Disclaimers: All canon material from The Lord of the Rings trilogy belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and New Line Cinema. All canon material from the Looney Tunes cartoons and canon characters belongs to Warner Brothers. All original material, including this drabble plot, belongs to the author of this fanfiction story.

This idea was actually inspired by NirCele's review to Pip the Dark Lord of All's story How Pippin Took Over The World. It was actually in that review that I thought of Pepé Le Pew, and so this drabble came to life. Again, since hardly anyone's written anything for a Lord of the Rings and Looney Tunes crossover, except me for now, I'll tread carefully once again. And trust me when I say, this is not a slash fanfic. I don't write slash, period. Pepé is simply talking about a "beautiful lady skunk". You'll see what I mean.

Frodo Baggins walked down the lonely road to Buckland. He was on his way to see his cousins Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took at Crickhollow. He did not want to be late. As he walked, Frodo thought he saw a raven-haired cat, with a white stripe along his back, sniffing a daisy. Oh, how wrong he was in thinking this animal was a cat.

No, it was a skunk! Frodo had to get away, before it…

"Bon jour. It iz love, no?" asked the male skunk, batting his eyes at the hobbit.

A talking skunk? But then, why should he be surprised. Animals in Middle-earth could talk… well, not all of them had that gift. Still, Frodo needed to make this skunk move… or do something to get away from it. "Eh… good morning?"

"I am on zee way to the cazbah, to zeek a beautiful lady skunk," said the skunk. "My name is Le Pew. Pepé Le Pew. Who might you be?"

"Leaving," said Frodo, backing away slowly.

"Whatever iz the matter?" asked Pepé, confused.

"Goodbye!" said Frodo, darting off. Lucky for him, the skunk did not budge. He was safe, for now at least.

There, how was that? This drabble is a little under two hundred words, yet it is still long enough to be considered a very short fanfic. I hope you readers enjoyed this and feel free to let me know what you think of this fanfic in your review. Okay, goodbye now. :)