Chapter 31

It took a week to set up the ball. In this time, Ivan secretly had a set of rings crafted, deciding to do the wedding at the introductory ceremony so that the City Council couldn't have a fit about waiting for time. Of course, all of this was done without anyone else finding it out.

Ivan had already had one secret ruined, he didn't want another to go the same way.

He hired the priest and made sure to dress everyone in the best outfits possible. He was a little disappointed Samanthe didn't want to wear her dress, as it had been made just for her. Pink satin over multiple petticoats, a soft pink bodice with crystals embedded all over the dress as well as a small, silver tiara to place on her straight white hair. As she was dolled up by one of the local beauticians, Ivan made sure he was the best he could get as well, having his hair evened out and made sure his outfit was the best it could be.

Arthur was surprised to be dressed in a long cloak of purple velvet, trailing behind him as he walked. "You won't have to wear it all night, just for a bit at the beginning." Ivan calmed him, giving him a soft kiss before Matthew ran in.

A whole wardrobe, handsome little jackets and slacks, boots and tiny shirts and he ran in wearing Arthur's sleep shirt again. Arthur looked at him and laughed before lifting him to take him to the next room, surprised as the boy was lifted from his arms and taken to the next room by Ivan, who asked the woman who had been working on him to prim Arthur instead.

Arthur wasn't sure how fancy this ball was supposed to be, but it was obviously a larger event than he'd expected. "I don't understand this whole thing." Arthur sighed, glancing over at Samanthe, her eyes showing she honestly didn't care. "It's just an introductory ball. Why prim this much? They didn't for ours." He spoke and the women who were working on them stilled, staring at Arthur in shock.

"He doesn't know?" One looked to another, who pushed her finger to her mouth.

"There must be a reason, no?" She winked at Arthur before starting again on Samanthe's nails.

"There's a secret?" Arthur stared at the women who were suddenly very quiet. "Grand. I wonder what he's planning?" Arthur gasped out in exasperation before Samanthe smiled softly.

She'd found the rings three days ago. She knew exactly what had been on the invitations her father had sent out. Tino had come to ask her about it.

She'd only met him a couple of times, but she didn't mind him. He wasn't some knight who would sweep her off her feet, but he was fun, at least. He'd come by to ask her if she knew how to dance.

Roderich had been working nearly nonstop for the last week, teaching Arthur, Samanthe as well as Matthew how to present yourself and dance, though it took more than a week to teach so much. Roderich knew as a fact Tino could dance, and hired the boy on as an assistant for the day, with his father's permission, of course.

Now that the day had arrived, honestly, she was nervous. She hated to admit to such things, but with Arthur flustering about and Ivan with that grin that told everyone something big was about to happen, she couldn't help it.

Her parents were about to get married.

She watched as Ivan brought Matthew in, properly dressed, though he obviously wasn't much for the suit. "You look very handsome." Samanthe smiled as Matthew glanced up, a bit surprised, before a smile lit his face and he climbed up onto his parents' bed.

"You look handsome too." He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners with such a wide grin and Ivan smiled, patting him on the head as a woman came to start filing his tiny fingernails and even his hair.

"It's going to be a big day for us." Ivan smiled, watching as Arthur nodded, a soft, faraway look in his eyes. "I wonder what you're thinking of?"

"We're finished." The women smiled, looking over Sam and the flustered Matthew, who had been worked over very quickly with four women all at once.

"Is there anything I'm supposed to say?" Arthur asked as he lifted Matthew and glanced over, watching as Ivan took Samanthe's hand.

"Just say 'I do'." He kissed Arthur's cheek, who giggled.

"You don't say that til the wedding." Arthur laughed as they walked out, and Arthur realized quickly that's exactly what this was.

"I know." Ivan grinned as Arthur paled. They walked up to the priest as Alfred, Antonio and Sasha took the left side of the dais, Nikolai, Vladimir and Francis on the right. Ivan walked up, placing a very surprised Arthur before the priest and smiled.

Arthur turned to the priest who started on the ceremony immediately.

He'd finally started to calm as he realized this was just one less problem later. They would legitimize Samanthe, and all would be well.

"If anyone has any problems with this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace."

"I object!" Arthur turned, surprised to see General Winter walk towards the group, his face a dark scowl as he looked over Arthur. "This man cannot be a queen! This whole thing is a farce! A joke, and I'm tired of being laughed at!" Winter growled as Ivan frowned, turning to Nikolai, who stepped forward, defending Arthur.

"Winter, I'm through with your behavior. You have no interest in creating a better city, only in your stuffy traditions which have long since perished. Give one reason we can't be wed."

"He can't bear you a child! We'll need a new prince or a princess to carry on the line!" Winter yelled and Ivan smiled.

"This girl, Samanthe, she is our daughter. She is our blood, and she is the princess. Your reason doesn't exist. If you're done holding up the ceremony-"

"I challenge you to a duel." Winter growled, tossing asside his normal jacket, showing a body covered in muscle and bandages. "If I win, you are done as king, and Nikolai takes the throne."

"If I win, you leave, and never return." Ivan yelled out as the other nodded.

It was quick, the dash to the center, and as fists started to fly, Ivan pulling his blades from his pockets, Winter pulled a spellbook from his. He yelled out spell after spell, but didn't seem to get too much in results, only earning a slash across his shoulder, removing the bandages. Winter grabbed Ivan by the throat and tossed him to the ground, readying his final attack when Arthur ran in, knocking him to the ground. Nikolai turned, surprised the little shit could run so fast, while Winter stood, his eyes narrowed.

"This challenge wasn't issued to you, boy!"

"He's my husband! It's only right I fight at his side! That's what it means to be together! Always!" Arthur raised his hand, shooting a short shield pulse that threw Winter back a good twenty feet, landing in the walkway, the guests of the wedding staring in surprise and excitement. Arthur turned, seeing the man climb to his feet before turning back to them.

"What?" Arthur stared in shock.

"He's strong. One small blast isn't going to phase him." Ivan spoke as Arthur started walking forward, his hands at his side, surprising Winter as instead of anger, shock and a touch of despair crossed his face.

"You've realized you'll never win against me, boy?" Winter grunted out as Arthur's hand quickly slapped across his face, surprising Winter even more. There had been no malice in that smack. Arthur grasped him by his shoulder and nearly whipped the man around, looking at his back. "Alfred, Matthew, come here!" He yelled and the two ran to his side, Matthew in Sasha's arms. "Tell me I'm hallucinating this?" He glanced over at Alfred, who stared before fingers started tearing away the bandage to see clearer.

"You had a daughter who left a long while back, Right?" Sasha asked and Winter turned, confused and a little angry at having her mentioned.

"What does this have to do with anything?" Winter turned, a roar in his voice as the two older of the brothers stared, looking over his features.

"You have his nose." Arthur looked over at Alfred, who frowned.

"You got his magic." Alfred sighed, as the other nodded.

"What is the meaning of this?" Winter yelled out as Ivan came and glanced, seeing the same birthmark each of the brothers had.

"Your daughter, was her name Aberdine Kirkland?" Ivan asked as Winter turned, staring surprised as Lukas came over, looking at the mark and swabbing from a trickle of blood that seeped from his back from his impact earlier.

"Why does this matter?!" Winter yelled out as Arthur held out his hand.

"I am Arthur Kirkland. My mother was Aberdine Kirkland." He watched as Winter's eyes widened, staring. "You're our grandfather." Arthur stared, feeling more anger than anything else.

So this was where his temper came from.

"There's no proof." Winter spoke low as Lukas walked up and pulled a knife, giving Arthur a short cut on the back of his hand. Arthur glanced down and looked away, unable to spend time on little details as Arthur shook his head.

"Your daughter, she had a crescent moon birthmark on her shoulder." Arthur spoke and Winter frowned.

"That wasn't a secret. Many knew of it." Winter crossed his arms.

"You have it as well." Alfred spoke, and Winter fell silent. "As do all three of us. It's passed down."

"It's true." Lukas spoke up and Winter turned, seeing the results in the air. He looked, seeing the swipe of blood from the swab, and the blood from Arthur's hand on the page.

"25%" was displayed over the page and Winter stared in shock. He turned back to the three who stared at him and Ivan grinned as he stood.

"As a relative to the fiance of the king, doesn't that disallow your position as City Council leader?" Ivan asked and Winter's eyes widened. He turned, hoping to see someone on his side, instead he found eyes glaring, angry or pitying. "Go sit down and watch your grandson become royalty. Isn't that a wish for most of the lords anyway?" Ivan patted him on the shoulder, but Winter, in shock, turned and left.

"Best wedding ever." Samanthe grinned, causing Nikolai to hide a laugh.

At least he got along with her. She was awesome. Ivan and Arthur returned to the dais, the others close behind as the priest turned back to the crowd. "Does anyone ELSE have any objections?" He asked, making Samanthe giggle. "Then by the power invested in me by the church and by the land, I now pronounce you husband and husband. To show this contract complete, you may kiss." He smiled as the two grinned as they hugged tightly, kissing softly.

"I love you." Arthur smiled, a light, happy tone.

"I love you. It's not everyone who would jump into their husband's fight, you know." Ivan watched as Arthur flustered, turning pink.

"I couldn't just sit back! It's my wedding too, you know!" Arthur huffed as Ivan laughed.

The guests were moved to the ballroom, which Arthur had never seen before. It was on the other side of the kitchens, a beautiful hallway connecting the rooms with wide windows and busts. Arthur noticed a painting of Ivan and realized the paintings against the right wall must have been the kings. He smiled as he quietly thanked each of them for putting such a perfect man in his life.

The ballroom was lined with tables, food piled high, and a table filled with drinks adorned the corner, a woman pouring for whoever asked. An orchestra played music as everyone was brought in, and Ivan held the group back. They could hear as each person was introduced as they came down the staircase within. "We're supposed to be the last ones introduced. It's tradition." Ivan smiled as they nodded and waited for a moment, hearing no more introductions as they made their way down the staircase.

"King Ivan Braginsky of Russia, Queen Arthur Braginsky of Russia, Duke Matthew Williams and Princess Samanthe Braginsky of Russia." The man announced and Arthur glanced over.

"I'm a queen? As a man?" He asked and Ivan shrugged.

"Honestly, I didn't know what title you'd have. I guess this is better than you being a Duke, or Prince." Ivan glanced over, seeing Arthur blush at the situation.

"It's fine, but now I feel... like I should have dressed up more." He chuckled as they made their way down the stairs and Matthew immediately wiggled free of Arthur's grasp and ran to Sasha, who cheered for the attention, while Samanthe grinned as she walked across the floor, bowing politely.

"Berwald, thank you for coming." She smiled as the man watched her. He had a dark look, but after spending some time with him, she realized he didn't handle people well sometimes, part of the reason he lived on the sea.

"Pleasure t' be 'ere, Princess." he smiled, patting her head.

"I hope you didn't miss me too much!" Samanthe turned, seeing Tino walk up with a grin, but it stilled as he looked over the man before him. Damn, he was scary! "I see you're busy-"

"Nonsense! Come and talk with us!" She grinned, pulling Tino over, who stared up at the other in surprise. "You don't mind two of us here, do ya, Berwald?"

"Ney, 't's fine." He spoke a little softer than Samanthe was used to and she looked up, seeing the tall man's blue eyes locked with the man beside her. Berwald was tall, just as tall as Ivan, but nearly as thin as Arthur. Short blond hair met sun-touched tan skin, while Tino was barely taller than her. His hair and eyes were nearly the same color as Samanthe's and for a second she realized they could probably pass as siblings. She giggled as she made smalltalk, trying to get Tino to speak up some, as Berwald looked ready to pass out as he looked at the other. After they started actually talking, Samanthe snuck away, a grin on her face.

"Interesting." Nikolai looked at her with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow. "You really thought to hook them up? A sailor and a young lord?" He asked as his eyes shifted to the two, now actively chatting, happily smiling and Samanthe nodded.

"Berwald looked like he was about to eat him alive. I figured, considering he was on the ship that helped save my life, it was the least I could do." She grinned as Nikolai patted her on the head.

"You're a good kid. Maybe having you around wouldn't be so bad." Nikolai grinned before seeing Natalia staring at him with a faraway look in her eyes. "I'd replace you with her any day." Nikolai grumbled as the woman started on her way over. "Hide me?"

"Better idea. May I have this dance?" Samanthe bowed down low, her head up in a smile and Nikolai laughed, nodded and danced away with her, leaving Natalia staring behind.

Matthew tried to dance with Sasha, but it turned into Sasha holding his hand and dancing around, hearing people laugh and coo at them as they made their way around.

"I think I could get used to this." Arthur smiled as he leaned his head against his husband's shoulder. "You know you owe me one for not telling me we were getting married today. That was kind of an important thing." Arthur watched as Ivan glanced down.

"I didn't want to give you time to run." He pouted as Arthur hugged him.

"I never would have run." He smiled as he turned, reaching up to kiss him. "As I said in the beginning, everything of me is yours. You may no longer be my master, but I still belong to you." He watched as Ivan turned and grasped his hands, whisking him off to the dance floor.

"As I said before, I may have made you my slave, but somewhere along the way, instead, you made me yours." He watched as Arthur nodded, laying his head on Ivan's chest.

"I love you." Arthur whispered softly as Ivan reached down, lifting Arthur's face to his.

"And I love you." Ivan spoke softly before kissing him, a smile lighting both of them.

And they lived happily ever after.

The end.