This is for ALL you Don Kanonji haters! ;) Enjoy! ^^
The Bet
"BOHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ichgio and Brielle made an unamused face, because of the laugh that came from the television. Their sister, Yuzu, and their father, Isshin, are mimicking the guy known as Don Kanonji, on the screen.
Brielle sighed and looked to her soul brother. "I swear that guy is going to get eaten by a hollow one of these days." She said sounding like she knows it's going to happen.
Ichigo looked to her from the corner of his eyes. "He survived Aizen, so I doubt he'll be killed by your - everyday - hollow." He countered.
Brielle narrowed her eyes, seeing a challenge. She turned to face him fully. Ichigo saw this and did the same, knowing what's coming.
"So you think he won't be killed?" The black and red dragon asked. Ichigo nodded his head. "Okay then, let's make a bet. Like always, if I win you give me ten, and if you win I give you ten. But, I doubt you'll win since I always won." Brielle said with a smirk on her muzzle.
Ichigo mirrored his sister's expression. "You're on. I know I'll win this time."
Brielle throw her head back with a laugh, "In your dreams!"
~Later that day~
Ichigo and Brielle are just about to pass the park when they heard the most annoying line ever.
"Be gone, bad spirit!"
The soul siblings look toward the park to see Don Kanonji fighting against a…little…hollow…dog? What the heck?! It's so tiny and cute! How cold or stupid do you have to be to fight something that cute?! Not only that, but it looks stupid to see a grown man fighting a little dog that's not tall enough to come up to his knee.
"Um, okay…What's going on?" The scene is so weird that Brielle is having a hard time wrapping her mind around it.
"Don't. Just don't ask. Your brain will hurt less." Ichigo advised. Brielle made a little whine-growl noise in agreement.
Don Kanonji was just about to fire a Canon Ball at the hollow dog when the dog's head looked like it got ten times bigger with its mouth wide open and gulps down Kanonji in one bite. The dog looked like its body expanded from the larger than itself meal, then puffs back down to its normal sizes.
The dragon and orange haired shinigami were gawking at what they just saw. 'Did a little tiny dog just eat Don Kanonji?' They thought to themselves. 'What a way to go.' They face-palmed at how pathetic that death was.
Ichigo felt something jumping up and down his leg, so he looks down to see the little hollow dog panting up at him and waging its tail. It wants to play with him.
"Aw, that's so cute. Can we keep it? We can take it out with us on our hollow hunts so it can eat." Brielle is giving her brother puppy eyes. Ichigo tried to walk away, but the dog was following him. "I don't think it's planning on leaving you." The feathered wing dragon said.
Ichigo sighed and looked down at the dog. "Do you want to play?" Nothing, "Do you want to go back to Hueco Mundo?" Still nothing, "Do you want to come home with us?" The little dog barked.
"I'd say that's a yes." Brielle guessed pointing at the dog.
"Fine you can stay with us." The orange haired teen sighed in defeat. He picked the dog up and the dog yawned and fell asleep.
The soul siblings turned back to the sidewalk and started their walk home.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. You need to pay up when we get home." Brielle said an innocent smile.
"Darn it, I thought I had it that time." Ichigo whined and sulked all the way back home.
Happy 4th of July! :D