Author's note: This is my first fanfic, so give me some constructive criticism. I'll try my best to improve of whatever is wrong with it. Well... enjoy I guess. I DO NOT OWN HALO but damn do I wish...

Chapter 1


June 3rd, 2552 21:00 Hours

The pitter-patter of rain woke Lieutenant Colonel O'Donnell from his dreamless sleep. He was on Eridanus for 3 months, with only 2 days of rations left. The bullet wounds in his arm dug deep, and he was running low on biofoam. He flatly stood up, clipped his M7S SMG to his thigh plate, and picked up his twin M6C/S magnums and stepped out of his makeshift tent.

"Damnit... thought I'd be out of here by now. Well... I'll just ha-"

Mark was cut off by a crackling sound coming from his radio. After 2 and a half months, the radio finally started working. Mark was about to do a happy dance, but there was no time for that. This was his chance to get off this living hell. Mark sprinted to the radio across camp, changed the frequency to 00 and said

"This is Lieutenant Colonel O'Donnell to anyone out there requesting immediate evac! I repeat I request immediate evac I am in the blind here!"

The radio had static for a bit, but a voice finally came through."This is fleet admiral Campbell of the UNSC Winter Solstice I hear you loud and clear LC. What is your status?"

"I'm moderately wounded, but otherwise able to move sir." Mark replied.

"Alright, I'm sending a Pelican due east of your location, about a mile of where you are."

"Copy,I'll be there in a few mikes, O'Donnell out."

Mark packed up his gear, put on his helmet, and sprinted towards the LZ. He was in a lot of pain, but didn't really mind it much, for he knew he'd be able to rest soon. After 5 minutes, Mark finally arrived at the Pelican. Marines hopped out to help him on as a medic was bringing out a case.

"Don't worry sir, I'll take care of your wounds. Remove your vambrace and roll up your sleeve please." the medic told him. Mark did as he was told and removed the piece of armor.

"I'll just take this biofoam here and..."

"Nnnng... fuck that stings..." Mark mumbled as he winced in pain.

"Don't worry; it'll only sting for a few moments." Mark finally started to relax as the medic wrapped his arm in gauze. He thanked the medic with a nod as he put his sleeve down and put the vambrace back on. The Pelican left the atmosphere as the Winter Solstice came into view.

"I'm home."Mark whispered as he let out a mental 'hell yeah'.

The pilot pressed a few buttons and said into the radio "This is Pelican J Q dash four-niner requesting PTL." The radio was fuzzy, but a voice came through replying "Copy that four-niner, clearing the hangar bay now." The marines in the hangar dashed madly and barked orders to clear out as the pelican began to touch down.

"Alright guys, welcome home." the pilot shouted to the guys in the back as the cargo door opened up. Mark hopped out of the pelican to see Fleet Admiral Jameson Campbell waiting for him.

"Son, what you did down there was the most bravest thing I have ever witnessed; to be able to survive that long with Insurrectionist forces closing in on you, I won't forget that. For your act of true bravery, I have taken the liberty of upgrading your quarters. I wish I could give you a medal, but leave that to Hood. You now have a working shower, a very comfortable bed, and even a personal terminal. Now get cleaned up and get some rest, you've earned it."

Mark nodded his head in thanks as he said "Thank you Admiral, I am very grateful." Mark walked to his room where he would finally be at peace. He unlocked the door with his keycard and plopped himself onto his bed.

"God damn... he wasn't kidding when he said comfortable." Mark locked the door behind him as he stripped himself of his armor and dropped it to the floor, leaving him in his jumpsuit. He walked to his bathroom and found the shower to be quite luxurious. He shrugged as he stripped down to skin, revealing the wounds he earned in battle. He stepped in and turned the shower on, bathing away the weight of his loss.

After a few minutes, Mark turned the faucet off and wrapped himself in a towel. 'God… I haven't taken a good shower like that since... well when I was about 18.' He thought to himself. Mark slipped into a pair of shorts and a recon t-shirt as he slipped into bed and drifted to sleep.

June 4th, 2552 03:00 Hours

Mark woke to a knock at his door. 'Damnit... i just want some fucking sleep.' he thought to himself. Mark groggily stood up and answered the door.

"Um... sir, you wouldn't happen to... um... be Spartan B-312, would you?" The poor kid was shaking in fear. Mark practically towered over the guy, being 6'8" and all.

"Um... no. No I'm not. You... feelin ok?" Mark asked the boy.

"Uh.. yeah... yeah I'm... I'm fine." Mark just patted the young man on the back and sent him on his way.

'Who in the hell is Spartan B-312? Ah screw it, I need sleep' he thought. Mark slipped back into the covers and went back to sleep.

A few Hours Later

Mark was once again woken up by a knocking on the door. 'Fucking hell... I just want some sleep. Is that too much to ask?' Mark opened the door to find a young engineer; standard UNSC jumpsuit (Which showed off her curves very nicely), tall black boots, long brown hair, and those eyes; those gorgeous silver, blue eyes. 'No fucking way this is possible, it should be illegal to be this cute.' he thought to himself before the engineer spoke up.

"Um.. hi, my name's Krystal. You're Lieutenant Colonel O'Donnell, right?" she asked him.

"Uhh... yeah... yeah that's me."

"Well, the Admiral wanted you to head down to the armory. He said he has something there for you." Mark couldn't help it, but he was hypnotized by her beautiful eyes.

"Why don't you take a picture? It-"

"Yeah, yeah it'll last longer I know..."

Mark's face soon began to burn a bit at her remark. "I guess I should head down there then. Where is the armory exactly?" he asked her.

"Follow me. It should be around here." Mark walked down the hallway with Krystal untill they were hit by the smells coming from the mess hall.

"God damn... I'm starving. It can wait though, come on the armory should be close by." she said with a smile. They soon were met with the muffled sounds of rifle fire.

"Ahh the armory. So much brass, so much cleaning. Well, your package should be by the table over there."

She pointed towards a table with a black bag on top of it.

"What are you up to Admiral..." Mark let out a chuckle as he walked toward the bag.

"Let me know if you need me." Krystal said to him. Mark nodded and opened up the bag. Inside was a set of brand new ODST armor and a note. He took the note and it read:

"I figured you could use a new set of BDU, so I decided to get the jump on that. Make sure it shows who you are. You're a damn good soldier Mark, so be careful out there. -Adm. Campbell"

'You cheeky bastard... I knew you'd do something like this. Hell, I'm actually grateful for it.' he thought to himself before placing the armor on the table. He grabbed a few cans of spray paint and got to work, using his skill of art. The finished product was a jet black primary color, orange secondary, orange tribal markings spread across the upper body armor and helmet, and a skull carved into the visor (Not enough to damage the HUD).

'God damn... quite the talent I've got.' Mark snickered to himself as he slipped into the armor.

"Nice fit, I'm gonna enjoy this... " he said to himself.

"Wow... you look good in that." a voice popped in behind him.

"SHIT GIDEON, DON'T DO THAT!" Mark bellowed.

"Awww, did I scare ya mate? Man up, and always be alert."

"Er... sorry. I just need sleep." Gideon couldn't help but laugh at him. After all, he didn't know the hell Mark had been through.

"You're joking, right? You never sleep."

"Well, I have been alone on Eridanus for TWO AND A HALF FUCKING MONTHS!" Gideon was in shock at what Mark just told him.

"Quit bullshitin' me mate, ONI said you were in cryosleep, waiting for orders..."

"ONI is lying, Gideon... they always do that. I mean... look at my arm..." Mark slowly rolled up his sleeve, revealing his various wounds now sealed with biofoam.

"Good... God... what did they do to ya mate? And what do you mean alone, didn't Alissa come back with you?" Mark hesitated for a moment and said "She was there in my arms... she died in my arms Gideon..."

"Mark... it's the past. You have to let g-"

"WE WERE GOING TO BE TOGETHER WHEN THIS WAR WAS OVER... just... give me some space... I need some time to think..."

"No time mate, we've got to gear up in a bit. Lord Hood wants us on reach."

"Wait... did you just say Reach, as in the planet Reach?" Mark asked with complete confusion.

"Yes, now if you'll be so kind as to get your head out of your arse, we need ya in the briefing room at 06:00. Take some guns and hurry up, don't want to drag your arse there like last time."

"Oh trust me, you won't..." Mark took a brief look around the room. There were weapons on racks everywhere, but something caught his eye: a drawer labeled 'Attachments'. A small smirk approached his face as he walked toward the drawer.

TA DAAA. Sorry if this is a bit short, but this is a first for me, and my brain is in crap mode. Let me know what you think by leaving a review, also a suggestion or two could help as well. On another note, ALL HATERS MUST HAVE A NORMAL IQ AND MUST AT LEAST LEAVE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM TO HELP ME FIX MY WRITING OR GTFO. I bid you all good day,
