Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic World, Transfomers: Beast Wars, or its characters.


Delta snarled at her sister when she felt teeth nick her tail. She'd been trying to behave recently since the Alpha and his mate left but it was difficult with Charlie being a pest. Delta roared angrily when a loud screech erupted near her face. She snapped her jaws and bared her teeth at Charlie. Sometimes it was difficult trying to be the responsible one.

Charlie took off in a dead run, not bothering to look back. Delta stopped with a growl. Of course Charlie would use her anger to trick her into playing. She would've howled in outrage but a bump against her neck made her huff. Blue nuzzled her and Dinobot purred soothingly until her anger went away. Delta barked, eyeing Blue for any sign of disapproval. Blue snorted and that was enough consent for Delta to chase after her trouble making sister.

It hadn't taken long before she'd caught up to the youngest pack member. She'd leapt, mindful of her claws, and they went tumbling. Delta hissed in displeasure at Charlie's happy chirps as she tried to wriggle away. Delta really hated being roped into these childish games. She'd only looked away for a moment but it was enough for her sister to escape her claws. She fumed at the teasing chirps and continued the chase again.

Charlie stopped running once the sky began to darken. Delta grunted in displeasure because they'd have to trek all the way across the island to meet up with their pack mates again. They walked back at a steady pace when Delta saw the streak of color in the sky. Charlie continued, not noticing her sister had stopped. Delta's eyes narrowed because she knew something was wrong.

The earth shook and both raptors stumbled. Delta screeched and her eyes widened as balls of fire fell from the sky. She was tired after a full day of running over rocky terrain but the sense of urgency gave her strength. Charlie stuck close as they wove around fauna to avoid the scattered fires and the incoming danger from the sky. Their only hope was to find their pack and stay safe.

It took a long time before they were able to reach their nest. They were both shocked and devastated to see there was nothing left. Only broken earth and the blistering heat of roaring flames and crackle of electric currents remained. Delta took deep breathes trying to find the scent of Blue or Dinobot but the scorching smell of dead plant life covered everything. She hoped they had managed to escape.

Charlie warbled anxiously beside her, shifting from one foot to the other. Instincts said to run, to find their pack members, and stay safe. Delta felt small at the thought of Charlie and her being the only ones left. Delta let out a sharp bark because she had to be strong as acting pack leader.

They left, heading for the nest of their Alpha's mate. Maybe Blue and Dinobot went to find the purple one? The first thing she noticed was lights that illuminated the pathway to their destination were no longer on. Delta stopped to stand as high as she could noticing the dim lights that decorated the area were dark. The prickling feeling of fear began to build even more as they continued their journey.

Delta knew they weren't there once they took in the devastated landscape. The nest was in shambles and there was no lingering scent of their missing pack. A shift of boulders and a familiar rumbling growl sent them reeling backwards. Delta and Charlie snarled as the dark shape came into the moonlight. They watched in surprise as the purple one hovered off the ground. The rough scales that once decorated his skin were gone leaving only purple and tan metal behind.