Guess who's back? That's right! The long awaited sequel of Empire High! Enjoy!


Tatsumi stared at the large school building in front of him. He never thought a site like this could bring nostalgia to him, even if he knew he was returning. The fresh breeze he once met was know replaced with the wrath of the sun beating down on him. Even the nearby students struggled to stay active in the heat. Some tried hiding in the shade while others made a break for the school building that seemed to have several ice crystals placed near the door; no doubt Esdeath's doing.

Tatsumi could feel his hand being squeezed as he looked to his side to see Mine panting like a dog. She was continuously fanning herself with the crumpled up paper in her hand they were given when they entered school grounds. On the paper was a set of rules for the semester and what students were expected to follow and do. However, he knew none of it would go that way; especially being in a dorm known as Night Raid.

"Tatsumi!" A familiar voice shouted out.

It didn't take long for Tatsumi to realize who it was after he turned around and felt the full weight of a person's body tackle him. Two arms wrapped around him as his face went deep into what felt like a pair of balloons.

"Mmm! MMMM!" He tried yelling.

"Oh, I missed you too." Leone smiled as she continued hugging him tightly. "So how was your break? Did you have any fun? Did you do the dance with no pants with Mine?" She asked to get a reaction from Tatsumi.

"What the hell are you doing to him!" Mine yelled as she kicked Leone in the back of the head.

Leone fell on the ground, upset that she was easily defeated by someone half her size. She noticed that Mine had gotten even more protective of Tatsumi since they last met as Mine clung onto Tatsumi's arm and tried marching them away from her.

"Come Tatsumi, we don't have time to deal with her." Mine scoffed.

"Aw, I missed you too." Leone smiled, ignoring Mine's remark.

Tatsumi could only awkwardly laugh as Mine shot lightning glare at Leone who could only smile. He forgot how Leone had such a laid back personality compared to Mine, but then again she was the only one willing to risk detention for a bottle of sake she would sneak into class.

"Hey there squirt! Long time no see." Another voice said to Tatsumi.

Tatsumi turned around to see Chelsea approaching the three of them. Like usual, she had a lollipop in her mouth and the usual pair of headphones on her head. He never really knew what she listened to or if it was even plugged in.

"Chelsea, hey there." Tatsumi greeted back. "And can you not call me squirt? I'm a little taller than you."

"Oh really?" Chelsea seemed curious as she held her hand up to the top of Tatsumi's head and compared it to her own height. "Hmph, well I'll be. You did grow a bit over the break. How'd that happen? Wait! Don't tell me. You took some of Mine's chest?" She smiled over at Mine after she spoke, angering the pink girl.

"Why you little…" Mine tried attacking her but Tatsumi managed to hold her back.

"Why don't we go get our schedules?" Tatsumi awkwardly laughed.

"What do you mean?" Chelsea asked. "We get our schedules over at our dorms. Don't you know that?"

"Chelsea, don't forget," Leone reminded her. "Tatsumi transferred here a few months after the semester started."

"Oh yeah." Chelsea snapped her fingers. "Anyway, let's get going, I'm sure everyone will be excited to see you two again...well maybe just one of you." She snickered at Mine, angering her even more.

"I swear you better sleep with your eyes open tonight!" She threatened before storming off towards the dorm.

"Hey everyone, guess who I found!" Chelsea shouted as she opened the door to their dorm.

Tatsumi entered the building and was immediately hit by a smell of meat being cooked. No doubt it was Akame cooking. He could notice stacks of books lining the hallway towards their rooms and several stacks knocked over. He knew it was possible Lubbock brought the books and Sheele probably tried helping only to make a mess.

As he entered the kitchen, Leone pushed passed him and ran straight towards one of the cabinets.

"Is it still here? Please tell me it is." She frantically searched in the cupboards. "Yes!" She screamed in delight as she pulled out an unopened bottle of sake and began hugging it. "Oh, how I missed you!"

"It seems Leone more focused on her boozes than us." Mine sighed.

"I guess." Tatsumi said as he walked over towards the stove.

Cooking on a rather large pan was a huge chunk of meat. It had cooked all the way and was possibly ready to eat. Seeing as Akame wasn't around, he decided to grab a fork and taste a tiny part. However, he immediately lost his fork before he could stab the meat and was met by a small knife to his face.

The hand holding the knife was attached to a woman's body who had black hair. Her red eyes glared at Tatsumi for nearly eating their meat. He knew Akame would kill him for meat, she almost did it to Lubbock one time after he accidentally ate her breakfast.

"H-Hey Akame." Tatsumi shakily spoke. "Long time no see?"

"Tatsumi, it's nice to see you." Akame said bluntly, relieving some grasp from the knife. "However," She clenched the knife tightly again and held it up to him. "Don't eat my food again." She threatened.

"Y-Yes ma'am." Tatsumi said terrified.

Akame soon pulled the knife away and placed it on the counter before hugging Tatsumi. Chelsea began to give Mine several looks as Mine watched in shock as the two hugged for a long time.

"I missed you, Tatsumi." Akame smiled. "How was your break?"

"It was good. And yours?" Tatsumi asked before Mine jumped between the two.

"Tatsumi! Did you forget I'm your girlfriend? You can't just go hugging random girls whenever you want too!"

"Mine?" Tatsumi blushed. "Akame's just a friend." He pleaded.

"Mine, how are you?" Akame asked, ignoring Mine's complaint.

"I'm fine, thank you very much Akame." Mine smiled sweetly. "How was the break with your sister?"

"We didn't really hang out much. She kept stealing my food."

"Right." Mine rolled her eyes. "Anyway, you need to get a spine and learn to say no sometimes!" Mine went back to yelling at Tatsumi.

"Y-Yes ma'am." Tatsumi sighed.

"Hehe, that's why I'm still single." Lubbock said as he entered the kitchen.

"You're only single because no girl wants any of your perverted eyes on them." Leone said.

Lubbock felt his heart like he actually got hurt from her comment. After taking a quick breather, he walked over to Tatsumi and fist pumped with him.

"How are ya, Tatsumi? I see Mine's giving you some trouble." He smiled.

"Well if she didn't I'd be worried if it really was her." Tatsumi joked.

Lubbock could only chuckle before Leone bopped him on the head.

"Tatsumi? Is that you?" A high pitched voice asked.

Tatsumi turned to see Sheele at the kitchen entrance, she seemed happy to see him but her purple hair had a sock in it as she walked towards him.

"How are you?" She asked.

"Um, Sheele? Did you know you have a sock in your hair?" Tatsumi asked.

Sheele felt the top of her head until she found the lone sock and pulled it out. Embarrassed, she quickly tossed it aside only to hit Leone in the face with it, causing her to spit out her drink all over Lubbock.

"I'm sorry." She bowed to Leone and Lubbock.

Lubbock tried waving her away while Leone began laughing at the soaked Lubbock in front of her.

"Sheele!" Mine screamed with joy as she hugged her friend. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Mine." Sheele hugged back, patting the top of Mine's head. "You have to tell me how your break went."

"We can all discuss our breaks after we get settled in." Leone said, raising her bottle in the air.

Tatsumi sat back in his chair in the living room. It was a long day for him from seeing everyone again to unpacking his things to getting Mine to calm down about him hanging around other women.

Akame sat next to him, a plate of meat in her hands that was half empty. Lubbock and Leone sat across from them while Mine sat between Tatsumi and Sheele. Chelsea took a seat next to Akame, handing the red eye girl a piece of candy.

"So guys, this is the first night we get to spend together since the break." Leone started.

"Umm, where's bro?" Tatsumi asked, interrupting Leone.

"Right, I knew I forgot something." Chelsea said. "He said he'll be here in a few days. Something came up so he's going to stay at the dojo for a bit."

"Oh." Tatsumi said disappointed.

He was hoping to meet Bulat since he was like an older brother and mentor to him. But it looks like it won't be for a few more days.

"What about Sayo and Ieyasu?" Chelsea asked. "Didn't they want to come study?"

Tatsumi shook his head. "They figure they'll leave me with the book smarts and them the country smarts.

"Anyway, let's talk about our breaks." Leone continued. "I'll start." She said as she cleared her throat. "What I did during the break was…...drink and gamble." She smiled, much to several disappointed looks.

"That sounds like she never left school." Lubbock whispered.

"Maybe she took a class during the break?" Mine suggested.

"Oh, me next!" Chelsea said excitedly. "For my break I went around the city and scared a bunch of people. It was great, I even got the mossy pervert over there after I changed to look like Najenda was a man." Chelsea began to laugh.

"It wasn't funny!" Lubbock argued. "And how was I supposed to know you changed that about her?"

"That?" Tatsumi questioned.

"I can tell you!" Chelsea smirked before Lubbock tried attacking her across the table.

"Let's move on." Leone clapped her hands together. "Sheele, what did you do?"

"I um…..can we skip me actually?" Sheele smiled.

"Why?" Tatsumi asked.

"Let's just say everyone in the city didn't get a good break." Lubbock put his hand to his head.

"I'm still sorry for that fire." Sheele teared up before being comforted by Mine.

"Lubbock, go!" Leone ordered.

"So this break I watched over the bookstore like usual." Lubbock said.

"And?" Chelsea added.

"And I tried hooking up wi- Naj-..." He mumbled quietly.

"What was that? I don't think we heard you quite well?" Chelsea held a hand up to her ear.

"Akame! What did you do during the break?" Lubbock quickly avoided answering.

Akame put her plate down and cleared her throat.

"This break I took the liberty of hunting wild beasts for our food. Also I discovered a new way to cook meat." Akame blandly said before picking up her plate again.

"Doesn't surprise me." Tatsumi sighed.

"And last but not least, the fancy couple." Leone laughed. "So tell us guys? Did you? You know?" She leaned in closer, a small teasing grin on her face.

"Did we what?" Tatsumi asked, not understanding Leone's question.

"Don't make me say it." Leone chuckled. "You can say yes or no."

"To what?"

"The question."

"What question?"

"For the love of….did you and Mine have se-"

"Tatsumi showed me around his village and we spent a majority of the time sightseeing and learning more about each other!" Mine quickly shouted, understanding where Leone was getting at.

"Oh...that's boring." Leone said sadly. "Oh well, it looks like they didn't do it. Pay up Lubbock!"

"Stupid cheap….." Lubbock mumbled as he pulled out a few coins and gave them to Leone.

"Um, what about me Lubbock?" Chelsea held her hand out. "Don't forget I was in this too."

"But that's all the money I have for now!" Lubbock complained.

"Don't worry, you can pay me it later….with interest." Chelsea winked.

"Wha?" Lubbock was in shock.

"So everyone had a pretty good break then? Good." Leone said. "Because this semester that is happening again."

"Oh man, not that." Lubbock moaned.

"What's that?" Tatsumi asked.

"Mine, are you sure you can do it this time?" Chelsea asked. "Last semester you really took a beating."

"Don't worry, I have Tatsumi with me." Mine replied, hugging his arm.

"What's that?" Tatsumi asked again.

"Don't worry Tatsumi, I'm sure you'll be fine." Akame said before getting up to get seconds.

"What's that?" Tatsumi asked once more, scared to know what that was.

"Well, let's just see what happens." Leone said. "Anyway, let's all try our best this semester and may we all graduate!" She loudly said, holding up her glass.

"Aye!" Everyone cheered except for Tatsumi who was still terrified of whatever that was.

And we're back for a new semester at Empire High! Tatsumi already has an unknown challenge he must face but the real question is: what is that that everyone is talking about? Also, is it just me or does it seem like Mine is getting jealous pretty quick? Haha! Oh well, anyway I hope you all enjoyed the very first chapter of the sequel and I expect you'll all be ready for more chapter in the future. Please leave a review of what you may think it is and also don't forget to favorite this story since you all wanted a sequel. Heiwa!

Reader: WAIT!

Me: What?

Reader: What's that they keep talking about?

Me: For the love of...just read the chapters! You'll figure it out sooner or later.