Catwoman had been kidnapped by the Penguins Gang. She woke up a few hours later in an old worn out church. She was in a chair all tied up. She looked over and saw his entire gang was sitting there. She then saw Cobblepot walk in wearing a tuxedo. "This can't be good." She said. "Hello love." He said. "what is this?" She asked. "It your wedding." He said. "Oh perfect, another wedding." She said sarcasticly. "Who am I marrying?" She asked. "This handsome gentleman right here." He said pointing to himself. "Yuck." She said in disgust. "Here's what's going to happen. You and I out going to get married. I'm going to take you over to the bedroom over there and ravish you again and again and again. Then I'm going to throw you to my crew and let them all take a turn on you. All 300 of them. Then I'm gonna shoot you in the face." He said. "You really want to marry me?" She asked. "Oh course I do beautifull. Marvin here got ordained so that I could." He said. Marvin looked at her, smiled, and waved. "Sorry to tell you this, but I'm engaged." She said. "Oh your engaged. I didn't know that. If I had known I wouldn't have..." Before he could finish his sentence he busted out laughing. "I couldn't say that with a straight face." He said laughing. She rolled her eyes. "Do you think I actually give a shit about your relationship with Batman?" He asked. "Batman's married to Wonder Woman. I should know I was at their wedding. I'm engaged to someone elese." She said. "Oh really. Well I guess that's intriguing. Who is it?" He asked. She looked at him and gave him a slightly evil grin. "Red Hood." She said coldly. A Couple guys in the audiance seemed freaked out while the rest seemed confused. "Who?" One guy asked. "Yeah who is that?" Cobblepot asked. "Red Hood. Ruthless vigilantly, kills people." She explained. Cobblepot shook his head. "Not ringing a bell." He said. "He's basically Batman with guns." She said. "Yeah well you're lovers not good enough to beat 300 guys. So let's go ahead and kick this off." He said.

"Criminals, low life's, and scum. We are here today for the bosses wedding. Is there anybody that abjects to this wedding?" Marvin asked. "I strongly abject." Selina said. "Yeah well you're a woman. Your opinion doesn't matter." Cobblepot said laughing. Everyone in the audiance laughed too. "Do you have vows prepared for each other." Marvin asked. "Selina. I find you hot. That's why I want to rape you and kill you." Cobblepot said. She looked at him for a second. "Is that it?" She asked. "Yeah pretty much." He replied. "It was kind of long if you ask me." She said. "Do you have any vows for the boss?" Marvin asked. "Penguin you are a short, fat, ugly, smelly, cowardly, worthless, disgusting, long nossed, pussy." She said calmly. Everyone in the room fell sighlent as Cobblepot starred angrily at her. He then slapped her hard across the face. "I'm gonna teach you some respect in the bed once we're done with this." He growled. "When Red Hodd gets here, you're dead." She said coldly. Marvin contiued ceremony. "Well, by the power vested in me I now pronounce you..." Marvin was unable to finish the ceremony as Red Hood came bursting throught the door. "I abject." He yelled. "Your a little late for that part." Selina snarled at him. "Dammit I really hoped I would end up timing that perfectly." He said disappointed. The penguin looked at Selina. "Really? This guy?" He asked. "He's really cute. Except for this scar he has on his cheek. It's almost a deal breaker." She said. "Just out of curiosity, what part were you guys at?" Jason asked. "You showed up as late as you could." She said. "Oh yeah!" Marvin said. "I now pronounce you..." Before Marvin could finish the sentence, Jason shot him in the face.

"I see a lot of guys here, but they don't seem to have guns. That's probalbly because I've been sabotaging your weapons deals with Black Mask... Permaniatly." Jason said. "That was you? You killed Black Mask?" Cobblepot asked. "I told you he was good." She said. "Well it doesn't matter. All you have is bullets and some fancy karate gimmicks. When you run out of ammo, you'll be dead before you reaload. I mean look, I have 300 guys here. You're all alone." Cobblepot said. "He's not alone." Nightwing said as he entered the church. "He's got us." Red Robin said. "All of us." Batgirl said as she walked in "Why are you all here?" Jason asked. "We've also been taking out the Penguins weapon deals." Tim said. "If you don't want our help, we can leave." Dick said. Jason looked at the 300 men. "Eh, my stomachs a little upset I might not be able to take them on my own." Jason admitted. "Well if you want out help you're gonna have to put the guns away." Batman said as he walked in. Everyone in the room including Cobblepot shivered in fear as he walked in. "Look who showed up." Selina said. "You just had to steal the spotlight, didn't you?" Jason asked. "We won't fight with you if you choose to kill them. Drop the guns or we leave." Batman said. Jason looked at Selina. "Fine." He said as he unloaded his guns and threw them on the ground. They stood there. Standing from left to right; it was Batgirl, Red Hood, Batman, Nightwing, and Red Robbin vs 300 thugs. "Well are we gonna stand here all night? Or are we gonna fight?" Batman asked.

The 5 heroes engaged the thugs and took them out one by one. Dick battered them with his batons. Tim pumpled them with his staff. Barbra stunned them with her speed and agility. Bruce used his unmatched skills against them. Jason stood out the most in the fight. Fueled by rage, he punished every thug he hit. He beat a few of them within a few inches of their life. The penguin saw what Selina liked about him. He was a bad ass. He approached the altar and starred down Cobblepot. One of the thugs tried to sneak up on Jason. Without looking he elbowed the thug really fuckin hard in the stomach. The thug fell to his knees grabbing his stomach. He then puked, passed out, and then face planted in his own vomit." Cobblepot ran into the bedroom and locked the door. Batman and the others finished up what was left of the Penguins thugs.

"My hero." Selina said sarcastically. "Sorry babe, but you know me. I have to make a grand entrance." He said as he started to untie her. "You failed your entrance miserably." She said. "Well at least I was able to crash the wedding." He said. "Thankfully." She said. He untied her, she stood up, and she took his helmet off. "Kiss me hero." She said as she grabbed his jacket and pulled him in for a kiss. They shared a long and loving kiss. "Seriously, guys, could you get a room?" Tim asked. "Oh come on Tim, don't ruin their moment." Barbra said. "You know Cobblepot said there was a bed in that room." Selina said as she raised one of her eyebrows. Jason grinned. "Oh please don't." Dick said. "Well the Penguins in there. Mind if I have a word with him... Alone?" Jason asked. "Go right ahead." She said. Jason picked the lock and opened the door. "Jason, I said no killing." Batman said. "I won't kill him" Jason said as he walked in. "But he's gonna beg for it." He said under his breath. None of them know what Jason did to him in there. Frankly after hearing the Penguins screams, they prefer to keep it that way."

GCPD showed up with almost every cop they had. The brought a fleet of Transport vehicles to take all of the thugs to GCPD Head Quarters. "Not only did you get Cobblepot, but you got his whole crew. This might be the best bust of your career." Officer Aaron Cash said to Batman. "It wasn't just me." Bruce said. Aaron Cash looked at everyone in the room. "Is that Red Hood and Catwoman." Cash asked. "Why?" Bruce replied. "Nothing it's just that their both on the GCPD most wanted list... It's a shame they're not here so I can arrest them too." Cash said as he winked at Batman. Batman nodded. "Well take Care Batman." Cash said. "You too." He said as they shook hands.

"Well Selina, I promise you that your next wedding will be much better." Jason said. "We could just do it now." She said. "Really?" He asked. "Well yeah. We're both people of simple taste, it doesn't get more simpler than this. Your friends are here. Im not a big fan of having friends. Let's do this right now." She said. Jason smiled. "Dick, Tim, you guys wanna be my best men?" Jason asked. "Hell yeah." Dick said. "Let's do it." Tim said. "Come on guys. Don't you think they need to think this out first?" Barbra asked. "Barbra I know we're not close, but will you be my maid of honor?" Selina asked. Barbra's face let up with excitement. "Yeah." She said eagerly. "Oh shit wait a minute, we can't get married." Jason said. "Why not?" She asked. "Well Marvin was the only one here that was Ordained and well... I shot Marvin in the face." Jason said. "Well why'd you shoot Marvin in the face?" Dick asked. "He was about to pronounce Selina and Penguin married." Jason said. "Well you don't kill people for that." Dick said. "Guys!" Batman yelled. "I can do it." Bruce said. "Really?" They all asked. "Yes I'm ordained." He said. "Really?" They all asked again. Jason shook his head. "Well Bruce, will you be our minister?" Jason asked. Bruce grinned. "It would be my honor." He said.

Bruce began the ceremony. "We were here to stop Selina's wedding, now we're here to participate in it. I see these two together and I know they belong together. Do you have vows prepared." He asked. "Um, scence we decided to do this just 2 minutes ago I guess I didn't prepare a anything. So I'll just wing it. Selina I love you. You helped me through the biggest tragaedy in my life full of tragic moments. You're the only thing that keeps me going. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He said. Selina almost began to cry. "I guess I'll just wing it too. Jason I love you too. I mean, here I am like some damsel in distress, and you come and save me like a knight in shining armor. The only reason why I'm happy is you. I love you. And I want to be with you till I die." She said. Barbra began to cry. They all looked at her. "That was too beautiful." she cried. "By the power vested in me, I prounce you husband and wife." Bruce looked at Jason. "Jason... You may kiss the..." Before Bruce could finish his sentence, Selina jumped into Jason's arms wrapped her legs around his body and kissed him. It was the most loving and passionate kiss they ever shared.

They all went to the bar to celebrate. Jason and Selina would've had a private reception in the bed room if it wasn't covered with the Penguins blood. They all had a good time and had some drinks. Dick proposed a toast. "As Jason's best man..." Dick was interrupted by Tim. "Co-best man." Tim said correcting him. "As Jason's favorite Co-best man I have to say this. I'm happy for you guys and I hope it all works out well for you. To Jason and Selina." Dick said. Everybody drank to that. "I'm happy for you guys, good luck." Tim said. "Thanks." Selina said. Batman approached Jason. "Can I talk to you real quick?" He asked. "Sure." He said as they walked outside. "What's this about?" Jason asked. "Diana's pregnant." Bruce said. "Well that's great news." Jason said. "It's the best news I've ever heard in my life it's just that..." Bruce was having trouble finishing his sentance. "You don't want him to turn out like you." Jason said finishing his sentance for him. "I'm having twins Jason. I can't be a husband, run a billion dollar company, fight crime, and be a father to two kids. It's just a little to much." He said. "So what's this about then?" Jason asked. "The reason we showed up is because Batman's activating Knightfall Protocal." Dick said as he and Tim walked out of the bar. "What? You can't do that. Gotham needs.." Bruce interrupted Jason. "It doesn't need me anymore. It has new protectors." He said. "I've been taking care of Bludhaven." Dick said. "Bruce wants you and I to work together to protect Gotham." Tim said. "But I need you to join us on our level. I need you to stop killing people and put away your guns... For good." Bruce said. "You know I can't do that. Not after what I've been through."Jason said. "Jason please. I saw you take out those thugs tonight faster with your hands them when you use your guns." Bruce argued. "Well that was different. He was trying to hurt Selina. I was trying to save her." He said. "Jason, you can keep doing things your way if you want. But none of us will help you again, unless you surrender your guns and your way of killing." Bruce said. "I need some time to think about." Jason said. I understand." Bruce said. Selina walked out. "What's going on?" She asked. "Nothing babe, just talking." He said. "Wanna know what I'm thinking?" She asked. "What are you thinking?" He asked. She pulled his ear close to her mouth and whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened. "I think I can manage that." He said. "You mind if I steal him for the rest of the night?" She asked Bruce. "It's your wedding." Bruce answered. Jason got on his motorcycle. Selina got it with him. Jason took Selina home.

They immediately headed to the bedroom and got naked. They made hot steamy love for hours. Jason laid between Selina's legs and thrusted his cock into her. She kissed him as he made love to her. He fucked her at a steady pace. Then he began to pick up speed. She drug her nails into her back. The harder he fucked her, the deeper her nails went into his back. He fucked her full force. She started scratching his back deep. She wrapped her legs around his body as he fucked her. "Don't stop." She begged. "Oh won't stop. I'll never stop." He said softly as he contiued to pound her hard. She contiued to kiss him as he fucked her.

She then rolled over on top of himand began to ride him. She drug her nails into his chest as she rode him. He grabbed her ass cheeks and squeezed them as she rode him. She moaned as she contiued to bounce up and down on his cock. He smacked her ass hard as she rode him. He started thrusting into her her. Her nails to begin to dig deep into his chest. He started fucking her ass hard as he could again. She started scratching up his chest. She bent down and kissed him as she rode him. "I love you." She moaned. "I love you too." He said as he kissed her tinderly.

she laid down flat on her stomach. Jason got on top of her and slowly squeezed his cock deep into her anus. She moaned loudly and gripped the sheets. And then forced his whole cock into her ass. He slowly fucked her ass but slowly picked up speed. She moaned louder and louder as he thrust became faster and more powerful. He then fucked her ass as hard as he could. She screamed loudly in pleasure. He then placed his cock in her pussy and contiued to fuck her hard. They then felt their climax's coming. Jason fucked her until they came together.

He held her close to him in bed. "I hope you don't mind but I need you to take my last name." He said. "What?" She asked. "It's this thing I have I really need you to be Selina Todd." He said. She looked at him for a second. She then grinned. "You're messing with me aren't you. He chuckled. "Yeah I am." He said smiling. She placed her fingers on his left cheek. He had a scar there. As his a whole layer of skin had been removed there. It was healed up but it left a nasty scar. "I never asked you about it, because I didn't want to bring up any bad memories. But it's always puzzled me. How did this happen." She asked. "I can't tell you." He said. "Jason I'm your wife. This is the kind of stuff you need to be able to tell me. What ever the story behind this is, doesn't change who you are to me." She said. "When I was 5 years old, my dad walked out on me and my mom. She became a drug addict and worked 2 jobs so we could make it by. By the time I was 8 she developed tuberculosis. So I started stealing wheels of cars and sold them. We where bairly making it by. She died when I was 9. I contiued to steal wheels so I could feed myself. One day I saw the bat-mobile. the security Protocal must've been off because I was able to remove one of its wheels. Then along came Batman, and you know the story from there." He said. "I meant the scar, Jason." She said. "I know." He said softly. "How bad is the story?" She asked. "I just can't to it." He said. "Please Jason. I need to know." She begged. He decied to tell her.

"When I was 17, Bruce and I argued all the time. I believed we needed to kill criminals. He didn't. I ran off to kill the Joker. I fell into a trap set by the Joker. He took me to an abandoned wing of Arkham Asylum and tortured me. He held me there for 6 months. He locked me in complete darkness. He beat me with a crowbar. He was a sick basterd. He was trying to break me. He made me hate Bruce. He showed me pictures of Bruce and Tim. He said he forgot all about me. He branded me with a J on my cheek. Then he decied to make a video. He asked me who do I hate. I said, Batman. Who is Batman? He asked. Before I could answer he shot me in the chest. He said it was because he hated tadlle tales. All I know is Ra's al Ghul and the league of assassins placed me in some sort of pit that brought me back to life. I remeber when I came back the first thing I did was cut the branded skin off my cheek. I wasn't going to live with that fucking J on my face." Jason finished the story. Selina was crying after hearing his heart breaking story. "Jason Im so sorry." She cried. "I was alone for so long." He said. "You're not alone anymore. You'll never be alone." She said as she held him. She held him close to her, she didn't want to let him go. She wanted to let him know she was always going to be there for him.

They spent the nex day in bed. The made love all day long. Later in the night, however, trouble found Jasom almost like it always seems to do. A man named DeMarco wanted revenge on Jason. Jason was at the bar when this punk and his friends started harassing him. The ring leader named Tony, was the son of Demarco. One girl tried to stand up to the punk, but she ended up getting hit by him. Jason had enough of Tony and ended up shooting him and killing him. Now his dad DeMarco was going to get his revenge. Late that night he heard a lot of car doors openeding and closing outside his apartment window. "You, I want on the roof. And you I want on every exit." DeMarco was ordering his men around. He had a goodmaned army. Jason went to his chest where he kept all his weapons. He had know choice but to use them. "Jason what's happening?" Selina asked. "DeMarco's after me. He's the father of some punk I killed while you were in Brazil." Jason answered. "You really are a great people person." She said. "Jason Todd! Jason Todd! You killed my boy! You killed my fucking son! You mother fucker!" DeMarco yelled. Jason grabbed his two signature handguns and a shotgun. Selina grapped an MP5.

He opened the door and saw two guys in the hallway. Jason shot and killed botu of them. He walked down a corner and turned the corner. He was knocked down by one of the thugs. Before the thug could should Jason, a man came out of his room and killed the thug with a shotgun. Selina helped Jason up and looked at the strange man. He had long brown bushy beard, he was wearing a black beanie on his head and a green jacket over his boxer briefs. His name was brewer. He made homemade bombs. He held his finger up to his mouth. Jason had him make him some bombs in the past. "Shhhh. Shhh my boy. Don't fear the fires Jason. You think they'll hurt ya. You think they'll char your skin, char your bones, but it'll make you clean on the long run." Brewer then started walking towards the end of the hallway. "They joys of hygiene." Brewer said as he turned the corner. Jason could see him throught the windows. Some of Demarco's gun had there guns raised running at him. Brewer dropped his gun and help his arms out. "Come to me you sinners you evil men. You were born in filth and squalor, but today you will be cleansed." Brewer said as he spun around and got on his knee. "Cleansed in fire!" He yelled. As he detonated the explosives under his jacket. He killed himself and 5 other guys. It was hard for Jason to see Brewer go out like that, but it was what he was waiting for. A chance to make a difference. At least that what Jason tells himself to sleep at night. He took a look inside the room. It made him wish he got to know him better. It was full of newspaper clippings only about Jason Todd and the Red Hood. There were pizza boxes and beer bottles every where. The bath tub was full of jugs of chemicals used to make bombs. Jason left because it really started depressing him to be in there. All the exits were locked. He and Selina headed up to the roof. They encountered some of DeMarco's goons. Selina shot and killed a couple. Jason killed the others. They jumped from one building to the other. They were over a chop shop. The vigilante in Jason would of busted weeks ago. But the dead beat in Jason didn't care. They dropped down and scared of the crooks working on the cars. Then a bunch of DeMarco's men showed up. Jason and Selina took Cover. The engaged in a quick firefight but they were able to kill all of the thugs. They walked out of th shop and were surrounded by DeMarco's men.

Selina and Jason realized they had no choice but to surrender. They ziptied their hands behind their back. They we're going to load them into different vans. Jason didn't like the idea of Selina being bound in a van full of thugs. He used the hidden blade in his sleeve to cut through his zip ties he then slit one of his captors throats. Stabbed another one in the stomach and killed all of the thugs trying to stop him. He then aimed the gun at Selians captors but was only able to kill one as they got her in the van and drove off. "God Dammit!" Jason yelled as he ran to his motorcycle and called Dick for back up. He could only imagine the horrible things they were doing it her. Thankfully the thugs were given orders not to rape her or do anything like that. Their boss wanted her clean.

Jason and Dick were on their motorcycles riding along side eachother. They were following Selina's trail. Jason filled Dick in on what happened and why it happened. They were speaking on a coms channel. "Wait you said you fought DeMarco's men." Dick said. "Yeah why?" Jason replied. "You didn't kill anybody did you?" Dick asked. "No...maybe one or two." Jason admitted. "Jesus Jason you need to stop doing that." Dick said. "I'm sorry." He said. They followed the trail out to a church. They looked around the grave stones were there were footprints. They were than ambushed by DeMarco's men. They took away their weapons and guided them to their boss. Demarco was standing there with a shovel. He started straight into Jason's eyes. "You killed my fucking son." DeMarco said. "You killed my fucking son, you mother fucker." He said louder. "Look I'm sorry for you're loss." Dick said. "Fuck you!" DeMarco yelled as he walked toward him. "But you have to understand your son was killed in a gun battle. A battle he started." Dick said. "Shut your fucking mouth. Shut up! Shut up!" DeMarco yelled as he raised the shovel and hit Dick in the back of the head. Dick fell to his knees. DeMarco hit him again with it. He forcefully gave Jason the shovel. "You dig!" He cried. He then walked away crying over the loss of his son. Jason knew exactly what he was going through. Unfortunately for DeMarco, he didn't have anybody like Selina. Selina was there for Jason in his time of need.

"You're graves not gonna dig itself. Dig mother fucker!" One of the two goons guarding him said. Jason was expected to dig his own grave. Jason tried to figure out a way to get out of this pickle. He wasn't gonna let these guys take him out without getting their hands dirty. He dug the shovel in the ground and shovled out some dirt. He dug it in a again and shoved out some more. He them threw the dirt in one of their faces. He then hit the other one in the head with the shovel. And then knocked the other one out. Jason helped up Dick. "You good?" Jason asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." He replied. He grabbed his batons off one of the goons Jason knocked out. They went inside the church. DeMarco was praying to God for his son, and to damn Jason to hell. Dick and Jason knocked out his guards and approached him. "DeMarco." Jason said. He didn't look at him. "You killed my son you fucker." He said. "Yeah I know. You've said that a lot." Jason said. "Just die you piece of shit." DeMarco said. "Look I have some questions for you. If you don't answer me, I'll hurt you." Jason said. "You can kill me. I'm already dead inside because of you." He said. "He won't kill you while I'm here. But he'll sure as hell hurt you." Dick said. Jason and Dick had a perfect good cop, bad cop thing going on. It was also in their costumes color schemes. Jason was red, while Dick was blue. "If you don't tell me where Selina is ill break your fingers." Jason said. "I sold her to Two Face." He said. "Well that was easy Dick said. "Why?" Jason asked. "He said he had bad blood with her." He said. "Man, no torture, that's a awesome." Dick said. "Why did you tell me so fast." Jason asked. "I'm a broken man because of you. At this point I don't care." DeMarco said. Jason began to walk away. "You're not gonna kill me?" He asked. "I know what it's like to lose your child. I know its worse to live with it." Jason said. "How did you get over it." DeMarco asked. "I didn't get over. I think about my wife and baby girl everyday." He said. "But how did you move on?" DeMarco asked. "The girl you sold to Two Face.. She my wife now. And she's helped me through it. But no ones going to help you." Jason said as he walked away. DeMarco turned to Dick, who was still standing there. Dick then broke his nose with his fist. "That's for hitting me with a shovel, asshole." Dick said. He then walked away to leave Demarco alone, bloody, and broken.

Selina woke up in a familiar situation. She was tied to a chair. "Oh perfect, kidnapped again." She said. "Hello Kitty Cat." Two face said as he approached her. "Oh, it's you." She said. "It's been a long time." He said. "Not long enough if you ask me." She said. "I havn't seen you scence you fucked me over back in Arkham City." He said. "You'll get over it." She said. "You know you're lucky that I didn't have my boys rape you. Your lucky i didn't rape you." He said rubbing the inside of her thigh. "What stopped you?" She asked. "My girlfriend has a strict non-rape belief." He said. "I'm sure who ever your dating is intelligent and likes you for your personality. I mean let's be honest, she isn't with you because of your looks." She said. "Oh come on don't be rude to Mr. D here." Said Harley Quinn as she walked in. She was wearing a new outfit. Half of it was blue and white, while the other half was red and black. She was also wearing new make up. It wasn't clown make up, however, she used blue eyeliner on one side and red eyeliner on the other. "Harley? You really need to get your life in order. You have bad tast in men." Selina preached. "Mr. D is perfect in every way." Harley said grabbing Two Faces arm. "Lucky me." He said. "So what are you going to do." Selina asked. "I'm gonna wait for Red Hood to show up. Then I'm gonna shoot you in the face, then I'm gonna kill him." He said. "It won't work." She said. "You keep telling yourself that." He said.

Jason and Dick found the compound they were hiding at. "No killing." Dick said. "If Two Face touched her, I will kill him." Jason said. "I won't help you unless you promise to not kill anybody." Dick said. "The only thing I can promise you is that I will kill him if he touched her. Now help me, or don't help me. I don't care." Jason said. As he approached the building. Dick shook his head and followed him. They found a way through the vents. The follows the vents to a large room where Selina was being held. THere. almost 30 guys with guns walking around. They saw Harvey flipping his coin waiting for Red Hood to show up. They then saw Haley Quinn snuggling up on him. "Looks like Harley has a new ugly fuck to abuse her." Dick said.

They sighlently entered the room. The both chocked out a couple of the guards. They made their way over to Selina. The quitley took out ever guard the saw. Finally they made their way to Selina. Harvey had a gun placed right at Selina's head. "Hey, Jason." She said slightly nervously. "Hey." He said worried. "Where's Harley?" Dick asked. "Look behind you bird boys." She said. She was carrying a huge FN minimi with an attached grenade launcher. "Well this isn't good." Dick said. "Why are you doing this Harley?" Jason asked. "Because after you manipulated me. After you killed my Mr. J and filled me into loving you, you left me all alone. Harvey was there to help me." She said. "Wait what was that one thing she said? You and Harley had a thing?" Dick asked. "You're kidding, right?" Selina asked. "It wasn't my best choice, Red Hood admitted." Jason said. "Well scence this is coming out, any other crazy ex-girlfriends I should be aware of?" Selina asked. "Poison Ivy." Jason said. "You and I are going to have a serious talk when we get home." She said. Your not going home. I'm glad your all here. I want you all witness what happens when you fuck me over." Harvey said.

He unloaded 4 bullets out of his gun. "2 bullets, 3 victims. Let's who the coin saves and kills. We'll start with the cat." Harvey said. "I'm so excited." She said. He flipped the coin, it landed on heads. Selina breathed a sign of relief. "Now your husband." He said as he flipped the coin. Jason took a deep breath. Havery caught it and saw it was heads. "Two down, one to go." He flipped the coin for Dick. It was also heads. "Well you all survived round 1 of 3. Let's see how round 2 shakes out." Harvey said as he flipped the coin. He caught it. "This ones for you Jason." He said. He checked the coin and frowned. "You live." He said as he flipped it again. "Now the other Robin." He said as he checked the coin, it was als heads. "Now the bitch." He said as he flipped it once more. He checked it and grinned. "Say goodbye." He said as he aimed his gun at her. Jason ran toward her and tackled her. Two Face missed his shot. Jason covered himself over Selina to keep Two Face from killing her. He'd rather die for her, then let her get hurt. He looked deep into her eyes. "Jason, God I became such a damsel in distress." She said as she kissed him. "I'm getting you out of here." He said. Two Face looked at him and raised one of his eyebrows. But the again, he only had one eyebrow. "Let's play a different game." He said grinning. He had more of his men come in and remove Jason from Selina.

He placed them in a different room their was a table. There chair at both ends of the table. They had Jason and Dick sit down. They looked at each other and knew this wasn't good. Two Face brought in Selina and made her watch the new game. His gun only had one bullet left. He put it in the middle of the table. "Russian Roulette. Don't try anything." He said. He had five guys with guns make sure they'd not do anything cheeky. "Heads, nightwing goes first. Tails, Jason goes first." He said as he flipped the coin. It was tails. Selina took a deep breath. Jason aimed the gun at his head. He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.

He opened his eyes and realized he was okay. He set the gun down. Dick shook his head and aimed the gun at his head "FUUUUCK!" He yelled as he pulled the trigger. He set the gun down after it clicked. "Any ideas?" Dick asked. "I'm thinking." Jason said looking around the room. "Shut the fuck up, and play. " Harley took the gun and aimed at his head. He looked at Selina. "I love you." He said. A tear slid down the side of her face. He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. He still had his head intact. "We got one chance Jason." Dick whispered. "I'll take it." Jason said. "Shut up and play." Harley yelled. Dick aimed the gun at his head and pulled the trigger. Dick survived. "Oh now it's interesting. Only one free spot left." Harvey said. Jason aimed the gun at his head. "6 and 8 o'clock." Jason said to Dick referring to the people behind him. "I have too." Jason said. "I understand." Dick said. Havery knew they were doing something.

Jason dug the gun into one of the guards stomach and pulled the trigger. Just as that happened, Dick got up and knocked out the two guys behind him. Jason then grabbed the gun off the guy he killed and got the other two guards in the room. Harley ran out. While this was all happening Selina broke out of the chair and kicked Harvey in the face. "How, did you..?" Two Face was unable to finish his question as Selina answered him."Jason loosened the rope when he tackled me." she said as she kicked him again and knocked him out. Jason picked up the coin. "Now let's decied your fate." Jason said as he flipped it. He caught it. It was tails. Jason aimed his gun at two face. "Jason don't." Dick pleaded. "Why?" He asked. "Look Batman wants to trust you. I let those guys slide this once, but you can't kill him." Dick said. "This basterd almost killed Selina. He almost took everything from me." Jason yelled. "Jason. It's okay. I'm fine. Maybe Dick's right. Maybe it's time to start changing." Selina said softly. She placed her hands on his cheeks. "Jason. You don't need to kill him." She said. Jason nodded and dropped the gun. They shared a kiss. "Come on let's go." Dick said.

They were about to walk out but Jason stopped. Dick and Selina looked back at him. Jason shook his head and reached back for the gun. Dick ran after him. Jason picked it up and aimed it at Harvey. Just at that moment Harley Quinn came back and attacked Selina. Just as Jason pulled the trigger, Dick tackled Jason causing him to miss the shot. Jason kicked Dick off of him, got up and punched Dick in the face. Selina kicked Quinn in the stomach. Quinn backed up and then charged in for an attack. Selina backed up and dodged every punch Quinn threw. Jason brutally beat up Dick. Dick tried to defend and fight back, but Jason was fueled by his blind rage. Jason had no real control of himself. This was because of the Joker. The Joker made Jason crazy. Seeing Harley Quinn brought up horrible memories of the Joker torturing him. Now he had the chance to kill another criminal like Two Face. He was going to miss out on the chance.

Selina caught Harley in a headlock, she then judo threw he onto her back and proceeded to land a flurry on punches. Her left arm was wrapped around her arm and neck while she used her left arm to punch her. Harley was able use her flexibility to grapple out of it and catch Selina in a triangle choke. Selina grabbed Harley's leg and tried to to pry it loose from her neck. Harley squeezed as hard as she could. Selina started loosing consciousness. She then muscled all the strength she had to wrap her arms around Harley's legs, pick her up, and slam her. Harley was dazed but was able to transition to an arm bar. Selina locked her hands together so that Quinn couldn't bend her trapped arm. Quinn used the the strength she had to pry Selina's hands apart. Selina again was able to pick up Harley and slam her on the ground. Harley let go of everything. Selina got up and let Harley get up. Selina then charge Harley and did a Anthony Pettis super kick off the wall. Harley collapsed instantly. Selina then mounted her and landed multiple punches to Harley's face. She then stopped and cathced her breath. She looked down and saw the bloody mess she made of Harley's face. Selina got up and looked for Jason and Dick.

Dick started taking the fight to Jason. He had Jason backing up as he landed some solid punches. Jason grabbed a small knife he saw on the ground and stabbed Dick in the shoulder. Dick kicked him and made Jason back up a little. Dick pulled the knife out. Jason the came in for an attack. Dick punched Jason, but Jason then followed up with a push kick to Dick's body. The kick forced him up against a railing. Dick looked and saw the railing saved him from a 20 foot drop. Dick knew Jason was going to push him off the railing. Dick thought of how the attack would work. Jason's advantage was Dick's injury. Dick's advantage was Jason's rage. Jason's incoming assault would be feral but experienced. Dick would use Jason's momentum to counter. He'd land a hard punch to Jason's face. But Jason was planning his attack too. Jason would then trap that arm and target Dick's weakness by grabbing his wound. He'd throw him against the railing. Then he'd follow with a haymaker. Dick would see the true brawler in Jason. Jason would see that Dick was competent but predictable. Dick's arsenal would become dry he would need to adjust his strategy. But the wound would begin taking its tool as Dick feared. They both, however, realized how it would end. Jason would send Dick to a 20 foot fall, go back and kill Two Face. Dick knew he was screwed. Jason then came in for the assault. At that moment, Dick knew how to stop Jason. He wrapped his arms around Jason, fell back, and sent both of them over the railing.

The separated as they fell and landed on their backs. They laid there for a second in pain. They both slowly gained the strength to stand up. Selina saw them both on their knees. They were both bloodied and beaten. They both stood up and were about to fight again. Selina stood in-between them and held her hands out. "Hey stop it. It's ovcer. You came to save me. Well mission accomplished I'm saved now let's leave." She said. She looked deep into Jason's eyes and was stunned at what she saw. She didn't know what it was but when she looked at Jason she saw what looked to be a stranger. Jason wasn't himself in all of this. The Jason she knew and loved had become a good man in control of his life. This Jason was the broken man the Joker made him. Jason pushed Selina out of the way and shot a takedown on Dick. He picked him up, slammed him, got on top of him, and started landing countless punches. Selina saw Jason was slowly lose more and more control over himself with every punch. She knew she had to stop him. She jumped on Jason's back. She wrapped her right leg around his body and used her left leg to squeeze his body in a body triangle. She then wrapped her arm around his neck and locked in a rear-naked choke. Jason was caught of guard and didn't know what to do. Fell hell to his back. Selina squeezed as hard as she could. She loved Jason. She didn't want to do it, but she had to stop his madness. Tears rolled down her face as Jason she choke out Jason. She let him go. He was out cold. She held him in her arms.

Dick got up and went over to Selian. "What the hell happened to him?" Dick asked. "He lost it. He became a different person. I think seeing Harley Quinn, made him remember the Joker, and he let his dark side out." She said. "I still don't see how that made him go crazy." He said. She starred at him. "Dick, do you know what the joker did to him?" She asked. "Yeah, I saw the tape the Joker sent Batman. It was the most fucked up night of his life." He said. "Dick, it wasn't just a night. The Joker tortured him for months. He did unspeakable things to him. Jason lost his sanity. Bruce was able to help him. Then after he and Vicki got married, he was completely fine. But he lost it again after Vicki and his daughter died. I've been able to help him, but there's only so much damage a man can take before he breaks completely." She said crying. "I'm sorry Selina." Dick said. She didn't say anything. She just continued to hold Jason tightly. "If you ever need help, Me, Tim, Barbra, and even Bruce, will come and help you... And him." Dick said. "Thank you." She said.

Dick helped Selina bring Jason home. She handcuffed his left hand to the bed. She needed to make sure he was okay. He woke up later that night with a huge headache. Selina sat on the edge of the bed and placed her hand on his forehead. "Selina I.." She didn't let him finish his sentance. "It's okay." She could see intion his eyes. He was okay now. She removed the handcuffs. They wrapped their arms around each other and shared a loving kiss. They held each other tightly. "You owe me a hooneymoon." She said. "Anything you want." He said. "Paris." She said. "As you wish." He said. She smiled and kissed him pasionatley.