Summary: Meg has a plan to go back in time and screw over the Winchesters and their allies.

Five Step Revenge Plan

Step 1: Go back in time and set up a base of operations.

Meg (not her name, but even fellow demons seemed to have forgotten that, so she kept using it) had been frustrated with the Winchesters before. Now, since none of her plans were working, she kept having to ally with the two brothers she'd really rather kill, and she just wasn't taking this anymore. In fact, she had a list of those she was thoroughly fed up with, which included several humans, demons and angels she would like to screw over or just outright kill.

It would also be easier to do if she could time travel, and it wasn't that hard to find a half dozen genuine books on the subject. (She stole them, actually, and that had not been an easy feat with her lack of allies.)

There were plenty of time travel spells, and while going forward was always a problem, going back to a point in time that could be manipulated wasn't that hard. Eight dead people latter (homeless, three so strung out on drugs they were about to die anyway) and Meg was now possessing yet another homeless woman in 2008, and teleporting to do a quick check she had made it back in time. She grinned as she found a cross, and more importantly, the recently churned dirt in a rectangle.

Poor Dean was just now in hell, the angels wouldn't pay any attention to Sammy's prayers, and Ruby (with the help of Lilith and her posse) was keeping any other demons from answering Sam's summons until the bitch decided he was desperate enough to listen to anything and start twining him around her fingers.

Which had been roughly 28 days from Dean's attack, as Meg recalled, and that meant she needed to set up an appropriate lair in a week at most.

Not that hard, now that she knew all about Anti-Angel wards, and more powerful demon wards that only allowed the creator access. (She supposed she owed the Winchesters some small gratitude, but honestly, that only meant she wasn't going to remove any limbs when she tortured them.)

The Abandoned Farmhouse she found was actually not that old, only just starting to decay, on the border of Illinois and Iowa and far away from any city, town, or neighboring farmhouse so that screams wouldn't be heard.

Sammy wouldn't be her only guest, after all, she had a list of people to go after. Meg hummed as she walked out the door.

Step 2: Kill Ruby, Capture Sam (or at least lure him into a chase)

Sam's relief when he saw Meg's meat suit was almost amusing. So was Ruby's showing up to stop 'Sam making the same mistake as his brother'. Ruby honestly had thought she was just some low-level crossroads to be cowed back into line. It never occurred to Ruby she was facing an equally powerful lieutenant. So, it was easy to get the knife and kill Ruby, though it burned up her meat suit to the point she wouldn't be able to overpower Sam without it falling apart.

"Ruby!" Sam had yelled, enraged, "She was going to help me with my powers!"

"So she claimed, she worked for Lilith, you know." Meg grinned at Sam's stunned look. "Oh, you fell for the 'I betrayed Lilith to help a mortal' line? You're just a pawn for hell, Winchester. Your brother's a pawn for the other side, so we removed it from the board."

"Other side?" Sam clearly wasn't sure he believed her, but Meg was honestly thrilled she could screw up part of the Angel's plans here and now, so she kept talking.

"Angels, sweetness, Angels. They'll pull him out of hell eventually, he's too good a pawn for them to leave there."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because, you're a pawn for hell," Meg repeated with a grin. "That demon blood you've got, Angels will never answer your prayers, and while it was cute watching you get maneuvered around the board like a lemming, I want to play a different game before they get your brother out."

"A game?" Sam looked at her in annoyance. Fortunately, Meg still had the knife.

"Angels have special children too, vessels, they call them, people capable of handling being possessed by an angel so they can work on earth. I want to see if you'll be any better at saving them than your fellow demon children." Meg smirked, taking Ruby's phone, and tapping a set of coordinates into it. "First location, Sweetness, you better hurry, you'll only be able to save one." She tossed the knife at him, and vanished.

Step 3: The Novaks

As fun as Clarence had been, he had caused her quite a bit of grief with his habit of choosing the Winchesters and not paying attention to her. Thus, her choice of victims were the Novaks, what little she knew about them didn't make much of a difference, in her opinion, she just needed to severely damage one of the Winchesters stronger allies, how didn't really matter.

With her meatsuit crumbling, Meg left it in an alley and went after Mommy Novak. The woman didn't have the same faith as her husband or daughter, it was actually easy to hop in her, grab their little girl, and take her to the lair.

Poor little girl was so confused and scared when her mommy's eyes went black and she was tied to a chair. Meg kissed her head, enjoying Mommy Novak's screams, and left to get the other goal of this game.

Jimmy pegged on right away that something was wrong, which was amusing (grant it, he did so because apparently, the Novaks were one of those Christian families with cutesy bottles of holy water on their bookcase, and he gave her the leaking one, it was hard to hide the sound of sizzling flesh, and Mommy Novak cheered) and when he demanded where Claire was (oh, that was the little girl's name, huh) that she just rolled her eyes and sucker punched the man out.

Made it more difficult to get him in the car without witnesses, (Sam had a few more hours to go, if she had the times and distances right, she might as well give him some time to catch up) and quickly paint a 'No Angel Listening/Looking' sigil on the top of the ceiling, but she managed.

Then she started the long drive to her lair, Mommy Novak going quiet with her husband unconscious next to her. Meg studied Jimmy as she drove, remembering what he was like possessed by Castiel. If she'd had more time, she might have played with him. His wife didn't like which way her feelings were going, apparently, and Meg had some fun taunting her by gently running a hand through Jimmy's hair.

Of course, he woke up (she should have drugged him) but she rather enjoyed his confusion at being handcuffed in the passenger seat.

"Amelia …"

"Sorry, she's not in right now." Meg chuckled. "Now, as fun as it is to listen to your panicked questions, I'm going to preempt some right now- I'm a demon, your daughter is safe for the moment, and your family is bait for a Monster hunter who I loathe."

"What are you going to do to us?"

"A little of this, a little of that; haven't really decided yet, but since Sweet Sammy's already seen his brother torn apart, hell hounds are out."

"Sammy's the monster hunter?"

"You are smarter than you look." Meg smiled. "Yes, he's the monster hunter. Nice guy by your standards, the size of a moose and has the most adorable grief-stricken look I've ever seen; yours is a close second, I think." She gently caresses his face, and he pulls away, Amelia screaming at her in her head. "Your wife doesn't like me touching you, perhaps I'll see how far I can go before he arrives?"

Jimmy didn't respond to that, she could tell he'd realized that his family's screwed.

Step 4: Some sort of Torment … really too many things to choose from.

Traffic. She had picked back roads and she still got stuck in traffic. Jimmy showed remarkable self-restraint and sat still, not trying to get someone's attention or call for help.

Meg wasn't going to ignore such good behavior- the Winchesters and their angel would be making a break for it right now, regardless of who was captured, just so they could have a better chance at taking her down. "I guess I'll cross off a few torments with how good you're being." Meg smirked. "Shame, really, I was thinking of what I could do with little Claire." Jimmy's face was impassive, but judging from the jaw muscle twitching, it was an attempt at keeping control.

So many thing she could do ..., she wouldn't be able to do them all. And, she was bored.

"Really, so many things to do, I'm a bit limited with this body, and of course, Sammy might show up before I can really start, but perhaps I can start narrowing the list even further." Meg 'mused' aloud, "Amelia, of course gets a front row seat, feeling, seeing and hearing everything I do, that ought to be torment enough for her- really, for a born and raised christian, she doesn't believe in half of what she says she does."

Jimmy shifted, as if wanting to shut her up.

"Of course, you'd be amazed how often that is the case, but honestly, she just follows your lead and goes through the motions." Meg continued. "Of course, you're thinking I'm lying right now, but Jimmy Dear, us demons? If telling the truth will hurt, we will tell it. Some omission, keep details vague, but there's always a grain of truth to our lies, we learned a long time ago that blatant lies makes it difficult for people to follow us." Meg smiled at the glare he shot her, it held a glimmer of uncertainty to it. "Sammy, for instance, he's desperate to kill the demon that took his brother to hell, I tell him I could help, he'd forget about the people I've killed." Well, be tolerant, but not forgetting, and the instant he didn't need her, she'd have a knife in her back. "Hmm, I suppose that's another reason not to hurt wittle Claire, maybe when I'm done with Amelia, I'll take her instead, Sammy would really hesitate killing me then ..."

That got a reaction, Jimmy yanked against the handcuffs before regaining some self control. "Don't, please!"

"Jimmy dear, you shouldn't worry, I'll still play with you." Meg grinned as she gently squeezed his knee- 'gently' being a relative term, Jimmy gasped in pain, there would be bruises there. "In fact, I think you and I will spend the most time together."

"Why are you doing all this if you want to kill this monster hunter?"

"Sammy and his brother have been thorns in the side of many, with big brother out of the way, Sammy's vulnerable, open to manipulation, perfect to play with until he breaks. Then I'll kill him." Meg patted Jimmy's leg, and turned towards her lair.

She pulled Jimmy out of the car, unlocking one wrist to pull them both behind his back. "I'll give you and Claire some time alone, before the fun starts." She promised, guiding him into the house, and the room Claire was tied to a chair in.

Only to come up short due to the devil's trap on the ceiling. "What!"

"Now!" Came a familiar voice, and little Claire threw holy water on her- she released Jimmy, who lunged away, Claire slipping the ropes and running to her dad.

"I see I shouldn't have worried about giving you time to catch up." Meg chuckled. "Sweetness, you even used little Claire as bait, what would your brother say?"

Sam moved out of the shadows, playing with the knife. "Terrible plan, but it's the last one we've got."

Sam naturally didn't waste any time trying to exorcise her, but Meg shattered the trap and lunged at him, throwing him into a wall.

"Well, you're quicker than I thought, Sweetness."

"Mommy!" Claire called out, and Meg snorted, turning towards her.

"Leave her, I won't kill you." Sam snapped, as he moved so he'd be between Meg and the other two.

"Oh, I don't think so, Sammy, you won't kill a mommy in front of her baby." Meg chuckled, "Or her baby's daddy. That would be so ironic …"

"I know, my mother's death, now get out of her."

"No, you don't know, Sweetness, lovely Jessica's stomach was slashed up for a reason, you see." Meg grinned, and Jimmy gave a harsh intake of breath, coinciding with Sam going pale.

"You're lying."

"Oh, am I? There wasn't much left of her to autopsy, you remember, besides, I doubt there wasn't much of her stomach left intact."

Jimmy started up the exorcism again, having found one on his phone, but Meg bugged out instead, leaving Amelia to crumple on the floor.

Step 5: Keep screwing people over

Meg found another body, and smiled when she returned to the lair and found nothing left of the Novaks or Sam. She'd meant to keep them here and kill them, but this new game might be more fun. Tearing apart Sam's confidence, dragging the Novaks into hell … yes, she'd enjoy this.

Sam wouldn't return, his mistake, but Meg could use this place for a while.

Winchesters, Novaks, the Trans- no, wait, different prophet right now, Chuck Something- she'd ought to write what she remembered of the past few years down.

Wait, hadn't there been a book series about the Winchesters the current prophet wrote? That would help.

She'd have to get a laptop, Ruby's cell plan was junk.

DunDunDun ... Meg's just going to be doing her best to make lives miserable ...

Clarification: I was under the impression that Ruby had left Sam alone for a while after Deam's death, before returning to seduce him and teach him how to use his powers. Meg came back during this period of separation, and when Ruby showed up to kill her to keep Sam from making a deal to get Dean out of hell, it was done so Sam would believe Ruby had his best interests at heart. Meg, on the other hand, doesn't really care.

So, with that said, leave a review, next chapter, we get to see some fallout from Sam meeting the Novaks, it's ... different.