I woke up with the sun hitting my face through the curtains, groaning i opened my eyes reluctantly. I am never an morning person, I climbed out of my comfy bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

Damp flew out the bathroom door when I finished showering and walked out. I was dressed in some old jeans with holes in and a pink tank top, and a red hoodie and some old converse. My hair was in a simple braid that was draped over my left shoulder.

When I walked upstairs I saw my uncle sitting on the kitchen table, reading the newspaper. And my aunt was making pancakes. I have lived with my uncle and his wife and children ever since my parents died in a plane crash 3 years ago when they were on their way to a business trip.

"Morning" I mumbled when I opened the fridge and took a juice box. "Goodmorning Lucy!" Said my aunt, my uncle just grunted to me, guess that i'm not the only person grumpy in the morning.

My uncle is my mother older brother, Uncle James. He was heartbroken when the news about mom and dads death came. He had locked himself in his office for 3 days, he didn't come outside before aunt Sarah came and dragged him out. At the funeral he promised mom that he would take care of me like if I was his own child, and here I am now, 3 years later and living with him, aunt Sarah and my little cousin Michelle.

"It looks like it's going to be chilly today, remember to have warm clothes at school today Lucy." Uncle said while looking at the newspaper. "Only if you remember to buy me a new scratchbook today" I said while smirking. Ever since I was little I have been drawing, and I would take my soul in every drawing. I would draw different things, fairies, wolfs, forests, but my favorite things do draw is dragons and the starnight. And everytime i'm done with a drawing I hang it on my 'art wall' in my bedroom, and I must say, i'm damn proud of it too.

Uncle smiled at me while he gave took away the newspaper "have you sketched it full already? I bought you one two weeks ago." he chuckled at me while I just smiled at him while stuffing my face with pancakes.

I hugged my arms tighter around myself while I was walking to school. dammit, why can't it be summer all year round? And why it is so fucking cold already? It's only september dammit! While I was cursing about winter and its cold I didn't hear someone shouting my name. "LU-CHAN!" before I could look up I was suddenly glombed by a tiny figure. When I looked down I saw my best friend in the world Levy McGarden. "Lu-chan didn't you hear me when I called you?" I blinked once, and then twice before I fished up my phine from my pocked and there it was, I had one missed call from Levy-chan and two messages that said the same thing: Pick up!

I looked at Levy-chan again before I giggled "sorry Levy-chan, I was dozing off I think" Levy-chan just looked at me weirdly before she shrugged and standing up. I didn't even realize that we were still on the ground from when Levy-chan glomped me.

"Come on Lu-chan we will be late for class if you don't hurry up!" I blinked before I looked around and saw that students were walking inside the school 'Fairy Tail High' Levy-chan helped me up and together we walked to our first class, wich were math. Luckily me and Levy-chan had all classes together so we were always together.

When we came to the classroom I immediately sat at my assigned seat at the window almost at the back, but I didn't mind, as long as I sat by the window I didn't care.

When the teacher came in he immediately started with what was what and such stupid things. While he was talking about stupid stuff our classroom door slammed open and in came a boy at my age, with sharp features, lean body and pink hair. He wore some dark jeans that were sagged a little so we could see a little of his red boxers and a black t-shirt with a white scaly looking scarf around his neck. But what was striking the most was his onyx eyes, that looked like there was a fire in them. Truth be told, he was looking damn hot! That boy was no one but the school basketball captain, school's idol,the most popular student; Natsu Dragneel. He has his own fanclub full of fans that is chrushing on him. And sad enough, I have a little chrush on him.

"Yo! sorry i'm late sensei" he said cheerfully while grinning that grin that melt every girls heart. Our teacher sighed at his student while shaking his head. "just sit down Natsu!" Natsu grinned again before walking to his assigned seat...that was right behind me!

Our teacher continued the session about numbers and shit so I just took out my sketchbook and some colour pencils and decided too finish one of my drawings; an sky dragon with white feather like wings and tail, with a flat head and piercing blue eyes. I had already coloured her (I decided to make her a her) and startet on the background. I made it look like she was standing on a field at the break of dawn, the colour red,pink,orange and yellow and a little purple meltet together and it made the picture look real.

I finished colouring just in time when the bell rang, I signed my name at the bottom corner of the drawing before I packed my stuff, while I gathered my books I accidentaly made my drawing fall too the floor, cursing I went on my knees, but before I could take my drawing, a tan arm took up the drawing. When I looked up too see who took the drawing I saw to my horror that it was no one but the one and only Natsu Dragneel!

Hello ^^

This is my first story ever and i hope that this was okay, to begin with! I know that this story is short but it is the middle of the night and this is just a test!

I think i'm going to contionue this story, I hope it will be over 6 chapters (I'm going to write more in the chapters than this ;D)

I would love to get your opinion on how this is, if I do it right! IMPORTANT: I'm from Norway so I SUCK at speaking and writing english so sorry if it some grammar mistakes, but if you see anyone just say it ;)

This story will be NALU, but it will be a little Gruvia, Gajevi, and Jerza ;) maybe RoWen? Probably! Anyway, Favorite-Follow and review and I hope you will like this story and will welcome me too fanfiction ^^ (I have been here in a year but I didn't dare tto post my own story here then xD)