Major trigger warning.

Time was passing, pounds were disappearing, and sanity was draining.

At 104 lbs , Misaki lived his normal life.

Correction, Misaki thought. What I'm doing isn't living. It's... Not anything really.

Misaki sat in his regular seat at the back of Kamijou's class. With dull eyes, he watched his pencil tap rhythmically against the thick note book. Suddenly, his cold body started to shake uncontrollably. He bent down to the backpack settled between his feet and pulled out a jacket. He wrapped it around him snugly and sighed quietly. He slouched against the back of his seat and continued to shiver.

"You okay?" A random kid next to him asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just cold, sorry if I disturbed you." Misaki answered back, with an oddly sarcastic tone. The man turned back towards his desk with a nod.

Misaki couldn't concentrate, he felt anxious and jittery. In attempt to at least look like he was listening he glued his eyes to the front board for the rest of the class. Misaki jumped at the sudden appearance of the bell ringing. He gathered his books and papers and shoved them into his bag. He trotted down to the lunch room and sat at a random table.

Other students started to suffocate the room. The sounds of velcro ripping, plastic being crumpled, and containers being pried open filled the wide open space. Misaki's stomach growled angrily and pulsed in agonizing pain unlike any other. His body felt beyond nauseous and his heart beat pounded against his skull. Misaki curled in on himself, wrapping his arms around his body. He groaned quietly as he laid his head down in his hands.

Misaki's body said eat but the voice in his head told him otherwise. He finally jumped out of his seat and walked away to another room due to the sensory overload in his head. Misaki went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirrors. The student rubbed his hands over his whole face roughly.

He walked into a stall and sat down on the toilet seat with a plop. He sighed and pulled out his phone, only 50 more minutes till he could go home. He turned it off and began to put it in his pocket. Not before he saw a glance of his face in the reflection of the screen. His face looked as malnourished as his body. He pulled out his diary and wrote in it heatedly.

I wish I could kill the part of myself that hates

me so much, but I think that's impossible,

Because it feels like that's all I've become.

If I wanted to kill my inner demons, I had to

Kill every part of me. I feel like a nothing, and

That's probably what I am to others as well,

Nothing. I'm full of hatred towards myself and

it's killing me slowly.

- Misaki


"Welcome home," Akihiko greeted happily as Misaki walked through the door. He pulled him into a quick hug and pecked the top of his head with a kiss. Misaki grunted in slight pain as he was forcefully pulled into the man's arms.

Misaki gave his lover a small smile before plopping his body on the couch. He grabbed a thin blanket off of the arm and draped it over him. It felt like nothing to Misaki, so he stood up and reached for the blanket on the opposite couch. A wave of dizziness overcame him as he did so, he grabbed it quickly and laid back down, spreading both blankets on top of him.

Akihiko watched him warily from behind the kitchen counter. He went back to work on the smells coming from the pot of rice he was hovering over. When the simple food looked about done he shoved some in a bowl for himself and Misaki and set it on the table.

Without thinking, Misaki stood up and walked over to the kitchen table. He started eating before he even sat down properly. Akihiko sat down as well and watched him with wide eyes. They both skipped their usual prayer and dug in.

"Someone was hungry," Akihiko laughed.

Misaki's mind at the time didn't think about why the man even cooked for them and why he was shoveling it into his mouth uncontrollably. His mind did register the amount of laxatives he was shoving down his throat as he sat on the sink counter. He did what he feared he'd do, he binged. He binged like there was no tomorrow. He binged as he asked for seconds and eventually thirds.

The boy stepped on the glass scale, it read 107 lbs.

Sadness, disappointment, and disgust filled the boy to the brim. Gaining 3 pounds wouldn't mean much to a normal person, but to misaki it meant every thing. He was impatient as the laxatives didn't take away the pounds right this second. He practically swallowed his fingers as he shoved them into the back of his throat. He tried a second time to release his stomach of the putrid food he had consumed. A second attempt did the trick as he vomited into the sink. Tears were already pouring down his face.

Misaki moved around hysterically as he ripped open the new mirror cabinet above the sink. He grabbed the one blade razor sitting the top shelf and non-hesitantly slashed his left arm with it. Loud sobs escaped his throat and white noise filled his ears. The fluorescent lights above him made his head spin and pierced his sensitive eyes.

"Fuck, fuck, fucking, fuck! Fuck this! Fuck everything!"

Footsteps were pounding up the stairs and strong hands were already trying to rip open the locked door. Misaki just continued to slash and cut at his bloody limbs. On his legs, on his arms, deeply, shallowly, whatever.

The door was pried open and slammed into the wall. Akihiko grabbed Misaki from behind and pulled him tightly into his chest. The man grabbed the razor from Misaki's hand and threw it out into the hallway. He frantically tried stroking the boys hair and face to calm him down. He was afraid. This was not the Misaki that he knew so well, this was a mad man.

"MISAKI! STOP IT!" Akihiko had never screamed so loud in his entire life. He picked up Misaki bridal style before he ran down the stairs to the telephone. He had to let Misaki's feet touch the floor for he need a hand to pick the phone up with. He dialed 911 as fast as he could, it was hard to concentrate on anything with a screaming, bloodied Misaki in his grasp.

Time seemed to be going in slow motion for Misaki. His blood got on to the older man's shirt as he thrashed around violently in his embrace in means of escape. No sound was reaching his ears. He could see Akihiko shout into the phone before the distance call of an ambulance sounded quietly in the background. Everything in sight went white.