~Remember, this was supposed to be a distraction, a time for fluff? Turns out, everything stressed me out for a time, but I still want to add to the story, because I left off in a terrible place. This update is a gift to plainjanedee for always having my back and helping me through my many difficult days. There's some significance to plot but mainly it's purely a mating ritual, so if you don't like that sort of stuff, don't read.

Chapter 5: Primal Cravings

Bella and Paul were sitting in the kitchen waiting on Jacob's return when the front door slammed shut. She'd just taken a little break because Paul was whining about missing lunch. She had been sorting through her stuff since Jacob left her there with Paul, while he met with the vampire doctor that was the head of this very odd family she'd heard so much about. It was times like this she regretted being so organized because now she had to repack all that she had unpacked when she thought she was starting a two year stint at her father's.

Paul stopped eating and paid full attention to Jacob as he stomped towards them. "Come on, time to go."

"Wait, I'm not ready. I still have a few more drawers to sort through. I've got at least a couple of hours left just to make sure I've got everything I need."

"Now Bells, you can figure that out another time." He turned to Paul, ignoring everything she'd just said. "Everyone knows what they should be doing. Thanks for watching Bells."

She still hadn't budged so he walked around the table, grabbed under her elbow to start escorting her out of her father's house. Bella jerked her arm back. "I'm not leaving this second. I said I need my things. Isn't it enough, I agreed to move in with you today? You're getting on my last nerve, Jake."

Bella started to head upstairs to get what she needed the most, but he wasn't having it. Jacob said he didn't want her up there again or he might surely lose it. "You have no idea what's going on, tell Lahote what you need and he'll get it." He picked her up after that, so there was no way Bella was winning that battle. She let him know what she thought about his caveman behavior.

She screamed a few choice words in his ear as he took her to the car, but she calmed down enough to yell out the two bags she needed the most to Paul. "The pink bag in the bathroom and the big suitcase on the bed."

Paul quickly retrieved them and put them in Jacob's trunk. She was already buckled in. Bella imagined the occasion should be a little more joyous and not so tense. She was taking the biggest leap of her life and he was being super difficult. Why didn't he just tell her what happened and what all the urgency was about?

Jacob told Paul to bring the rest much later and leave it on the porch, but to text first. Then they sped away to his garage. He kept his eyes on the road and didn't say much else.

"Jake, what happened? Talk to me."

"Not now, I can't. I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you. We just need to go home, that's the only thing that's going to make it better."

Bella was barely understanding the new world she was thrust into, but she knew she didn't like to see him like this. He was under so much stress. Sure, she was pissed at him in a way, but that was quickly fading because she knew there was a good reason behind it. She reached across the console and rubbed his forearm. He turned for a second to look at her. She saw a great deal of the hardened exterior vanish by a single touch from her and that meant a lot. He took her hand and they latched their fingers together.

Once, Jacob deposited her things in the bedroom, she thought it made sense to make a grocery list. Maybe he'd drive her over to the grocery store because she knew going alone wasn't going to fly. He joined her in the kitchen and she told him her plans.

Jacob walked over to the door and locked it. He pulled the shade down over the window as well and started to fill up the kettle.

"Nope, we're in staying in for a few days... not going anywhere."

"Well, we have to eat, so I'm sure a quick trip to the store will be fine."

She eyed him curiously as he started to prepare a couple of mugs. He opened a small box on the counter and poured two packets in each cup. "That's all taken care of. You don't have to worry about anything for the next three days."

Bella had no idea the significance of the three days he mentioned. She was beyond lost and Jacob didn't even seem like the type to enjoy a mug of afternoon tea. "What is that anyway, it smells funny." He told her that was a secret but she would need to drink all of it before. "Before what?"

He reached out, took both her hands, placed a kiss on each of them. "The imprint-mating ritual. It starts right now. Kim and Leah already left us what we need today. All you have to do is relax, honey and let me take care of you."

No one said there was a ritual or that it would be three days. Bella was already committed to him and she told him she accepted the imprint. She meant it. If love at first sight was possible, then she knew they'd experienced, but she felt like they needed to back up a second. Jacob had left out a few key details.

"I... I'm lost. I don't understand why we're rushing. I wanted to make you a nice dinner, maybe put on something special." She was debating sexy dress or lingerie.

He pulled her against him, bent over and kissed her until she lost her footing. Jacob picked her up, sat her on the counter as the kettle whistled. "You will understand eventually, but you have to trust me. There's plenty of night's for special dinners at home another time."

He left her sitting there while he poured the hot water in the mugs and stirred. He started to ladle in a couple of teaspoons of sugar in one mug and she stated she didn't take hers sweet. He smiled, "In this you do, and you need the sugar for energy anyway."

Bella gulped because she thought she understood his insinuations by now. They were about to embark on three solid days of mating. She felt like an energy was building inside her body, but her mind was a few steps behind.

He pushed the mug in front of her. "Be careful, it's super hot."

Her head shook side to side. Why did he get to call all the shots? "Hold on just a damn minute. I need a second. You know I want to be with you. I told you I accept the imprint but you didn't tell me about any of this and to tell you the truth, I don't understand the rush. Is it purely sexual? If it is, I'm not sure how I feel about that. Also, for the record, I still have life goals, so I hope you don't think your keeping me locked up, barefoot and pregnant. That's not happening."

Jacob sat his mug down beside hers and stepped in between her legs. He took her face and pointed her eyes to him. "No, it's not purely sexual. Our relationship is all encompassing, but right now the need to claim you is at an all-time high. I can't function in any other capacity until we do. I'm sorry this is how it has to be. In a perfect, more natural world absent of all this supernatural bullshit, we'd be experiencing something entirely different. Don't you think I wish I could give that to you? I'd love to have met you and built something gradual and normal. I'd probably struggle to find the courage to ask you out and hope that you'd say 'yes.' We'd go out on dates every week and I'd get a little bolder each time and maybe after a few months, we'd know we were falling in love so I'd plan something ultra romantic, maybe take you away for the weekend so we could make love for the first time. You deserve all those things, but that's not how it works with an imprint."

"I, thought at first I could handle taking those steps, that you were here for good and we had time to build on our relationship, but that fucking bloodsucker has crossed paths with you already. He's been in your room at Charlie's, Bells. I found his scent all over the place, inside and out. He found you the minute you rolled into town and he's been stalking you. The treaty is a garbage piece of paper to me right now, but the council is meeting on it since he didn't actually harm you. I need to claim my mate, so when we're done and reemerge in three days, no supernatural species within a ten mile radius will have any sort of misunderstanding who you belong to. Cullen probably won't be able to go anywhere near you after you've bathed in my scent for days. I'm sorry, if you feel like I'm rushing you, but I swear you won't regret it. I'm going to take care of you, show you pleasure like you've never seen. We will be amazing together. Concerning barefoot and pregnant," he slipped off her shoes. "These tiny feet are adorable, so I wouldn't mind you barefoot while we're inside, but you won't be locked up. You will be protected, that's non-negotiable." He rubbed his hand over her belly, "And one day when the artificial hormones aren't circulating through your system, I'd be happy to see your womb swell with my child, but that ball's in your court. Say the word and I'll make it happen. I'm not asking you to abandon the life you desire, I'm only asking to include me in on it. That's what you want, isn't it?"

She was speechless. The thought of a strange man, vampire or not in her room was chilling. It was so freaking creepy. Now, she understood the urgency a little better. He'd covered a lot of topics in his heartfelt speech. Of course, Jacob was now included in her plans. She also felt extremely needy for him since the beginning, but thought she must only be experiencing those urges because she'd been sexually deprived for so long.

Bella reached down for her mug. Jacob picked his up at the same time. They tapped the sides together. "I'm yours, all of me. Sorry, about all the freak outs. I understand now. You just have to tell me and not keep your feelings locked away."

She turned up the sweet concoction and let it slide down her throat. It was still fairly warm so she paced herself. He drank his down in one gulp. She had no idea what it was, but it wasn't bad at all. He got her off the counter and told her to meet him in the bathroom when she finished.

She walked through his... she corrected, their room next and saw he'd lit several candles. He didn't have those out that morning. It must be one of those things Leah and Kim provided. She walked towards the sound of running water. Jacob told her the ritual begins with a cleansing. Now that they'd taken the sacred drink, they'd strip their bodies and bath in special waters together. He handed her the small bag she brought that contained her bathroom items. He said he'd give her a little privacy first, but not to get in the water until he came back. He had more candles surrounding the large tub. She could smell scented oils mixed in the water. A heavy dose of steam was rising upwards. He must have it on really hot.

Bella quickly used the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She was about to let her hair down to brush through it, when he opened the door. Jacob had taken off his clothes except for a fitted black boxer brief. She tried to keep her eyes up but he was obviously thinking ahead to this mating ritual thing. He caught her stare and smirked.

She was never that confident before, but he brought out a different side of her. Bella reached behind her head and released her clip. Her hair fell down in waves. She slipped off the shirt she had on, then unfastened her jean shorts and let them fall around her ankles. Now they were both in their underwear. His hands were on his waistband, but she thought she better go first. The sight of him might be a little too much to handle and she didn't want to lose her nerve. She reached around her back and unhooked her bra strap. She let it fall and tossed it at his feet. She didn't even attempt to cover herself. She stood in front of him exposed and it felt so empowering. The weight of his hungry gaze was palpable. He took two long strides until he was directly in front of her.

"You're so beautiful," the back of his hand traced down her neck and halfway down her torso. He moved her hair aside, positioned that hand directly over her left breast, then gave a firm squeeze as he rolled her nipple between his fingers. She groaned out her approval. Bella reached around him to pull at his briefs.

She was soon hit with a big reality. She'd felt him pressed against her a few times so far, but seeing was believing. He was magnificent and she was hit with several fleeting thoughts. I'm a lucky girl and my vagina is either going to love or hate me by the end of these three days.

She couldn't stop herself, she had to feel for herself. It was his turn to gasp out a tortured breath. Her panties were suddenly ripped from her body in one slick motion.

"Well that's one way to do it."

He picked her up and placed her in the scalding water. He asked if she needed him to cool it off but she said it felt good, she just need to proceed slowly. Bella was glad he had a larger tub they both could fit in. She made herself comfortable and he slipped in behind her. She leaned into him and he brought his hands around her. Jacob was exploring every inch of her body. She noticed he kept coming back to one spot on her right shoulder. He kissed and sucked the skin repeatedly. He was sure to leave a love bite there with all that attention. She placed her hand over his as it journeyed under the water. Jacob quickly found what she needed so in record time, she was riding the first wave of pleasure under his touch.

The cleansing session in the tub was exhilarating. After bringing her release, he showed her how they were to wash each other. They took turns. Bella thought she was the cleanest she'd ever been. He stood up first, so she couldn't resist. Bella gave him a few gentle strokes and a taste of one of the many ways she wished to pleasure him in return. He didn't let her go on too long. He stopped her and said there'd be plenty of time for that. They dried off and returned to the bed. There had been lots of kissing already in the tub, so they started back the minute they hit the mattress.

Bella was out of the bathwater, but still swimming in a sea of warmth. Jacob's firm body covered her. She needed him right that second. They'd fooled around enough, she wanted all of him, to know what it meant to be claimed. His dominant mouth left her little doubt the rest of him would own her as well. Her legs opened wider as an invitation. She moved her hand farther down. She was seeking what she needed. He stopped her by grabbing her wrist just before she grabbed him.

"Not yet. I need to worship every inch of you first."

"Jake please. I want you inside me."

He grinned against her neck, but told her they had plenty of uninterrupted time, "The garage is closed for three days, no one will come within a mile of here unless I send them a message we need something. I want you to be completely comfortable and wholly satisfied. Don't hold back. Tell me what you need. My entire purpose is to bring you pleasure while I make you mine." He nuzzled deeper against her and nipped the skin where her shoulder joined her neck.

Was he joking? She already knew he had her body mastered. She'd never cum so fast in her life. She told him so. Bella was still feeling impatient, but Jacob was right, they had plenty of time to take it slow. He went on an exploration of her body. She extended her head back, moved her arms to her sides and allowed him safe passage to any part he wished to visit. She was consumed with lust and passion. He kissed her everywhere. She highly anticipated the journey up her legs after he'd even taken the time to massage and caress over the surface of her feet. She was thankful for paying close attention to the goods in the shower that morning. She knew he'd appreciate the smooth, tender areas, but she refrained from taking off all evidence of womanhood. Her mother's crazy, Brazilian wax gift had not been her thing. It was a lot of damn upkeep, but she was met with a feral growl of approval when he reached her sweet spot.

His voice was gruff and raw, "Beautiful, all of you." His tongue swiped over her and she damn near shot off the bed. He pushed a pillow under her when she lifted like he was waiting for it. "Um, so sweet for me, Bells." Jacob feasted on her juices and she saw stars or fireworks just like their Fourth of July sky. She briefly felt inept remembering her feeble attempt at orally pleasuring him when he got out of the bath. He was clearly a pro and she was a novice. It wasn't long before a second build-up approached within her. She couldn't hold back and he begged her to cum again. She did and he kept it up, even though she was so sensitive she didn't believe she could keep still for him, but he held her firmly and the next time was even more powerful.

His ascension up her body was not to be missed either. Jacob lavished attention to her breasts again. She found his thick cock in the midst of it and showed him what she longed for with strong, needy strokes up and down his length. She needed that going on inside her throbbing pussy immediately. He'd been right about taking their time but she was definitely ready. He groaned out sounds that let her know it was happening and finally they would join.

He took a few more seconds to align his body with hers. "I love you, honey. You are my life now."

Bella barely found her voice to give her love in return. She felt his heat mingle with hers. He rubbed the head over the pool of moisture, coating himself in her essence. As he slowly slid his way in, she concentrated on relaxing so he'd meet no resistance. It was then Bella deeply regretted ever being with anyone else. The list was short and less than meaningful. It wasn't a list at all, just two guys from college. She should have been pure for him, but when he completely sheathed himself within her, her thoughts became fuzzy and it didn't matter anymore because she forgot all others. She was fully Jacob's for life. He stilled and looked into her teary eyes. He kissed her mouth again. She felt the gaze penetrate her soul much like the meeting at the picnic. The imprint essentially solidified and became unbreakable like he told her it would and she'd never felt more love in all her life.

"Tell me... are you ready for me to move?"

"God yes, move. I want you so bad. You feel so good in me. This is so amazing." Bella held his face in her hands. She kissed him earnestly.

All of it was true and he did just as she pleaded. He moved inside her with such force and dominance, she was completely transformed. He made her new. Their love broke all other alliances. It was just the two of them existing. He had a way with her body that was unbridled but gentle at the same time. She was again reminded he knew her body better than she herself did. He hit all the rights spots with precisely the perfect rhythm until she was finding herself experiencing one orgasm after another. He must have some serious stamina, because several times she expected it to end. He seemed close but then he managed to contain it so they could maintain their lovemaking.

Jacob held her hands in place over her head towards the end. He told her to come with him. She wasn't sure it was possible, but he made certain that it was. He collapsed on her with just the right amount a delicious weight. She held still as their breaths slowed together. How did all this happen so fast? She couldn't believe it but she also couldn't think about her life going any other direction. Nothing had ever felt so right. He started to lift up, but Bella tried to hold him against her.

"I'm squashing you, honey."

"Don't let go."

He promised he wouldn't, he just pulled her on top of him instead when he rolled over. Jacob rubbed over her cheek. "I love you so much, Bells."

"Love you too. You're really good at this." She bit her lip and felt shy all of the sudden even though she was bolder than ever when they were in the heat of passion minutes before.

"Thanks, I was about to say the same to you."

Jacob wanted to know if she needed anything. He reached to the side table and grabbed a water bottle. They both took a few sips. Bella thought about the three days, she was already worn out. As they laid together talking and constantly touching, she started feeling a familiar stirring down below.

"Tell me the truth. What's in that tea?"

He started laughing, "I told you it's an ancient tribal secret."

"It's an aphrodisiac, isn't it?"

She reached for him and found he was more than ready for round two. She was feeling equally as aroused. Bella lifted up and showed him how ready she was as well. It was just as perfect, even more sexier. Jacob allowed her control up until a point, but sometime during their second time, she felt his dominant nature surface. His fingers gripped her hips tightly, so he could move her exactly how he wanted even though she was on top.

Eventually, he spoke to her. His voice was so raw and sexy. "Turn over." Jacob lifted her and guided her to her knees. He told her to grab the headboard. She felt a new rush of arousal surge through her veins. She liked where they were heading. He'd already pushed her to the limit or so she thought. He moved behind her much like a predator stalking prey. She felt his breath ghost across her back. He was scenting her, taking in the combined scents their sex produced. Jacob drug his nose for the cleft of her ass all the way up her spine. He latched onto his favorite area on her back like he had in the bath.

His strong warm hand held her from underneath as he sucked her skin in his hot mouth. Bella moaned, "Oh Jake, I need you inside of me again. Please..." His lips moved up her neck just beneath her ear.

"You smell so good right now, full of my seed. After this, there will be no doubts, you are mine."

"Yes, yes," she practically called out like she was on the verge of another orgasm. She knew the minute he entered her, she would be.

He positioned her hips just like he wanted. She then felt his pulsing flesh at her slick entrance. He had one more request. "Relax, and trust me. I love you more than anything."

She did just as he asked and was rewarded with a thrust of his hips. Sudden flashes, starbursts of light appeared in front of her eyes as he again filled her completely. Jacob never missed a beat, he pounded into her with fervor. She countered his thrusts with tight clenches from her internal walls. She wished to hold onto him forever. Her body was tested this go around. She was certain she couldn't have handled it like this with him the first time. There was pleasure so intense, it bordered on painful, but then quickly reverted back to sheer gratification. He held her up with one arm while the other hand worked her button.

"You like this, baby... me fucking you so hard from behind? If you want me so bad then cum again, Bells. Cum all over my cock."

All the familiar buildup was beginning again, that naughty talk gave her exactly the right amount of coaxing she needed. She knew it was merely seconds away. Jacob told her how good they smelled together again. He was definitely into her smelling like him. There was something very primal about it and she was more than eager to experience it again.

"Oh, yeah right there." She took over and rubbed where she needed it most. "Fuck, Jake."

He grunted and groaned as his own impending orgasm took hold. She clenched down on him to push him over the edge. Bella was in the midst of an all-time pleasure high, so the next occurrence completely caught her off guard. Sharp, sudden pain moved over her back and shoulder, but was quickly abated by the ultimate completion of their lovemaking. She knew he must have gone back to her love mark and given her a much stronger bite. It would have freaked her out if she knew in advance, but in the end, it was pretty damn hot.

They fell together on the mattress. Jacob threw a leg over her to keep her connected and stilled. He leaned over and lapped at her bite. She moaned.

"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, it's just so much. I don't think I can think straight for a minute."

Jacob snuggled her against him. "Sleep, honey. I won't let go. It's done now, but even so, we're just getting started."

She was too tired to reply or ask too many questions. Bella closed her eyes and went into a deep sleep.

She wasn't sure how much rest she actually got, but nature called in a serious voice and woke her up. It was hell getting his heavy arm off her, but she finally succeeded. Bella heard him mumble as she stumbled into the bathroom.

"I have to pee. I'll be right back."

That was easier said than done. She had been thoroughly screwed and he said they were just getting started. Bella decided a warm washcloth to the region was necessary. She tamed her hair, washed her face and brushed her teeth. The bed was empty when she came back, but he was on his way back in as she slipped under the covers. He had a tray with mugs.

"More tea? Are you serious?"

"Yes, it's got a little bit of everything. It's good for you. The tea helps replenish and gives you energy." She thought he left out the part about how it made her sex swell and crave attention, because there was no way, she had that sorta stamina no matter how gorgeous he was. She most definitely got a boost from the secret recipe. He brushed over her newly combed hair and kissed her softly. "Leah's leaving us some food in an hour, but drink this first and some water. How's your shoulder?"

"It's fine. What does it mean?"

He told her to drink her tea first and then he'd explain it in great detail. She sipped her mug and he did the same. She eyed the bed. It was an absolute mess. He asked if she wanted him to make it up again. Bella finished her tea covered with a throw blanket in a corner chair that faced the window. It was getting late, the sun was going down. Jacob made the bed except for the comforter. He visited the bathroom also but motioned for her to join him back on the bed when he returned.

He was comfortable with his nudity, as he should be. It was practically a crime, he covered up at all, but then again, she would never want wandering female's eyes to catch a glimpse of what was all hers. Jacob pulled the blanket off her and pulled her onto his lap. He inspected his mark again. He told her it was healing properly and he kissed it again. The warmth from his mouth caused her to shiver. She nestled in closer and relished the feel of their nude bodies pressed together.

Jacob told her a little more about the marking. Sam and Leah were able to have a double marking, Jared and Kim decided to wait. He knew her experience would be a little different since she was fully human. When he first imprinted with her, he hadn't planned on asking for it. They could complete the imprint without it and he worried about putting her tiny body through it. Of course, the thing with Edward sent his wolf over the edge. The need to mark her as his mate was compelling and grew by the second.

"So that's it, if he encounters me again, he'll sense it and turn away?"

"He better. Enough about that tick. Are you sure you're alright with all this? I've been a bit of an asshole since I met you. I swear I'm a nice guy, but so much, so fast made me a little crazy."

"No, you're perfect, well for me anyway. You're kind of a pain when you go all macho, but I still love you. Everything that happened today was magical and that doesn't even being to cover it. Making love with you is heavenly, it's like a spiritual awakening. I'm proud to bear your mark, your scent, and one day... your child. I didn't mean all that crap earlier. I can't wait to have your babies, but I'm still finishing school, okay." Jacob said some words to Bella. She knew they must be his native tongue. "That's beautiful, what does it mean?"

"Some of the words are lost in translation but basically, it means we will always be together. Nothing can separate us."

"Good, but you know in a way it sounds like marriage."

"Bella, we are married."

"Huh?" She almost choked on her own spit.

He added, "In the eyes of my pack and my tribe, you are now my wife. I committed my life to you and you accepted. Sure, one day, we'll make it legit and have a party, but I know in my soul, you and I are married."

Bella stared at the ceiling and willed it to stop spinning. She had listened to the legends and heard all about imprinting and this mating ritual, but hearing the term marriage enter the conversation threw her for a loop. She assumed Charlie knew some of this since he's close with Leah's mother, but what the hell would Renee think? She had drilled all these independent woman ideas in Bella since adolescence. She was supposed to find her own way first and foremost. Renee had convinced her she wasn't the marrying kind. She wasn't sure why she believed that or how Jacob changed her mind so abruptly.

"Breathe honey, I didn't mean to freak you out. We can wait on the official ceremony, but I'd really like to give you the ring now."

He said he already had a ring, since it was his mother's. It held significance, it was crafted by a Quileute elder. He reached into his nightstand drawer for a velvet pouch. She hadn't even spoken but found herself eagerly waving her fingers in front of him.

He chuckled, "Does this mean you want to wear the ring?"

"Yes, I'd be honored." He slipped on the ring, kissed it and then pulled her in for passionate kiss on the lips. "So, you mean it? I'm your wife?"

"Yes, honey."

She was almost giddy. They rushed into absolutely everything but she knew it felt right. Bella clung to him. She gave him a bunch of kisses across his chest. "I love you so much. Wow, this is mind blowing. What will we do to ever top this?"

She was promptly flipped on her back. Her new husband hovered over her. She felt his growing excitement between her thighs. He spoke one sexy word, "Guess?"

~Thanks for reading.

Please hit me back and let me know how this was for you. Trapped with Alpha Jake for a three day mating ritual... Yay or Nay?