
I do not own The Mentalist. No copyright infringement is intended. No money made.

AN: Sorry, this Season 8 finale episode was delayed because of football. (We Mentalist fans are used to that.) I got a little carried away, so this is a lot more than a sneak peek, but hey, it's the last installment.

Something you should recall from the previous episode - Lisbon has just revealed to Jane that she is pregnant again. I hope you enjoy White Knuckles.





Cho's team members sit working at their desks in the bullpen, except for Ramos, who is absent. Jane is settled on his couch, reading a book. He looks up.

JANE: Lisbon, when will Fraud have that suspect here for me to question?

LISBON: (without looking back at him – he's asked this before) It'll be at least another thirty minutes.

JANE: I'm supposed to be home in an hour and a half. Wendy can't stay - she has a class.

LISBON: (unconcerned) You'll have plenty of time.

Cho walks into the bullpen, and the team members look up at him.

CHO: Hey, I just talked to Ramos. Things are going well – should be back to work in two weeks. Before Christmas.

BRANCH: That's great.

WYLIE: He was lucky it wasn't worse.

JANE: (lots of subtext for Lisbon) Yes, he was fortunate that the bad guys were bad shots.

CHO: He'll be on desk duty for a month after that, until he gets the cast off that leg.

Cho's phone buzzes. He pulls it out and answers.

CHO: (CONT'D) Cho. (he frowns) Sure. On our way.

He punches out of the call.

CHO: (CONT'D) (to team) White Collar Crimes team has a bust that's going bad just a few blocks from here. One of their guys is being held – they want help. Wylie, you stay here and help Jane with Jackson's team. You two (motions to Lisbon and Branch) – let's go. I'll meet you in the parking lot.

Cho hurries to his office. Jane looks at Lisbon with concern as she checks her gun and grabs her vest, but he doesn't say anything.

LISBON: (quietly to Jane) I'll be careful.

Jane lies down on his couch and closes his eyes, willing himself calm, rubbing his fingers together madly.


Lisbon and Branch face forward as the door closes.

BRANCH: No offense, but I'm glad Cho didn't leave me there with Jane.

LISBON: (frowning) He is a challenge to work with sometimes.

BRANCH: Oh, no, I don't mind working with him. It's just when you go out into the field and leave him behind, he's like a long tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs. Especially lately.


BRANCH: Sorry – my Grandma Branch used to say that. He - ya know - worries. He thinks we don't notice, but…


The elevator door opens and halts the conversation, as the two agents hurry to the parking lot.


Cho, Branch, and Lisbon return to the bullpen, and put away their gear.

WYLIE: How'd it go?

BRANCH: They saw they were surrounded. The perps surrendered. The agent was fine.

WYLIE: Great. Jane cracked the Fraud suspect in about five minutes and went home.

LISBON: (to herself) I should text him.

Seen as she types on phone screen:

Back in the office, no shots fired. Should I bring dinner home? And yes, I'm going to tell Cho today.

CHO: Lisbon, can I talk to you in my office for a minute?

LISBON: Sure. (has no idea what this is about)


CHO: I saw Givens at the takedown and he reminded me of something I'm supposed to pass along to you.

LISBON: What's that?

CHO: Benny Yeager, the Victim's Assistance Project Manger, is retiring. They're looking for a replacement, and your name came up. I told them I thought you wanted to stay in the field, but that I'd mention it to you.

LISBON: (shocked) Me? That's a supervisory position.

CHO: You've got plenty of experience with that, from back in the CBI. It would be more regular hours. Some travel, but less than here. And a pay raise. I'd hate to lose you, but I wanted to let you know. The job description is up on the FBI site.

LISBON: Wow. Just. Wow. (recovering from surprise and focusing) There's something I wanted to tell you, too. Interesting timing.

CHO: What's that?

LISBON: Well. (with hesitation) We're expecting again.

Cho's face lights up with surprise and he allows a smile to escape.

CHO: Again?

LISBON: I know. (a little embarrassed) Who'd have thought?

CHO: Congratulations.

LISBON: Thanks. And thanks for letting me know about the job. I'll take a look at it.

CHO: You're going to be out of the field for six months anyway. Maybe you should give it a try, and if you hate it, you can come always back here after the baby is born.

LISBON: (considers) Not a bad thought.

CHO: One other thing – ask Jane to come in and see me. The powers that be want to see if he'll teach a class to the profilers. Show them what he does.

LISBON: (grinning) Jane, teaching a class?

CHO: Just passing the info along.



A group of about twenty young men and women sit in a lecture hall. On the stage, a man in an orange prison jump suit sits with his hands cuffed in front of him, his elbows resting on a folding table. Across the table from the prisoner sits a male student, ROBERT, and Jane stands behind him, watching and listening.

Up in the back of the room in the shadows, Lisbon slips in the door to watch unnoticed. Her pregnancy is showing but she is not huge, and she is dressed in a smart blue maternity suit. She focuses on what's going on down at the front of the room with interest.

ROBERT: Were you having an affair with your brother's wife?


Robert looks back at Jane.


JANE: (to Robert) Very good. (turns to class) Never be afraid of asking the impolite questions, because that's what will provoke the emotional responses you are looking for. That's where you get your answers.

A female student, GAIL SANDERS, raises her hand from her seat in the front row.

JANE: Ms. Sanders? Gail, isn't it?

GAIL: Yes. That's all well and good for you, Mr. Jane, but if we asked a question like that to a prominent citizen, or somebody with power, they would complain. It would be very bad for our careers.

JANE: Are you there to do your job, or further your career?

A collective chortle goes through the room of students – she's been burned. She turns a bit red.

GAIL: (angry but composed) We can't catch killers if we lose our jobs.

Jane nods, conceding her point, but the room belongs to Jane.

JANE: Fair enough. But all of this –"

Jane makes a flourish with his hand including the prisoner and the student on stage.

JANE: (CONT'D) - won't do you any good if you only ask the nice, polite questions.

He turns back to the two men on the stage.

JANE: (CONT'D) Go on, Robert.


The prisoner is gone and the students have mostly filed out of the room as Jane gathers his papers at the podium. His face brightens when he sees Lisbon walking down the steps to join him.


Jane kisses her cheek, surprised she is there.

JANE: And to what do I owe this pleasure?

LISBON: I was in this building for a meeting, and it let out early. I thought we might do a late lunch, if you haven't already eaten.

JANE: Splendid!


Jane and Lisbon sit at an outdoor table, eating lunch. Lisbon has a lot of food in front of her, and is very animated, telling Jane something she is excited about.

LISBON: (story in progress) …I think this new program has a lot of potential to really help the trafficking victims. It should be up and running in six weeks.

She looks pleased with herself, and takes a big bite of her turkey sandwich.

JANE: (very cautiously) So. You like this new job, don't you?

Lisbon understands where this is coming from immediately. She wipes a bit of mayo from the corner of her mouth with her napkin.

LISBON: You really want me to like this job, don't you?

JANE: (resolutely, but softly – almost a whisper) Desperately.

Lisbon smiles sympathetically.

LISBON: So far, I do really like it.

Jane smiles back, looking very hopeful.

LISBON: (CONT'D) I'm not ready to commit for the long term, but so far, so good.

JANE: I couldn't be happier to hear that, m'dear. Would you like some of my fries?

Her eyes fall hungrily to his plate.

LISBON: Sure. A few. How do you like teaching, Professor Jane?

She reaches over and grabs a fry from his plate, smiling. He chuckles, ducking his head slightly, a bit uncomfortable with the fact he's become an FBI authority figure.

JANE: It's interesting, I must say. The talent of the students varies wildly. There are a few who are still skeptics, but there are a couple with true potential. Quite observant.

LISBON: You were kinda hard on that girl.

JANE: Meh. Not one of my favorites. Not sure why, but I always get the urge to wind that one up. She'll be a fine bureaucrat some day.

LISBON: Part of this is your evaluating the students for placement, too, right?

JANE: Yes, but that's hush hush. The students aren't supposed to know that.

LISBON: That seems unfair.

He takes a sip of his tea and sits back.

JANE: I didn't design the program, Teresa. I'm just doing what they want me to do. (impishly) I'm not a program director like you are.

LISBON: Oh, hush. (purposefully changing the subject) You know I've seen that student at the outdoor snack shop a few times. She meets some man there.

JANE: I think she's married.

LISBON: Must be her husband, then. He's a runner. Tank top, shorts. Lots of muscles.

Jane's eyebrows rise. He is amused. Lisbon rolls her eyes.

LISBON: (CONT'D) I noticed him because both of his arms are covered in tattoos. All the way up. The upper arms have these hands on them that look like someone is holding him. With these big knuckles.

She pretends to grab someone by the shoulders.

LISBON: (CONT'D) Very unusual.

JANE: I would have figured she'd go for someone more vanilla. Interesting.

Lisbon shrugs.

LISBON: Would you have figured you were my type?

JANE: Of course.

LISBON: Liar. (eyes twinkling) Oh, by the way, I can take Christopher in for his check up on Friday. My meeting got cancelled.

JANE: Whew. I don't have to be the bad guy this time. He's due for a bunch of shots.

LISBON: You didn't tell me that!

JANE: (grinning) You didn't ask.


Lisbon steps inside the front door of their home. The babysitter, WENDY, early to mid 20's, meets Lisbon at the door. She holds a excited Christopher, and he reaches for Lisbon.

CHRISTOPHER: Mommy! Go Mommy!

Lisbon plops her purse on the table and takes the child.

LISBON: Mommy's home early so I can take you to the doctor, big guy.

WENDY: (good naturedly) Fun, fun.

LISBON: He has no idea. So – we'll see you Monday afternoon? Jane has to be in at two.

WENDY: Got it. I'll be here by one.

Lisbon's phone buzzes.

LISBON: (look of dread) Wait. Surely this isn't…

She checks her phone.

LISBON: Oh, it's just daddy.

Lisbon sees the text:

I'm staying after class for awhile. I may be pretty late.

LISBON: What the…? (to Wendy) Why would he pick today to keep me informed of his whereabouts? That doesn't sound like him a bit.

Lisbon laughs and shrugs.

LISBON: Anyway. False alarm. Not work. Get out of here and have a great weekend!


Lisbon sits in a waiting room chair, watching Christopher play with a big plastic bulldozer on the floor. Beside her, a woman holds an eight year old girl in her lap, and the child is drawing. The mother turns the tablet over to a clean sheet of paper and makes four big dots on the blank paper with the pencil.

MOTHER: Now, you draw something from those.

The girl begins to draw an elaborate group of mermaids, incorporating the four dots. She is talented.

FLASHBACK: Lisbon sees the tattoos on the man's arm (Sanders' husband) that she told Jane about.

The image of the tattoo is clear in her mind, and she realizes that three equidistant dots have been incorporated into the image of the knuckles of the tattooed hand.

LISBON: (quietly, to herself) Oh my God.

She pulls out her phone and tries to call Jane. It goes to voicemail. She stands and walks over in the corner so nobody can hear what she is saying and calls Wylie.

LISBON: Hey, Wylie?

WYLIE: (V.O.) (surprised) Lisbon! What's up? How are you?

LISBON: I'm fine. Would you do me a favor? I mean, I know I'm not part…

WYLIE: (V.O.) (interrupting) Sure.

LISBON: I need for you to research one of the students in Jane's Profiling class. Specifically, a woman, brown hair, I think her name is Sanders. Find everything you can on her, and on her husband.

WYLIE: What's this about?

LISBON: Something strange is going on. I'm at the doctor's office with Christopher right now but I'll come by as soon as I get out.

WYLIE: Okay. I'll get right to work on it. It's a slow day here anyway.


A nondescript blue sedan pulls into the garage of a generic home, and the door shuts behind it.


Gail Sanders and her husband stand behind the trunk of the blue sedan, which is enclosed in the garage, out of sight.

GAIL: Ready?

She chambers a round into her handgun, and her husband opens the trunk to reveal Jane lying in the trunk. A bit groggy, he squints into the light. His hands are duct taped at the wrists in front of him, and there is a small cut on his forehead.

GAIL: (brandishing gun) Out.

The husband reaches down and yanks Jane out of the trunk, standing him up on the garage floor.

GAIL: Inside. (motioning with gun) To the basement.


The husband shoves Jane roughly down into a ladder back chair in the middle of the mostly bare basement and runs a few rounds of duct tape around Jane's torso, tying him to the chair. The room is lit by greenish florescent lights, one of which flickers constantly. Gail and her husband look at him with great satisfaction. They have captured their prey.

JANE: Why am I here? (glib) If this is about your grade, I'll definitely give you an "A" if you'll let me out of here.

GAIL: (with an evil grin) You killed my father, prepare to die!

Her husband is very amused at the movie quote. Jane is not.

JANE: Who is your father?

GAIL: Was. Gale Bertram was my father. Until you killed him.

JANE: (eyes widen) Gale. Gail. Ah… (to husband) So you must be Mr. Sanders? Are you just helping her do this because she asked you to?

HUSBAND: Ray Haffner was a good friend of mine.

JANE: I see. (pauses for a moment) If I may say in my defense, I didn't kill either of those people.

GAIL: Liar! (to husband) He's lying. (to Jane) See, I have learned something in your class.

JANE: On the contrary, this proves you haven't learned a thing. I'm telling the truth. Thomas McAllister planted the bomb that killed Ray Haffner, and one of his henchman killed your father.

GAIL: (a bit more unhinged) Liar! You killed them. You shamed my father on national TV while I watched. Said he was a serial killer. I saw you.

JANE: Your father wasn't a serial killer, but he was a very dirty cop.

GAIL: (really angry now) I'm not just going to kill you. First, I'm going to kill that little cop wife of yours, and the kid, too.

Jane wills himself not to react.

GAIL: (calmer, determined) And you can watch them report that on TV. And then, after you see that? Then. Then, I'm going to kill you.


Lisbon hurries into the bullpen from the elevator, Christopher on her hip. She makes a beeline to Wylie's desk. He hears her coming and looks up. Christopher spies Wylie.


Wylie's face lights up.

WYLIE: Christopher, my man! (to Lisbon) I've got a lot of stuff you might be interested in. What's going on, anyway?

LISBON: Not sure. I got a strange text from Jane. And I think the husband of one of the students might be an ex Blake Association person – you know, that crooked law enforcement web we uncovered back at the CBI.

Christopher is bouncing unhappily on Lisbon's hip, reaching out, wanting to go to Wylie.

CHRISTOPHER: Me go Unka WyWee!

WYLIE: Here, come here.

He reaches up and accepts the child from Lisbon.

WYLIE: (CONT'D) (to the child) You have to sit quietly – Unka Wywee has to talk to Mommy.

The child stops whining and sits contentedly on Wylie's lap.

WYLIE: (CONT'D) The student you were interested in is Gail Sanders, right?


WYLIE: It wasn't easy to dig up her background, but turns out her father was Gale Bertram – the ex CBI director.

LISBON: Holy sh…sheep dip!

WYLIE: There's more. Her husband is an ex-CBI man. He started working for an agent named Ray Haffner, but then he quit the CBI and worked in security for awhile. Now he works for an IT company here in Austin. They were married in California about four years ago.

Lisbon looks very worried. She pulls out her phone. 'Dials' Jane. It goes to voice mail.

LISBON: Would you ping Jane's phone?

Wylie manages to type with the child on his lap.

WYLIE: Shows up in Anderson Hall – that's where he teaches, right?

LISBON: (looks a little relieved, but not completely) Maybe he's there. But…

She pulls out her phone. Punches in a number.

LISBON: (CONT'D) Hello. Yes, this is the security desk at Anderson Hall? This is Special Agent Teresa Lisbon and I need for you to go check on something for me, please. See if Patrick Jane is in Room 324. He's supposed to be teaching a class there, and I need to reach him. (beat) Thanks. I'll hold.

While she waits, she gets a little car out of her purse and hands it to Christopher, who begins to roll it on Wylie's desk.

LISBON: (CONT'D) Yes, I'm here. (blanches as she listens) Yes, hold it for me there, please.

She punches out of the call.

LISBON: (to Wylie) They found Jane's phone sitting on the podium. No trace of him. I don't like this. This isn't right.

She turns and walks toward Cho's office.


Cho's team members are all engaged now, going over things in the bullpen. Christopher is busy running toy cars over Jane's couch.

CHO: Branch, you and Ramos get the parking lot camera footage. Wylie, you check the satellite images.

LISBON: (hesitantly) Wait – I may have something easier.

She pulls an iPad mini from her purse.

LISBON: (CONT'D) I. (halts)

The team focuses on her expectantly. She scrunches her eyes, and then resolves to just say it.

LISBON: (CONT'D) When I bought Jane that new pair of shoes, right after we were married, I had a tracking device put in the heel.

RAMOS: You what?

Cho raises his eyebrows and almost smiles. Branch snorts. Wylie is the only one not shocked.

LISBON: (red faced) I know. It's horrible. But after that Lazarus thing, I just…

WYLIE: (impatiently) Give me the information and I'll find it.

She pulls a page up on the iPad and puts the device on his desk so he can see it.


FBI teams storm into the house, where they find Gail Sanders and her husband eating in the kitchen. They apprehend the couple. The team shouts their "clears" from all the rooms, but Lisbon notices Gail trying not to look at the basement door.

LISBON: The basement.

They rush down the stairs, weapons at the ready, to find Jane sitting in the chair, looking relatively unharmed. Lisbon rushes to his side.

LISBON: Are you okay?

JANE: Certainly glad to see you. (looks very relieved) I'm very impressed, m'dear. I couldn't work out any way I could be found.

LISBON: It's…it's a long story. Let's get you untied.

JANE: How did you find me?

LISBON: I, uh, had a bug put in your shoe.

JANE: (incredulous) You WHAT?


Jane and Cho are finishing up talking to Gail Sanders' husband. They rise to leave the room, and Jane turns back to the man.

JANE: I must say, those tattoos are works of art. Who did them for you?

HUSBAND: (proudly) Arturo Hernandez. Has a place down on Lamar. (kisses the tips of his thumb and first two fingers) He is an artiste.


It is a different day. Jane is driving and Lisbon is the passenger. The carseat is empty. She frowns when he takes an unfamiliar turn.

LISBON: Where are we going?

JANE: Teresa, we need to take a little detour before we go home.

LISBON: (more insistent) Where are we going?

JANE: You'll see. (with a little edge) You can follow my shoe.

Lisbon glares at him.


Jane's car parks on the street outside a business: ARTURO'S TATTOOS.


Jane and Lisbon walk in through the front door. The bells on the handle announce their arrival into the shop. They look around. The walls are lined with elaborate tattoo designs. A small, soft spoken Latino man – ARTURO - greets them from the rear.

ARTURO: Good afternoon. What can I do for you?

JANE: I'm thinking about getting a tattoo altered.

Lisbon stifles a smile.

JANE: (CONT'D) A friend of mine recommended you. Mike Sanders. Do you remember him? He had some dots on his shoulder and you turned them into knuckles.

ARTURO: It's been at least three years, but yeah, I do remember that guy. I probably have a picture of it – I keep records of all my work.

JANE: I'd love to see it.

ARTURO: Gimme a minute.

He begins to go through pictures on his laptop. Jane and Lisbon wander around the room, looking at the designs. Jane points out a small, ornate butterfly design to his wife.

JANE: How about this one?

He points to the upper part of his butt.

JANE: (CONT'D) Right there.

He grins, but then narrows his eyes at his wife with surprise.

JANE: (CONT'D) (surprised) Your pupils dilated! Why, Teresa, I had no idea…

LISBON: (blushing) Did not!

She is rescued by the tattoo artist.

ARTURO: Here it is!

Jane leaves a flustered Lisbon and walks across the room to look at Arturo's laptop picture.

JANE: Yes, that's it. Beautiful work. It's very hard to see the dots. Bravo, Lisbon, for noticing this.

ARTURO: I did another one to cover up three dots not long after that.

JANE: (instantly more interested) Really? Can I see it?

ARTURO: Sure. Made those dots into flowers the second time. I don't wanna brag, but I'm damn good.

The man scrolls to a picture of a fiftyish woman with an elaborate flower design on her shoulder. Jane does a double take at the picture.

JANE: (wide eyed) Lisssbonnnnn!

She hurries over to look.

On the laptop is a picture of a woman who just happens to be FBI Regional Director Alexa Shultz, showing off the floral tattoo that trails from her shoulder to her upper arm.

LISBON: Oh my God.

Jane and Lisbon look at each other, realizing the many implications of this new found information.






That concludes my Season 8, and I'm not going to apologize for the open ending. That's the way seasons end, right? I have no plans to write a Season 9 – no time and no ideas.

Honestly, to write anything vaguely interesting, I would have to introduce some sort of major conflict, and all I really want for Jane and Lisbon now is for them to live happily ever after. I'm done with doing mean things to them. I'm going to 'just let them be happy,' at least in my mind. I may add a chapter to Partners if I get an idea from time to time, because the thought of a happy Jane and Lisbon, baby in tow, makes my heart glow. I'm so grateful we got such a satisfying ending.

A huge and heartfelt thank you to all the reviewers who have kindly supported me through this "season." It was great fun to write.

