At the Park, Shoeshine and Polly were having a picnic. Sooner or later, Shoeshine was a little nervous telling Polly that he was Underdog.

Shoeshine; uh Polly.

Polly; yes Shoeshine.

Shoeshine; well, you known me for a couple week right.

Polly; yes.

Shoeshine; well, I have to tell you something.

Polly; sure, what is it.

Shoeshine grabbed his uniform and quickly put it on.

Polly; [gasp].

Shoeshine; I'm Underdog.

Polly; oh my goodness.

Shoeshine; I was ganna tell you, but I didn't have the gut to tell you.

Polly; oh Shoeshine, you don't have to keep your secret from me, I will always love you for what ever you do.

Shoeshine; thanks Polly, oh and one more thing.

Shoeshine grabbed his ring out of his pocket.

Shoeshine; Polly, will you marry me?

Polly; oh Shoeshine, of course I will.

Soon Shoeshine and Polly got married and had kids.

This is a short story though.

The End.