Summary: Logan was sent by Professor X and Magneto back to 1973, on a mission to stop Raven from killing Trask, the creator of the Sentinels. The plan is to find the Professor, Magneto and convince them to help him stop Raven, but in order to do that he'll have to find someone first, a woman. Who goes by the name Anya Frost.


In the future, robots known as Sentinels are eliminating mutants and their human allies. A group of mutants evades the Sentinels with the help of Kitty Pryde, who has the ability to send a person's consciousness into the past. Pryde's group assembles with Logan, Storm, Professor Charles Xavier, and Erik Lehnsherr at a monastery located in China. In order to prevent the Sentinels from ever being born, Pryde sends Logan's consciousness 50 years back in time to 1973 to prevent Mystique from killing Bolivar Trask, creator of the Sentinels. With no other choice, Xavier and Lehnsherr advised Logan to find both of their younger selves for help including someone

Logan woke up naked on a bed with a girl on his side, he stood up and looked at the window taking in the surrounding around him,

"Holy shit" It worked

Then, men came through the door, busting it open. Next thing he knew, he was fighting with them, took their car key and drove off.

Logan's Mind

"So I wake up in my younger body, God knows where. Then what?"

"You'll need to go to my house and find me. Convince me of all this." Charles said,

"Won't you be able to just read my mind?"

"I didn't have my powers in 1973. Logan, you're going to have to do for me, what I once did for you. Lead me, guide me. I was a very different man then. You'll have to be patient with me" Charles informed him

Logan scoffed, "Patience isn't my strongest suit"

"You'll need me as well" Magneto informed Logan


"After mystique left Charles, she came with me and I set her on a dangerous path. A darker path. Its going to take the two of us. Side by side at a time when we couldn't be further apart."

"Great" Logan replied, "So where do I find you?"

"Well, its complicated"

"But before that, you'll have to find her, she might be of help."

"Who's she?"

"Anya Frost"

"Okay. Where do I find her?"


Logan was relieved, that she was able to find her. This lady was living secretly, but still a few know her. Logan who surprised her received a hard kick, from the woman. "Who are you?" asked the woman in front of her.

"Frost? Anya Frost?" Logan pointed out, "Funny, that's my name. I'm asking for yours. Why were you following me?"

"I was sent to find you" Logan told her,

"By whom?" Anya looked at him suspiciously

"Magneto and the Professor"

"Erik?" Anya glared at him and chuckled at him. "Don't try to fool me, Erik cannot possibly have talked to anyone he's─"

"I am from the future. Sent by Professor and Magneto"

"The future?! Okay, I thought you were more than that, didn't think you were out of your mind. I'm done here" Anya said, walking away.

"It's the truth. 50 years from now, future."

Anya turned her head, "You're wasting my time…" but Logan just continued, "Raven…she will be captured, and experimented after she killed Trask and because of her DNA the Sentinels will be created, humans and mutants slaughtered. No one may survive"

Anya was facing Logan now, she can't bear hearing Raven being experimented on, her friend and her other fellow mutants. They don't deserve it

"What do you need me for, Mr…?"



Logan and Anya drove through New York. Logan was kind enough to tell her, his plan, to get Charles and Erik and to stop Raven. Logan even noticed how quiet she was.

"What are you thinking?" Logan asked, obviously noticing the look on her face.

"None of your business…" Logan continues to stare at her. "They didn't told me, you were this hard to talk to"

"There's a lot of things they didn't tell you, Mr Logan. Like, the Professor probably would not be even glad to see me, or even talk to me…or even be part of your plan at all"

"So you're worried of how you'll be facing him?" Anya chuckled at his statement, "You got it all wrong, Logan. Its rather the other way around. He knew me from my past, but I've changed. I'm not my old self anymore…not the old, weak one atleast. I'm no longer a part of him and it's all thanks to someone" Anya said, as she looked took a breath and stared ahead.

"Whatever. Just do what you have to do" Logan blurted, uncaring.

"I think I would be doing something alright, like pissing him off"

Logan ignored her, well he was told that she will be of help, so why is she saying otherwise?

They stopped in front of the gates of the building she once knew, the X-mansion.

"We're here" Logan informed her, "I know, Logan. I used to live here" Anya informed her in a matter of fact way.

Logan pounded at the door while Anya was standing beside him, a guy answered, Hank McCoy

"Can I help you?" Hank looked at both of them, "Uhm. What happened to the school?" Logan looked around, even sneaked a peek inside.

"The school's been shut for years. Are you both parents?" Logan chuckled at Hank's remark, "I sure hope we're not. Who are you?"

"Hank McCoy. I look after the house now" Logan studied him while he removed his shades, his lips formed a smile. "You're beast?" Hank looked at Logan surprised, but he denied it and asked for them to leave, but before Hank could close the door at them, Logan stopped him, and was pushing at the door. Anya was quite amused watching the two men, almost breaking the door.

"Where's the Professor?" Hank ignored him and tried to push harder, "You're pretty strong for a scrawny kid" Logan praised him nonetheless, and after minutes of pushing the door, Logan and Anya entered. Hank tried to stop him, grabbed him at his shoulders, "Hey! I said the school's closed. You and your girlfriend need to leave." Hank pointed at the woman, who was now walking to the rooms

"Not until I see the Professor"

"There's no professor here, I told you that" Hank said, trying to push some sense into this guy

"Look kid, you and I are going to be good friends" and he punched Hank on the face, he groaned in pain, as he lay on the floor. "You just don't know it yet" Logan added, and climbed up the stairs and looked for the Professor.

"Professor?" Logan called, as he looked around, then he heard a growl. Hank had caught up to him, he was now in his mutant form, Beast. Hank took hold of him and threw him down the stairs, and he threw him again on the table below, Hank hanging on the chandelier with Logan below him. Hank was practically trying to scare Logan.

They both stopped, when someone called Hank's attention, "What's going on here?"

"Professor?" Logan said confused, as he saw a man came up from the stairs, his hair dishevelled and longer, wearing and old shirt and pants with a robe that was not even tied up, he was holding a glass of alcohol. "Please don't call me that" Charles said.

"You know this guy?" Hank pointed at Logan, Charles looked at Logan, studying him. "Well, he looks slightly familiar" then he asked Hank to get off the bloody chandelier and he did. Charles was now in front of Logan, he was shocked to see him able to walk "You can walk"

"You're a perceptive one" Charles smiled at him

"I thought Erik─"

"Which makes it slightly perplexing that you missed our sign on the way in. this is private property, my friend. I'm gonna have to ask him to ask you to leave" Charles said, as he sat at the bottom of the stairs

"Well, I'm afraid I can't do that…because I was sent here for you" Logan sighed, he was now off the table, standing on his feet.

"Well tell whoever it was that sent you, that I'm busy"

"That's gonna be a little tricky…because the person who sent me was you"

Charles was in disbelief "What?"

"About 50 years from now" Logan told him

"50 years from now? Like, in the future 50 years from now?" Charles chuckled, this man is crazy


"I sent you from the future?" Charles asked again, in humor


"That's where he almost lost me" Anya informed them,

"Piss off" Charles chuckled at Logan,

"If you had your powers, you'll know I was telling the truth" Logan said, now he got his attention.

"How did you know I don't have my p─who are you? Are you CIA?"


"You've been watching me"

"I know you Charles. We've been friends for years. I knew your powers came when you were 9. I know you thought you were going crazy when it started…all the voices in your head and it wasn't until you were 12 that you realized that the voices were in everyone else's head…do you want me to go on?" Logan asked, hoping he would now earn his trust

"I never told anyone that" Charles told him, he was surprised on how he came to know that

"Not yet, no, but you will"

"All right, you've peaked my interest what do you want?

"We need to stop Raven, I need your help. We need your help. That's why I'm here and she" Logan pointed at Anya, Charles and Hank looked her, both were looking at her with curiosity, how can they not? She changed her hair, the way she wears her clothes, the way she walks, everything. She was not the Anya they once knew. Anya removed her hat that was blocking their view of her face. Charles stared at the woman who is now standing in front of him, the very woman he once knew, and left him one night. "Professor. I must say, you look horrible" Anya looked at him straight in the eye, without showing any emotions. Charles didn't notice that he was squeezing his glass. "I think I'd like to wake up now" Charles stood up, and made his way to his study.

Logan explained to them, what's Raven's contribution to the creation of the Sentinels, and how the Sentinels exterminated mutants and non-mutants.

"I've been in a lot of wars. I've never seen anything like this. And it all starts with her"

"Lets just say for the sake of─for the sake that I choose to believe you, that I choose to help you. Raven won't listen to me…" Charles gave a sigh, "Her heart and soul belongs to someone else now…" Charles said, as he stirred his glass, and drank. Logan stood up, "I know, that's why we're going to need Magneto too"

"Erik?" Hank blurted out, Charles began to laugh

"You do know where he is?" Hank leaned to Logan as he asked, and he said yes.

A laughing Charles passed through them, making his way out. "He's where he belongs and what about her" Charles said bitterly at him, and pointed an angry glance at her.

"She's here to help me with the both of you"

"Both of us?" Charles repeated, and laughed "I think you've brought the wrong woman. She has no sentiment for anything. She's very good at turning her back and walking away" Charles said harshly, Anya just stared at Charles as she received his words. Not saying a word.

"You're just gonna walk out?"

"Oooh. Top marks. Like I said, you are perceptive. The professor I know would not turn his back on someone who'd lost their path. Especially someone he loved." Charles stopped in his tracks, and made his way to Logan "You know…I think I do remember you now. We came to you a long time ago seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then. FUCK OFF!" Logan lost his temper, and grabbed Charles by the collar. "Listen to me, you little shit. I've come a long way and I've watched a lot of people die. Good people. friends. If you're gonna wallow in self-pity and do nothing, then you're gonna watch the same thing, you understand?" Logan released Charles, and looked at him through the eyes. "We all have to die sometime" Charles replied, as he walked up the stairs, leaving them.

"Told you there was no professor here"

"Forget about him. Obviously, he doesn't want to be a part of this." Anya told Logan, but she was ignored.

"What the hell happened to him?" Logan asked, Anya stood up and made her way to one of the veranda, not wanting to hear any of Charles' drama

"He lost everything. Erik, Raven, his legs and her" Hank pointed to the direction where Anya went. "He built the school, the labs, this whole place, then just after the first semester the war in Vietnam got worse, the teachers, and students were drafted. It broke him. He retreated into himself. I wanted to help, so I designed a serum to treat his spine derived from the same formula that controls my mutation. I take just enough to keep myself balanced but he takes too much. I tried easing him back but he just couldn't bear the pain, the voices. The treatment gives him his legs, but its not enough. He's just lost too much

Charles POV

Charles was lying on his bed, then he glanced at Raven's photo.

"In fact, you never have to steal again, and that's a promise" young Raven smiled at his words.


Charles clearly remembered his words, "And that's a promise…"


A/N: all I can say is, I hope you guys appreciate it! I promise it will get better thanks. Favourite. Follow. Review