Long time coming, huh? Just want to thanks to the few reviewers who'd pop up. Good reminders, haha. Life's been happening and it's been busy. I had roughly a fourth of this pre-written from, christ, three years ago. Hopefully, I didn't get too rusty.

Should be noted, I've made the decision to use female pronouns for female Ranma.


Chapter 13

"Excuse me." Announced a raspy yet stony voice into the throne room of Arendelle's castle.

Hans looked up from his position of introspection. A position placed casually on the the throne with one arm resting on the arm the seat and his hands delicately placed against his cheeks. "Ah yes. How do you do, butler?"

"Well enough." Alfred as he stiffly positioned himself directly in front of Han's sight. He spoke formally. "I would like to request a word with you."

"You already are." Hans said lazily. "Are you not?"

"I've heard about you." Alfred spoke monotonously. "Youngest of thirteen. Because you resign as the youngest, you are constantly overshadowed by your siblings and thus left neglected as a child."

Hans shifted his position in slight interest. "Indeed. However, what importance does that have now?"

"In this constant neglect, you developed a desire for recognition, influence and ultimately, power. There have been stories that would go great lengths to grasp any small amount of control. You have made questionable decisions to exert your influence."

Hans toyed with his gloves, seeming uninterested. "Cut to the chase, butler. What are you implying?"

"It leaves me to question your intentions. You, suddenly, were issued power of a Kingdom during a time of crisis. As I much as I greatly display my disapproval, I will respect the decisions of princess Anna. The next royal successor. If it may come to that." Alfred spoke with an emotionless voice and hard eyes. "So far, I have seen solely favorable opinions. I only wonder how long will this last."

"And what position are you in to question my leadership, butler?" Hans replied archly.

"I have been beside the royal line for countless years. The... staff of this castle have their faith in me, and people of this kingdom have their faith in me. My loyalty is unquestioned. Whereas you. You have been here for mere days."

"Whose concerns are these? The people? Or a lone, over-traditional, outdated, old man?" Came the leveled reply. "Do you truly believe the people have their faith in faces they have never once seen for a decade?"

Alfred responded without pause. "My concerns are the people's concerns."

"Well!" Hans chuckled charmingly. "Cease your worries, my friend. My intentions are simple: maintain order within the kingdom until this perpetual winter is resolved. Until then I wish to appease the foreign diplomats stranded here and provide for the citizens of this kingdom. After all, everybody was- and is- ill-fully prepared for this blasphemous winter. Is this so scandalous to you?"

"And if the Queen returns?"

Hans answered easily. "When Anna returns, we will simply rule Arendelle as King and Queen."

Alfred's stone demeanor cracked slightly. Just slightly. "I believe you misspoke, your Highness. You will rule with Queen Elsa."

"Have you gone mad?" Hans laughed sharply. "Nobody will accept her as Queen. Especially not after a catastrophe like this!"

"She's the eldest of royal blood." Alfred insisted.

"Too traditional and too blind, old man." Hans grinned. "I do believe, if Elsa has run off or has… disappeared… Anna will be the eldest."

"You've sent mercenaries." Alfred accused, his stone cracked even more. "You're placing yourself as King!"

"No, I'm not. I merely sent men to rescue Anna from the storm. And it's the people placing me as King." Hans' logic was sound. "It's amazing how years without true order from their leaders drive people to thirst for control. I have given them their first sip… And they love it."

"What are you rambling on about?" Snapped Alfred. If a scowl wasn't permanently etched on his face, it was now.

"Arendelle has been and is fortunate. Your kingdom is small and isolated and you're a trading port. So who would bother to take control of such a pitiful kingdom. In your years of dormancy, nobody took advantage of the lack of rulers but you are ignorant from the outside world and even to events outside this castle! I'm helping your lost rulers."

"How dare you slander the Royal name?" Alfred started walking over to Hans who coolly stared him down.

"Witches, you old fool!" Hans suddenly spouted. "Witches are gathering together, forming groups and alliances between them. There are factions within your own kingdom yet you remain ignorant! The people want to be strong when the witches revolt. They will need a leader, a non-magical leader. What choice will they have? They will look to me as a strong male leader. Do you really think the people want a witch of all things to lead them?"

"Queen Elsa is all they need." Alfred claimed, unmoving to Hans' claims. "They will respect the order as they have since the establishment of the royal line."

"Perhaps, if you said this while King Agdar sat on the throne, I would wholeheartedly believe you. Despite his interesting decision to shut the gates, he was a great ruler. Though I suppose, if my child wielded powers of the devil, I would have done the same out of fear."

"It was not out fear."

"You make me wonder, butler." Hans mused, walking around the room with his hands clasped behind his back. He stopped near the window and looked at the old man. "Why are you so accepting of the Queen's sorcery? A conventional man like you would surely resist something mysterious as witches. Is there some secret? Some promise? Some history?"

Silence ruled the room as Alfred stood still, not an emotion betraying his face. "My allegiance lies among Arendelle's royal family."

"If you say so." Hans dismissed, watching the citizens below move about from the window. Blankets, warm soup, and firewood were being distributed to each citizen. Despite the chaos before, the situation now was quite controlled and organized, much thanks to Hans. "Look outside, old man. With the gates open, people are finally getting what they needed, they all are looking up to me. Your people… I have spoken with your citizens. As complacent as they are, they want progress, they want to be led, inspired, and prideful after decades of silence."

Hans turned back around. "Do you really think Elsa can provide that? So insecure, so lost, so… shunned."

Alfred flinched slightly. The words rung true. For the decade he taught and interacted with the young woman daily. Elsa was a bright woman, certainly. She understood the intricate levels of politics, perfected her mannerisms, and was generally knowledgeable of many subjects. However, she had no confidence, no will to lead and take tasks upon herself. As much as Alfred absolutely hated to admit, the little brat had brought out the best of her in the period he was there. "I request my leave."

"Sure." Hans turned around and answered with his back to the man. He held his hand up as permission. "Go ahead."

Alfred stiffly walked out the room with silence.

"You're a monster." Elsa muttered, as she watched Ranma jogged effortly through layers of thick, heavy snow. She was riding on Sven, her arms wrapped around Anna for stability whose own arms were wrapped around Kristoff.

"Hm?" Ranma said without a change from his normal voice, barely exerting herself jogging through the snow. While it had stopped snowing ever since Ranma met up with Elsa, the storm had accumulated at a very significant level. The sun was finally out revealing quite the beautiful frosty forest scenery. "What makes ya say that?"

"You fought six-"

"Seven." Ranma nonchalantly corrected.

"Seven." Elsa rolled her eyes. "Seven men simultaneously, with your bare hands, climbed a mountain on your own and now you're jogging beside a reindeer through snow."

"I mean, he is going pretty slow with three people on him." Ranma explained, not quite understanding what she was trying to imply.

Elsa sighed.

Ranma tilted her head to the side. "We could probably go faster if I carried one of ya."

"Absolutely not!" Elsa yelped, turning away from the redheaded girl. She could tell Ranma was suggesting the idea genuinely, but how could she suggest such an incredibly improper idea?

"Mmkay." Ranma shrugged. "So, what's the plan when we get back?"

"Need to go back to the castle." Elsa answered, keeping her eyes forward, focused on the white locks of hair Anna had.

"Well duh." Ranma said blatantly. "After that? How are you going to get a true love's kiss?" Ranma snickered a bit. "Never mind true love. Who would give ya a kiss?"

"Well obviously…" She replied through gritted teeth. "I will need to find someone in the kingdom."

Ranma let out another chuckle. "Yeah like ya know sooo many people being cooped up in your room for a decade."

She growled, returning her eyes to the path they were travelling on. She then spoke snidely. "As a matter of fact, I met several handsome princes on my coronation day that you ruined. I can choose whoever~ I want." She turned back to Ranma with a sly grin.

If Elsa was looking for a reaction, she didn't get one. "Sounds great." Ranma spoke sarcastically, still running through the snow steadily. "Give ya first kiss to some guy you met yesterday."

"Do you have any better ideas, Ranma?" Elsa spoke heatedly. The guy was all criticism without solutions. She couldn't tell if Ranma's disapproval was out of jealousy or anything else. Knowing him, it was probably because he thought that idea was just wrong. This gave Elsa a mix of relief to his character and a slight itching of disappointment.

Ranma shrugged with a smug grin plastered on his face. It had been too long since she had someone to tease mercilessly. The last time… She shuddered. The last time wasn't too kind on her constitution.

Anna piped up. "I do!" Turning around, she raised her hand like a child. "I have a better idea!"

Elsa felt quite unnerved at the cheerfulness emanating from her sister. The redhead was turned with a toothy smile and locked her eyes with Elsa. There was silence as Anna attempted telepathy. After a couple seconds, knowing she had Elsa's complete attention, her head jerked to the other redhead and, if it was possible, smiled even wider. Elsa followed Anna's cue and immediately snapped her head back to her sister with a threatening scowl.

"Huh?" Ranma mumbled intelligently, noticing the silent byplay. "What's your idea, An-chan?"

"Nothing!" Elsa denied as soon as Ranma spoke, eliciting a giggle from her sister who now faced forwards. "It is a terrible idea that is never ever going to happen nor will it work."

Ranma grumbled, peeved at not knowing what was communicated and slightly peeved at Elsa's attitude. "It's gotta be better than nothing. It's not like you got any ideas and An-chan definitely has better ideas than I got."

"We're almost there, ladies!" Kristoff yelled out from the front. He was focused on keeping Sven on track, not listening to the conversation behind him. He was utterly amazed at the redheaded girl besides him, keeping pace with Sven despite her slim body.

Anna restarted the conversation, turning her head to the side enough for Elsa to see her grin. Elsa grit her teeth. "Come on Elsa. Ranma's right you know? We have no better idea right now. And there is definitely no harm in trying."

"Yeah. There's no definitely no harm in trying." Ranma parroted. Still without a clue what they were referring to. "Whatever that idea is."

There was a moment where Elsa was lost in thought, her gaze locked on with Anna. Some moments passed until Elsa's gaze took a deliberate movement towards Ranma who cocked her head curiously to the side. She closed her eyes and unconsciously pursed her lips, imagining.

She immediately stopped herself, her eyes snapping wide open. "Nope nope nope." She muttered much to Ranma's confusement, who continued marching forwards.

Anna rolled her eyes, taking small amusement seeing her prim and proper sister flushed with embarrassment. She felt nostalgia to the days before Ranma suddenly left and that was when she swore she'd do her best to keep Ranma with them. He was the glue that held them together. He brought them together way back then, and he's doing it once more.

"Ranma." Elsa, in a deliberate attempt to clear her mind, changed the subject. "What was that blast you used… to completely obliterate Olaf?"

"I obliterated who now?" She asked with a frown. With a quick shake of her head, she answered. "Oh, you mean the ki blast?"

"Ki?" Elsa parroted.

"Yeah." Ranma confirmed. "Ki's like the life energy throughout your body. Everyone's got it."

"What do you mean?" Anna asked, intrigued. "How can you do that blast thing? Could… could I do it?"

"I'm just awesome!" Ranma grinned smugly, provoking a twitch in Elsa's eye. "If ya focused hard enough with how you move, how you breathe, or how you feel, you can control that 'energy' to move throughout your body. Depending on where ya send it too, you can jump higher, run faster, or take a hit. If you focus hard enough you can pool that energy to one part of your body then release it. You kinda just will it and it projects outside. It's easier with a focus. You could do it if you worked hard enough An-chan."

"Is it… not magic?" Elsa mumbled, with little disappointment. Listening to his explanation, she could draw parallels to how she felt the cold magic run through her body and out. "I believe… I feel what you are saying."

"Nah." Ranma waved the notion off. "Though it might as well be you know? Not a lotta people get this stuff and I've met just a few people who could use it. I'll tell ya, there's this one old woman who's a master of it and that's where I learned of it from. She does some crazy techniques with it. She uses her Ki to prolong her life. The old bat's centuries old."

"That's amazing." Anna gaped.

"Can you teach me?" Elsa asked quietly. She truly believed she understood what Ranma described. A cold energy flowing through her body, pooling at her fingertips or the heels of her feet then she just wills it. Perhaps, just perhaps she could find the control she had been searching for this whole time. Maybe it could be the solution to this eternal winter and then… then she wouldn't have to worry about all these kissing shenanigans!

"Don't see why not." Ranma agreed. "We should probably figure out this mess that you made Sa-chan."

Elsa felt excited, a beacon of hope ignited within her. She spoke excitedly. "No, teach me right when we get back. Perhaps I can learn how to control my powers."

Ranma grimaced. "I don't know Sa-chan. It's gonna take a while. Heck, it took me weeks to learn the most simple Ki manipulation. And you barely have any martial arts training. Dontcha think it'll be faster if you'd just kiss some prince? That's like every girl's dream ain't it."

Elsa scowled, greatly despising the kissing plan. Those rocks don't know what they're talking about. "Perhaps this ability is something I will do better than compared to a brute like you."

"Is that so." Ranma drawled. She might be right, honestly. The biggest issue Ranma had was restricting his impulsiveness and truly relaxing to feel the ki flow throughout him. Elsa, being a more reserved and intellectual woman, likely would have an easier time learning the basics. Not that he'd ever let her know. Begrudgingly, Ranma conceded. "Fine."

"Elsa." Anna asked, concerned. "Do you really think this is the best idea? We don't know how long this will take. We have visitors all over the world here with supplies unsuited for a harsh winter. There is not enough supplies to go around. Arendelle was unprepared for this!"

Elsa deflated. Her sister was right. It just wasn't practical… though how practical was it really to just kiss someone? What would her image be if it didn't work? "We can still try, right?"

Anna sighed. Was she really that stubborn to a happily ever after ending? "We can also try the kiss too. Just one quick one and you don't have to do it ever again. We can trust Kristoff's family, right? They're the ones who saved me the first time."

The platinum blond simply looked forward, lost in thought.

"Hey." Ranma said sharply, catching the attention of her three companions. "Do you guys smell smoke?"

They were nearing the edge of the forest, they could tell as the brush thinned and they could see the light reflection of sunlight off the frozen sea glaring through the trees. When they finally cleared the forest, Kristoff, being in front, stiffened and his eyes widened in shock. "Oh no." This was quickly followed by dual gasps from behind. They stopped at the edge of the frozen sea.

Beyond the ice was Arendelle, but not as they know and love. They could see clouds of smoke wafting upwards and see flames eating away at the closest homes. There were screams and crashing resounding through the air.

"What's going on?" Elsa gaped.

"Did a fire break out?" Kristoff guessed. It seemed likely, families lighting fires to fight the frigid cold. Someone got a little too careless.

"No…" Ranma's eyes narrowed, her keen senses screaming that the situation was off. With an incredible burst of speed, Ranma bounded across the sea.

"Ranma!" Anna yelled, far too late as the pigtailed girl crossed the sea within seconds.

"C'mon Sven." Kristoff encouraged. "Let's go. C'mon!" The reindeer obliged, aware of the dire situation and galloped forward, despite his fatigue.

"Die! Blasted witches!" Ranma heard as she approached.

"Brothers and sisters!" A male voice cried. Ranma recognized the voice. "Today's the end of our oppression!"

"Get away from us, devil children!" Fearful voices rose.

"No longer shall we hide in the shadows. No longer shall we be demonized. No longer shall we be treated less than the humans we are!"

Finally close enough, Ranma recognized the voice from the boy she had met the day she had arrived in Arendelle. Mead? Meal? Mao? Mal. He was standing on top of misplaced crates as an impromptu platform. The boy's shaggy brown hair fluttered violently in unnatural winds as his hands were outstretched. He's using magic! She couldn't see directly but where the boy moved his hands, objects would scatter and be thrown back by an invisible force. The guard Mal was focusing on was shoved against the wall, his body bent and limp with his spear held limply in his hands. He was unconscious. Snow piled against the stone walls to his side, wisps of flakes dispersing in spirals. Ranma could see that wasn't the only guard. Scattered guards laid unconscious, notably from different causes. Vines enwrapped a few, stone encased a few, or some simply seemed to be asleep, their bodies positioned unnaturally in deep slumber.

Around Mal, there were a group of four. Two males and a females, rallying to the words. They cheered at his speech and made threatening gestures to any citizen that dared take a look. Those citizens ran off towards the castle. Further back, down the streets he could see flames licking the rooftops of buildings. Buildings that Ranma recognized from so many years ago.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Ranma yelled as she approached the group. The four of them turned to her in surprise, obviously not expecting someone they didn't know to ever approach them after all the guards were down. Especially not a small unarmed girl. Mal, from the top of the crates, smiled in recognition and leapt joyfully off the crate.

"My my my…" Mal greeted with a suave grin. "Welcome back, my fiery beauty. Helluva coronation wasn't it?"

Ranma scowled deeply at the address. Her steel blue eyes locking with his brown ones. She spoke demandingly. "What's happening here."

The boy smiled. He liked this girl. She was fearless and spunky. He opened his hands showing off the kingdom in chaos. "Why, revolution, of course."

Ranma sputtered. "W-what? What do you mean?"

Mal happily obliged the pretty girl. "You see, 'we,'" he gestured to his group, "witches, people who were unfortunately born with magic, have been shut out of society for years and it's finally our time to rise."

Ranma stared at the boy blankly.

He continued. "It couldn't have been a better time. We've been planning some sort of uprising for years now. With the gates opened, ambassadors all over, and with the Queen gone eveything just lined up!" He rubbed his excitedly. "We can show to the world that we're not people to be kicked around with. And the best part of this all is the Queen's potent with magic, she'll be on our side! We don't need to forcibly take the throne, she's one of us. Once we've taken control of the kingdom, we'll go search for her and end this winter. She'll listen to people like her."

"Not too sure about that." Ranma mumbled. In the distance, she noticed the flames had stopped. It was strange because she could still see the wooden rooftop mostly intact. Nobody had been actively putting the fire out.

Mal followed Ranma's line of sight. He took note of the same observations Ranma had. "Huh. That was quick. She's already done." He turned to his comrades, and threw a fist into the air. "We've cleared the towns! All that's left is the castle! Now we wait for our fearless leader."

His followers cheered excitedly. Their work and years of waiting, hiding, and running paid off. If everything worked out well, Arendelle's citizens and visitors should have been scared into the now closed castle gates. Ironic, Mal thought, the gates finally opened after a decade only to be immediately closed. No matter, they'll be opening it up pretty soon. He stretched then sat down on the crates lazily. His followers followed suit, chatting amongst themselves. They just have to wait for their leader.

"So you're on our side, right lady?" Mal addressed Ranma, who had shown no fear nor surprise towards the mention of magic. "What kind of magic do you have?"

"Don't got any and I ain't on anyone's side." Ranma answered much to the group's surprise.

"Ranma!" A voice called from behind, catching their attention. Their eyes widened. Anna was calling from the back of a galloping reindeer, she was behind an unknown man and behind her was the Queen. When the trio reached the square, the reindeer collapsed. The man stayed back to check on the exhausted reindeer and the two other women approached them. "Thanks, Sven. You did well."

Mal shot up. Pointing at Elsa, who looked drastically different than the glimpse he had as she was running. She's beautiful! Her long braided hair framed her delicate features perfectly and along with her sparkling crystal dress that hugged her flawless body delicately, Elsa was truly a sight to behold. Aloud, he spoke. "My Queen, my fellow witch."

Elsa blinked at the roguish boy's address. They were observing her with awe. One of them, among royalty! She turned to Ranma, moving towards her. "Ranma, what's going on here."

Before she could speak, Mal slid between the two. "My Queen, if you take back the castle we can restore peace back to the kingdom."

"W-what?" She sputtered to him. What was going on? When she, Anna and Kristoff finally made it back to land the fires had stopped with surprisingly little destruction. Then as they approached Ranma, she saw bodies of her guards scattered around, hopefully unconscious. Did Ranma get in another fight? Based on the strange conditions the guards were in, Elsa decided that wasn't the case. But still, there was a fight. Now there was a person she'd never met, calling her a witch without fear, rather, relishing it. And what's this about the castle?

Eyeing the confusion, Mal continued, laying out the truth. "You see, during your leave, the kingdom fell into a little chaos all with their Queen running off and their princess chasing after her." Mal spared a glance to ginger who had been listening quietly. "You gave the cursed the opportunity to rise up. All thanks to you, really."

Ranma looked up. It started to snow again.

Elsa inhaled, taking an involuntary step back. Her hand covered her mouth. "No." She whispered. She didn't want this.

"Don't worry." Mal continued, catching the look in Elsa's eye. "Now that you're back, you can restore order and put us in charge. You know how it felt right? Shunned. An outsider to your own people. Even though you were just like them, a person, a woman, who wanted to be respected and not feared. Trusted and not despised. Normal and not cast aside. Now you can be free." Mal shivered slightly, the snow was getting thicker by the minute, looking up he could see thick clouds gathering at an unnatural pace.

"That's not true!" Anna claimed from the side. "No matter who Elsa thinks she is, a monster or whatever it is, there will also be people who love her for who she is. They'll always be there for her." Anna moved to her sister and took her hands. She peered deep into Elsa's confused blue eyes. "I'll always be there for her."

Elsa's eyes soften, taken back by the heartful words. She suddenly felt guilty. All Anna desperately wanted was her to be there. Ten years of just pushing Anna away, to protect her from being out of control? So much for that.

"Yes yes." Mal scoffed. "How lucky to have a sister who cares for you. A single family member who thinks that you're not a cursed child. A family member who doesn't cast you aside the moment you were born. Lucky you."

Mal appeared tense, his eyes hard as he brought back memories. His earlier laidback nature, no longer there.

"How about the others? Your royal staff who looked at you in terror. The duke who called for your capture. The children who immediately shied away from you. What good does having just your sister trust you?" He looked up, his face stoic. "You can change this. Take control of your kingdom and let us rectify the injustices we've all faced together. Together we can make Arendelle a beacon of hope to, no doubt, countless others going through the misfortunes we've gone through." He gestured to his group, who now looked downcast.

His words resonated with Elsa. She just wanted to run again. To free herself from the responsibility… of something she caused herself. She then looked down at Anna who still had her hands in her grasp. Her worried eyes stopped her. Then she turned to Mal. These people were just like her. They suffered like her. Maybe he had a point.

"Well I think it's stupid that you think this'll work." Ranma interrupted, drawing the attention to herself. She crossed her arms. "You're only going to make people more scared of you. Look around you, you just beat the guards into submission. You think the citizen's are gonna respect you after all of this?"

"It doesn't matter if they do or not. If we don't do this, they'll prosecute us, imprison us, or burn us on a stake." Mal answered softly. "They will eventually as they go through what we have."

"Yeah sure." Ranma retorted. "You mean go through the situation that led up this revolution in the first place? Doesn't that just sound wrong?"

There was some silence as the arguments went through their heads, until a pair of steady footsteps could be heard approaching.

"Mal!" Came a feminine voice. "What do you think you're doing standing around ther- oh."

"Ruby." Mal turned his attention away from the group. "We're finished here, we can toss our plans for the castle. We have the Queen with us."

Ruby, dressed in extremely light clothes for the weather, scanned the faces. "I see that."

"You're their leader?" Ranma asked in shock. She had already known she changed greatly when they met in the dungeon. But frail little Ruby changed that much.

"And you're still a girl. I still don't really believe you're who you say you are." Ignoring Ranma's grimace she walked up to Elsa. "I assume Mal has already told you what's going on. Will you help us?"

Elsa stared at the red eyed girl in front of her. Then at Anna. Then Mal. And then Ranma. "I… I don't know."

"I thought so." Ruby sighed. "Can't trust the royalty. Stuck on top with privilege. You were useless back then and you're useless now." She turned to Ranma, Anna, and Kristoff. "How about all of you?"

"I'm with Elsa." Anna said resolutely. "Always."

"Me… me too." Kristoff agreed. He was quite a bit out of his element with all the talking of magic, power, and such. The only thing he really understood was when Mal was talking about being an orphan. He was very grateful for the family who found him.

Ruby looked meaningfully at Ranma.

"I'm not taking sides here." Ranma said. "But, we should help her end this winter before anything else. Maybe they'll forgive her and understand."

"That's a shame." Ruby said and snapped her fingers. Immediately, wisps of flames erupted from her fingers, fluttering through the air around Kristoff, Ranma, Anna, and Elsa's arms, forming a circlet at their wrists. The flames carolled them until their wrists were pressed together like impromptu handcuffs. If they tried to move their arms too far, they'd get burnt.

"What the." Kristoff gaped in shock

"What are you doing?" Elsa asked fearfully. She looked at her wrists, she felt the heat radiating from the cuffs, flames occasionally licking her bare skin. She felt her heart pounding alongside her head. How did it ever get to this?

"Ruby?" Ranma peered into her friend's eyes only to be met back with something Ranma was all too familiar with.

"C'mon." Ruby beckoned, moving forwards. Mal and his group followed, urging Ranma, the sisters, and Kristoff forward. "You can finally make some changes."

Things are heating up!

I believe the whole Frozen arc should finish next chapter... If I get around to it. And when I do, I'll get free reign to the world mwahahahaha. This was something younger me was the most excited to do, expanding the world with new scenarios. We'll see though, huh? I'm glad I got this out.

On a side note. I have not seen Frozen II. I know, really. So any plot points there will not be coming over to the story.

Reviews are appreciated. Criticisms or compliments, it matters not.