Percy leaned against the door frame, looking at the beauty in his bed, sleeping soundly. She had on his shirt. Like always.

And he couldn't help grinning like a complete idiot.

He went over and got completely on top of her, nipping her ear with his teeth, "You're mine." He said, possessively.

She woke up from the sudden weight of his body on hers, "Percy. Seriously? You're so heavy. I'm suffocating."

He laughed, "But I want to be as close to you as possible." He said sensuously, bringing his hand up the shirt on her- a motion he was planning to do a lot of in the future.

Annabeth smiled, opening one eye to look at him in mock scrutiny.

She caught his hand from moving further up, "ten more minutes."

She slumped back on her pillow.

He nuzzled her neck, blowing raspberry against her neck.
And she got up immediately, pushing him off—laughing, grossed out, "God, Percy."

He grinned. She was about to get off the bed, but he pulled her down on the bed again, "I want you awake. Not gone."

She smiled, those darn dimples greeting him. He kissed them then kissed her lips, bringing the covers over them again.

She laughed as he whispered all sorts of things in her ear.

He kissed her neck, humming and murmuring all sorts of lovable things-then it was her shoulder then the palm of her hand. Everything Annabeth was his.

And he would never ever get enough.

She looked up at him with so much love it made his chest ache.

"I missed you." she whispered.

"You have no idea." He said, bringing his lips against hers again. He pulled away just enough to look her in the eye.

"This will be the last time you miss me, Annabeth. I'll make sure of it."

She sweetly smiled up at him, then brought her hands around his neck, smoothing her fingers over his skin—fingers which were trained to suture a wound in seconds. He found out how incredibly useful her trained hands could be last night.

God, he loved her touch. The feel of her body pressed flush against his.

"Just kiss me, you bastard."

Percy chuckled, then pressed his lips against hers- forever alive.


MadMen was playing on the TV screen.

Percy sat on the couch with the guys.

Annabeth was with the other girls in the kitchen. Reyna had come over for the weekend and they were all excited and giggly over there by the counter. All those beautiful girls chatting and laughing over wine, though Percy wanted the blonde one to be right over here on his lap.

He turned his eyes over to them and caught her eyes. Striking and silver from the sunlight shining in from the left side window.

She smiled at him, making him all warm inside.

He lifted his chin, gesturing her to come over to him. She smiled even bigger then put down her glass on the counter, leaving the kitchen to go over to him.

The girls went silent, watching Annabeth as she came over to him and got on his lap, bringing her arms around his neck. He smiled like an idiot as he ran his hand over her thigh and she kissed him good and hard.

"Seriously? Get a room, you lovebird idiots." Thalia called from the kitchen as the guys snickered next to them.

"Ooh la la" Nico was singing in a bird like voice as he began singing other foreign love songs.

Percy and Annabeth didn't mind them.

Not one bit.


"Percy, why are we here?"

He smiled down at her then brought his arm around her, "Come on, follow me."

He walked her across the campus to the cafe next to the classroom they met each other at. He wondered if old man gramps was still teaching there.

Students were shuffling over to their next class or simply chilling around on the campus. Percy went into the cafe and bought their select coffee orders. When they came out he handed her her drink. She took it, still looking up at him weirdly, but with an amused smile on her face.

He ushered her to that bench in front of the cafe spot. The bench he first engaged in a conversation with her all those years before.

She sat down, the smile still on her face, "What's up with you?"

He set down his coffee on the seat next to her, "So impatient." He smiled, "I'll show you." He said, getting down on one knee in front of her.

Her brows raised and her eyes widened.

"Annabeth Chase" He picked out the ring he had kept in his pocket for so long. Percy then looked up into her eyes.

Green on Gray.

He flipped open the case, then took a deep breath.

"Yes." she said before he could ask anything.

He burst into laughter, "I didn't even."

"Yes." She said, nodding—love filling her eyes, sending warmth through every core of his being.

He stood up then leaned over her, more due to the fact that his knee was killing him.

Percy looked deeply into her eyes. Then he reached his hand up to her face, gently caressing her cheek, then running his fingers into her soft golden hair. He kissed her.

Then he pulled away, smiling brightly.

"Marry me?"

She simply smiled, dimples flashing—her lower lip bitten down as she leaned up and kissed him.

An answer that was all he needed.


"My mom says hi. She wants me to bring you next time we visit." Annabeth said, setting her phone on the kitchen table.

Percy smiled dreamily, chin resting in his arms on the counter, "Mmm, sounds good." His eyes were following her all over the kitchen.

The toaster dinged and she went over to pick out the waffles. She hissed, dropping their breakfast on a plate before shaking her hand from the burning sting of the heat. He chuckled slightly watching her. Annabeth simply turned and eyed him,"You don't hear a word I'm saying in the morning, do you?"

"Mm- True." He was solely focused on her lips moving, not what was coming out of them.

She laughed, setting the plate in between them.

He immediately pouted.
There was a whole table separating them apart.

Annabeth, reading his mind, said, "Oh God, you baby."
He lazily grinned as she came around and lifted herself to sit her bum on the counter right in front of him so that she was closer. Percy smiled satisfied, then stood so that he was eye level to her. "Better." He whispered in her ear.

She was busy pouring syrup on her waffles as he kissed down the length of her divine neck. Annabeth eyed him again, eyes crinkling with pure bliss, then ripped a piece and fed him. She narrowed her eyes towards his lips with a slow smile. There was syrup on his mouth. She leaned over and licked his lips, making him intake a sharp breath.
"Mm. I love syrup." She said, licking her own lips then her fingers.

Oh hell.

His eyes sparkled with every intent and naughty thought flooding his mind at that very moment. She was eating her own waffle when he swept her up in his arms and carried her back upstairs to the bedroom, making her yelp- breakfast still in hand. She laughed as he pushed himself over her on the bed, eating the waffle out of her hand.

With a kick of his foot, he shut the door behind him.

For them, breakfast always ended up being eaten in bed.


Percy woke up under the bed covers which smelled like Annabeth. He turned to his right then smelled the lemony shampoo scent of her hair. He loved waking up next to her.

He loved a lot of things these days.

He loved the steady lulling sound of her breathing.

He loved the beautiful line of her back and the soft curves of her body.

He loved that ring on her left hand.

Percy scooted over and brought his arm around her waist. She moaned softly, nestling closer to his chest as he pressed a long kiss against her neck then the spot behind her ear.

"Annabeth, babe. You have to wake up. You have work soon."

She groaned then turned to face him. Her eyes opening to look at him.
A sleepy smile on her lips.
She pursed her lips, "Oh look, it's my personal alarm clock."

He chuckled, shaking his head, "How do you look so good in the morning?"
He wasn't lying- her eyes half-lidded made her look achingly sexy.

She kissed the hollow of his neck then grazed her lips down to the center of his chest, making him sigh loudly, "Good sex makes me look good."

She lifted her head and laughed seeing a blush rising in his cheeks.

They had done it quite a lot in the past few days.

What could he say?—they had a lot of time to catch up on.

She got on top of him, sliding down on him in such a God aching way, he couldn't help a groan.

He held her at bay, "No, we can't. or else you're going to look too good for your male patients and I don't want that."

Annabeth laughed, then swiped a kiss on his lips before moving off him.

He immediately regretted saying that.

The covers slid off her goddess body, as she turned her back to him, moving towards the bathroom.

She looked at him over her shoulder. Oh God, Annabeth was swaying her hips as she walked in that way she knew made him go crazy.

Percy growled, practically jumping out of bed before moving after her.

"You devil woman."

She laughed even more as he caught her in his arms, the bell like sounds of her laugh still ringing gloriously in his ears.

He kissed her hard as she jumped onto his waist, wrapping her arms around his neck. He kicked the bathroom door shut behind him.

Forever hers.

Absolutely his.

It had been almost five years since he saw her in that classroom, looking like a golden miracle. Five years since he swore he wouldn't date out of shallow reasons. Five years since this girl changed him so amazingly he would spend the rest of his days thanking her for coming into his life.

He would wake up from a million dreams to see her sleeping next to him.

He would destroy anyone who would ever dare hurt her again.

And he would love her more than he had ever loved anyone, because she deserved it. She so deserved it.

And he would give her a love that was deserving of her.

No one else.

His love was absolute.


And so it ends. AHHHHH! It's over now! HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE RIDE!

So, after everything that happened to them, I don't think I'm going to make yet another sequel. I mean I think that would be stretching it a bit too far. But, I WILL be making another story, which will be here very very very soon. So, click that follow button and wait for what is to come.

Because it will be AMAZEBALLSTASTIC!
You better wait.
I'm begging you.
Don't leave meh
Cuz, it's percabeth again obviously and I don't think I'll write about anything else. Haha. I mean maybe but who knows.

Click ALL the like, follow, review buttons.