The sorrows from within.

Chapter 1: Worst day of the year.

It was June 15th, and the last week of school. But yet again it was raining, just like every June 15th. It was about 10:17 am and Hope was going to her 3rd period class. Hope wasn't your average teenager, she was 15 and her life was the opposite of her name. She was a person that didn't fit well with others. She never talked to other people her age and she never made friends since she was 12.

Hope was detached from every one, she only wore black and she was quite unique She had bright silver hair that shone like the morning sun, and blood red eyes. She Always sat at the back of the class room, not speaking to anyone or showing any emotions whatsoever.

When the school day was over every other girl was worried about getting there cloths wet in the rain, but not Hope. This specific day it always rained and she would spend that day walking through it. She walked into the rain and looked up at the blackened sky filled with agony. The rest of the girls looked at her and laughed.

" Hey hope why don't you join the rest of the out casts that stand in the rain alone." A rich popular spoke with a giggle throughout her sentence.

Hope didn't respond, over the last 3 years she has learned to block out anything or everything. She started walking, not particular destination just walking. Hope had been walking for about 2 and a half hours and the rain had become sheets of blurry liquid. All of a sudden Hope heard some yell in the distance.

" Hey there she is!!!" The voice was as clear as a cool breeze on a hot summers day. Hope heard this and knew she was in trouble so she ran. But after she was running for over a half and hour some one tackled her to the ground.

" Now why where you running from us Hope?" The voice spoke to Hope as if he were concerned about something. Hope knew exactly who it was that tackled her, it was Brock the school football captain.

" Yeah, we only wanted to talk" Another voice became known to Hope's ears.

" well I don't have anything to talk about to you Brock" Hope said trying to stand up.

" Oh thats not very nice" Brock said while giving Hope a swift punch in the stomach, which knocked Hope to the ground gasping for air.

" Why don't you pick on some one your own size" Hope said after being able to breathe normally.

" Because if I did, the person wouldn't be as fun as you Hope" Brock said in a mocking tone with a smirk upon his face.

Another blow hit Hope's jaw and split her lip, causing a stream of blood to flow down her chin. She got up and stood her ground, she would over look the snotty comments from others but wouldn't tolerate violence.

Hope had never learnt how to defend herself, she had been isolated from just about everything since she was 12. She had gone through so much in her childhood no one could blame her for her actions if they knew her story. But after Brock hit her the second time she had a sudden urge to swing her fists,so she did. She swung her right fist and it connected with Brock's nose. You could hear the bone break under the pressure.

" You bitch" Brock spat and charged at her with a renewed anger. He slammed into her with great force, knocking them both to the ground. By then the third person was on the brink of leaving not knowing what his friend was going to do. Afraid of getting in trouble over one girl. Brock was sitting on top of Hope, sending spontaneous blows to her abdomen. The pain emitting from Hope's body was screaming in agony, every part of her body hurt.

When Brock stopped sending fists of fury he pulled out a knife. Hope gasped as the small steel blade cut through the air.

" You'll pay for making me bleed" Brock said, swinging the small blade at Hope's arm creating a thin gash. Hope bit her lower lip trying to ease the pain. After giving Hope some thick and thin gashes Brock got off of her and left. Hope's body screamed with pain, she just lied there for awhile thinking. Some of the pain finally subsided and she got up. The thoughts of the events that just took place and the thoughts of her family we mixing together in her mind and she could make any sense out of it. She didn't know if it was just plain confusion or from the amount of blood she was losing. By the time she started thinking again there were two streams of salty tears running along her face, mixing with the free falling rain. By now Hope was drenched with water and tears, her silvery hair clinging to the sides of her face. Her cloths hugged her like a second skin, and her blood red eyes clouded over by memories.

She was staring ahead, slipping in and out of consciousness when she sees a boy that had silver hair and blood red eyes just like her. But when she blinked he was gone. Hope didn't know if she was hallucinating or if she was really seeing a boy that wore black armor and had the same hair and eyes as she did. She shook off the thought and started to walk again but after she was walking for a about 10 minutes she saw the boy again. He was sitting on a fountain just staring at her but now he was holding a sword and constantly glancing at it and then at her. This made her feel uneasy and tense, but when she blinked he was missing. Hope looked around, confused and disordered, not knowing what to believe. She started to head home but yet again she seen the boy, but this time he was right up close to Hope, she could hear his breathing through the small sounds of the rain falling. She strained not to blink but she found it hard not to with the rain constantly hitting her face. But when she blinked the boy was still there.

Hope started to back away from the unknown person, but before she could get to far some one from behind hit her in the back of the head. Before Hope lost consciousness she heard the boy speak:

" Damn women, so weak, When we get back take her to the medical bay and get these wounds checked out" The mysterious silver haired boy commanded ( A/n: We all know who it is)

"Yes Lord Dilandau" A few voices said in unison.

Hope thought to herself ' so his name is Dilandau, well we'll just see how weak I am' and thats when she blacked out.

Authors note:

Well there you have it my first chapter. Well what do you think, Please R&R . I need SUGGESTIONS. OH wellz

later days