over and over until they managed to get the best one... Then, Maki, is actually ended up to be the 'mafia of time and wishes' in her "Music of life" because the story goes like how she wanted it - also to remember that each person are taking influence from maki's wishes then eventually group up to fulfill her wish-along with Niko who sang along with her in the story (who tell her story along with Maki).
then at the end, even though they've never actually show it, they're attracted to each other eternally-which also come from Maki's wish.
there are still some details that i left to you people to pull a conclusion.
but yeah, really sorry for the complexity of the story! I hope you are still enjoying it.
Oh, Coming up Next : NozoEli , Ghost Hunting and Busting AU.
It might be gonna be my last fanfiction. I hope you will enjoy it.
but don't fret, I'm going to try make a doujin of NozoEli from the Persona AU after that one. (Basically it will be a remake of my Persona AU)