
Anna woke up to a bright light...then to a cold floor. She frowned and somehow sat up despite the aching muscles restricting her. She was in some kind of cell that was made of...light? This didn't make any sense at all to Anna, who immediately wished Elsa was there with her. However, another figure came to keep her company... a Caucasian male with blue eyes, white hair slicked back and a widow's peak hairline. He wears a lime blazer on top of a brown waistcoat and a dark green ascot with a golden broche. He also donned a dark green cape and matching pants and gloves.

"Hmm...The Peasant Princess Is awake. " His voice was drowned in a European accent. "...Allow me to...Introduce myself. I am Count Vertigo."

"Count?" Anna repeated, not exactly happy with the term 'Peasant Princess '. "...Where the heck am I? And where's that clown girl? I owe her a pretty big kick in the shins."

"As much as I would like for you to do that, I'm afraid we must keep you in our...little headquarters." Vertigo sneered. "Of course you're in hospitable hands, your Highness. We are evil, but not unsanitary."

Anna swallowed at hearing the part about him being Evil. "...uh, i-is this one of those princess kidnap things, because...m-my sister really wouldnt like it if I was kidnapped for some kind of ransom-"

"This is no ransom..." The Count smirked evily. "This is extracting something within you...something we want."

"The dimensional transporter is definitely going to take a while to perfect, I'm afraid." The Atom solemnly explained to the small group of people, running his fingers across an electronic tablet to look at the many calculations she'd created. The man eventually stopped at a page with nothing but small scribblings of data here and there. "Maybe a few months at most. The algorithm it calls for is pretty complex;heck, it's gonna take a huge power source just to keep it open for a few seconds! And that's not accounting for the if factor, if meaning if you survive the process-"

"I don't think they asked for a pessimistic scientist, Ray." Blue Beetle interrupted after seeing the unpleasant look on Elsa's face. " I think the nice lady just wants to know if it'll work."

"It will." Ray shrugged sympathetically. "But again, it could take a few months."

Elsa inhaled deeply and exhaled. Despite feeling saddened by the news, she knew she couldn't be picky on assistance. "That's quite alright...no matter how long it may take, I'll...I'll wait."

"Maybe in the mean time you can tell us more about how this happened." Zatanna suggested with a deep frown. "The goons who sent you and your little sister here have some tech we can probably use to get you back. "

"It's not much to go off of." Superman sighed. "You said you saw a guy and girl with pale skin, like bone? That's all?"

"...yes." The Snow Queen knew herself that it wasn't much at all, but it wasn't her fault she could hardly remember. "I wish there was more I could tell about it. And I hope my kingdom is well..."

"It should do fine." Superman reassured her, and of course sparked curiosity within the rest of the group.

"Kingdom? What, is she a queen...?" Blue Beetle's jaw dropped when he saw their slightly amused expressions. "...YOU ARE A QUEEN?! which kingdom do you rule there?"

"Uh..?WAIT! Its called Arendelle, right?!" The Flash interrupted swiftly, his voice sounding a little more excited to answer than it should have been. Elsa curiously smirked at him.

"Uh...yes. That's the name of it."

Before she could speak or before anyone else could question the queen, Batman marched into the room from one of those confusing moving doors. He seemed both angry and annoyed to her, although he could have been angry because he was annoyed...or vice stopped before the group of heroes and the single queen. "Queen Elsa...might I borrow you for a moment?"

She took a step towards him. "...what for?"

He stiffened before speaking. "There's a particularly unkind man named Mr. Freeze causing problems in a town called Gotham...You see, he is what you'd call a...'makeshift' cryokinetic. A makeshift who just managed to freeze half of Gotham."

"Hmm." Elsa wasnt sure she liked the sound of that. This man was like her, only he had WILLINGLY frozen part of a town..."Go on..."

"I would usually have defeated him by now, but the technology he possesses to freeze things has been multiplied and therefore all of his followers has his cryokinetics. I could...use your assistance in stopping and then unfreezing Gotham."

"Uh...sure? What are exactly are you going to do?"

The Dark knight shrugged. "Well, as a...Hero, i suppose people call me, I have to help keep the peace down on earth. The peace breakers are usually persistent and I usually resort to...Violent means to stop them , mostly."

Elsa was never one for violence. She thought that many things could be resolved with a few words of truth and logic. There was no need to punch people, it appeared to her. But surely there was a reason for this 'necessary violence'...right? "Be that as it may, I will assist you. But I'm not sure if I can provide any-"

"Don't worry about the punching part." Batman smirked to himself. "I'll handle that."

""Uh, Me too!" The Flash sprinted over to Elsa's side...maybe a little too close for her comfort, but still far enough way. "I mean, can I come with you guys? Its boring up here...and I can be fast."

"Uh...very well. But only as backup." Batman responded, almost wary at Wally's strange attitude. Not long after they left, The Atom stroked his chin curiously and hummed briefly.

"...Is it just me, or does Flash have a crush on her?"

Elsa was expecting this Mr. Freeze to look more sinister than what she could see from the metal balcony. It looked like a man in some...mechanized suit with a glass helmet. He had a very large weaponized arm it seemed, blue attire and otherwise threatening Polar bears at either side of him. In the quarter mile between him and herself, there were at least thirty eight men with more or less the same equipment as their ringleader.

"That's Mister Freeze." Batman informed Elsa calmly.

"That's the man you have to fight?" She inquired quietly, her eyebrow raising a bit. "I was expecting him to look like...well, me. Only a guy."

"Batman...I expected you to be here three seconds earlier."

As Elsa flinched from the realization that Mr Freeze knew where they were, Batman's eyes merely narrowed before he answered the statement. "I expected you to be behind this. Even with Killer Frost and Captain Cold out of their own cells. Time to put you back in yours."

"I'll be finished just as soon as Gotham is as cold as my skin, as soon as..." Mister Freeze turned around and took notice of not only Batman from behind his red goggles, but the snow queen as well. "A woman? I was not expecting you to work with a woman of such cold color...And of abnormal body temperatures."

Batman leaped down from the balcony, gripping a strange red batarang as he did so. One of the henchman on the ground fired their icey gun at the dark knight, but the snow beam only hit a red shield around the caped crusader. Smirking with satisfaction at the sight of his thermal shield, Batman darted forward and slammed his fist into the henchman's forehead. Elsa squeaked as he flipped in the air and kicked another oncoming one before he could blast ice in his face. The Knight barreled into another for and bashed his unconscious body into the body of another thug. Ten of the evil men began to fire all of their beams at once, which put a heavy strain on Batman's thermal shield. His tazer launcher was able to spray out safe volts of electricity to send the men into unconsciousness, but the juice ran out of it after taking out another five with it. Batman tossed the tazer back into the holster and front flipped to avoid getting his legs frozen solid and tossed three blunt ended batarangs at his attackers. His swift movements unknowingly impressed his 'partner' for the mission, and made the Queen wonder if he had been training himself for these kinds of fights.

"hngh." Was all that escaped his mouth as he shoved his shoulder into a henchman's stomach at the same time that he sent a kick at yet another stomach. Once these acts were completed, he was satisfied to see that there were no other henchman to take care of in his area. He turned towards Mr. Freeze calmly, who looked very displeased with the failure of his Compadre's. "You can never find any good henchman these days...Go."

The Polar bears snarled as if on command, and then lumbered down from their high place to where Batman was with loud roars. Batman grimaced;Polar bears were a lot harder to knock out than normal men were. Nevertheless, The man prepared his fists for combat and glared at the huge animals. However, the sound of wind and ice drew his attention behind himself. He was horrified to see Elsa reluctantly running down ice stairs just to get over to Batman. "What are you doing?! Stay back until I tell you to!"

"I'm not going to watch you try and fight bears!" Elsa glared at him, before sending ice magic down to the paws of the Animals and effectively freezing them to the metal ground. The Snow Queen blinked at this. "Woah...I wasn't really expecting that to happen."

"Interesting." Mr. Freeze grimly frowned at the duo. "Who is this woman, who thinks she can play my little game?*

"Nobody you need to care about!" Batman hissed,unleashing another batarang.

Mr. Freeze growled lowly and fired his weaponized arm at Batman. His shield held up for a while, but suddenly buckled under the strain of Freeze's onslaught ended up allowing the beam to hit the startled hero. Batman was completely frozen in a huge block of ice, his attempt tomove completely suspended.

"NO!" Elsa gasped, her heart beginning to race slightly. He was frozen there, just like her sister so long ago...but it didn't look as if he would ever melt. Elsa turned her gaze to this heartless ice man, although her stare was more icy at this point. "How could you?! How could you do this to him?!"

"I just showed you how. Allow me to demonstrate again ." Freeze pointed his arm at her and fired. The snow queen gasped again, and on instinct fired her own beam of ice at her enemy's. The beams battled against each other for a short moment, before Elsa's suddenly blasted through Freeze's and sent him into the wall. The man grunted in pain and glared at the woman through his cracked helmet. "You foolish woman. I've already frozen a good portion of Gotham. Even Batman can't undo such a thing."

"...That's why he asked for my help." Elsa smirked, and noticed one of the moving pictures behind Freeze surveyed the iced parts of Gotham. Then she closed her eyes, focusing calmly until...yes. She could sense the glaciers of ice. Now all she had to do was take it away...yes, it was melting away now. When she opened her eyes, the moving picture was viewing the ice receding quickly until it was normal once again. She could also see that Mister Freeze was not happy in the slightest with the ice melting into thin air so fast, and looked furiously towards Elsa.

"What have you done?! My plan is ruined!"

"That was our plan." Elsa answered him, and hurled a large block of ice at his stomach. Of course with his attempt to dodge, he was hit in the chest and then promptly knocked out. The woman frowned even though she was actually satisfied, for she still had to unfreeze Batman. Her fingers flicked slightly towards him and the ice disintegrated into clouds, allowing Batman to fall backwards.

"Batman! Are you okay?"

"Never better..." Batman groaned, rolling his shoulders to get heat flowing through his body. He seemed a bit surprised with seeing Gotham thawed out and knocked out. "...Hmm. Seems there to more to you than meets the eye, Snow Queen."

Elsa blinked, looking as if she had just been slapped repeatedly. She looked back at the villain, and then at a curious Batman...before whimpering like a frightened girl. When this went on long enough for Batman to start asking what was wrong, Elsa suddenly started laughing hysterically. She hopped up and down like a little girl getting the pony of their dreams. "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEE! OH MY GOSH! THAT WAS SO EXHILARATING! DO YOU ALWAYS ENDURE THIS MUCH EXCITEMENT?!"

"...no,not really..." Batman hoped that Elsa hadn't gone insane from this. "Uh, let's just go put Freeze in Arkham."


"And then he was all like:'You'll never defeat me! I've already frozen half of Gotham!' And then he laughed!" Elsa relayed the events of the fight to the Flash as the hero trio traveled down the hallway of Arkham. Wally wasn't too happy about missing his opportunity to possibly save Elsa from even a minor threat, but he figured that he might get the chance next time. For now he just needed to listen to her all friendly like and try NOT to look like an obsessed stalker. Chicks dig guys that listen to them! "So I was all like: You'll see! And then thawed out the city and Batman AND I knocked out Freeze!"

"You say that like you did all the work." Batman said sourly, not happy with carrying Freeze . Then the knight caught sight of a certain cell number and hissed inwardly. "...Elsa? Do you see that cell? Number 4479?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Just...Just Don't make eye contact or conversation with the inmate." Batman grumbled, and the Flash remembered who lived in that cell. It seemed the occupant was aware of their approach too, for a soft laugh escapee the bars and sent a chill running down Elsa's spine.

"Oh Batsy! How rude of you not to introduce me, but to ignore me..."

The Blonde's eyes widened in tandem with her loud gasp. "That...That voice..."

Elsa rushed over to the cell swiftly, and upon seeing none other than The Joker there, all her memories were fully restored. Upon seeing Elsa, The Joker only grinned more. "Oh well...It's not like I don't know her anyway..."

"You..." The woman breathed quietly, while Batman and Flash slowed to a halt next to her. "It was you...y-you're the man who took Anna from me!"

"First of all..." Mr.J shrugged. "Man is such a strong word. I prefer Demon. As for your other statement...Heh! That was Harley's doing!"

"So you do know her..." Batman glared at his mortal enemy.

"Ha ha! Of course I do!" Joker giggled insanely. "Elsa and I go way back! You see, it all started in boarding school when-"

"SILENCE." Elsa snapped at him, eyes narrowing into slits. "Where have you and that witch taken my sister?!"

Joker rolled his eyes. "Ugh, for a lady you sure don't know how to say please."

Elsa stared at him in disbelief, then quickly crossed her arms in front of her. Ice beams sprang up and pushed at the bars until there was now a hole in the asylum cell. Before even Flash could move, Elsa shoved the Joker backwards. "Please don't make me freeze your heart. WHERE. IS. ANNA?"

"HOO HOO HOO!" The Joker raised an eyebrow and cackled. "You've taught this young padawan well, Batsy! Maybe one day she'll be as stupid as you. Of course, she's stupider but..."

He was cut off when Elsa's arm was coated with an ice scythe and she brought it to his chin. It seemed her sister's life had clouded her usual judgement on things. "Why can't you stop playing around and tell me?! Do you really want to suffer?!"

"Elsa!" Batman tugged her backwards by the shoulder, never sowing when she glared at him. The Flash decided to speak up.

"He's not worth it, Elsa. Trust me! Take it from us." He reasoned pleadingly.

The Queen almost turned around, but the effect of the words hit her mind already. Even if she did find Anna after getting a location, there was still the issue of how Anna would react. She could be ashamed of how Elsa handled this situation...and that was a terrible thing to endure. Her scythe slowly fell apart, but her glare remained. "...fine."

"Aww, I was hoping you'd kill me!" The Joker guffawed. "I could say I went out with a cold shoulder!...Hey! Cold shoulder! And you have an off shoulder dress! BAAA HHHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!"

The Arkham staff had arrived by then, taking and then attending to putting Joker in a new cell. Batman motioned for the other two that they should leave, which Elsa reluctantly agreed to. The Queen bristled as she heard the Joker from behind her still laughing. "WOO HOO HOO! THERE'SNOW THING LIKE A LAUGH! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEE! ICY YOU LATER, SNOW QUEEN!BAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHA! Have an Ice dayHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEHEHE!"

"It's okay, Elsa." Batman could see her forlorn expression in the rearview. "With the Joker, there's always a chance of a clue. We'll find Anna..."

"I don't understand..." Elsa said from her seat. "He just laughed everything off...as if it was..."

"A joke? He thinks everything is, believe me." The Flash bragged to her casually. "He's a sociopath who could kill a guy just because he caught sight of him."

"...He truly is a monster."

"In more ways than you know...We'll use the watchtower to search for Harley. If she's out of Arkham, she'll he doing some errand running for The Joker...Until then, The Flash will escort you to you temporary living quarters." Batman announced.

"I WILL?!" Wally cheered.

"Living quarters...you set up a place for me to live in that station?" Elsa asked curiously, her bottom lip bitten slightly.

"Well, technically yes."

It was rather large room, but since the headquarters were so large, it only made sense for the room to be large as well. It had a couch near the kitchen and the opposite wall of the couch there was...a large flat mechanical object, completely black and almost shiny. Elsa took a seat on the couch and admired weird black object, spurring the perfect opportunity for Flash to sit next to her.

"Uh...What is that object?" The woman inquired, as curious as Kitten. "It looks so...odd!"

"It's a TV. We use it t check on news or things that happen everyday." Wally explained, while his imagination conjured of picture of him and Elsa sitting on the same couch...smooching up a storm. "Or you can just watch stuff."

He picked up the remote to the TV, and turned it on before switching to Spongebob Square pants. Elsa gasped, her eyes wide at the sight of the cartoonish and very colorful figures on TV. "WOAH! IS THAT CREATURE TRAPPED IN THE BLACK BOX?!"

...then again, Flash doubted that he'd get his chance to do any kind of smooching with her being so fascinated by the TV. "No, he's not trapped the screen...Just think of it as a moving picture! You have pictures in your kingdom, right? At least paintings, right?"

"A moving painting...okay. I think I understand." She smiled slightly and blushed. "I...I guess it's a good thing you were here to explain it to me. I might have broken it or something..."

"For you, Babe...anytime."

Elsa pouted. "...what does Babe mean? Is that another word for Queen?"

"...How about we go get some coffee, huh?"

So, I can't help but thank you guys for the reviews and helpful thoughts! Keep reading for more great stuff.