Hi everyone Chinpo Sama at it again

This will be the finale of this story so it will be a bit lengthy and sexual. Because i am pushing the line on sexual innuendos i will try and soften the language… hope my story will stay up here!

Also hope it ends to your liking and let me know!

(this will be my first fanfic to be completed since i always gave up to easily )

Note; don't own anything except for this story

Oh and this chapter has DOUBLE the words than the last ones haha I really should have made it a two part but, I think it will be taken better as its whole. Hope you enjoy!

Last Chapter: Shaken Heart

A whole week had passed since the onsen incident, true to his mumbling words in the car ride home, Hinata caught a long fever which lasted for days. His stutters and deepened memory of the night drifted around in Kageyama's mind as he watched a volleyball match play out at the local gym, his thoughts strayed away from the game in front of him. 'These College newbies, got a good game going but really lacks some passion'

"Ka…ge..yama i will be sick forever i.. want more wine.." The short ginger boy abruptly snored out of his mouth as he bobbed his head side to side with each hard bump the car made along the dirt rode. Downhill was the worse for the driver as guilt crept in his mind, making him wonder if this outcome was his fault.. How could he let the closest person to his side right now, act out so reckless and have him easily become sick by over heating and exhaustion.. Why couldn't he notice how the orange fluff exuberated more energy than he could handle.

"Your crazy if you want more alcohol. Just sleep… I'll take care of you i promise" The last part slipped from his conscious thoughts. Kageyama took every chance, every small moment like a red light on the street, to stare at the beautifully red-end boy mewing and dreaming like a puppy having a bad nightmare. He felt terrible for not helping the teen take better care of himself, but when did he ever get the chance to watch his heavy sleeping face? practically never since he was always the one falling asleep first, though unbeknownst he will be watched over by the small one. So from the long car ride home to dressing the boy down to his pyjamas (a very red Kageyama had to resist any urges) and to the warmth of their sofa where he also fed the boy lunch, Kageyama was able to take in every inch, every centimetre of hot dew-like skin, and beautiful lit freckles placed so delicately on his cheeks. He felt every curled orange lock entangle on his fingers, coiling themselves like a playful snake. He felt himself sigh, like a young girl in love, he couldn't help the contentment his heart felt, just watching the young one, entranced by the flickers of his lashes and the rhythm of his chest moving with his lungs. 'I wonder.. does he feel this way when he looks at me? Does he want me as much as i want him? Why is this so complicated, can't i just know and let it be….'

After keeping the boy company on the sofa. He placed the small one on their bed, hoping to escape in time for the boy to rest, The raven haired was stopped abruptly from shutting the door. Mumbles and sheets ruffling caught his attention. "mm… Kageyama?" the ginger boy laying ever so comfortably on the cool sheets began, his hands instinctively wiping the sweat beads from his forehead.

"Don't speak much, your voice is hoarse and you're' still overheated from your fever. Honestly your an adult, yet i take care of you and feed you like a 3 year old." Raven haired pinched his fingers on his temple as to show frustration, yet his side glances of worry gave him away all too easily to the boy across from him. a weak smile crept on the ginger's face as the other one walked awkwardly to his side sitting rather stoic on the bed.

"You fed.. me?"

"No shit, who else would?"

"…. did you also change my clothes and shower me?" A large gulp. that's all he could muster as he recalled the sweet feeling of holding a wake less and smooth skin of his roommate. The subtle pink nipples that begged to be held by his mouth..

"Just changed… which means your really in need of a shower. your sick so let.. me uh wipe you down instead. Beads of nervous sweat began to fall from his forehead. 'shit i look mighty suspicious for wanting to just clean him… dammit i cant' have pure thoughts anymore.. I'm in too deep.'

"Hmm.. id rather take a bath."

"The likeliness of you passing out and drowning is way too high and I'm not going to save your ass since i warned you." 'complete lie. since when did i become such a liar to myself? this isn't fair why am i the only one nervous.' Kageyama's strength in his arms seemed to weaken as he now bent on the side of the bed, eye level with the boy, his arms trying to support his head in a cool manner.

'oh gooood why does he look at me like that, i feel so light headed but my chest weighs so heavy right now.. would it be weird to ask this…' Hinata entranced tried his best and blinked hard twice before mustering the courage to speak.

" Can you come with me then?.. inside the bath tub.."

"Sure lets go" Kageyama picked the boy up too fast, making the one in his arms see stars while heading to the bathroom

"WOAH way too fast!"

"Sorry.. I would have said no if you gave me any longer, lets get this over with." An obvious nervous Kageyama sprinted to the bathroom. Now perched on the Bathroom counter, he placed Hinata's arms over his neck as he unclothed him.

"Wait wait i can do this much at least"

"Shut up i already started, ask me to wipe your ass and thats where i put the brakes.. ok now lift your hips"

"Unn.." He complied. the now naked Hinata too mentally drained to care about his nakedness closed his eyes pretending the other was doing the same. Water began to rush in the tub. The ginger pretended he was permanently blind as he heard the raven haired pour the bubbles and prepare the bath. Small hands gripped at the marble counter tightly.

"Come on grab onto my shoulders, you can stand right?"

"Nuh uh."

"What do you mean… get off the counter you little shit."

"Im disabled"

"How?" Kageyama played along, this had been their longest conversation since the boys sickness.

"Im blind, take me with you" a big pout formed on the small one's lips.

"You know how easily I can screw up by both of us entering the tub at the same time."

'" I.. really can't move, I can't even open my eyes to see you.. i don't want to.. its different from the onsen I was fine with the thought of your body behind mine but now.." The boy started hiccuping almost like a child.

"Hey hey ok, just don't cry were adults dammit, I care about you obviously since we've been together for so long.." With that said, Kageyama grabbed the boy swiftly and dived in the tub in one go, skilfully sitting down, almost like the onsen scenario.. except Hinata felt much closer to his skin.

After successfully taking a needed warm bath, the boys dried off in their living room, sitting in front of their large white fan as the Tv was on, creating background noise for the two's awkward atmosphere. Kageyama, rubbed a fluffy towel on his hair and threw it at the short ones face while getting up, heading to the door.

"Still blind?"

Hinata buried his red face into the towel, feeling even more dizzy as he took in the wafting smell of kageyama's hair.. a strong but musk scent that sent shivers all the way to his toes. how could he look at him directly even now?

" Yes.."

A huge thump penetrated the wall by the shoe rack which shook the hooks on the wall. Hinata manage to peek at the back of kageyama. His knuckles in a fist were well pressed against the wall.

"When you stop fucking ignoring me i'll come back then.. I'm going to.. go to the store. Call me if you need anything."

"WAIT" He ran, as fast as he could with his weak legs he tried to reach the raven haired, but his knees buckled and only made it his to ankles. His reached out and his hand managed to grab onto something… to his dismay he didn't catch on to the older's hand but instead, grabbed the shorts of Kageyama and pulled them all the way down with him to the floor. Revealing the tight black boxer briefs he wore.

"The hell!" Kageyama couldn't pick his shorts up, his embarrassment surpassed all his able movements.

"GAHH sorry i didn't mean for it to go like this… can you help me up?"

"Ugh" He grabbed the short one up along with his shorts. Now he really couldn't leave and slam the door cooly. 'dammit' Kageyama thought.

"Hear me out.." The young one began. Maybe it was the fever, maybe it was his newfound courage. but hinata spilled all his emotions in one go, like a diary with a key lock ripped open and read out loud. after he finished Kageyama stood stunned.

"All of what you said is true?… you've liked me for that long? but you just realised it? what if I said i was the same.."

"Thats fine.. i just want us to go back to bickering and laughing and not feeling weird around each other… if that can happen by just admitting our feelings. right now. then lets do it."

Hinata finally gazed fully at those black orbs. He couldn't look away then. It was like his word vomit gave him the ability to face on everything at once. Sure he was terrified of this new feeling, but his friendship was way more important than that. He was the type to face his challenges head on, no matter how scared he was, that's why he became the Ace of his Volleyball team.

"Ok lets start with a confession then.." He wasn't thinking before speaking, this new habit of Kageyama was getting on his nerves, but really, he just couldn't stop saying what was on his mind.

"Ok lets say it at the same time..maybe it will be easier?"

"Whatever lets try it" The taller one massaged his neck. he urged the boy with his eyes to move out of the hallway. they did so and were now in the cool room of their kitchen. with heavy sighing both boys faced each other, Hinata putting his weight on the kitchen counter behind him. Kageyama had his hands calmly crossed over his chest, almost giving him stability.

"Ready?" Hinata urged.

"Ready. 1.2.3." the raven haired puffed.


"I LIKE YOU HINA-wait what?"

"It's true I can't help it, I do it almost with out thinking, its becoming a habit and I just now realised why… I like.. no I love you. I know this because well. i love when you get angry or sad or scared and everyone else sees the same angry looking expression but I see so much more… Its like i see your hearts emotions in your eyes, and I thought I was making this up but when I touch your hands and when we shock each other or you ruffle my hair, or when you lewdly touched my skin at the resort, I felt this heat that wasn't there, or maybe it was but I'm the only one who notices it. This warmth.. I don't know if I'm making sense but to me i think this is what love feels like." His hands were in fists at his side, his eyes glinted with ferocity and shamelessness. He felt awakened somehow. Much more than earlier where, Kageyama fed him and dried him off. The autopilot was turned off finally. Steam felt like it was coming out of Kageyama's ears. His tint; a tomato red gave away his complete embarrassment. that confession was more than he could handle.

"Well uh.. I sometimes watch you too.. not that i always can cause you always wake up so damn early, but.. I feel what you feel too.. so I… love you. I know I do or else i wouldn't have stuck to you for so long, every movement you make gives me jolts.. I keep thinking of your body and your smile and your big eyes that stare at me like I'm the only one there for you.. so.. yeah I guess we're both creeping on each other at night." He couldn't' be cheesy and romantic when the time called for it, yet he felt his honesty was enough for the other. He noticed the all too familiar grin meet his gaze and the two inched closer so naturally that they both felt the same fear.

'Is this really happening?.. with him of all people.. its kind of funny..' They both thought this as they embrace each other shyly like if it was the first time.

To Kageyama's surprise, the fevered boy grabbed his neck and pushed him to meet him at eye level.

"I don't want to get you sick but I want to..kiss,so where should I?"

"Where should you what?" Kageyama's mind wasn't fully comprehending the situation.

"Stupid, where s-shoud I kiss you.."

"Oh.. don't ask to kiss idiot just do it.. on the lips."

"IF you get sick i can't carry you to the bathtub, maybe feed you but thats all I-"

"SHUT UP " The tall one who loomed over the other almost pushing the gingers frail body completely on the marbled counter. He pushed his lips to the others smoothly. He honestly didn't give a shit if he got sick, he just needed the touch, the heat. They kissed passionately at first, their warm fingers intertwined giving the teens more confidence in their movements. Tongue's swirled and danced to a sultry tempo, and the passion grew as neither one removed their gaze away. Maybe it may have looked awkward, but a growing lust arose from the action. with the right caress Hinata felt himself melt and surrender to Kageyama's bidding. He didn't notice his back was fully on the cool tile, his legs clung tightly at the raven hair's waist.

"Anymore and we will need to move to the bed" The small one managed to giggle.

"Who says we have to.." pecks and smooches were being trailed to his cheek, then his earlobe and down his reddened neck. A nibble was given to his collar bone which created a sultry moan from the ginger.

"No we can't.. I cook here.. GOD" another nibble, well a bite… chomped on his other collar bone, as his spine was massaged tenderly by long digits.

"why are you good at this.."

"just following instinct"

"hmm" the ginger sighed, A heavenly sigh. He pushed his own fingers in between the soft charcoal locks. He writhed underneath as more pressure kissed trailed down his stomach and the lower they went, the tighter his grip got, which Kageyama was secretly loving.

"Will you say you still love me when I become bald because of you?"

"Thats not romantic at all.. and yes i think so." This was the correct answer and Kageyama heaved a pleased sigh and immediately dishevelled the both and tossed their clothes aside.

"Sorry this may not be good for your body, ill leave your socks on.."

"I don't care...just touch me the way.. you did before.."

"Exactly how?"

"DONT make me beg kageyama…" Yet Hinata did so.. the whole time he was embraced on that now hot counter. He pleaded, moaned and screamed as the roller coaster of lust drove him in every direction. They went farther than ever before. Hinata's entrance, finally probed by the tall one's hand, gently stirred his insides, first softly, too softly where the feeling became ghostly and unbearable for the teen, he need felt stronger. With a groan he pushed his weight on Kageyama's hand causing a shocked exhale from the hand's owner, as well as an animalistic growl.

"You need to tell me what you want or else i'll tie you down and leave you for good."

'oh no… Hinata loved when the other was aggressive, on matches, when he ordered food, whenever he fucking talked, he loved it. But when he made a delicious promise like tying him, or forcing him down.. it made him spring (literally ) harder than he ever had been.

"I need more… no fingers.. I want you."

"Your not ready.. see? If i inch my tounge to lick you, you clench… I can't fit if you don't relax.."

" I can't help it.." A few minutes pass with more heated kisses and mewls. When Kageyama finally entered Hinata, shock waved through. He expected the worst, he expected to feel like he was being torn apart, pure pain but to his surprise it was pure pleasure, with a hint of pressure.

"dont dont.."

"Don't move?" Worry filled Kageyamas face. He was so scared to tear, to hurt the little one that clung to him.

"DONT STOP" He did anyways, 'what? he wanted me to keep going? he's already feeling good so soon?'

"Are you sure this is your first time?"

"BAAKA of course it is. just.. it feels so right, I love it I love you."

"AAhh.." That did the trick for him. Those words set fire to the gasoline pumping in his member. KAgeyama breathed long before he began his fierce movements. he bent lower to the red ears protruding out of tosseled wet coral locks. He knew now what set fire to their relationship. It was words.. the only time they understood each other and laughed and cried and felt, was when their words were in sync and the communicated with their hearts. So Kageyama still bent to the ear, as he pushed achingly slow caused a low growl from the young one, he whispered hotly

"Wrap your legs around me, pull me in… pull me in Hinata"

"Mmmmm" Hinata twitched and his chest heaved hearing those sinful words. he did the bidding of the raven haired. Their pace increased sped up causing shivers and shakes in their body and on the counter. Glasses in the sink shook and tinked against each other , bottles of spices spilled and clunked. a box of cereal thumped to floor. As if an earthquake developed around them, their bodies smacked furiously against each other and then.. the low came. slow open gazes, tongues out taunting the other to join them. muscles stroking each other lovingly, slowly, tenderly. Their movements pumped each other slowly, effortlessly. soft giggles exhaled from the two as Kageyama cupped the plump cheeks on the others face. They couldn't ever imagine this, they felt so blissful so in awe.

" I really love you..:" Kageyama spilled, he felt the weak pink tinted digits trail around his lips, he caught one and bit it teasingly.

"I want to cum." Hinata slurred out.

"Are you asking for permission?" The tall one asked a little bit stunned, who knew this dominance he held over Hinata turned him on so much.

"Im demanding you … make me cum Kageyama" The role felt reversed, and Kageyama liked it just as much. as he stirred his member harder, jabbing at the pink insides, he grabbed both the young ones legs swung them to the same side and stabbed in every direction he could find, searching for that center, that sweet little muscle that would send the ginger over the clouds in seconds. almost on cue as Hinata wriggled and tighten his grip on Kageyama, with his hands on top of the other who deepened his fingernails on the gingers waist. He began the first ride of ecstasy, unbeknownst to him that it wouldn't be the last that night. With a few hard finishing thrusts the older met his peak and shook the others body, to the rhythm of his stirs. Kageyama gave vigorous kisses to the young ones perked nipples, he continued to, causing the other to twitch his whole body as he was carried bridal style into the living room. The T.v still on and the fan roaring softly in the distance. He couldn't stop cradling the youth, sitting with him on floor he held both his legs and arms, suppled kisses laid on the boys neck. They paused their affair and watched a movie, played a sports video game and ordered take out. Relief hit both as they realised they were back to the same laughing and bickering they've always known.

and then,their sensual night continued after dinner, passionate highs and lows. It upheld like so for days. On the couch, on their dinner table! Everywhere they touched in the apartment, was soon violated with their sweat and stench of sex. Once they even fucked during a thunder storm, where Hinata squished his naked body on the cold glass of their balcony doors. The rush they felt from maybe getting caught, just like their first kiss, intoxicated them with an urge to finish each other off against the cool glass being patted by heavy rain. They joked, about the situation and felt so close, this secret, this drug called sex, gave them a high so good, their bodies felt like melting at every round they ended. The roars of thunder heighten their senses and the roommates completely gave themselves to each other.

A couple weeks pass in heaven. Kageyama, still attending long sessions of boring algorithms was kept busy with his studies by day and busy with the gingers body by night. Hinata hopped from small jobs and favours and finally landed a seasonal job as extra help in the sports department curricular services. the pay was minimal but enough to make by. Hinata called the raven haired by phone and asked the usual.

"What do you want for dinner? I want to try Kenma's favourite dish that Kuro makes him.. I think i need a whole fish do you mind getting one on your way home.?"

"Yeah no problem, i may take a while though so maybe cook something for back up? is anyone visiting tonight?"

"No the guys are all busy today… I can ask Kiyoko chan and Hitoka chan to come though! I will be lonely if your out too long.."

"I get it i'll try my best to hurry. See you soon."

"Bye" Hinata closed his phone, he couldn't help always having a big grin when he heard that familiar voice. He quickly flipped his phone open and dialled the girls hoping they could teach him to cook something delicious that night. He was in high spirits as he casually talked with them over the phone, arranging to meet later on.

As time passed Kagayema finished his last group study homework and rushed to pick up a giant fish, he knew where to go instantly, no matter the time he could always rely on this store to be open. Runned surprisingly by his former coach's nephew Kagayema was able to befriend the boy and get good deals on his seafood.

The orange and yellowed sunset was slowly shifting to a milky purple and blue sky. Kageyama thought shyly how it reminded him so much of him and his lover. Of course he would be the blue hues, and Hinata the bight golden hues. Spacing out as he walked home, he felt a hard vibration coming from his pocket, He rolled his eyes. 'He has no patience.;' With out looking Kageyama swiftly answered the phone.

"Oi it hasn't even been that long, i got the damn fish I'm coming alright?"

"Huh? What are you talking about Tobio… I need to tell you something urgent.." Confusion struck him, shit its not Hinata..


"Hi dear.." The weight of the dead fish inside the bag felt heavy in his hand, too heavy as he listened in on his moms lengthy update. His strides slowed down and it took Kageyama twice as long to get home than usual. As he finally approached the cement stairs of the complex he stopped and listen in to his moms final words.

"So you understand the situation now, and you know what i am asking of you correct?" His mom timidly asked.

"Yeah i think so…"

"What do you mean you think so. I really need you to help your sick mother… I tried everyone believe me sweetie the last thing I wanted was to take you away from college."

"I know i know, I'll talk with my roommate and figure it out, please just go to the hospital for now, stop putting it off or I won't come."

"Oh isn't Shouyou Hinata your roommate? such a sweet boy, well he wont mind after all you are both guys."

"..yeah, I have to go now mom please be careful"

"Hai, hai" His mother sighed heavily, catching herself before she would have a coughing fit on the phone. Kageyama caught on but decided to say nothing as he ended the call.

With that, the conversation ended. A big sigh left his heavy chest. Every step he took weighed more and more and the closer he got to the door he could make out high pitched voices, one of them, an exuberated Hinata chanting in glee, a weak smile formed on Kageyama's lips, then subsided as he realised they most likely had company that night.

"Hell.. thats the last thing i need right now.' Suddenly the front door opened wide.

"I thought I heard you coming up… Why are you just standing there come on Bakageyama! Hitoka chan and Kiyoko chan came and brought sweets from the bakery!"


"Kyaa! the cake is so pretty!

"Wooww looks so yummy, Look kageyama Kiyoko made a cake!" The carrot headed boy laughed and awed while reaching out for Kageyama's bag. Suddenly in a foul mood Kageyama threw the bag at him and rushed past ignoring the girls and heading to the bedroom.

"I hate sweets, Im not eating tonight, your fish was expensive by the way." The raven head slammed the door shut leaving the three outside in the hall stunned. Hinata tried laughing it off.

"Maybe something happened at school. lets give him space. L-look we have the fish now! "

"yeah! we need to follow Kuro's recipe and make yummy soup." The trio quickly finished their cooking night off successfully, full from the cake, they decided to save the entree for the next day.

"Sorry you two didn't eat dinner with us.. instead we just ate dessert."

"It's ok no worries Hinata..we have the recipe now so we can try it at home, but i hope everything turns out well with you and Kageyama kun… " Kiyoko worriedly commented as she grabbed her large tote filled with kitchen utensils. Hitoka double checked they had everything of theirs ready to leave as they headed towards the door,

"Don't worry usually something ends up bothering him always. Send me pictures of the food you make! Take care!" The two headed to their car and sped off into the night. Finally Hinata could see what was wrong. He approached their bedroom door, turned the knob and realised it was locked.

"Kageyama… open the door the girls are gone. are you awake?" Defeat met him as he realised he wasn't getting any response. With a heavy sigh Hinata left the door and pulled out extra blankets from one of the closets near the bathroom.'Ill leave him be, might be a good change to not touch each other every time we get the chance. maybe he needs that space, still hurts to be ignored though.'

Kageyama felt immense guilt as he clutched a pillow to his face, fully awake he chose to ignore Hinata. He felt like an asshole but he didn't know how the conversation would be brought up. As he closed his eyes trying to force himself to sleep his mind kept wandering.

'I have to leave his side… i don't want to hurt his feelings I don't know when I'll be back what will happen to us… will he get bored of waiting for me? His body is so sensitive anyone could please it.' Images of strangers groping and assaulting Hinata filled his mind and he shook the thoughts away angrily. Kageyama had so much to think over. The fact that his mother desperately needed his help because of her severe illness, was unfair and impossible to deny. The teen soon fell asleep.

Neither roommate saw each other the next morning. Hinata busy with his part time job was on the opposite side of campus from Kageyama. Sure they were texting but the ginger boy still felt lonely somehow. The manager of the college soccer team asked him to recover some papers lended to another teacher in science department. Hinata happily obliged to run the errand of retrieving them, as he returned to his side of campus he ran into a science major who carried a heavy box filled with liquid. tragedy ensued and the box spilled on Hinata as they both bumped and fell on the ground. Hinata screamed in slight horror at the scenario he was in. small baby leeches attached to his bare legs and whole stomach, as his loose summer tank top and blue shorts did nothing to cover him up.

"S-sorry! their harmless if you get them off of you in time, ill ask for the nurse to come quickly please don't move!" Hinata, luckily didn't get the papers soaked, but was now behind schedule, having the nurse help remove the leeches off his skin, right was lucky to run into an acquaintance who was in the soccer college team.

"Hey buddy your soaked, I saw the whole commotion, if you don't mind I can lend you a team members uniform to wear for the rest of the day."

"Thanks Ryu, I don't mind since i'm in the sports department."

"Great ill go grab it!" Hinata noticed the boy was a little too eccentric to get him that uniform. Hopefully he brings an appropriate size, he thought as he winced and painfully waited the process of removing the leeches from his sensitive skin.

Kageyama hadn't received a single text in the last hour and he began to get annoyed but mostly worried. 'yeah we're not exactly together but he should damn tell me he's busy or doing something if he's going to ignore me like this.' 1 hour passed and during that time not one text arrived to Kageyama's silent phone.

'thats it, he better have a good excuse when i find him!' The tall one headed to the sports centre and asked around everywhere for Hinata until he received information from a coach.

'apparently he's with the soccer team, what the hell is he doing with them… playing a game indoors? doubtful' What shocked the boy was when he opened the doors to the large indoor gym and he saw half of the burly men in the soccer team holding Hinata like a rag doll in a stern manner, while a couple boys were massaging his taut skin. Soccer uniform? why the fuck are these men under his shirt rubbing his skin?' Hinata, wincing at the pain told the guys over and over to be gentle, he only needed one person to help him but the antibiotic cream on his skin, not the whole team.

"AH Kageyama! good thing your here i need help.."

"Looks like you have plenty of help. Didn't' know you played for multiple teams Hinata. Im fucking leaving."

"Hey wait! Put me down I have to go after him!" Hinata yelled at the team. When he finally reached the doors to the outside, heavy rainfall began and his sight was a little blurred as he looked for any trace of the raven haired. Fresh footsteps leading across campus gave him a direction.

Kageyama felt hurt, furious but mostly hurt 'what the fuck was all that. why did it look just like my bad thoughts last night. great. its raining I'm soaked… WOAH' The boy not watching his step slid on a slippery rock and fell back first in the wet mushy grass. He laid staring at the grey sky unable nor willing to move.'Guess its over.. every things turning out to suck today' He closed his eyes, not caring if he started to shiver a little, he mostly felt numb as he listened to hard drops of rain falling on him. A faint sound approached his hearing, the sound a familiar voice crying out for him.

"KAaageyamaa! where are youu! OI!" A heavy thud fell on his chest. A wet curled boy laid on top of him, he almost believed if was a hallucination until he realised the green uniform signified a soccer player. but he was not a soccer player he was an ex volleyball player who was in big trouble.

"I-i found you! what you saw may have looked weird but listen to me ok LISTEN!" Hinata mostly expected to be yelled at and hit like a child but the other was silent to his surprise.

"Im listening…"

"O-ok. a science student dropped a box of leeches on me and they left me red marks all over I have witnesses! i was soaked so I was lent this uniform but well, now its also soaked and I just want you to understand today has been crazy!"


"listen, I'm sorry you are mad but I am innocent, whatever your mind is thinking is probably 100% not true. and also.." Hinata couldn't stop talking, like word vomit again he was nervous. a silent Kageyama was more menacing than a talking one.

"Hinata i'm leaving." A faint whisper, barely audible but Hinata heard loud and clear.

"W-what? Finished class early? you can wait for me i'm almost done, in fact you could just do the work with me that way were together..

"you heard me, i'm leaving… back to our hometown.. i have to." Stunned Hinata felt speech less and numb, the rain didn't help. a minute of silence.

" When?"

"Soon as possible.."

"How long?"

"Don't know.."

"What?" The rain became louder, the mud deepened almost entrapping them on the ground as the were.

"I DONT KNOW" Kageyama clenched his teeth, what else could he have said. another moment of silence. he adverted the younger ones gaze, staring at a drenched tree.

"… Ok I'll wait for you. I'll always wait for you"

"Don't give me that shit, you won't be able to wait"

"You don't know that" irritated, Hinata leaned closer, their position questionable to passerby's.

"I do.."

"Its a challenge then, i'll beat you to it. the amount of time you leave ill be able to wait it out." Intense eyes met one another. he couldn't believe his ears, he didn't want to believe someone like Hinata would understand with out even hearing the reason, this person put all his faith in hearing him out. Tears swelled and soon fell on Kageyama's face matching the droplets from the sky.


"Deal." Hinata grinned. The most painful and heart wrenching grin he ever felt. But just like in middle school times, he faked a smile and pretended it was all ok. As they finally got up and found shelter, Hinata didn't dare to ask the reason why his other was leaving, afraid he would try and find every excuse he could, to keep him in the city with him.

So the time passed achingly slow, Hinata chewed pink bubble gum as he cleaned and packed all his belongings from the now almost empty apartment. True he didn't own much, with all the heavy furniture belonging to the land owner, he had mostly his school supplies, sheets and hygiene products. His phone beeped, alarming him awake from his thoughts as he stared at the balcony window, casually sitting on a taped up cardboard box.

"Hey Suga.. yeah every things packed! just gonna call a cab and head to the new place soon, Maybe I'll stop by the shop, I'm a little hungry."

Hinata sprinted over to the bathroom to wash his face, hoping he would feel more awake. 'Huh.. my hair grew longer..' The ginger eyed his locks, a bit curled at the tips as they passed his earlobes and met his neckline close. 'It has been a few months since i've gotten it cut, well i haven't touched it since he left…' Grabbing his bag that laid on the counter he dialled a cab and within thirty minutes he heard the screeching of tires. The texts were enough to get him by as he waited all that time. 'miss you, thinking of you, why don't you message faster, i need at least a short reply please.., how is she are two ok?' the last messages he sent were all unanswered, unread it seemed. He turned his phone off and called on the cab to open its trunk. Once in the cab with all his belongings, 2 large duffel bags and 2 cardboard boxes, The boy sighed dramatically. He was indeed bitter sweet about leaving the apartment, since he had so many good memories. The welcoming party with all his friends, the cooking nights he had, the passionate moments with his other. He breathed the boys name under his breath, annoyance really kicking in. 'Why won't he message me back, out of all the months he's been gone, this is the first time he's taken so long. Maybe he's bored of me?..'Hinata's kind driver helped him put his luggage inside his new home. A condo that seemed to be adequate sizing for himself but really looking at it closer was twice bigger than imagined. The walls were all white and the floor was too clean for his comfort. Hinata recalled the conversation he held with his coworkers as he sat criss crossed in the middle of the living room floor, unpacking trinkets.

"You know you can't live alone forever Hinata, your turning into a depressed teenager I can tell by how less you are eating."

"I don't believe you Daichi, I keep eating so much and then I'm so full I can't help but not want to eat for hours."

"Days you mean, and thats called binge eating."

"He's right, you've been staying with us longer than in your apartment, you hardly touch your food when we have dinner." An overly concern sugar chimed as he held giant olive and white coloured tulips wrapped in beautiful designs and ribbons. Daichi sprayed them down with water as he stared equally concerned at the boy beside him. Hinata avoided their eye contact and went to the crafting corner where he focused his attention on colour cordinating bows with ribbons soon to be placed on honey coloured roses.

"Im honestly fine, just ever since Kageyama left my desire to cook has gone away, so now I eat at irregular hours and you guys don't see it.. I appreciate your concern and all you've done for me. Working at this flower shop with you two has gotten my head straight and I was able to find a new place because of it."

"I know its not exciting working at my aunt's floral shop but hey if you enjoy it so much you could take over as manager someday."

"Are you kidding me? I wouldn't mind, I have so much free time working here I even picked up volley ball again!" A reassuring grasp and nod was all he needed from his friends to feel like he was on the right track. Vibrations and beeps scared him awake from his recent memories. It was Daichi calling on his phone.

"How are you doing Kid? Suga and I closed the shop early and we'll be making a special dinner I think you will really enjoy it."

"Don't tell me your making me cook again?.. I'll come right now and help."

"NO!" Clutterer and bangs were heard over the line as a breathy Suga took the phone from Daichi. Hinata could assume the boy tripped in a rush to speak to him.

"haha I have it all taken care of Hinata! I just need you to uh, wait and maybe you can just finish unpacking, by the way, did you ever find another roommate?"

"Not yet, why? I mean its been a little hard for me to accept that I'm on my own now really… do you know anyone?" Hinata knew he had to face the truth, Kageyama was gone, busy with his life. Hinata had to grow up and be more independent whether he liked it or not. he really didn't like the thought of living alone hence the demand for a new roommate.

"I think we know someone."

"Well great give me information on them when your free, ok see you soon" shutting his phone off again,the boy stood up, knees slightly wobbly. As he headed to the far off bathroom he felt something wet on on his shirt. heading to the nearest mirror he found to his surprise, tears falling like a silent faucet broken. 'Why am I crying.. am I that pathetic? Did i love this guy that much…' Sniffles and whimpers exhaled from his mouth as he reached for a towel. 'I have to get ready for the dinner, maybe shower.'

DING DONG. the bell at the front chimed. A startled Hinata cautiously approached the door. ' I haven't told anyone my new address, maybe its the neighbours?' Wiping away his tears and shuffling closer he peeked at the looking hole in his door. He couldn't imagine what he saw, a large bouquet of orange hued flowers. with a gleam in his eye he opened the door and exhaled in excitement

"Wow! for me? a welcome gift? Thank you.. uh sir!" The man was covered completely, the arrangement so big it muffled his voice. Grunts were made and the swaying of the vase alerted Hinata to look down at a large note wedged in the veins of the flowers.

"Still looking for a roommate?.. well sure.. I mean my last roommate left suddenly and its been real lonely, especially with the move, I wouldn't mind talking with you about it."

"please accept me then" This was barely audible considering the large petals still covering the mans face.

"Oh here i'll take them out of your hands" Hinata twirled almost as the gravity of the flowers pushed him down, he managed to set them on the kitchen counter. as he wiped his hands he looked up at the man grinning at him. His mind went blank, tears formed immediately as realisation hit, the man before him was none other than his former team mate, his high school friend, his present lover.

"Is it really you Kageyama?"

"Obviously Dumbass, quit standing like a statue come here."

"I'm scared this isn't real, tell me your'e really here." an exasperated sigh came from the raven haired, his locks were too, grown a few inches, his jaw a bit chiseled more than when he left, or maybe Hinata's mind was exaggerating his excitement.

"Im really here, mom's ok, she was able to find a care taker, and I applied for college again a month ago.." Hinata finally able to move, threw himself on the man, pinning him to the now close front door. a trembling voice was all he could manage.

"You knew for so long and didn't tell me! also never messaged me back today… so much has changed how did you find out where i li… DAICHI! they even knew?" The tall one, embracing the other's body laughed.

"They wanted to surprise you.. Hinata.."

"Well thats fine then.." Hinata sighed once more and took it all in, the sweet musk scent he missed, the beautiful pale skin that use to always send shivers down his spine,oh how he missed it.

"So on that roommate offer, I take it I can move in?"

"Of course you big idiot, well, as long as you don't mind the occasional sleep watching over each other again.." a low chuckle came from the tall one.

"Not at all." He continued on.

"The guys are waiting for us how bout we head out and I help you unpack when we return, besides my things are at their place right now."

"No wonder Suga was so nervous on the phone" Hinata grabbed his keys as well as Kageyama's hand as they headed out of condo.

Laughs were shared, a bit of tears were brought out as the special dinner turned out to be a reunion party with all the past members of the team surprising them in Suga and Daichi's apartment. Everyone humorously commented it felt more like a Birthday party. While they drank merrily Hinata made eye contact with the raven haired. He whispered fondly the I love you's he so often said over the phone. Kageyama ruffled his hair and whispered back the regular 'me too's and sweetly caressed the cheek of the young one. Pure utter bliss fell upon them as the night continued.

"OK ok everyone lets make a toast to our old friend for coming back to the city! any one have anything special to say?" Yamaguchi declared, a bit tipsy already.

"I DO!...I just want to say, Welcome back Kageyama.. I have a feeling we'll be roommates for the rest of our lives and I'm completely fine with that." Hinata raised his beer and everyone joined as they teasingly made remarks on his speech.

"Oii you love birds, quit showing off!" the boos were mainly from Nishinoya and Tanaka who cackled even when hit by the head by stern Asahi. Laughter ensued and the party carried on.

The boys knew in their heart no matter the trifles or distance they faced, They would always come back to each other. As their gazes met every so often with their secret language every lover had, they reconfirmed their pure acceptance and love for each other..


Well thats the finale!

I had a good time writing this out, I know it got cheesy at the end but I didn't know how to not make it cheesy.

Yeah there are some parts that seem OC but i personally Imagine the character REALLY in this situation, as in their real people and then that messes with me and I start believing they do exist in real life.

Anyways, it was a slight pain trying to finish the story off since I never have done so before, so I appreciate the reviews and what you have to think of my story! Im excited to make a new one with a new plot, maybe different characters. What other characters should I try and tackle next?

Love the support and happiness I receive! Talk to you soon!

-Chinpo Sama.