A/N: I don't own Harry Potter.

September 9, 1990(10 y/o): Project Magi Compound-unknown location(Earth 2)

Harry took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He'd been waiting for his training instructor to arrive for thirty minutes now, and he was completely bored out his mind.

In the past he would have had Carina to keep him company, but ever since they were both put on different schedules, he only got to see his best friend during the evening in the study room they still shared.

Rather than waste his time any further, he decided to meditate and work on improving his Occlumency shields.

Over a year and a half had passed since Harry began his grueling new schedule, and if he was being honest with himself, he loved every moment of it. While his captors thought he was becoming the perfect little weapon for them to control, to Harry it was gaining knowledge he could one day use to free himself and his friends from their captivity.

With that thought always in the forefront of his mind, Harry pushed himself continuously to get better at everything that he did. Whether it was his education, mutant powers or magic, he would never settle for just what the teachers expected him to do.

As a result of his hard work and dedication, he was able to once again surpass all the goals his teachers originally came up with for him.

In regards to his mutant powers, while he couldn't really do anything to improve his healing factor, Harry had done a great job in learning how to use his Telekinetic ability.

Within the first few weeks of experimenting with his new power, he was already able to Telekinetically push and pull things, levitate people or objects with ease and use his new ability to grasp an object and lock it into place.

It took a few more months of hard work and patience to evolve his control over his powers, but soon Harry was capable of using his Telekinesis to launch bullets at a target, and he was even able to use it to augment his physical abilities, so he could be faster, stronger, have better reflexes and even increase his endurance.

Even though all of his trainers had been more than impressed by his progress, Harry refused to become complacent with their praise. He continued to push against the standard training regiment that was provided for him, and as a result his mutant power grew stronger in leaps and bounds.

After mastering all the basic powers associated with his Telekinesis, Harry then began to try out the master level abilities his trainers told him about. While there were several things on that list he was still not able to do, as of now Harry could launch a Telekinetic blast that would destroy most things in its path, and he even managed to learn his favorite ability to date...Flight.

At first his flight was really just him hovering a few feet off the ground, but when his trainers assured him that other mutants had managed to achieve true flight with their Telekinesis, Harry threw himself headlong into the task.

It took a little over five months of painful trial and error, but now the mutant sorcerer could not only fly at will, he had a top speed of 90 kph(55 mph). As he grew older and his control over his power became better, Harry was more than certain that his speed would increase with practice.

Even though Harry was able to master so much of his Telekinetic ability in the past year and a half, it actually paled in comparison to how much Magic he learned during that same amount of time.

When he first began training in Magic with Lord Stasin and his people, Harry was fascinated with the different subjects he was taught and he poured through all the magical theory that he was given.

Thanks to the abundance of his Magical reserves, the spells he would go through never took him more than three tries to perfect. Within the first three months of training he'd already gone through all the material involved with a first year education. But it wasn't until he began his Occlumency and Legilimency training, did things really begin to pick up for him.

Once Harry actually learned how to organize his mind properly, his already prodigious memory became photographic. This in turn increased his ability to assimilate and recall new information instantly, and he used his new found advantage to push past the goals his Magical instructors set for him for the year.

By the time his first year of training with his Magical instructors had come to an end, Harry was able to not only get through the first five years of a standard Magical education, but he also added a decent amount of knowledge and skills in the Dark Arts, Battlemagic and Parselmagic to that list.

Lord Stasin was so impressed by his progress, that for the past six months the man had been pushing him harder than any other instructor Harry ever had. The increased workload forced Harry to not only finish his six and seventh year within four and a half months, but it also marked the beginning of his higher level education in Magic.

Now that he had a solid foundation for his instructors to build upon, Harry loved the advanced spell theory he was being taught. The massive library Stasin had given him access to was filled with various family grimoires and numerous ancient tombs that many people didn't even know existed.

The thought of learning Magic that was long forgotten, gave Harry hope that one day he would have enough knowledge to finally break free from the prison that he was in. His attitude with Magic even rubbed off on Carina, and despite the fact that her Magical reserves were so pitifully low, the beautiful young Witch still managed to complete the first three years of her Magical education. At the rate she was learning Occlumency now, Harry had no doubt in another year and a half Carina could potentially be done with her education too.

Harry was pulled from his reverie, at the sound of near silent footsteps that were slowly approaching from his back. A part of him was curious if this would be another surprise attack by Sensei Han, but since he knew that the collar around his neck would prevent him from using his Telekinesis or Magic until the instructor released the controls from his remote, Harry decided to take a wait and see approach.

Despite how good he was already, Harry still wasn't able to beat Han without using his Magic or his powers. As result, he was more than willing to avoid a beating if he could help it. Forcing himself to slow his breathing, the young boy concentrated all of his attention on the approach of his potential assailant.

Just as the footsteps came within his attack range, Harry's body tensed slightly in preparation for an attack. He was about to initiate the contact himself, when suddenly he heard Han say, "You showed your hand right at the end there, my student. I have told you many times that you can not allow yourself to tense right before an attack. Anyone with half way decent training, will know you are aware of his or her presence."

From prior experience, Harry knew how painful defending his actions could be. Instead he bowed his body at the waist and replied, "My apologies, Sensei. I will try to do better next time."

Han merely stared at the boy for a minute and then grunted in response. "See that you do, student. Now, I believe it is time to see how well your Telekinesis is coming along. We will practice with the blindfold today."

Harry had to force himself not to wince at what was about to happen. The blindfold meant that things were about to get very painful for him. This particular exercise was implemented by Master Han a few months ago, and it involved him being surrounded by ten baseball pitching machines.

The exercise required Harry to use his abilities to sense where the oncoming baseball was coming from, and destroy it with an appropriately powered Telekinetic blast. If he missed, well, Harry hoped he didn't miss too often. Even with his advanced healing ability and the protection he had around his skeleton, the baseballs still slammed into his body with enough force to cause him a lot of pain.

"It's time, my student. Begin."

July 31, 1991: Potter Manor(Earth 1)

Unable to sleep, Lily Potter walked down the stairs of Potter Manor and made her way to the kitchens for a cup of hot chocolate. Today was her son's birthday, and it always reminded her of the missing member of her family.

A few weeks after Harry went missing, Lily learned she was pregnant with another child. Seven and a half months later, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Abigail Harriet Potter. Between caring for her new daughter and her eldest son, the Lady Potter didn't have time to grieve over the loss of her missing child. But throughout the years, she never once forgot about Harry and never gave up hope that she would see her son again one day.

True to his word, her husband refused to give up the search for their missing child. James even hired their close friend Remus Lupin to hunt down any clue they could about Harry's disappearance. Over the years the Potters spent a small fortune looking for their son, but they didn't care.

Every orphanage, every rumor, and every avenue that could bring home their Harry was sought out without fail. Unfortunately none of those leads shed any light on where their missing son was being held. If it wasn't for the bloodstone linked to his health, they wouldn't even know if Harry was still alive.

As she passed by her husband's study, Lily was surprised to hear a voice coming from inside. Having just left her sleeping husband in their bed, she knew it wasn't James and slowly opened the door.

When she looked inside the room, she was surprised to see both of her children huddled around James' desk. Curious as to what the pranksters were up to, she quietly crept up behind them. Just as she was about to make her presence known, Lily stopped at the sight of Harry's bloodstone in Abigail's tiny hand.

For a moment she was furious that the pair was playing with her only link to Harry, but her anger was abated once she heard her daughter begin to speak.

"Happy birthday, big brother," Abigail spoke softly to the stone. "I know you don't know me, but I'm your younger sister. I just turned nine a few weeks ago, and my middle name is Harriet. After you. My favorite color is blue and I love pulling pranks with Padfoot on dad and Uncle Moony. Oh...you probably don't know who Padfoot and Moony are."

Before she could get any further into her explanation, Chris gently grabbed the stone out of her hand. "That's enough, Gabby. We can't risk being caught in dad's office. Now that we know where the bloodstone is, I promise we'll come back again later."

Abigail glared briefly at her older brother, but she reluctantly nodded her head in agreement. The two siblings had spent years searching for the bloodstone linked to their missing brother, and as much as she wanted to continue talking to it, neither one wanted to risk their parents finding out and moving the stone to another location.

When he saw his sister nod her head, Chris sighed in relief. He didn't want to risk one of the Elves waking their parents, and he wanted to talk to his missing brother too.

"Hey Harry. I know you don't know who I am, but my name is Chris and I'm your older twin by three minutes. I don't know where you are, little brother, but wherever it is I hope you're okay. I want you to know that we all miss you tons, and none of us have given up on finding you some day. Don't think that just cause you're not here with us, that we forgot about you. Mum and dad always make sure to get you a Christmas and birthday present, so when you get here you have a ton of gifts to go through. I don't know if you know about Magic yet, but I got my Hogwarts letter yesterday. I-I promise to work hard at school so I can become strong enough to find you one day. I-It's my fault you're missing and I..."

"It's not your fault, Chris," Abigail hissed softly, as she interrupted her brother's confession.

Chris looked up from the bloodstone, and saw his baby sister's green eyes glaring back at him.

"Yes it is, Abby. If I wasn't the Boy-Who-Lived, the Dark Wanker wouldn't have come after our family. Harry would still be here if it wasn't for me."

At first Lily was happy to see the love and concern her children had for their missing sibling. But when she heard the direction the conversation had taken, she decided it was time to set her son straight.

"You are not to blame for your brother's disappearance, Chris."

Both children froze at the sound of their mother's voice.

"This is not what it looks like, mum," Abigail said in the innocent voice she used to get out of trouble with her dad and uncles. "Chris and I were sleep walking, and we somehow woke up in dad's office."

Lily arched her eyebrow at the miniature version of herself and replied, "I see. I'm glad you cleared that up for me, Abby, because from my point of view it looks like you and your brother are up past curfew, broke into your father's study, and were talking to Harry's bloodstone."

Abigail Harriet Potter gulped at the furious expression on her mother's face. Realizing her mother hadn't believed a single word she said, the little redhead decided it was better to admit the truth.

"Oh, well I guess it is what it looks like, mum."

Lily rolled her eyes at her daughter's attempt to come off as innocent. As much as she loved her youngest child, she was well aware that Abigail was more of a prankster than her father or uncles ever were. In truth she felt sorry for the teachers at Hogwarts, when her little girl finally got her letter to go.

"It's time for you to go upstairs and get into bed, Abby. Your father and I will discuss your punishment in the morning."

Abigail winced at hearing she would be punished, but smiled once she realized her daddy wouldn't be too hard on her. She was after all following in his footsteps.

Lily waited until the little redhead skipped out of the room, and then turned her attention back to her eldest child. "Now what is this nonsense I'm hearing, Chris?"

Chris looked at defiantly at his mother and replied, "It's true though, mum. Voldemort came to the house looking for the Boy Who Lived. That's me. If it wasn't for me, Harry would still be a part of the family."

When she saw the tears begin to fall down her son's face, Lily threw her arms around him and crushed him to her chest. "None of this is your fault, sweetheart."

"But I'm the Boy Who Lived, mum," Chris argued.

Lily wasn't sure what to tell her child. He'd grown up being revered by Witches and Wizards everywhere he went, and while she was proud that he didn't let the fame go to his head, she wasn't sure if he was ready to hear what she had to say.

In the end Lily decided her son deserved to know the truth. "Are you sure that you're the Boy Who Lived, Chris?"

Chris pulled back from his mother's embrace and stared at her in shock. "What do you mean, mum? Everyone knows that. Even Dumbledore thinks I am."

"And why does everyone believe that, sweetie?"

The question caught him off guard, and he didn't know how to respond to it. Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "I don't know, mum."

Lily sighed as she ran her fingers through Chris' hair. "Your father and I have had a lot of time to think about that night, and some of things that happened just don't make sense to us."

"How so, mum?," Chris asked curiously.

"Well, from the moment the wards fell, it took Sirius and Hagrid roughly ten minutes to get there. I know a large amount of that time was taken up by your father fighting Voldemort, so whoever took your brother was most likely already at the house. But your father and I don't think it was a Death Eater."

As the proclaimed BWL, Chris was well aware about the events that occurred that night, so he wasn't sure where his mother was going with this.

"What makes you think it wasn't a Death Eater, mum?"

"Because your brother is still alive, sweetheart," Lily replied confidently. "Had a Death Eater been there that night, then I doubt either one of you would have been here with me today."

"Why do you think this person took Harry, mum?"

"I don't know, sweetie, but whoever it was could have done anything they wanted, and they chose to kidnap your brother."

It took him a few minutes to think things through, but in the end Chris came to the same conclusion as his parents. "You think the guy took Harry because he's the real BWL?"

"I don't know for sure, Chris," Lily answered honestly. "You very well could be the BWL, but it does make sense if it was Harry who survived the curse. If you were the BWL, why would the person take Harry instead of you? If it was just about money, then why haven't we received a ransom in all of these years?"

"Then why does Dumbledore think I'm the BWL?"

The moment Lily heard the name, it took all of her self control not curse out loud at her former headmaster. All of this BWL nonsense could have been avoided, if it weren't for that manipulative old man.

Originally James and Lily had no intention of telling the world what happened that night. But while they grieved for their missing son, Dumbledore went behind their back and told the Ministry about their supposed savior.

Lily had been furious when she learned what the old bastard had done, but when she confronted the headmaster he just said the world deserved to know the truth. It didn't matter that Albus Dumbledore wasn't anywhere near their cottage when Voldemort attacked. The sheeple in the Magical world didn't care that the other boy who'd been in the room was missing. It was enough for the world that Dumbledore believed Chris was the BWL.

Thankfully the Potter lawyers had done a wonderful job in preventing the BWL propaganda from becoming too ridiculous. But that still didn't stop people from fawning over her son wherever he went. She was just glad Chris didn't take after his father at the same age, or his ego would have been too much for her to handle.

"Dumbledore was convinced you were the BWL long before Voldemort attacked us that night. The manipulative old coot even tried to talk James and me into sending Harry to live with your Aunt Petunia."

"What?," Chris asked, outraged that the headmaster wanted to split him from his twin. "Why would he do that?'

"I don't know, sweetie. At the time he said it was so we could give the Child of Prophecy our full attention, but I think the old man had something else planned for your brother."

"You don't think Dumbledore took Harry, do you, mum?"

At one time Lily did think the old coot might have had a hand in her son's disappearance, but eventually she got him to take a Magical oath that she wrote out, confirming he didn't know and wasn't part of Harry's kidnapping.

Lily shook her head and answered, "No, sweetheart. I don't believe the headmaster had a part in your brother's disappearance. Since your birth, you have been the Potter child Dumbledore has been obsessed with."

As he thought about everything he'd learned about that night, Chris didn't know how he should feel. He hated being the BWL, and a part of him always wished that someone else could carry the burden in his stead.

Now that it seemed like his younger brother might actually be the Child of Prophecy, he prayed it wasn't true. He prayed his brother wasn't suffering with whoever took him. If it meant bearing the burden of the BWL, Chris would gladly do it to save his younger brother the pain.

As he looked down at the bloodstone in his hand, Chris decided it didn't matter which of them was the BWL. One day he would be strong enough to protect his family, and when that day arrived, he would do everything in his power to find his brother and bring him home.

"D-Do you think Harry is okay, mum?"

Lily looked down at the bloodstone in her son's hand, and clearly saw the link between it and Harry. "As long as that ring around the stone remains blue, your brother is safe wherever he is.

After a few moments of silence, Lily saw Chris yawn and gently took the stone from his hands.

"You've had a long night, sweetie, and we still have to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow to pick up your school supplies. It's time for you to go to bed."

Chris nodded his head in agreement, and made his way out of his father's study. "Night, mum."

"Good night, sweetheart."

Once her son was gone, Lily turned around to place the stone back into the the drawer of her husband's desk. Just as she was about to place the stone inside, Lily stopped when she realized what time it was.

Bringing the stone to her lips, she kissed it gently and whispered, "Happy birthday, sweetheart. Wherever you are, know that your mummy misses you."