Crystal: Gosh I still haven't updated my other NALU fics and I already have a new one to write. This new one will be a Pirate AU!

Story Name: Take and Conquer
Rating: 'M' for cursing, sexual content /themes (lemons), pirates, etc.
Main Pairing: NALU (Pirate!NatsuxCommander!Lucy)
Side pairings:GAJEEVY (Pirate!GajeelxPrincess!Levy), GRUVIA(Pirate!GrayxPirate!Juvia), JERZA(Pirate!JellalxPirate!Erza)
Summary: Lucy lived with her uncle, King of Fiore. Since her parents' death, her uncle forces her to become his personal assassin and commander of the royal navy. Her new mission; to capture Natsu Dragneel, infamous pirate said to be king of the seas. But when the confrontation gets her captured as his slave, what will she do when he wants more than just chores done. Pirate AU NALU (Natsuxlucy)

A new beginning

Blood. Blood everywhere. I don't understand. It's like a broken record or a distorted disk that replays the same image in my mind again and again. But the pools of blood are what make me have nightmares. I first saw them when my parents were killed. We were coming home from an opera display at the theater. My father, the heir to the throne had waited patiently for the day of his coronation. It had been a few weeks since my grandfather had died and the advisors wanted my father to take the throne. I was just six years old then.

But when we arrive back at the palace someone was waiting for us. Two hooded men ready with daggers in their hands. You could only see them grinning widely. My father pushed me back as my mother made sure to guard me with her body. My mother was a magic user which I assumed is why they killed her and not just my father. She pulled out her golden key summoning her spirits to attack, but those men were skilled and cut the chase killing both my parents through stabs in the heart. They fell back and the stench of hot blood filled my nose.

I was horrified and stood frozen in place as they approached me. What then could I do? I was blinded by a trauma of complete loss. I took the dagger from my father's chest and ran towards them stabbing them each with all my might. I was insane. Or at least that's what my Uncle Ivan told me when he found me on my knees, my dress covered in the red substance. I never hated a color more. The color red. I despise it. My Uncle Ivan took me in.

He said I should have gratitude that he was kind enough to take an orphan like me under his wing. He was the next successor after my father. He became king the day my father was supposed to. How miserable. He's a vile man, despite the air of grandeur and kindness he shows the kingdom, he's rotten on the inside. You might be wondering, what reason I'd insult the 'kind' man who took poor little orphan me and gave me a home. Well he insisted I show him my gratitude. In all honesty, he was impressed on how a child could possibly kill two men.

And so torture began. He made me the monster I am. He made me just like him at a young age of was then that the smell and sight of blood surrounded me every day. And every time I saw it, I saw my parents.

At day, I was a lady of society full of leadership and nobility. Commander of the royal navy. A true role model and a woman desired by any and all men, but at night I became a ruthless killer. My uncle knew there were those who opposed him and knew of his two faced nature. I existed to make sure they kept quiet by 'kindly' slitting their throats until I saw the color I despised pool around their dead bodies. I no longer felt regret or a stabbing pain of remorse as the blood spilled so easily down my knife. I no longer was a person. I lost all humanity and became a mere possession. The only person who could make me feel even just a bit human was my cousin Princess Levy, Ivan's daughter.

She was everything I would never be able to be even if I tried atoning for my sins. My hands were far too dirty to ever go back to be like her. She was quite beautiful and she was kind, caring, and full of life. She was what I could have been if my parents were still alive. I adored her as she adored me. She was the only reason my uncle gave me a life of luxury, let me eat at the table, let me room with her, and let me keep the status of a noble. Otherwise, I have no doubt he'd let me rot in a cave if my use to him was finished. Oh, Levy, I pray to the gods you never find out who I am when you turn around.


"Lucy-chaann", a blunette squeaked as she ran down the marble halls of a beautiful palace. She had big brown eyes and fair skin and wore a light pastel pink gown while a tiara encrusted in diamonds adorned her head. Lucy turned to her after just getting out of their room. Lucy wore at the moment her uniform. A red military coat with yellow shoulder blades and black buttons with a black skirt to half way down her thighs. She had knee high brown heeled boots with laces and black stockings to her knees. To finish her look she had her ash blonde hair in a high pony tail with a sword at her right hip and a gun on the left.

Lucy's dulled brown eyes immediately brightened at the sight of her cousin Levy. "Levy-chan!" Lucy smiled brightly waving at the running princess. "I noticed you still have your uniform on. It's almost bed time and I really wanted to read this book to you", Levy smiled showing her the leather bound book. Lucy immediately frowned. "I…Uh…Something came up, and as the commander I have to go on guard tonight like I do sometimes you know", Lucy feigned a smile. Levy pouted, but just nodded. "I know you must have something important to do, but I just wished you had more time with me", Levy muttered holding the book against her.

"Yeah, I know, but I'll tell you what. Since tonight I can't, how about tomorrow I invite my subordinate Yukino to sleep over and we can read all these stories together?" Lucy assured her placing a hand at her shoulder. Levy nodded and smiled bidding Lucy good night and scrambling into her room. Lucy let out a shaky breath as she removed her coat. She walked down the halls and to the library. She looked around making sure no one was in sight as she pulled a book out and a large shelf moved to the sides revealing the entrance to her training room underground as she stepped down the dungeon like steps.

As she arrived, her uncle was waiting for her. He had dark blue hair and onyx eyes and gave a smile at Lucy who didn't respond with the same gesture. "Welcome, Lucy, always on time I see", he chuckled darkly. Lucy remained silent as she grabbed a few materials from the sides of the room. She placed down the coat in her hands as she place on black straps to her legs to attach knives to them and loaded her gun. She grabbed a deep purple hood from the side and placed it on herself without placing the hood on her head quite yet. She grabbed at a belt as she placed it on with her mother's celestial keys attached.

She sat in front of her uncle with an expressionless face. "What is it now?" she said sternly. Ivan just chuckled. "Right to the business, I see. You are quite perfect at what you do", he said. Lucy huffed refraining from spilling obscenities at him. "Anyways, my cute little assassin. Tonight I want to get rid of one of the merchants who keeps being a nuisance to my plans. I want you, my kitten, to make sure he sleeps ten feet underground tonight", he smiled at her as she took an envelope with the address and name of the person from the table. "Please, your majesty, refrain from calling me 'cute little assassin', and 'kitten', or any other despicable pet names you find amusing to call me. My name is Lucy", she said glaring at him.

Ivan stood amused from his seat and neared Lucy. He grabbed her chin and kissed her forehead. "Ah, but you are no one to tell me how I should call you. You belong to me, Lucy Heartfilia. You are not a person since you killed those two men. You became my property the moment I gave you a home. I can call you whatever I please, and you should have no objections. From now on I'll direct you as 'pet', and you'll respond to me as master, and if you object I'll make sure my sweet little levy finds out the kind of monster you really are", he whispered in her ear.

He felt her flinch at the mention of Levy. "So it seems you have no objections, pet?" he asked her sickly sweet. Lucy clenched her fists as he stood waiting for a response. "Yes…master", she hissed as she flew up the steps and neared the crystal window at the edge of the library. She placed on her hood and a pair of black gloves while she jumped out and hid herself in the shadows like a cat. No longer than a few minutes, Lucy had arrived at the right moment when said merchant was rearranging the products he would ship off tomorrow. She stepped out of the shadows with only the light of the moon reflecting on her violet hood.

The man felt her presence and turned around. "W-Who are you? Do you need something?" he asked slightly trembling. Lucy said nothing only casually reaching towards her belt and pulling out her ring of keys. The man trembled. "No! Please! You are the Key Master Assassin aren't you? Please don't kill me! I'll give you anything you want! Money or anything!" he sputtered backing up to the crates of goods. He was scared shitless he literally pissed his pants. Lucy tried to hold back her groan of disgust as she reached for her knife. She jumped forward with such grace on the crates.

The man was blinded by his fear that he thought she'd left him alone. He didn't even have the time to breathe out in relief and thank the gods as she muttered "surprise" in his ear and slit his throat in a quick flick of her wrist. The blood spilled on the ground. She hated the mess, but her bastard uncle always wanted her to leave the biggest mess she could as a reminder to the kingdom's people not to defy him and also a reminder that she would always do his bidding. She read her instructions and her nose wrinkled in disgust. She sighed, and using her knife pulled at the man's arm and cut it off.

She took it with a grim look on her face attaching the note Ivan had left in the envelope to attach to the arm and left it right in front of the man's house for his family to find the next morning. Lucy finally took on of her keys and stretched it out to think air. "Open gate of the maiden, Virgo!" A yellow light flashed before a maid appeared before Lucy. Her blue eyes staring at her and her pink hair gleaming in the moonlight. "Hime, you called?" she bowed to her. Lucy sighed. "Virgo, please refrain from calling me princess", Lucy muttered. Virgo only smiled, "Despite what you may do, hime, you'll always be a hime to me", she smiled. Lucy stayed silent appreciative of her spirit's encouraging words.

"Okay, Virgo, dig up a hole and bury this man", Lucy pointed as Virgo nodded and did her work. "Not even your gods could save you. Just like they haven't saved me", she muttered to the pile of dirt that now covered the man's body as she retreated into the night for a well-deserved rest.


The next morning, Lucy had woken up early as usual. It could be seen that she yet again had nightmares and insomnia from the displeased look on her face. She pulled on her uniform and coat while reaching for her sword and gun. This time however she went with a hair style of a long braid to avoid her hair getting in the way of her work. She placed on her brown leather gloves and gave a long sigh. She was stressed out. Each time it was more difficult to handle both of her jobs, but for her own sake, she had no choice, but to obey. There was no point in turning back. This was her decision and now she had to do it whether she liked it or not.

A knock at the door got Lucy out of her train of thought. She neared Levy's sleeping form on the other side of the room and moved her hair out of her face. She smiled at her lightly as she continued to sleep. She finally came to the door and opened it revealing a young maid with a brown belt at hand. "Ah, good morning Commander Heartfilia, his majesty has summoned you and told me to return this to you", she bowed nervously. Lucy took the belt so she could place it on her waist remembering that her celestial keys were in one of the belts pocket compartments.

This could only mean, her bastard uncle was about to give her another dangerous mission. He always did this. He very well could get rid of people in his way, but in order to get rid of her, he sent her on impossible missions in hope she'd end up dead, but Lucy always amused herself by always coming back and proving his plan had failed. She dismissed the maid walking to the throne room where said uncle was lazily drinking a glass of wine. The tapping of Lucy's boots were enough to give him warning of her entrance. Ivan didn't bother with looking at her as he sipped slowly at his drink. "Always so lovely, pet", he said finally sitting up straight in his throne.

"I heard that you summoned me", Lucy said simply crossing her arms. "Why yes, pet, but I recall that you're missing something in your words", he said chuckling to her luck. She frowned narrowing her eyes before she said. "Forgive my rudeness, master. But please do inform me of how I may be of service", she responded with venom in her words as she mocked him with an exaggerated bow. He slightly frowned since he was not pleased with her way of finding a positive side to his demeaning nature. "Anyways, I do recall that you know of Natsu Dragneel, yes?" he said simply waving his goblet around.

"Yes. He's the infamous pirate known to be 'king of the seas' or so to speak. Besides wrecking many of our naval ships, he's also stolen a lot of our treasure and goods. He's skilled in swordsmanship and is said to possess the most powerful lost fire magic. They call him a dragon slayer. He's cunning and sneaky and as reported from the towns nearby, he's very destructive, leaving many of the villages in havoc and seeking to reconstruct their homes. He is captain of the crew he calls 'Fairy Tail'. Every attempt of his capture has been a failure and almost impossible. His crew is most recognized for the fact that they all possess powerful magic", Lucy explained every detail of the pirate to perfection.

Ivan frowned even more. He hated that Lucy was well informed of the affairs of the kingdom more than he was. He despised it and he despised her. "I see your well informed…So your mission, since you know them so well is to capture Natsu Dragneel and bring him to me on his knees. He's been very naughty stealing all our goods, but as the good guard dog you are, I'm sure there will be no failure of his capture in your hands", he grinned. Lucy pretended the mission didn't face her. But honestly, she'd never met the man before. She knew so much from what she took notes of, but she recalled everyone described him as intimidating and ruthless.

"Very well. I shall bring him here for the sake of the kingdom", Lucy responded bowing. "Just for the kingdom?" he asked grinning at her once more. Lucy knew he didn't expect her to return and so she regarded him with a piece of her mind. She laughed bitterly. "Why yes it is only for MY kingdom. You took the opportunity to steal it from my hands, but I will not abandon them in times of need. Please excuse me, your 'greatest' majesty. Regard Levi with my best wishes when she awakes", Lucy laughed as she heard him growl as she walked away. She felt so relieved to finally say that, but now was not the time to enjoy her little victory because in the end he'd have the last laugh if she died.

She then remembered one of her missions from the king went sent to assassin a noble. She'd entered a pub that night to find the peasant working for the noble when she'd overheard that the 'king of the seas' was planning a great raid on Hargeon. Lucy nodded to herself remembering every detail of the conversation she'd heard that night before she'd spotted the man she was looking for and forgot the information the days to come. She ran up to her ship being saluted by the men and met with her subordinate Yukino. She was a silver head with beautiful slanted brown eyes and petite features and a very nice figure.

Alike Lucy, Yukino was a desirable woman, but she always remained at Lucy's side loyally and did not waste her time on men. She saluted Lucy and had on the same version of Lucy's uniform, but it was simply red with black and did not have the yellow shoulder blades that Lucy's had. "Yukino let us discuss out action plan for the new mission from the king", Lucy said seriously as she led Yukino into her study. They sat across from each other on the table as Yukino sat back awaiting the new, surely, dangerous mission from the king. "My mission is to capture Captain Natsu Dragneel", she said simply.

Yukino's eyes widened in shock. "What?! But he's dangerous. We can't just approach a pirate like that. As the royal navy, our job is to protect the citizens, not search out for criminals!" Yukino yelled angrily. "Yuki, quiet down! If they hear you, they'll call out treason on you. And you know as well as I do that my uncle is trying to get rid of me, but I won't fail this mission for my cousin who has to live with such a despicable man", Lucy hissed under her breath. Yukino slumped back in her chair sighing. She was Levy's second best friend, and she knew the horrible reality of king's nature.

She was another victim saved by Levy. "Okay, so now what?" Yukino asked crossing her arms. "Right now we sail to Hargeon, and finally capture that pirate. I'll capture him if it's the last thing I do", Lucy slammed her fist on the table as Yukino nodded. Lucy got out of her study followed by Yukino as she was yet again saluted. "Alright, men. Everyone into positions for the king has bestowed a new mission to capture Natsu Dragneel once and for all. Set the sails, we are headed towards Hargeon. For the king!" she yelled raising her fist in the air. She hated her fake words, but it always worked to encourage her men as they yelled in approval.

'Mother. Father. If you're up there, protect me' Lucy thought as the men scramble to prepare for departure. It was now or never.

Crystal: So we'll finally introduce Natsu and the Fairy crew in the next chapter. Review and tell me what you think so far.