A.N- This is my first time writing anything close to AmeLiet, so let me know what you guys think! If you're wondering when this is set, I wrote it with the late 70's in mind. However, it's up for interpretation. As usual, I own nothing!

Dear Mr America,

Honestly, I'm not sure where to start. It's been so long since we've had a chance to talk, and so much has happened since then. After the crash, I managed to get through about a decade of relative independence. Feliks tried to make peace with me a couple of times, claiming he'd regained his memories, and he was sorry for what he'd done. I wanted to believe him, but I wouldn't allow myself to until he'd taken his soldiers out of my city, and given me my capital and freedom back. He tried talking to me just before the Germans came. I wish I'd listened now, but back then I only told him it was the least he deserved. I had no idea how serious it was going to get. If I had I never would have said that. I don't even know why I'm telling you this. I just needed to get it out. Anyway, not long after that Russia came to take me back to his house. Now, to try and set something straight, I'm going to point something out. Russia rarely physically hurt us. He preferred to knock us down emotionally. Our cultures meant nothing, and our opinions mattered even less. I can't start on what he did and is continuing to do to our people. In the interest of safety, I will not say anything until I have my freedom back. That's mainly why I have to get out of there as soon as possible. This secret needs to be shared.

I don't plan on coming back to stay with you when all this is over. I thought you ought to know that. Honestly, it's nothing personal. I just want my freedom, to not have to answer to anyone. You should be able to understand that. I will still come and visit, of course. I just won't stay.

This isn't going to be forever, you know. We won't always be on opposite sides of this war. All conflicts have to come to an end. This one can't be the exception. I don't want to fight you anymore. I want to be your friend, not your enemy. Please don't hate me for what Russia's doing, or for what he makes us do. I promise you, I have nothing to do with it.

Your Friend,

Lithuania (Lithy)