For everyone out, yes I am insane xD all ma friend know that.

But like I've been dying to feature a child in at least one of my stories and none of my stories actually give way for a child, unless it's a epilogue.

So in this story I changed a lot, like I changed Brandon's cliche last name to something Italian because recently I've been head over heels for Italian guys. Like hel-lo, They are dead sexy, especially when they talk in Italian!

Anyways the OC i decided to feature, I've recently fallen in love with. He's so cute, probably the only child I'll ever like :P His name is Nicholas, but everyone calls him Nic, he's 4 years old and extremely stubborn, but good hearted.

K, enough babbling, get reading ppl!

"Well, He's back on the tabloids," I gazed at my mom's deep blue eyes, they spelled out sympathy. I shook my head and retrieved the sheet of newspaper, scanning the article with my own eyes.

Billionaire Tycoon, getting friendly with his ex-fiancée

So the was true. His eye catching features were back on the papers. The cover picture, taking up half the page had a image of him, fitted perfectly into a white tux, holding a wine glass brimmed with a beverage. In front of him stood someone I used to know: Mitzi. I sighed and chucked the paper away, wiping the lone tear that grazed my cheeks and at glanced at my mother's soft smile.

"It's okay, you don't need him, you have Nic," she replied kindly to my unspoken sorrow. A barely visible smile graced my lips. Of course, how could I ever forget him. The love of my life, Nicholas. My baby, my darling, the only reason for my living. As if on cue the child stumbled into the room, flapping a magazine in his grasp.

"Mommy, can we make this again?" He chirped back happily, shaking the shiny picture of a glass of lemonade. A full smile reached my lips as he stumbled to me. I expanded my arms and hugged him.

"Do you want to make lemonade?" I grinned and Nic nodded in excitement, giving me one those signature smiles.

"Yes! Yes! lemonade!" He clapped his hands and sat on my lap. My mom laughed at his enthusiasm and stroked Nic's soft brunette hair.

"Come with gran to pick some lemons then?" She got up, and Nic tailed her to the garden.

I exhaled and picked up the newspaper again, this time taking at good look at the picture. He hasn't changed much over the last 4 years, his fringe had gotten a tad bit longer and his features had matured at bit. He was still the same attractive man I fell for years ago. Brandon DeCaro.

A smirk kind of formed on my lips as I gazed at the way his eyes were watching Mitzi. I knew that look very well, almost too good actually. It was the look of masked disinterest, he looked as if he was talking to her for the sake of socialising.

But who am I to know his life? I folded the sheet up and placed it on the table, and stood up, strolling outside to see Nic hopping about trying to reach a lemon.

"Those ones aren't ripe honey," I giggled, picking him up to give him a boost. He grinned the way Brandon did. That full on signature grin that revealed all of his shiny pearl white teeth. Nic reached up and grabbed a lemon, tugging it down. I slid him down and he collected the lemon into the basket. I assisted in picking some lemons and dropped them into the basket. Soon we had a full bucket, enough for everyone.

"Nic, mommy and I'll prepare the glasses and squeezer, can you get some newspaper to lay on the table?" My mom leaned down and told him. Nic nodded, racing back into the house. I laughed and carried the basket to the kitchen.

Nicholas's POV

Newspapers. Newspapers. Nan said to get some newspaper. I strolled into the living room trying to locate some newspaper. As if waiting for me there was a pile of folded newspaper on the chair. Happily I grabbed it and it broke off. Newspapers are so easily broken! I picked up the papers one by one, until I spotted something familiar. Curiously I dropped the papers and picked up the page. I couldn't read, but it had a picture of a fancy dressed man and woman, drinking lemon juice on weird shaped cups. The man looked familiar, he had the same colour eyes as me! How cool! His hair was a bit darker than mine and didn't have the epic lines of yellow like I did, he looked like a bigger version of me though. I had to show mommy this guy who looks like me!

"Mommy!" I squeaked running to the kitchen with the picture.

Stella's POV

"Mommy!" Nic came racing back down to the kitchen running with a piece of newspaper.

"Did you find some other food you want?" I bent down to his height as he tumbled to me.

"Look mommy! I look like this fancy smancy man!" He chirped, shoving the picture in my face. He saw it, he saw the picture of Brandon. Shock ran down my spine and instantly I felt protective. I ripped the paper from his grasp.

"Where did you find this?" I asked, as calmly as possible. I didn't want to blow up and make Nic cry.

"On the chair in the T.V room," He pointed, My eyes flashed as I glanced at the picture.

"Stella, calm down," Mom suddenly put her hand on my shoulder and I lost all my anger. Instead I felt sorrow again. I sighed and kneeled in front of Nic.

"Nah, this guy looks so ugly," I scrunched my nose in playful disgust and Nic giggled.

"No, no he does look like me! Look at his eyes, they're like mine!" Nic was indeed too intelligent, He has Brandon's beautiful chocolate orbs and he knows it. I know it and so does mom, but I can't let Nic ever get near this awful man.

"Like yours? Baby, your eyes are way gorgeous than his," I tapped his nose. i was lying, there was no difference in their eyes, they were the spitting image, like father and son.

"Will I grow up to be like him?"

"No, way handsomer," I stroked his light brown hair. The only thing different was that his hair has soft streaks of blonde instead of full brunette.

"Handsome like daddy?"

I froze. He is your daddy. The only words that have burned me these four years. Nic mentioned a lot about his father, My original back story was his father died when he was young. Nic believes that whole heartedly and asks me to tell him stories about his dad before his fake death.

"Yes, Handsome like daddy," My mom replied to Nic and smiled at me sincerely, "Now shall we make that lemonade,"

Nic jumped up and climbed on the stool to the bench top. Mom laid some newspapers she found on the marble top and placed the lemons and squeezer in front of Nic, who had just washed his hands. I fetched the sugar and jug as Nic spun the life out of those lemons. Mom mixed the lemonade together and I placed three glasses on the table to serve. Precisely I added 7 teaspoons since I didn't want to give Nic something too sugary.

I tipped the liquid in the cups, until Nic shouted "Stop mommy!" I froze and glanced at him hop off the stool and skip to the cabinet of glasses, fetching another one, placing it with the others.

"What's this for? There's only three of us," I raised my eyebrows at him.

"For daddy," he smiled, leading the jug to the extra glass. I wanted to cry and hug him. Tell him his daddy wasn't dead, in fact that he was alive and that he was the one on the tabloids. The obvious question from him would be 'Why isn't daddy with us?'. Then how am I suppose to answer? That his father is an arrogant jerk who ended our relationship and didn't accept Nicholas?

I sighed and picked up my glass of lemonade as Nic grabbed his glass and the extra one, running off.

"Where are you going baby?" I called.

"To put Daddy's drink outside," He squeaked back.

"Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced at my mom, who shrugged. I followed Nic outside and He placed the glass on the outdoor table.

"So daddy can easily see from the sky that I made him something to drink," He replied. Tears brimmed my eyes, but I quickly wiped them off. He clamped his hands together as if praying to something.

"Dear daddy. Mommy, Nan and I made something for you to drink, Lemonade! I hope you like it, because I love it!" Nic muttered, glancing up at the sky. I bit my lips from crying and turned away, stumbling back, "Mommy loves you, daddy. And so do I, I love you daddy!" I couldn't take it anymore. I ran upstairs and collapsed onto my bed, sobbing onto my pillow.

Why Brandon? Why don't you accept us?


"Sir, Mr DeCaro?"

Brandon glanced up at his secretary. slightly recovering from his ponder.

"Yes?" He slouched down a bit and rested his feet on his desk, picking up his glass of vodka.

"Your documents are ready to be signed," Brandon wasn't even listening, he looked at the pierced olive in his vodka spinning it aimlessly. "Sir are you okay?"

The vodka glass slammed onto the table causing the secretary to jump. It didn't break since it was expensively indestructible. He flicked it so it slid over to the secretary on the other side of the table.

"Fetch me some lemonade,"

"Lemonade sir?" The secretary blinked. This man was highly sophisticated and unimaginable rich. he could have any expensive beer or wine, heck, he could even bath in them everyday. But he suddenly wanted lemonade?

"Hmm, something wrong?" He mused, lacing his arms behind his head.

"No sir, but you don't usually drink lemonade so we don't have any in the cellar," The secretary was correct. Brandon hasn't sipped Lemonade in 4 years. So why does he feel this unbearable crave for lemonade now.

"Then buy some!" Brandon growled growing impatient, he wanted his lemonade, and he wanted it now,

"C-Canned lemonade sir?"

"No, freshly squeezed, from a tree with precisely 7 teaspoons of sugar served in a common glass," He ordered, the secretary was baffled. Brandon just gave out an accurate measuring of how peasants would make their lemonade out in the meadow valleys, "I want it served outside!" Mr DeCaro snapped growing even more edgy than before.

"Yes sir!" Frantically the secretary toppled out of the office, afraid of getting fired he stumbled down the building to fetch this arrogant Tycoon some lemonade.

I was being lazy so I made my computer read it out to me XD The voice sounds weird, but it's a good way of proof reading :)

Lots of Love,
