"What are you doing here!?"Sophia screamed, putting her shirt on and side stepping Derek.
"What am I doing here?! What is HE doing here?!" Stiles shouted back at her.
"That's none of your business." Derek growled.
"I actually meant all of you, but Derek's right. It's none of your business. It's my house, you know?"
"We got worried because you weren't answering your phone." Kira said, blush still visible on her cheeks.
"It never rang." The pixie replied, looking around the living room for her cell phone.
"It's in your bag." Derek said, walking towards the front door to fetch her bag, side stepping the pack.
Checking her phone, she realized that she, in fact, had at least 3 missed calls from Scott, 4 from Liam, 2 from Kira, a bunch of texts from Scott and Lydia, and at least 10 calls from Stiles.
"Yeah, you didn't hear it because you were very busy with-" Stiles started.
"It was on silent mode! And if I was with Derek, so what!?"
Stiles' and Sophia's eyes were set on one another, glaring. Both of them breathing hard. The tension around the teenagers was huge. Everyone in the room could feel how heavy it was.
"Soph, you're on the list." Scott said, breaking the silence, making the pixie look at him.
"No, I'm not."
"There's a third list. You're on it." Lydia replied.
Sophia's eyes got as big as saucers; she looked at everyone's face, as if asking for an explanation. She stopped at Derek's face when she felt his hand on her arm.
"But," She started. "But, I'm not even dangerous! The most damage I can cause is to disappear someone! I've got the fighting skills of a 3 year old, and; contrary to popular belief; there's no such thing as pixie dust!"
"There's no pixie dust?" Liam asked, a glim disappearing from his eyes.
"Sorry hon,, I'll never be able to fly you to Neverland."
"Here's the list." Kira said handing Sophia a sheet of paper.
Slowly, she looked for her name, seeing how much people were worth on this list. The only people she knew on this one were Malia, Liam and Meredith; who were worth 4 million, 3 million and 1 million, respectively.
Finally, at the end of the page, after what felt like forever, she found hers.
Shocked was short to how she felt.
"What?" She whispered.
"I won't anyone hurt you, don't worry." Derek whispered, holding her hand. Stiles glared at this.
"I can't believe it; I'm only worth $200K? Really!?"
Everyone stared at her with wide eyes. The pixie kept staring at the piece of paper, still not believing how… cheap killing her was.
"Let me get this straight. You're more upset for how much some killing psycho is offering for you, instead of being in a deadpool?" Stiles said.
"Come on! I'm not even a quarter of a million! No one on this list is that low! And all of you are over the 1M, it's not fair! I'm worth at least 500K!"
"Like you said, you're not that dangerous." Malia said, venom dripping from her tone, and a smirk on her face, looking at the pixie.
Everyone knew of the Sophia/Malia hatred thing. Sophia hated Malia because she threw herself at Stiles; Sophia's then boyfriend. She hates Malia because she and Stiles started dating not even a month after she broke up with Stiles. Malia; well, no one really knew why she hated Sophia. The theory among the pack was that she was just reacting to Sophia's feelings. The other idea going around was that Malia didn't like Sophia being mean to Stiles, but she has never voiced her feelings about the pixie.
"Oh, shut it, Willy Coyote." Sophia snapped.
Malia snarled her fangs at her, her eyes starting to glow. Sophia kept her stance, but she was scared of the werecoyote ripping her to shreds. Not that she would admit it out loud, but she was sure all the... Canine people in the room could hear her heart beating faster.
Derek; again; stepped in front of Sophia, baring his own fangs and eyes glowing bright yellow. At the same time, Scott stopped Malia; placing his arm in front of her. He knew both girls hated each other, but he wasn't going to let them get actually physical about it. Both girls were his friends, part of his pack. And even though he shouldn't pick sides, he likes Sophia too much. He knew what Stiles did to her was wrong, but Stiles was his best friend, and he supported him whatsoever.
An awkward silence filled the room, Stiles staring at his ex-girlfriend and Derek in front of him. He took a step forward and grabbed Malia by the wrist, pulling her back.
"I'll take care of this, Malia." He said, squeezing her wrist a little bit, before releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Everyone," he started, the word feeling heavy on his mouth. "Please leave. Sophia and I need to talk."
He couldn't look at Sophia or Derek. He felt how everyone's eyes were on him, especially Derek's.
Sophia; who was glaring at Malia; snapped her eyes towards Stiles. The boy saw her through the corner of his eye, and looked back at her, holding her gaze. Taking several breaths, she nodded.
"Yes, we do."
Everyone in the room was silent. The tension was so big, they felt it pressure on their shoulders. No one dared move, afraid of offending someone.
Getting anxious because nobody left the room, Stiles grumbled and let go of Malia, moving forward and grabbing Sophia's wrist instead, pulling her towards the front door, slamming it behind him.
"What do you want to talk about?" Sophia asked, still being dragged by Stiles towards his Jeep.
"Wait, we have to be as far as we can from them so they won't listen in." He replied, letting go and standing in front of her. Sophia leaned on the door, looking him up and down.
"So?" She asked again.
Sophia blinked. "Why what?"
Stiles bit his lower lip. "Why Derek? Why not someone else? Why HIM?"
Sophia sighed and looked down at her shoes. "Because he was there when I needed someone the most."
"How long?"
"Why are you asking me this?"
Stiles paused. How could he explain why he was asking her this questions?
"Because…" He started, looking at his shoes and playing with his hands. "I… I don't trust him with you."
Sophia scoffed. "Now you care about me?"
"I've always cared about you, Soph!"
"Don't you fucking dare, Stiles!" She said, trying so hard not to cry. "You haven't cared about me for the past 2 months!"
"Why do you think that!?"
"Because if you really cared you wouldn't have slept with her!" She shouted at him, leaving him speechless.
Tears were now slowly running down her face.
"If you cared, you wouldn't have slept with her in the first place. If you cared, you wouldn't have dated her mere weeks after we broke up. If you really cared, you would have fought for me, and you didn't."
Both teenagers were silent after Sophia's confession. They looked everywhere but at each other, not knowing what to say.
"Are you," Stiles said after a moment of silence. "Are you guys together together?"
Sophia scuffed at that. "Are you really asking me that?"
Stiles shuddered. "It's just a question."
"Just a question? I could ask you the same thing about Malia."
Stiles snapped his eyes to her face, not really knowing what to answer to that question.
"W-what Malia and I do is our business." A blush crept up his neck towards his cheeks.
Sophia barked a laugh at this. "Please. Everyone knows you guys have sex every night. You should be a little more careful with what you tell Scott, and watch your volume. ANYONE can hear everything you guys say."
Stiles blushed even more. "W-well, what about you two back there, huh? You were totally about to suck his dick, weren't you?"
"Yes, what's it to you?"
"Are you guys just having sex?"
"So what if we are, Stiles? Why could you possible care? You're clearly in a relationship with Malia, why is it so wrong that I'm finding comfort in someone else?" She yelled at him.
"I told you, I don't trust him"
She scoffed, faking laughter through her tears. "Right, and I'm about to base all my relationship decisions off of you"
Stiles stood staring at her, his hands clenched into fists. He ran a trembling hand over his face. "Look, this isn't about us, it's about you and the fact that you are on a murderer's list. I-I'm worried about you, all of you. Every single person I love has a price on their heads and you don't even care!" He pointed at her accusingly, tears stinging at the corners of his eyes. "You'd rather fuck Derek Hale at a higher price like some cheap-"
Sophie had charged at him and threw a right hook at his face. Stiles, clumsy as ever, stumbled and fell, his back hitting the ground hard.
Sophia was glaring daggers at him, her fist up and shaking. "Don't you fucking DARE say I'm a whore. I'm not sleeping with Derek just because."
Stiles, sitting on the floor, stares up at her, his bitter mood not letting him think straight what he was saying. "So you like him?!"
Once again, a silence surrounded the former couple. Stiles; who's cheek was already turning red from the punch; was staring wide eyed at Sophia. He knew he shouldn't have said anything of what he said, but he was so angry he couldn't stop himself. He was angry at her for not caring about being in the deadpool, but also because she's sleeping with Derek. How could she do that? Why Derek Hale? He always felt intimidated by the former alpha werewolf just because he was a werewolf, now he felt like nothing because his ex went from petty human Stiles Stilinski to big bad wolf Derek Hale.
Sophia turned around and stomped her way to her house, tears now running down her face freely. How dare he? How fucking dare he?
She opened the front door and entered the living room; where everyone was; and just stood there. Everyone was staring at her with sad eyes; that's when she knew they had heard every single word.
Lydia; being the best friend she was; walked with her arms open to hug the pixie. When she was close, Sophia slapped Lydia's arms away, and turned to look at all of them with angry tears.
"I want everyone out of my house!" She snapped.
The pack stayed where they were, no one; again; daring to move a muscle. The only one that left was Malia, who glared at Sophia then ran outside to check on Stiles.
The pack flinched, everyone practically running out of the house. Sophia knew that she could have easily make them disappear, but her emotions her too unstable to control herself and not send them somewhere far away.
As the front door shut behind them, Sophia's stood with her arms around her in the entryway, Derek a little ways from her with a concerned look on his face. They were alone again. The silence that had once been inviting to the both of them now hung thick and dreadful over their heads. She told Stiles she liked Derek... It was something she has known for some time, despite the presence of the hole in her chest made by Stiles. Despite how ridiculous it was given the circumstances, she felt a sudden urge to discover if Derek liked her. They had sex together, there had to be something else underneath; or else, why would he still be here?
She ignored – yet felt – Derek's intense glance and walked to the kitchen, getting the kettle ready to boil some water. She kept her back towards the kitchen door, ignoring Derek, who stayed by the door.
But the man had a certain effect on her. She couldn't ignore him that much. Sighing, she turned around and looked at him, her eyes red and puffy, crying silently.
Derek took this as his cue and walked to her, taking her in his arms, kissing her forehead; lips staying there.
"How much did you hear?" She whispered. She knew that Derek had lost his super hearing, so she was hoping he didn't listen to what happened with Stiles.
"I heard him almost calling you a whore. If Scott hadn't stopped me saying that you punched him, I would have punched him myself." He replied softly.
"Something else you heard?" She mumbled into his chest.
Derek took a moment to reply, deep in thought. This made Sophia nervous, and it scared her. Most probably he heard her saying she liked him; and if he did; how would he take it? Did he feel the same?
"Yes." He said against her forehead, hands going up and down her arms softly.
Gulping, she took a step back and looked him straight in the eye.
"Listen," she started. "I-I really like you, ok? A lot. You're a great guy and I feel amazing when I'm with you, and-" She cut herself off, a sob coming out.
"And I know we started this as simply sex. No strings attached, but I… I really, really like you. And I need to know, what are we?" She asked, finally locking eyes with the former alpha.
He stared back at her, digesting what she had just told him.
"I…" He sighed. "I feel the same way, Soph."
Sophia's eyes widened as saucers. She felt like her heart skipped a beat, just before Derek scoffed a laugh.
"Your heart just skipped a beat." He said, a smile gracing his stubble filled face.
Sophia giggled and leaned into him, her arms going to his waist to hold him close to her.
Derek kissed her forehead again, leaning his head on top of hers, arms around her middle, tight.
"So, what does this make up?" She asked after a comfortable silence.
"What do you want us to be?"
"I… I would like to make it official, you know? To have an actual relationship and not hide it."
"Well, let's make it official."
"That means you're my boyfriend?" She asked, looking up at him.
Derek chuckled. "Never thought I'd say the words 'boyfriend and girlfriend'."
Sophia giggled in return. "Well, you better get used to it." She said, getting on he tip toes to plant a small kiss on his lips.
Deciding she didn't want the tea anymore, she turned off the stove and took Derek's hand in hers.
"Wanna stay the night?"
The werewolf smiled and nodded, letting her lead the way upstairs to her room.
Once inside; Sophia took a pair of running shorts and a baggy t-shirt; and made her way to her bathroom.
"I'll be right back. I could lend you something from my dad's. Not that they'd fit you, but still…"
"I brought my bag, remember? It's in my car."
"Oh, ok. I'll go change while you go get your stuff. Remember to lock the door when you come back in." With that, she turned around and walked to the bathroom.
The couple laid in bed together; Sophia had her back to Derek's front. Derek had his arms around Sophia's waist, her hands tracing patterns on his arm. Sophia could feel Derek's breath on her neck and cheek, and she felt so calmed down, it felt like what happened earlier didn't happen at all.
Derek kissed the nape of her neck and held her closer to him. They never realized when they fell asleep; they just did. And; both under the covers and the lights out, they couldn't be happier.
So, that's it for "Contemplation"! I hope you like this installment! I'm so sorry it took me forever to update, I've been very busy at work, it's very hectic! But I finally gave me some time to sit and write.
There's gonna be one for installment for the Distractions series! Stay tuned for the series finale, "Focus"!
I love you guys, thank you so much for your support and reviews and all the favorites and follows! I would literally wouldn't be doing this without you!