Ch.7:Wild Reunion; Enter Kurama

'Kurama, why did you not attempt to try and notify me of your location after all these years. All these years I waited for a sign that you and Naruto-kun were safe so that I may report it to everyone else.' The Rikudo-sennin stroked his beard as he gazed outward. 'What reason could you have to wait so long. You know how many were worried about the young boys well being such as I worry about you and your siblings. Though I am well aware you are capable of taking care of yourself seeing that you are over a thousand years old and such that doesn't mean as a parent I cannot help but feel worried for your well-being. Just as Naruto's parents worried why their son had suffered such an untimely and early death. So when you had performed that jutsu I became concerned when you did not alert me that both you and Naruto-kun were in the same location. After searching for so long, it felt as though I would never be able to find you as if you did not wish for your location to become known, not even to me.'

The great sage paused in his thoughts as he gained a perplexed expression. 'Unless, I was not the one you were keeping your location hidden from, but if it was not me then...'

"It's been a while hasn't it Jiji."

The sudden interruption of his thoughts caused the Rikudo-sennin to turn towards the voices location. His eyes landed on a cloaked figure that was a mixture of crimson red and orange with black fur lining the rim of the hood. On the back was a large four and what appeared to be curled up fox surrounded by flames on his left sleeve. Though he couldn't see the person's face he could see his mouth, which was sporting a devilish smirk, which caused a feeling of nostalgia. The sage looked around seeing that he was now in the place where he created the Bijuu. He then continued to stare at the man trying to figure out who he was and how he got here.

The man saw the old sage trying to figure out his identity began to laugh before speaking. "Oi, oi and for the one who was trying so hard to contact me, you shouldn't be all that surprised when I finally decide to quit putting it off and actually contact you instead. I mean honestly not only have I been put in charge of the runt but I went out of my way to give him a second chance and use that jutsu, you could've waited until a little longer before getting all mother hen on me and recklessly sending out chakra like that." His laughter died down, "Seriously who knows whom you could have alerted of there being worlds other than their own."

"Could it be? Is that you Kurama?"

The figure lifted up its hood, revealing his face and all so familiar toothy grin. "Yeah, it's me Jiji honest to say I'm glad to hear your voice, after all, these years. Sorry for contacting you so late after so long, but things got in the way."

Hagoromo let out a sigh of relief he was glad to be able to hear his child's voice further securing the thought that he was ok and better yet see him. "Do not worry about it Kurama I am just glad to see you are well, I'm surprised though to see you take on a human form."

Kurama chuckled, "Yeah it surprised me too when the runt and I arrived," the ex-bijuu looked at his hand before enclosing it into a fist and putting it to his side. "I didn't think that the jutsu would effect my body to the extent of changing my form, to be honest, it's laughable."

"I did warn that there were complications", Hagoromo replied. "Just be glad your body was not merged with Naruto-kun's when you decided to reincarnate him, I might not have been able to find either of you so easily."

"Yeah ain't I lucky", said Kurama with a slightly horrified look on his face. Kurama already knew what it was like to be apart of Naruto, but being merged with the boy would have made him lose his mind. If any of it was left.

"Indeed," said Hagoromo. "There would've been a chance of both your consciousness merging together as well, but never the less its good that didn't happen."

Kurama nodded in agreement.

"Ah, by the way," the Rikudo began, "how is young Naruto is he also doing well, his parents and everyone are also worried about his well-being. I had sent Jiraiya boy to check on him and we are awaiting his return but if he is with you that might not have been necessary to do."

Kurama went silent from the information, which concerned Hagoromo. "Kurama?"

Kurama sighed he had known he would need to tell them about Naruto and why he never tried making contact after so long so now was a good time if not ever. "Sorry Jiji but I had to leave Naruto as soon as we appeared". The ex-bijuu didn't feel like dancing around and said it as plain as simple he had left Naruto the moment they arrived in Fiore. He looked at his father's face and wasn't surprised at the expression that displayed disbelief and shock in hearing that Kurama had abandoned his former host and friend in an unknown world alone.

"Kurama, how could you? Were you not going to look after Naruto-kun? I had believed after the two of you had become more than".

Kurama sighed. "It's not like that Jiji. It's just that something unexpected came up and I felt it was better if the runt wasn't around me." Kurama looked at the sage who was his father with a somewhat hard look. "I thought it he would've been safer as long as I was the one drawing all of the attention."

"Attention to yourself, why?"

"The answer to that should be obvious, Jiji. When the runt and I were traveling through the rift to this world after I casted the jutsu...we weren't alone in there."

-3 years ago-

A man with an average muscular build, dark red pupil's, burnt-orange hair and light tanned skin was floating in what appeared to be space with a collection of multi-colored swirls which seemed to be galaxies constantly moving. This was the multiverse, the plane of existence were all realms and their inhabitants live, unknowing of the others without being an individual of otherworldly power. The man's name was Kurama and unknown to others he was no ordinary human.

Kurama looked at the space around him with half-lidded eyes and sighed. "I didn't think being reincarnated would turn out like this," he said looking at his open palm, "To think I would be turned into something I used to hate after all these years. Sigh, this really was something unexpected. Not to mention moving through a place like this for who knows how long Is begin." Kurama then looked down at a small bundle of cloth with something wrapped in it, with a somewhat upset look on his face. "You better appreciate everything that I'm doing for you, runt."

Inside the bundle of cloth was an infant, no older than a newborn staring up at the one holding it with crystal-blue eyes filled with curiosity, but at the same time the infant's eyes were filled with a sense of recognition as if they knew of the events happening around them. 'Even though you became like this, there's a chance of a portion of you still existing in there, but you'll forget about me soon.' The infant just cooed, as it waved one of its little arms in the air, attempting to grasp at the one who held it. Kurama just sighed, smirking slightly.

"Still I don't know why I try, you can't understand me now any more than when you were capable of before, huh." The infant cooed, smiling in response causing the crimson-orange haired man to palm his face, shaking his head. "Oh well, just know it shouldn't be long until we land in a new world somewhere," Kurama looked down at the infant, "Of course, you might not be able to remember anything for quite some time, so just enjoy growing up again in whatever world we wind up in, okay."

The infant waved a tiny fist in the air, causing Kurama to laughing understanding the gesture.

"Yeah, you would do just that wouldn't you?" A faint glow began to appear around the infant's fist causing Kurama to cover it with his hand. "Careful now, most of that power inside you came from me and, unfortunately, since it's bonded to your body permanently now we don't know what would happen to that tiny body of yours unsealed. It's completely unstable due to the fact its no longer chakra and constantly changing. Another thing we don't know is, who can sense it this far between dimensions."

As if on cue a small prick surged throughout Kurama's body. 'Just had to say something didn't I.' His body slowed to a stop as he began to look around for the source of the feeling. 'Something's out there but, I can't tell what it is or where it's coming from.'

The infant began to stir irritably sensing the ominous feeling as well, letting out short whimpers. "You sense it too, huh," said Kurama as he pulled the infant in his arms closer to his chest. "Don't worry I'm sure it's..."

Suddenly the presence felt as if it was all around them, and a voice sounded with laces of killing intent. "Damn them, damn all of them. They ruined everything I worked so hard for, and then there's" the voice paused letting out a painful grunt. "Then there are these cursed flames; no matter how many times I try to separate myself from them, the smallest flame is somewhere within my skin and it just grows into an inferno. It must be this place; time has allowed it to slow prolonging my torture. Damn them, if I am ever free from this place I won't just kill them, I make them wish THAT THEY NEVER EXISTED!"

A dark wave a killing intent surged everywhere. Kurama held the infant tightly as it came and covered them, causing him to release a cold sweat from the unknown entity.

"What the hell was that," He whispered. "That voice it almost sounded it couldn't have been he should've…" he stopped as sounds of the infant's cries were about to emerge. "Oh no, not now."

The infant, unfortunately, began to let out a loud cry due to the voices negative intent that was heard not only by Kurama but also, by the entity who surrounded them.

"What the hell, is that noise? Crying? Where is it coming from?" asked the entity. "No one else should exist here, but it seems I am not alone in this void. Tch, but only if there was something else besides this insufferable wailing to be able to locate whoever is out there. Oi, reveal yourself."

The infant's cries continued, even as Kurama attempted to calm it, nothing changed. To make matters worse the entity's negative intent was beginning to provoke the infant's energy to emerge; revealing their location.

'So that's where you are? It's small but I can sense it somehow,' thought the entity. 'It's strange this power I'm sensing it feels familiar almost like its chakra, but that's impossible. Unless someone from that world is here, if so then...'. More of the entity's dark essence pulsated throughout the dimensional space alerting Kurama of its coming.

Kurama felt the entity's presence beginning to move towards them, "Not good, it's heading towards us" he said looking down at the infant. He began rocking the infant gently, before smirking. "Just keeping causing me trouble don't you, oh well it's what I get for choosing to take care of you, runt. Now hold on tight we're about to make an emergency landing." Looking around the Crimson-eyed man spotted a nearby world. 'Over there,' he thought as he charged a short burst of energy using it to launch both him and the infant towards it.

The second they were in the world's grasp and pulled in their energy disappeared, causing the entity to halt its advancement. It let out a yell of anger of losing its only way of escape from its imprisonment and began to disappear as well.


"After me and the kid landed in this world called Fiore, I decided to hide him somewhere before going into hiding myself. I felt that whatever or whoever was out there could still sense us so I chose to make sure that if it did it would come straight for me," Kurama told his father who simply nodded.

"That explains why you chose not to make contact after all these years," said the Rikudo, "but this entity that you encountered, it fears me to believe it but do you think it could have been, that person."

Kurama nodded, "Without a doubt, I actually felt him some years back but it wasn't strong enough to be worried about him breaking free. Although I am surprised he's survived for this long in there, but it's making him weaker as time goes on. That place he's trapped in most likely exists outside of both space and time; whereas an hour out here is probably a year to him and just being there for so long has been taking a toll on his body to the point he won't be able to maintain himself."

"That is true, and there are also the flames. No doubt he will be able to withstand the power that comes from them for much longer," replied the old sage. "Most likely they are also being affected by the space as well allowing them to never be extinguished, even by force."

Kurama sighed, "Yeah, but I have feeling that if it's him, he won't give up so easily flames or not. But if he does find a way out, I'll be sure to give him both his welcome and goodbye present, with interest." The ex-bijuu smirked thinking of the many ways to cause pain to the entity he spoke of while the Rikudo just chuckled at his child's expression.

'You honestly never cease to change your ways, but it is good to see you again my son.'

Kurama felt a pull on his body and looked behind him, 'So duty calls already, huh. Oh well, it's about time I wrapped things up here anyway.' "Yo, Jiji sorry to cut this little reunion of ours short but I gotta take care of some things."

Hagoromo looked at him and nodded. "I see, then I will be sure to relay the news that you have given, as well as provide any assistance on my end. No doubt once Jiraiya boy returns, and I explain the situation to everyone the others will not sit still."

"Yeah, but just don't go back and forward to often, wouldn't want any surprise guest popping in to early, the kid still has a lot to enjoy right now and it wouldn't be fair to him."

Hagoromo agreed knowing how much Naruto had lost; it wouldn't be fair if this happiness were taken from him as well. "Yes, I know. I shall do what I can to prevent it for as long as I can, but I must allow his parents to see him. He is their child after all."

"Yeah, just be sure to tell me when you send them or anyone next time, the people here aren't exactly used to stuff from our world happening, like reanimated corpses and such". Hagoromo nodded in understanding not many are used other worlds existing beside their own. As Kurama's body began to slowly disperse into vapors, he smirked looking at the old sage before vanishing completely, "See ya around, Jiji."

Hagoromo stared at the spot Kurama stood, "Be we well, Kurama." The area around the Rikudo sennin began to shift back to the land of the afterlife, just as Minato was coming towards to announce Jiraiya's return. 'There is much to prepare for the things that will soon begin.'

- Forest clearing; midnight-

The night sky was alight with the moon overhead, surrounded by stars that shined like jewels, below it, a warm fire accompanied a cloaked figure who sat on the ground leaning against a tree; this was Kurama. He was currently on a quest to hunt down a monster that was causing a nearby village trouble but had taken a little break to contact an old friend.

"So now you decided to show up, huh, and I was in the middle of a conversation". Kurama looked back noticing the creature he was tasked to find glaring at him, "Now then," he said as his power began to rise, "let's get this party started."

The instant Kurama moved the beast had lunged at him hoping to catch the one interfering in its territory inside its massive maws but missed due to the old Bijuu expecting its arrival. Kurama had dodged jumping towards the center of the clearing before turning to face his much larger foe.

"Word of advice I used eat small-fry like you for snacks back home," Kurama said cracking his neck, "so don't complain once you're lying on the ground unable to move your limbs." As the beast in front of Kurama crouched, he noticed it giving him a sort of smirk revealing its fangs before a tinge of pain went through his shoulder causing him to look to his right. Apparently there was another that had remained hidden while Kurama's focus was on the one in front of him. Unfortunately, for the two creatures whatever luck they had been blessed with that allowed them to take down whoever came before him, had just run out.

"And here I thought you were gonna wait for your turn," Kurama said lifting up his left arm, "just don't complain later on about coming at me at once, because I'm not gonna hold back." 'Not like I was going to in the first place and also it seems someone forgot to mention there being two. Oh well more fun for me.'

As Kurama gripped his fist a Bubbling red aura began to engulf it taking the fist's form. "LET'S GET WILD!

A.N: Finally chapter 7 is done and uploaded. Just gonna say it sorry for taking so long on this one chapter and uploading it no excuse for it so yeah sorry I'm really slow when it comes to thinking and making sure there are no grammar errors (or at least not a whole lot that it takes away the time and immersion as you all read.

On a side note I'm glad everyone is enjoying it all the same

Also if you have an account please sign in if you have time in case I respond back in later chapters (such as shout outs) or put your name in the comment.

Also no I'm sorry but this will not be a harem there are alot of fics out there involving Naruto and a harem this one shall be amongst those of which he winds up with one. maybe somewhere down the road another fic I make will involve a harem but for now he is a one women man.

Now then to StayBlessed though Naruto was dying and Sakura's focus should've been on him and not Sasuke, he did rush in anger which in battle could make a person unfocused and get themselves killed.

madeyemoody95 glad you enjoyed reading them and every character (or almost every) has a certain role

And to that one Guest thank you and will attempt to update regularly but life intervenes

Regarding the polls for the pairing the results so far are

Erza, and Mira in a tie for 1st

With Juvia, and Lisanna in 2nd

So I'm guessing with this I'll either start the polls over now or wait when Naruto meets at least one of them but might be sooner

So for those that were not chosen goodbye and take your giftbags on the way out (Lucy,Minerva,Kagura, and Yukio). You all tried your best but it wasn't enough

Remember Read, Review, and flame if you choose.

Stay Deviant