I know, I know there are a million of these, and this one probably won't be any more original than the rest but I don't really care. Some of the things I've 'stolen' are just things that need to be there. I do hope you enjoy though, and that you find my version interesting. Also, if you're triggered by abuse, or suicide attempts, or anything of the like, don't read this fic. There is a lot of violence in it, often against kids. I'm not a nice writer. I'll say now that some chapters are pretty short; don't hate me.


Destiny had no face, no body, no name, but she was the most powerful force on earth. Gods bowed before her decisions; kings fell at her hand; servants kissed her feet. She was everything, but even she saw her callousness sometimes. And those sometimes always seemed to be when young Merlin held his legs and sobbed on top of his rock-hard bed.

Of all the people on the earth, destiny knew she'd been most cruel to Merlin. She'd been most cruel to all those of Camelot really, and perhaps there was something she could do about that. It would be risky, and she'd be defying herself, but it would be worth it.

If Merlin had to cry, he at least didn't have to be alone.

The Round Table of Camelot found themselves standing by a lake that spread as far as their eyes could see. Swords were drawn, as the Knights didn't know how they got there, but Merlin's magic didn't rise within him. He knew this place, if only from his childhood dreams. There was nothing to fear here, except for each other.

"Mate, there's an image in the water!" Gwaine balked looking down at the figure.

Arthur scowled, "What kind of magic is this?" To answer his question, a young girl rose from the lake, her eyes lingering on one member of the present party for a second too long. "Witch! What have you done to us?"

"Nothing," the girl admitted, her voice as elegant as Merlin remembered. "I have not brought you here young Pendragon, and I cannot send you away. Destiny has tasked me with being here to help you though the experience, but I am no more in control than you."

"I recognize you." Arthur wasn't sure how, but he had seen her face before. "Name yourself?"

Arthur's sword passed right though her, terrifying the knights, and breaking Merlin's heart again. "I am the lady of the lake, a spirit who guards this place and its secrets. Before I died though, my name was Freya."

Gwaine scowled, "Now that can't be true, because I asked Merlin once when he was drunk if he'd ever loved anyone, and he said she was named Frey…" Even he wasn't thick enough to continued after looking over at Merlin's tear-stained face. "Blimey, you're Merlin's lost love? Merlin, you fell in love with the lady of the lake?"

Freya reached out her hand to hold his, even though both knew she was nothing but water vapor. "Merlin fell in love with a girl, and lost her, causing him much pain. And that is why we are here today, because Camelot faces a grave threat. If you are to defeat it, you cannot be ignorant of each other's past. Destiny has willed it shown, all of it."

"She'd telling the truth," Lancelot whispered not looking up from the lake. "About destiny showing us our path…that's my mother, and if she's having a baby then it's me."

Freya nodded, fading back into the lake. "I will be here if you need me, but I do not have the answer to everything. Some things may have to remain a mystery."

"Merlin," the boy heard Gaius whisper in his ear. "If we're going through each of our paths then eventually we'll get to yours."

The boy had been thinking just that. Sooner or later Arthur would discover Merlin's magic in the worst possible way, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

"Well, I'm not cooperating with what this sorceress wants, even if Merlin was in love with her," Arthur grunted walking away from the lake. Guinevere grabbed him though, giving him a hard look. "You can't really think it's a good idea?"

Gwen was no fool. "I think it's our only option. I know magic, and if we try to leave we will not be able to. Not until whoever did this, destiny, Freya, get what she wants."

Arthur sneered, but looking into his love's eyes, nodded and sat by the lake with the others. Reluctantly, they all looked down at baby Lancelot, and felt themselves sucked into the memory.