Hey, hey hey

Anybody remember the randomness before this?

Well I decided to give it a second part because why not? It's my writing after all. More randomness for everyone!

So please, enjoy.

Natsu flipped a table in frustration, the wooden structure cracked as it hit the floor, "CAN'T ANY OF YOU HEAR THAT!?"

His guildmates sent puzzled looks his way only to continue what they were doing.

A hand landed on his shoulder," Calm down Natsu. You're gonna wreck the place at this rate." Natsu wheeled around on Gray and clutched his shirt in his fists. Desperation the only emotion shown on his face.

"Can't hear you it Gray? It's driving me crazy! A stupid high-pitched sound. It started this morning when I got here and it 't stop."

His grip tightened on Gray's shirt," I've been trying to figure out where it's coming from but the damn sound keeps me from thinking strai-"

A pained expression crossed Natsu's face and his hands flew to his head, "There it is again!"

"Someone here keeps screwing with me," he growled," WHO HERE KEEPS SCREWING WITH ME?'

His guildmates ignored him.

"You starting to sound a little crazy now. I think you've been overdoing it with the missions lately," Gray suggested," either that or all those hits you've taken to the head are finally catching up to you."

"That's not it! There's nothing wrong with my head except that someone keeps messing with it! And I'm gonna find who it it, no matter how long it takes."

He growled again and shouted at the ceiling," WOULD YOU STOP THAT?"

Natsu turned away from Gray, wandering across the hall with a hand still held to the side of his head, murmuring to himself what he would do to his tormentor.

"Just keep the table breaking to a minimum," Gray called. No response from Natsu, who was sniffing the air as though it was possible to sniff out what was causing him pain.

"Well the moron's finally lost it," he muttered," Better tell the others to steer clear of him for now."

Gajeel's eyes stayed trained on Natsu from his seat at the bar, watching his fellow dragon slayer stumble around the guild hall. This was too easy.

The sinister grin that was on his lips for almost the entire morning grew even larger as he twirled the small instrument between his fingers. It was a whistle, a dog whistle to be exact.

He raised the whistle to his lips and blew softly. Natsu's angered screech resounded around the guild hall, Gajeel cackled evilly. He savoured that sound.

"Getting revenge for what Natsu did to ya huh?" Jet sat down beside him," Isn't this a bit harsh for him setting Asuka?"

Gajeel scoffed,"Hardly. Took me hours to fix what that kid did to my hair. And don't even get me started on the magnets."

"I dunno, I thought it was a good look for you."

"Shut yer trap. The salamander was asking for this."

Gajeel pressed the whistle to his lips and blew once more, harder this time.

"WHO KEEPS DOING THIS TO ME, SHOW YOURSELF!" Natsu kicked a chair in frustration.

"So just how long are you planning on keeping this up? At this rate he's gonna make us all go deaf."

He shrugged,"Dunno. I'll keep goin' 'til he figures it out."

"Who knows how long that'll take. Even you can't be that evil."

Gajeel's sinister grin appeared again, the malicious intent in his eyes made Jet almost shiver, "Don't underestimate me."

Don't you just love this?

Bros being bros and pranking each other?

Don't worry,Natsu figured it out 2 days later. He threw some magnets at Gajeel in retaliation.