A/N: Sorry once again for taking forever to update. I'm finally on Spring Break so I decided to write a chapter. Hopefully I can post another before the break is over. I'm still recovering from Clexa being sunk too. March has been a bad month for the lesbians: Clexa is done and Reagan isn't gonna be in Season 3 of Faking it, FML. Anyway hope you guys like this.
Girls Like Girls and Boys
Math class seemed to go by extremely slow and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.
During class Karma passes me a note.
It read, "Is that THE 'CLARKE'?"
I nod. And Karma just mouthed a wow.
*bell rings*
"Class dismissed" The teacher called out.
I walked out of the door and Reagan was right outside of the classroom waiting. She looked worried or even stressed out.
"Waiting for me or Clarke?" I say with a fake smile and walk by her.
"You. It's always gonna be you." She replies walking after me.
"Amy I'm so sorry about Saturday night. Please let me explain." She says grabbing my arm and leading me to a vacant hallway."
I fold my arms and say, "I don't know Reagan that was pretty messed up."
"Listen. You have every right to be mad at me. I really fucked up. I just saw Clarke that night at Olive Garden for the first time in years. I just never thought I would ever see her and it just brought up a lot of old memories. And then later on, when I realized that you were spending the night I got really nervous and had something to drink to help settle my nerves. I swear that was the alcohol talking."
"I don't know you really hurt my feelings. I really can't do this if you aren't in this with me a hundred percent." I tell her honestly.
I roll my eyes.
She gently grabs my face and we she stares into my eyes.
"Amy. I'm in love with you. Not anyone else. Clarke was just a middle school thing. Okay? Nothing more."
I just nod my head. Trying hard to believe her. She is my girlfriend I have to trust her.
"I don't know Rea. You guys seemed really close."
"Hey, you have nothing to worry about. That was a long time ago and we both moved on. I'm pretty sure she's straight now anyway. Please believe me, when I say I have my eyes only on you."
"Okay. I believe you."
She gives me a really tight hug. She kisses me multiple times on my cheek and my mouth.
I start to laugh.
"Hey, so a friend of Duke's is having a Halloween party and it is across the city. I don't think anyone from Hester is gonna be there so we could maybe go as a couple. Do you wanna go this Saturday?"
"Yeah sounds like a date."
Reagan gets really happy and hugs me again.
"I can't wait to see what little sexy costume you come up with."
"We can't do a couples costume?"
"No for Instagram purposes and just in case anyone from Hester is at the party. You could couple with Karma if you want but we can't. I'm sorry"
"It's okay."
"I have to go get something from my Jeep. I'll see you in the cafeteria. Tell Karma and Liam about the party too. But make sure the word doesn't spread around okay?"
"Yeah. See you later."
After looking both ways Reagan kisses me on the lips and leaves.
I start walking to the cafeteria. As I'm walking I see Clarke across the school yard at a table eating lunch by herself. She looked a little lonely. I kind of feel sorry for her. She does a small wave over at me and I pretend that I didn't see her.
I don't know how to feel about anything at this point.
I enter the cafeteria and sit down at the table.
"Hey guys." It was just Liam, Karma, and Duke.
When the guys are preoccupied I lean over next to Karma and whisper, "No one else knows that Clarke is Reagan's ex so don't say anything."
Karma gives me a wink and a nod.
Shane comes by with a tray and says, "I just got a peak of the new girl sitting alone outside. Man is she gorgeous. Have you guys seen her?"
Yeah, more than I should have.
"Yeah she's in our Math class." I tell him.
"Hmmm. Interesting." Shane says while he takes a bite out of an apple.
"So….." Shane continues.
"What?" Karma and I say in unison.
"Who's team do you think she plays for?" Shane asks.
Reagan comes out of nowhere. "Oh please no talk of soccer. I get enough of that at the garage."
Shane just gives her a "what are you talking about" look.
"Wait, you guys aren't talking about a sport, are you?" Reagan asks.
"No. I was just asking Amy if she thinks the new girl plays for team lesbo." Shane says matter of factly.
I just roll my eyes at the question.
Reagan just stands there and thinks for a second.
Reagan doesn't respond and just sits down. She looks very pensive.
"So you think she's straight?" Liam asks.
"Why do you care?" Karma asks immediately after.
He just puts up his hands and says, "I just heard she's really pretty and my friend was interested in her, that's all."
"What friend? Little Liam?" Karma replies.
Liam responds with a sigh.
"No but in all seriousness one of you ladies needs to make friends with her real quick." Shane points at the girls.
"Why?" We all say in unison.
"I think she'd be a good added member to this group. Plus I want to get to her before Lauren sinks her teeth into her."
"No Shane the group is fine. We are all even here, we don't need a seventh wheel." I say referring to more myself than Clarke.
"Fine, if you guys don't. I will." Shane says.'
"Shane seriously. Don't. End of story." Karma replies.
"What? Are you guys jealous of the new girl? I thought we were all happily coupled." Shane says.
*bell rings*
With that we all left the cafeteria and went to class. Before we left, Karma threatened Shane with a plastic spoon. She told him to stay away from the new girl. All I could do is pray and hoped that he listens.
I didn't see Clarke for the rest of the day which was a relief. I guess I only have to deal with her in math class. It doesn't help though with Shane because he won't shut up about her. I think he might be in love with her. That'd be amazing. Shane and Clarke together so I don't have to worry about my girlfriend falling back into love with her all over again. But then Duke would be pretty pissed. Ugh in all the high schools in the world why did she have to walk into this one? I totally butchered that quote didn't I?
*Babe I don't feel good. My stomach :/*
*Aww I'm sorry. Do you want me to bring you donuts?*
*Amy, I'm sick. Not you*
*Fine chicken noodle soup for you and donuts for me*
*No, it's fine. Just tell Mr. G that I'm gonna miss his class today.*
*That'll probably make his day. Do you think he'll give me extra credit if I tell him?*
*HAHA YOU'RE SO FUNNY (I'm being sarcastic). Ask for make up hw.*
*Homework that you'll probably never do. Okay fine.*
*Exactly. Thanks babe. You're the best.*
*Hope you feel better. XOXO*
I place my phone down back on the night stand. Aww Reagan is sick and she's not gonna be in class today. She's the only thing that makes that dreaded class bearable.
It was Tuesday, meaning one day closer to the weekend. Which I was thankful for. I walked into class and saw that there was a substitute. Unfortunately, right before I had the opportunity of turning around to leave and skip class the sub caught me.
"You better not be leaving young lady." He tells me.
Oh man. It's one of those subs. I would be lying if I said Reagan didn't have some influence on my personality since we started dating.
"Of course not, sir." I say quickly sitting in my seat.
The substitute was this really old, nerdy guy wearing a plaid shirt with suspenders. Basically a really old, lame, and dusty Bill Nye.
*It's your lucky day. We have a sub.*
*What! That's awesome*
*For you. This guy looks like a total tight ass. FML*
*Sorry Babe (I'm being sarcastic again). Miss you though.*
*of course you are, and me too.*
As I'm smiling at my phone, I hear "Young lady put your phone down. What's your name? I better not have any more trouble coming from you today."
I accidently let an eye roll slip and I know the sub saw me.
"Sorry, won't happen again."
As I say that Clarke walks in and sits in her assigned seat which was unfortunately right next to mine.
"It better not. And now class. Mr. Gordon is absent today and I will be filling in for him today. I am Mr. Hanes. Mr. Gordon left me specific instructions today which I will read to you directly off the paper." He picks up a paper and reads off of it.
"First off, No cellphones" Everyone sighs to that.
"Secondly, if a Ms. Reagan Cortes comes in late, rolls her eyes, talks back, or talks at all, give her a detention." Everyone laughs a little. I can't help to smirk. Oh if only Reagan was here.
"I'm assuming that you are Reagan?" The sub points at me.
"No actually, I'm Amy."
"Oh well, I have my eye on you Amy and I will be leaving a note for Mr. Gordon on behalf of your behavior."
Oh. Gawd. This guy is gonna make this class the longest it's ever been.
The substitute continues, "Lastly, I have assigned for you and a partner…" everyone cheers and I wink over at Karma.
"Not so fast… I have assigned for you and a partner, which I have also assigned, to complete this worksheet for a quiz grade. You have all class period. Any misbehavior will be reported to me by the substitute via email and the consequences will be severe."
Yeah, like this sub knows how to write an email. He looks like someone death forgot about. I bet he exhales dust when he breathes. Quick someone get me an oxygen mask before I suffocate in here.
Man what kind of lame ass teacher gives us assigned partners. Boy this is gonna be fun.
"Alright now I will read off the partners from this list."
I keep my fingers crossed in hopes that Karma and I will end up together.
"Karma and Steven"
"Rachel and Madden, Naomi and Emily"
Alright Father Time. Say my name before I end up looking like you.
"Clarke and Amy" He says with resentment.
OH HELL NO. I'm about to fake a heart attack to get out of here.
"Clarke, listen sweetheart, if Amy gives you any trouble at all let me know. I'll just add it to the list." The substitute directs at Clarke and she responds with a slight nod and an awkward smile.
What is this guys problem? I look over at Karma and she gives me the pity eyes.
"Ian and Mickey, and Stevie and Ally. I'm passing out the worksheet now. I want the talking kept to a minimum. Put your desk together and please begin."
I look over at Clarke and she smiles at me. I already hate this.
I reluctantly bring my desk and put it next to hers.
"What's that guys problem? Did you kill his pet rabbit or something?"
"WHAT! No! I don't kill rabbits." I say defensively. How does she know I kill rabbits? Well a rabbit, which was on accident.
"Relax I was kidding. Anyway looks like for the first ten problems we'll need the textbook. I forgot mine could we use yours?"
"Sure." I reach into my bag and bring out the textbook and hand it to her.
While she flips through the pages, I text Reagan.
*I hate you. This sub is the absolute worst. He called me out like three times already*
*WOW. I guess my bad girl vibes are finally rubbing off on you. Nothing is hotter than a good girl who acts tough.*
*Acts? Please I am. But you should have seen it. Mr. G totally called you out. He like dragged in you in note form. It was hilarious.*
*Are you serious?! Don't even get me started on that man*
"Oh." I hear Clarke say.
I look up and see the picture Reagan and I took at the graveyard that first night we hung out. I guess I used it as a bookmark while I was doing math homework last night. I made a bunch of copies and I guess I forgot that it was in my textbook.
"Oh let me just take that." I put the picture in my folder.
"So did you find the problems?" I ask her to kill the awkward silence.
"Yeah they're here."
We silently work on the problems for the first couple of minutes and then Clarke breaks the silence.
"So are you dating anyone?"
"Why?" Yeah your ex and she's happy with me. So get the hell out of my business.
"I was just wondering"
"Yeah, I'm dating Re… Karma. We won Homecoming Queens." I caught myself.
"Oh that's pretty cool." She says in a happier tone.
"And you?"
"No, my last relationship ended in Florida. He didn't want to do long distance."
Oh thank goodness, she's straight. This is the first time I've been happy that it was just a phase for a girl. But I still have a bad feeling about her for some reason.
"Aww too bad." I say trying to contain my eagerness. Clarke gives me a weird look.
"It's no big deal. It was nothing serious."
"So how do you like Hester?" I say trying to make small talk.
"It's different, that's for sure."
"Yeah this place is just full of pleasant surprises."
Clarke and I were the first ones to finish the worksheet. It turns out she's a math genius or whatever. We didn't talk much and we went our separate ways.
I was at the cafeteria waiting for my crew to get out of class. They all finally came, with Shane being last.
"Hey Shane, you might have a chance with your girl crush. Turns out Clarke is straight." I tell him.
"Really? You asked her?" Karma asks.
"Well she just nonchalantly mentioned that she recently broke up with her BOYfriend. So you're just gonna have to deal with us lesbos for now."
"So she's single?" Liam asks followed by Karma hitting him with her purse.
"I don't know my gaydar says something else. But I guess you're right." Shane mentions.
Well I sure hope so.
I walked into and was immediately greeted by a glare from my teacher.
The bell rang and Mr. Gordon began talking, "The substitute had nothing negative to say about the class as a whole probably because a certain individual was absent yesterday." The teacher says looking at Reagan.
"However, I am disappointed to see a note left about Amy. According to Mr. Hanes you were disrespectful multiple times throughout the period. I thought you knew better but it's probably because of who you've been hanging out with lately." Mr. G was once again inferring about Reagan.
Reagan looks back at me and winks.
"I graded the worksheets and congrats to Clarke and Amy on receiving a 110%. The highest in the class."
Clarke didn't come to math class that morning which relieved me a bit. Hopefully she was just put into the wrong math class or something and she got herself switched out.
*bell rings*
"Hey! I missed you." Reagan says hugging me tightly.
"Hey. Me too."
"So I guess you're my new partner in crime. I gotta admit, it's pretty hot to see you get scolded by my archenemy like that."
"Well you should have seen me yesterday." I say walking down the hallway with her.
I don't know if it's cause I haven't seen her in a day but she looked so cute today.
"Hey, I left my history textbook in my car. You want to go get it with me?" Reagan asks.
"Sure." I say blushing a little bit.
"What?" She asks eagerly.
"Nothing." I say continuing to blush.
"No seriously. Is there something in my teeth? I may have had spinach pizza for breakfast this morning." She says showing her teeth, bringing her head toward me.
"Eww no." I push her head away laughing. "That's so unhealthy. Who has pizza for breakfast? Especially after being sick yesterday."
"Ummmm coming from the girl whose body composition is 80% donuts and 25% diet soda? Besides it was spinach pizza. So yeah that's healthy. And I feel completely fine."
We left the Math building and made it to the parking lot.
"Whatever you say." She knows 80 and 25 doesn't equal a 100 right? "Ummm babe you doing okay in math right?"
"Yeah I'm like two percent away from a C. "She says confidently.
"Right? So yeah, I'm gonna start tutoring you in math okay?"
"Okay. But are you gonna tell me why you were blushing?"
We were getting closer to the Jeep.
"No." I teased her. I grabbed her keys.
"Stop. We're gonna be late for lunch. I don't want to hear Shane bitching at me." Reagan pleads with me.
"Fine. Come and get them." I say running to the Jeep, opening it, and climbing to the back seat and then shutting the back door.
Reagan came quickly behind me, opening the door and shutting it behind her.
"Aww, are you out of breath smoker?" I say teasing her.
"This is not like you. Oh my goodness." Reagan says giggling.
I keep the keys behind my back.
"Are you okay? Where's my innocent Shrimp girl?" Reagan says smiling reaching around me for my keys.
I plant a wet kiss on her cheek.
She looks at me with a slight smirk on her face.
"Are you gonna tell me why you were blushing?" She whispers to me.
"I just think you're really cute, that's all" I say kissing her again. This time on the lips. A little softer than the last.
Reagan reaches in for a long kiss. I kiss her back, grabbing the back of her neck. She gently falls on top of me as we begin our passionate kissing spree.
All of a sudden. I hear a phone vibrating.
Reagan sighs and rest her head in the crook of my neck.
"Its Shane isn't it?" I ask her.
"Probably." Her voice all muffled from talking into my neck.
"Uggh. Okay. I guess we better go before we get in trouble with mom. Remember the last time we missed lunch to make out in your car and he gave us this ten minute lecture."
"You guys really need to understand how important are daily lunches are. We are supposed to be this big family and we only have one more year together and you guys are ruining it because you don't know how to control your lesbian hormones." Reagan says imitating Shane's voice perfectly.
I laugh as we climb out of the Jeep and walk to the cafeteria.
"I wish I could kiss you in public." Reagan tells me.
"Me too. Maybe one day. Or at least we can kiss at this party Saturday."
"Oh we are gonna do way more than kiss. I'm gonna be grinding up on you all night. Are you gonna tell me who you're gonna be?" She says lifting her sexy eyebrows toward me.
"We'll see and no it's a surprise." I say smiling as we walk into the cafeteria.
As we walk toward the table, Duke and Karma were already there but I see that someone is sitting in my seat next to Shane. Their head was down probably texting something under the table so I wasn't sure who it was.
It's funny, she kinda has blonde hair, like Clarke. But it can't be her since Clarke totally wasn't in math class this morning.
And then I saw her look up. Aww shit. It was Clarke.
"Hey Girls! Have you met Clarke?" Shane says all happy with his arm around Clarke.
"Yeah Shane I have." I say extremely pissed, through gritted teeth. I looked over at Reagan and she was stuck in place with her eyes open in a bit of a shock.
"Well then take a seat." He continues.
"She's in MY seat." I tell Shane through gritted teeth.
"Well you could always sit next to your girlfriend KARMA." He responds as I role my eyes and take a seat next to Karma. I give her a routine peck on the lips just in case someone was watching us.
Reagan sits down quietly next to Duke. Not saying a word.
"So anyway I found Clarke, here, walking to class this morning all by herself and convinced her to skip and go shopping with me."
"Wow Shane! Great role-modeling." Duke says sarcastically.
"Hey, we needed costumes for the Halloween party this Saturday. I'm gonna be a police officer and Clarke is gonna be slutty Britney Spears."
Fuck. I was gonna do that. Well not the slutty part but still.
"Hey not slutty." Clarke replies.
"What are you gonna dress up as Karma?" Shane asks.
"Nurse and Liam is gonna be a doctor."
"Isn't that a couples costume? Aren't you dating Amy?" Clarke asks.
"Oh yeah, but Liam is my gay best friend so it doesn't matter."
I looked puzzled at Karma but I guess that's her way of a save.
"Hey guys." Liam finally comes by and sits down.
"Hey Karma's G.B.F" Shane says.
"What?" Liam asks.
"Oh nothing. Now Duke you can't just be a mechanic. You need an actual costume. Like maybe a male stripper. How bout Magic Mike?" Shane asks him.
Duke just gives Shane an extremely dirty look. "No."
"Why don't you do a couples costume with Reagan?" Karma asks him.
I see Clarkes face turn into a slight frown.
"What no? I have my own idea already." Reagan responds, a lot quieter than usual.
"I'll probably go as Maverick from Top Gun." Duke ends up saying.
"Top Gun that's my ex-girlfriends favorite movie." Clarke says.
"Wait! You're gay?" We all say in unison.
"No." Clarke says slowly.
"Oh you mean ex-girlfriend. Like platonically." Shane says.
"No. I dated her."
"But I thought you dated a guy." I asked her.
"Yeah I did."
"Wait so gay or straight? Make up your mind."
"Why is this a big deal? Both and none. Have you guys heard of being bisexual?"
"Oh shit, I didn't even think of that" Shane says.
"Yeah, not many people do." She replies.
"Well, maybe we can change that relationship status of yours. Do you have your eye on anyone at the moment?" Shane asks.
"Yeah I kinda do" Clarke says barely audible while giving a hopeful glance over at Reagan.
A/N: Hope you guys liked it. Next chapter is the Halloween party. I appreciate all comments and reviews. I'll try to update this week. I dedicate this chapter to Lexa. R.I.P.