Author Notes: Just a little something that took over my thoughts; spur of the moment stuff, definitely something that I haven't tried before. Positively Rizzles. This will be just a small set of short one scene updates, quicker though. I hope it is worth a read.


Jane and Maura were shifting back into their regular rhythm of jogging through the park after breaking a tough case. Somehow, it felt the most natural thing to do, for both of them. Jane might have made faces at Maura's insistence of waking up early to jog and quite possibly did her best imitation of the 10 year kid moping this morning when Maura came to get her up and running; Maura however wasn't ready to take no for an answer. And so here they were, Jane positively charged after shedding the morning sulk and groan, inwardly happy to be doing something with Maura.

"Ah, look at me; it is so warm out today! I can feel my skin burning." Jane groaned impatiently as they turned towards a familiar path, just to trigger Maura into a conversation. She was certain that Maura was just about to come up with a probably analytical, possibly gross encyclopedia fact about skin or heat or body metabolism. For reasons she had never penned down, she found Maura's geeking out like that way beyond adorable and a perfect treat early morning, even if she never admitted it out loud.

To Jane's surprise, Maura did something she hadn't anticipated. Maura turned to look at Jane while their steps were still in sync, her eyes locking onto the vibrant dark orbs, and in the most enticing way, vocalized in a voice dripping with tease, "Ummm, you are so hot!"

Jane staggered in her pace as the words registered themselves and she almost instantly stumbled and tripped over the bricked pavement.

Maura immediately broke her stride and got to Jane's side, although as soon as she registered the stunned face of her best friend, she broke out laughing next to her on the pavement herself.

Jane, realizing what had just happened, instantly brought up her pity face on and pouted, "You are laughing at me because I fell? Maura….." Still unable to wipe away her smirk, Maura nonetheless gave in to the call to help Jane stand up again on her feet instantly as she held out her hand to pick herself up, meanwhile quickly checking Jane for any signs of injury.

"O come on Jane, you had to see your face. O I am never going to forget that one!" Maura admitted amidst giggles that were still giving the rhythm to her words, her hands still tugging the detective to keep her steady. Of course she had no idea that in doing just that, she was bringing about a sudden increase in the pulse rate in Jane's veins that had absolutely nothing to do with her having fallen so suddenly. Jane's heart was instigating its own personal song of euphoria. Somehow, even after making a fool of herself, Jane was smiling at the innocent grin that had seemed to snuggle her best friend's face. She was so irrevocably falling for Maura and the competent detective in her didn't even have a clue.