AN: So, some of you have kinda guessed it! LOVE the reviews. Thank you!
"Shit." Emily Prentiss muttered as she saw the fire truck and ambulance parked in front of the hotel. She needed to find Hotch, give him an update, but traffic was now at a stand still. She groaned inwardly as she looked to see if there was anyway around the traffic.
Nope. She was stuck. She sighed and shifted the car into park before rolling her neck around as the sky opened up and began to pour.
"Of course." Emily whispered. At least she wasn't stuck out in it like the first responders. That would suck even more than being stuck in traffic. She glanced up, hoping to shoot one of them a sympathetic look, instead. She froze.
Hotch was there, along with Reid and Morgan. Immediately, Emily turned the flashing lights on and jumped out of the car, rushing over. Every single worst fear raced through her mind. Had someone been shot? Stabbed?
"Hotch!" She reached his side in record time, heading straight for the gurney.
"Prentiss." His voice told her everything she needed to know. "It's JJ." He spoke softly. "I don't know what happened, she went into cardiac arrest. They are transporting her to the hospital right now."
Emily could only nod, unable to stop the few tears that trickled down her cheeks. "I need you to go with her."
Emily didn't question it, instead she rushed to her friend's side and took her hand. "JJ." She shook her head before reaching over and gently moving a stray strand of blonde hair out of JJ's face.
"Ma'am?" Emily looked up to see one of the medics speaking to her. "We need to get her to the hospital. Are you coming?"
"Of course." She spoke, but stopped and reached over. "Sorry, JJ." She said softly, and removed JJ's gun from her side, before passing it off to Hotch.
Emily climbed into the ambulance and took a seat next to her friend. A million thoughts running through her mind. And as the ambulance started moving, those thoughts only increased and became darker. Emily knew that a healthy person did not just drop like this- and she began to wonder if someone had done this to JJ? Had someone intentionally hurt her friend?
She had seen enough evil in the world to know it was entirely possible, and JJ did have her share of enemies. But what in the hell could have simply caused her heart to stop?
"How far away from the hospital?" Emily asked the medic that was looking over JJ.
"Not far, maybe ten minutes."
Emily nodded, ten minutes was okay.. although Emily wanted her in the ER now.
She swallowed and licked her lips. "Do you think she knew something was wrong?"
The medic smiled. "I don't know ma'am. With all respect- I am not even sure what is going on."
Emily nodded. "But you suspect something?"
Again the medic stopped. "Ma'am, I am the paramedic, the doctor is going to have to talk to you about…"
He stopped talking, just stopped and Emily eyes shot back down to JJ.
"Move!" He ordered Emily and before she knew what was happening.. Emily heard a horrific alarm began ringing in the ambulance.