"So what do we do? He's not up for your mission. Guess we're on our own" Anya told Logan, "We can't do anything without the Professor…"

"Why can't we go on our own and get Erik?"

"You don't understand. We need Charles. He may seem unworthy now, but we need him" Logan made his point, "Correction. You need him"

"Really now? Charles and Erik sent me to get you guys together, but I got no idea why. Now care to tell me what happened with the three of you?" Logan stared at Anya, waiting for an answer. Anya clearly doesn't want to talk about it, she ignored the question by slamming a book against the table. Anya made eye contact with Logan, she's clearly pissed off. "Fine. I'll talk to him" then she pushed the book against Logan's chest rather harshly. "Would you do me a favor, and return that to the shelf. Thanks" and gave him a fake smile and walked upstairs to find Charles. Leaving Hank and Logan staring at her, "what the hell" Logan remarked with his eyebrow up.

Fuck this. But if I need to get Erik, then I need him too. I have no choice

Anya heard a thump coming from one of the rooms, "So now his throwing a tantrum?" Anya looking up with her hands on her hips. She had found him inside a room, which was really messy and dusty.

"So what are you planning to do?" Anya asked, hands over her chest

"Isn't it obvious? So fuck off" Charles stated with a wine glass on hand, while he lay on his bed

"I know you won't listen to me but I will say what I got to say–"

"Leave me alone. You're good at that" Charles blurted out. Anya smirked trying to be calm as possible, "Okay. Let's get this over with. You don't want to see me, right?"

"Absolutely" Charles said, as he took a sip and stared at Anya.

"I promise you. After all of this, you won't see me and Erik ever again. I know how much you hate us, but this is not about me or Erik. It's about Mystique, your sister Raven. She needs you on this. If you don't want to be part of this, then fine. But remember it's not just us you're walking away from, you're walking away from her too…I just hope you realize that" Anya said, as Charles just stared at her as she gave a sigh and left him.


Charles went downstairs, "I'll help you get her. Not for any of your future shite, but for her"

"Fair enough"

"But I'll tell you this, you don't know Erik. That man is a monster. A murderer. You think you can convince Raven to change? To come home? Then splendid. But what makes you think you can change him?"

Logan was confident with his answer "Because you and Erik sent me back here together"

"Okay. I don't like to break your little drama, but we still have things to do…" Anya told them,

"The room they're holding him in was built during the Second World War, when there was a shortage of steel. So the foundation is pure concrete and sand. No metal"

"He's being held a hundred floors beneath the most heavily guarded building on the planet"

"Why is he in there?"

Charles glanced at Logan, like he didn't just asked that. "Did he forgot to mention?" Charles snickered at Logan

"Uh–JFK" Hank informed him, Logan can't believe it. "He killed–"

Anya spoke, "Erik did not–"

Charles chuckled and said, "What else explains a bullet miraculously curving through the air? Erik's always had a way with guns. Are you sure you want to carry on with this?"

Logan stretched his hands in surrender "This is your plan, not mine"

"We don't have any resources to get us in"

"Or out. It's just me and Hank" Charles pointed out, Logan had a thought in mind.

"I knew a guy. He'd be a young man, grew up outside of DC" Logan chuckles for he had a brilliant idea, "He could get into anywhere. I just don't know how the hell where going to find him"

"Is Cerebro out of the question?"

"We have a phonebook"


Anya looked at her companions, "Uhm, don't you think you should change your attire to something more appropriate?" Anya stared longingly at Charles obviously not liking his choice of clothes. The men stared at themselves, "Why? What's wrong with these?" asked Logan,

"Well I don't know, but if you guys ended up at my doorstep. I would not let you in"

"Then it's a good thing we're not knocking at your door" Logan said, as Hank chuckled at his remark. Anya glared at him then he stopped chuckling.

They got a rental car, "So who's driving?" Anya asked,

"I'm driving" Charles said, key on his hand.

"Says who?" her brow stood up, "says the man who paid up for this car. Or if you want you could stay behind" Charles informed her, as he waved his wallet in front of her.

Anya opened the back door and closed it rather harshly, while the other men were sitting in front.

"Be careful Anya, it's rented" Logan said, Anya rolled her eyes at his statement, obviously not caring. "Don't worry. The guy who rented this car is rich. A small penalty wouldn't be a bother" Charles started the car, and they drove off. Charles' driving skills was horrible.

Anya's POV (Flashback)

Anya's scream filled up the room as she lay on a bed, with her arms and legs chained. They were experimenting on her, they were playing with how her mind works. It was dreadful. It all started when Anya came for her sister, she begged them to release her but it was all too late and they caught her.

They locked her in a cell type room, she was too exhausted to do anything, even to think. Charles is going to save me. I know he will. Won't he?

Anya was scared, after all the experiments that they have done to her. It was never enough for them. Maybe she'll really end up dead at the end of this.

She lost all her hopes of living. Maybe she should just die, so her sufferings can end. All the pain will go away. Everything went blurred for her, she didn't even heard the noises around her. Suddenly, she felt someone hold her, carrying her body, shaking her. Telling her to hang on. But she wasn't sure if she can. She tried to open her eyes, it was blurry, but she was sure it was a silhouette of a man. "Charles?" The man stared at her, caressed her face, and whispered, "It's me, Erik. I came for you and I won't let you leave my side again" at that moment, everything went black for her.

Soon, they arrived at the Maximoff residence. "Hey! We're here" Logan shouted at her, breaking her from her trance. "You okay?" Logan asked her.

"Am pretty glad to get off that car…my grandma could have driven it way better" Anya said in relief as she step out of the car.

"Then why did you take the wrong woman, Logan? Obviously her grandma would be way better company than her" Charles said, teasing her. Hank chuckled, "It's been so long since he drove a car…" Anya turned to Logan.

"So you think we can persuade this guy you know?" Anya asked as she stood beside Logan, "Yes, I'm pretty sure and if we don't work out. Maybe you will" Anya stared at him in disbelief, "That's not a part of my contract"

Logan knocked at the door, and we were welcomed by a woman. She welcomed them with a heavy sigh. "What's he done now? I'll just write you a check for whatever he took"

"We just need to talk to him" Logan told the woman, she nods, and she let us in. "Peter! The cops are here! Again!" she called.

We went through the basement, and they were welcomed by a rock music playing in the background, they stare at the guy who was playing ping pong by himself.

"What do you guys want? I didn't do anything. I've been here all day" the guy said, talking way fast. Then he was suddenly on the sofa, we turned around facing him, he sat there with hands resting on his head.

"Just relax, Peter. We're not cops" Logan informed him, and Peter was quick to reply "Of course you're not cops. If you were you would not be driving a rental car"

"How did you know we've got a rental car" Charles asked, surprised.

"I checked your registration as you walked in through the door. I also had time to kill so I went through your rental agreement, saw you're from out of town. Are you FBI?" Then there's a swish, the air blew Anya's skirt. I should not have worn a dress

"No, you're not cops. Hey what's with this gifted youngsters place" Peter said, as he examined Charles' wallet and dropped it on the floor.

"That's an old card" Charles grabbed it and tucked it back in his pocket

"He's fascinating" Hank blurted out amazed, Charles leaned in to him and said "He's a pain in the arse"

"What a teleporter?" Hank asked Logan with fascination in his tone.

"No he's just fast. And when I knew him he wasn't so…young"

"Young? you're just old. No offense to the beautiful woman with you" Peter gave Anya a wink, "Aren't you a little too forward for a kid? I like this little boy but can't he just stay still?" Anya said smiling, Hank began to talk to Peter. "So you're not afraid to show them your powers?"

"What powers? What are you talking about? Do you see something strange here? Nothing anybody would believe if you told them" Peter was gone again with a swish, blowing Anya's dress.

Now, Peter was playing with an arcade. "So who are you? What do you want?"

"We need your help, Peter"

"For what?"

"To break into a highly secured facility and to get someone out" Logan explained, while Peter continues to play.

"Prison break? That's illegal you know" Peter informed them, as he smiled. They looked around, his room was full of stolen goods well he was stealing.

"Uhm, well only if you get caught" Logan pointed out

"So what's in it for me?"

"You kleptomaniac get to break into the Pentagon" Charles said, as he removed his glasses. Peter's eyes grew wide, and faced them again.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Because we're just like you" Logan said, but Peter doesn't believe it. Charles asked Logan to show him his claws and he did.

"It's cool but it's disgusting" Peter said with disgust, but he smiled. "Okay. So now that's settled. Can you stop swooshing around, you're blowing up my skirt, kiddo"


I can't believe this. They just asked me to wait outside while they do all the saving. It looks like its been 30 minutes already and they haven't gone out. Maybe something came up?

"Oh blast it! I'm coming in!" Anya said and went inside.

"Hands up! or we will shoot!" said the guard, Anya walked silently as she saw Charles and the others three feet away from her. The guards were unaware of her presence.

"Freeze them Charles!" Erik ordered Charles, "I can't"

Erik used his power to control metal, and the metal around them started shaking. The guards began to shoot. Peter wore his headset and disarmed the guards, but he was too late to notice that the bullets that were going for Charles and the others. Anya saw this chance, and used her power to enclose them in a shield. Then everything went so fast, the guards were knocked out, Peter was standing infront of them, smiling and they saw Anya, who with her powers was able to block the bullets. Erik saw her, pretty glad to see her again, and she collapsed on the floor.

Erik was the first to rush at her side, followed by the others.

"What happened to her?" Logan asked, but Erik was too concentrated on Anya.

Charles was about to carry her, when Erik beat him to it. "I got her Charles" Erik carried Anya and they made their way to the exit, escaping the Pentagon.

Charles and Hank gave their thanks to Peter, and said their goodbye. Logan explained the circumstances to Erik, he first found it hard to believe, then eventually he came to believe it. Erik placed Anya on the sofa, as he held her close. Anya was still asleep. There was an awkward silence. Charles was sitting in front of Erik and Anya, he was holding a glass while he watches the sight in front of him, fury and hate in his eyes. Charles grip on the glass tightened as he watches Erik holding Anya close to him, protecting her. Finally, Erik broke the silence, probably sensing the hateful glares Charles was giving to him. Erik asked how Charles lose his powers, he told him about the treatment for his spine and how it affects his DNA. Erik moved his head to face Charles, in disbelief. "You sacrificed your power so you could walk?"

"I sacrificed my power so I could sleep. What do you know about it?" Charles said as he moved his gaze to the window, and taking a sip from his glass.

"I've lost my fair share" Erik said, that made Charles smile "Hah. Dry your eyes Erik, it doesn't justify what you've done"

"You have no idea what I've done."

Charles looked at Erik straight in the eyes "I know that you took the things that means the most to me"

"The most to you? Well maybe you should have fought harder for them" Erik chuckled, Charles lost his temper and stood up, "If you want a fight Erik. I will give you a fight!"

"Settle down!" Logan screamed at them, but Erik gave him a signal that it was okay. "Let him come!" Erik said, and Charles lunged at him, grabbing his collar and said "You abandoned me! You took them away and you abandoned me!"

"Pretty high and mighty coming from you Charles. Do you even know of what you speak of? Angel, Azazel, Emma, Banshee. Mutant. Brothers and sisters all dead! Countless others experimented on! Butchered! Where were you Charles? We were supposed to protect them Where were you when your own people needed you? Hiding! You and Hank, pretending to be something you're not. You abandoned us all" Erik told his friend, Anya awoke from all the ruckus, and saw the two men shouting at each other. Anya went for Erik, trying to calm him down.

Charles stared at how Anya grabbed at Erik "How did she end up with you? Its unfair" Charles blurted out, Erik heard it. Anya tried to stop him from talking any further but Erik was on rant.

"She ended up with me, because you weren't there. You don't deserve either Raven or Anya if you continue to be like this, Charles. Do you even know what happened to Anya?" Anya wasn't having any of this, she tried to stop Erik, grabbed him hard but he just shrugged her off.

"And I suppose you know? What from that day years ago can someone like you understand? Why would I even bother to know what happens to someone who just decided to walk away from my life?" Charles gave Anya a glare.

"If you don't get it, let me tell you. You don't even know what you're talking about Charles. She was always there for you, she even chose to be by your side even if you chose that human girl to be by your side. That night, she disappeared. She went to get her sister, but as I just told you. Emma was dead. Anya had been tricked and they captured her, tortured her, and experimented on her. Did you even know how much pain and suffering she had undergone while she was there? When I went to save her, she was already weak, dying and do you know that when I held her in my arms, telling her to hold on. The one thing…the one thing that she was able to speak was your name. Your name Charles. You are blind and despicable Charles. You don't deserve them in your life. Do not be selfish, because as I see it you don't even deserve a percent of their attention now. I'd given Anya up to you once, but I won't be stupid enough to do it again this time around, Charles" Charles was dumbfounded, his fists curled up against his sides as he stared at Erik, and Anya who was staring back at him too. Charles walked away from them and went to sit at the cockpit beside Hank. Thinking of all the things Erik had said to him, he couldn't believe it.


A/N: HI GUYSSS! I KNOW YOU ALL MISSED ME! I AM VERY SORRY. I tried so hard to make a chapter, but my mind doesn't seem into it at that time, and I was having a really bad writer's block, I didn't even know what to put or where to put it. GOOD NEWS is, ITS FINALLY HERE! THANKS FOR WAITING! KEEP SUPPORTING! LOVE LOTS! This chapter surely is an intense one! HOPE YOU ENJOY! WISH ME LUCK on my board exams on November! To God be the glory!