Standing Still - Chapter One.

In twenty years of the job I've never witnessed so much pandemonium as I do when I step from my vehicle. Up until now it's been a fairly quiet day. I've been cruising along the streets for hours and was just thinking about retuning to the station when I got the call over my radio.

A large big rig has jack-knifed on the freeway causing a massive pile up and multiple injuries. I'm at the scene in less than ten minutes and rush towards the heart of the crash site.

Fire crews are already here and busy trying to put out several blazes, I can hear several people screaming for help so run to seek them out.

I approach a metallic blue Volvo that's front end is crushed in and notice a man inside calling for help. Amazingly I'm able to force his door open and with some effort I'm able to pull him free from the wreckage.

I leave him with a paramedic then go back towards the screams. I see various rescue workers pulling survivors from their cars then notice a dark SUV that's come to rest upside down. Nobody appears to be helping the passengers of the SUV so I dash over to investigate.

On closer inspection I find a man leant over the steering wheel, he's not moving and there's a lot of blood coming from his head. The windscreen in smashed so I reach into the vehicle and feel the man for a pulse.

There's nothing there, I feel again but he's cold to the touch and I quickly realise he's been dead for a while. Scanning inside I notice someone in the backseat hanging by their seatbelt. Arms hang down limply and their head is slumped forward, "Hello can you hear me," I ask as I move myself closer towards them.

Pulling at the door I try to budge it but its jammed shut so I try to break the glass of the back window. I kick it repeatedly but it won't smash so I search around for another way to gain access.

Running around the exterior I find the only access point to be through the smashed windscreen so without much thought I begin to pull myself thorough the opening. With effort and after various cuts from the broken glass I manage to gain access to the backseat. I can see now it's a young women and I'm quick to feel for a pulse. Incredibly she's still alive so I work to free her body from the vehicle. I no she shouldn't be moved without a back brace but I'm concerned by some smoke that's escaping from the engine.

I push on the release button and the woman falls into my waiting arms, she moans as I make contact and I try again to get a response from her. "Miss can you hear me," I ask but she fails to respond. Gathering her small frame in my arms I quickly realise I can't escape the way I entered with the woman so I call out for some help.

Shouting at the top of my voice I eventually get the attention of several fire fighters. They call out to me then leave to fetch some equipment so once again I'm left alone with the woman.

She's moaning again so I try to get her to talk to me, softly I call to her but she doesn't react. I'm cradling her to my chest trying to imbue her with some of my body heat when her eyes slowly open.

"Hello, you're okay. You're going to be okay Miss," I tell her but she just stares through me. I watch her pale frightened face and try my best to reassure her but how can you comfort anyone who's been through such an ordeal.

She's trembling now, shaking in my embrace and suddenly I'm consumed my the thought that this young woman is dying in my arms.

I call out again for help but nobody comes and I find myself practically begging the woman to keep breathing for me.

Her eyes close for a second and I almost loose it until she manages to open them once again. "Stay awake," I beg as she whimpers then splutters against me. I move her head then panic as blood drips down from the corner of her mouth.

More blood falls and I watch helplessly as her eyes roll back and the moans suddenly cease.

Feeling for a pulse I know it's gone before I feel for it so I lay her down on the ceiling of the car. I start compressions and after a few desperate minutes I manage to get her breathing again.

"Don't do that again," I repeat to her as I hold onto her small cold hand. Her eyes open again and she finally manages to communicate with me. Squeezing lightly on my hand she calls out someone's name. I'm worried it's the person sitting up front who I know is dead so at first I fail to reply.

"Christian," she calls again and I ask if he was in the car with her. I watch her think about the question then observe as she shakes her head.

"Christian, I'm scared. Christian," she calls out gripping my hand with a strength I though beyond her.

"I have a phone back in my cruiser, I'll call him as soon as you're free." I say trying to calm her.

"I need him," she asks softly as a tear slowly falls down her cheek.

"He'll be with you soon, you just need to hang on for him."

"It's hard," she sobs then whimpers again.

"Try miss, you have to keep trying," I beg as her grip on my hand loosens.

"It's cold," she murmurs in a strange unnatural voice.

"Someone's coming to help, hang on, please hang on," I call but her eyes are glassy and I doubt she can see me anymore.

I keep calling to her willing her to stay with me as I finally see the fire fighters returning.