They knew that the Godmothers had stabbed Teague and poisoned him with pure hatred.
They knew that the gnomes were the source of the hatred.
They knew that Annalora had possessed the bone whistle and nearly destroyed the two worlds.
What they didn't know was that Annalora had had a brother.
Mina had been content.
Content was a word that might not mean much to the average human – or indeed, Fae – but so much had happened in Mina's nineteen years on the planet that it felt wonderful to just simply be happy.
And yet, now she was not.
What more could she want? She had her husband, a rich and luxurious home, an abundance of food and drink, an extensive and beautiful wardrobe, and above all, great friends…yet there was one thing that she did not have.
It was all very well to save the world and watch it regenerate, but being unable to go back to your origins and see the people and places you loved was quite hard.
And so Mina was feeling claustrophobic. She needed to get out.
Teague had refused. In the past few months, he had changed, becoming overprotective and responsible. Not to mention self-centred and selfish.
"What? Are you crazy? Do you know how much depends on you? If you die, then everyone dies! So why are you asking to go out and put yourself in danger? That's preposterous!"
On and on he had droned. Jeez, it was like the early days with Brody all over again.
"Well, it's not up to you!" she had screamed. "You're my husband, not my boss!"
"I'm more experienced in the ways of the world. You're what, nineteen?"
"You know what? I bet Jared would have known what age I was!"
Oops. It had just slipped out. She had wanted to hurt him, and there had been this perfect insult right there…
Teague had paled. He sat down on his dark, mahogany throne.
"Teague, I'm s-"
"Just – just go."
And now he had summoned her for some kind of meeting. He had started to summon her without any warning, like she was some kind of dog. And, unsurprisingly, she hated it.
She drummed her fingers impatiently on the throne, waiting for Teague. Of course, HE wasn't shackled to the castle. HE was able to go around both planes taking people's souls.
Not that Mina wanted to take people's souls, but anyway.
Teague walked in gracefully, regally, like a king. He was a king, but it didn't seem fair that Mina was a queen and yet still as clumsy as ever.
She missed the days when he had asked her to partake in important decisions rather than just announcing the outcome at random times, like at the breakfast table.
That night, she put on a long, loose nightgown trimmed with lace and climbed into bed early. She read a book for a little while, but looked up when Teague entered the room.
"Ugh…the gnomes are coming tomorrow."
She turned around.
He groaned. "We have to negotiate some kind of peace treaty with them. Please try to keep up."
Mina scowled.
"Maybe it would be easier to keep up if you told me things."
"I told you now, didn't I?"
"You're so infuriating! I should go outside the castle so I can see things for myself. I should travel around the way you do so I'm not ignorant of the affairs regarding the Fae plane."
"We've been through this before – it's too dangerous. You are the queen of the planes and the only thing that keeps them from dying."
"What about me? What if I'm dying of boredom?"
"Don't be so childish! You know that's impossible."
Mina broke down. "I can't stay here – I need to get out! It's torture! It's like breathing the same air the whole time while being trapped in a sealed box. Sooner or later, you suffocate."
Tears streamed down her face. Once upon a time, Teague would have worried after her wellbeing, but after glancing at her, he just said, "I'm going to sleep. Chill, Mina."
He rolled over, but Mina's heart felt like it was breaking. She couldn't do this anymore.
Teague's breathing evened out gradually. Mina couldn't sleep with this man now.
She grabbed a silky robe and shoved it on.
Opening the side doors, she tumbled out on the balcony, and sobbed deep wracking sobs. She was stuck here, with no escape plan. What had happened? This was not Teague. This was not the person she had fallen in love with.
Like the fire escape above the Golden Palace she presumed that noone could see her. Again, she was wrong.
I can see her crying now, on the balcony. I believe this is the first time she has shed tears over 'Teague's' comments.
She's so dense. If she truly loved him, she would see that this is not him. Erjad is not poisoning him this time. He's just cruel and inconsiderate.
Like me.
Exactly like me.
If all things go to plan, I will meet her tomorrow and plant the seed of doubt.
Of course, if things go even better, she will meet me now. She has just gotten off the balcony. Give it a minute, and I can guarantee she will go for a walk outside. To clear her head, or some such nonsense she has brought with her from the human plane.
I'm so clever that I surprise myself sometimes. I hear a door shut quietly and gentle footsteps. Not to mention a breaking heart.
Well, not actually, but you know what I mean.
As soon as she thinks she is out of earshot of everyone, she runs away. In my direction.
And of course, being Mina, she bumps into me.
Her face is pale and her eyes are red. She apologises fervently again and again, and I have to smile.
"Sorry! I'm so, so sorry!"
"Hey," I say. "You're alright."
Then I pause. "Or are you? What's wrong?"
If my observations are correct, she hasn't felt this desolate in a long time and she will be craving sympathy.
She doesn't answer, but starts sobbing again.
"You're definitely not okay."
I put my arm around her but she barely notices. She's that distraught.
"Let's sit down and talk about it. It won't seem as bad then."
She has the sense to abstain.
"I don't even know you." Then she hiccups. "But you've asked me more about my personal wellbeing than my husband has in months."
I pretend to be confused. "Husband? But you're so young!"
She glares at me. "What business is it of yours, anyway?"
I infuse concern into my voice. "Look…just…what happened?"
She seems reluctant to answer but I pull her towards my chest and hug her. She complies.
"Just…my husband…we've been through a lot together. More than you can imagine."
Oh, I can imagine.
"And now, he's just…not the same. He's started acting differently." She laughs bitterly. "If I didn't know better, I'd say he's cheating on me. But he's just so possessive, and unfeeling, and…"
I nod, like I've seen it all before.
She stops.
"Why am I telling you this? I don't know you. I don't trust you. And-"
She is cut off because I lean forward and kiss her. She doesn't protest.
My genius impresses myself. She's just made a connection with me. Course, it helps that I have the lure. And that I'm ruining her life, but she doesn't know it.
She jumps up. There is one thing about Mina: she is loyal to the end.
"I – have to go. Th-thanks. B-but don't do that ever again." She sprints off and I am left smiling.
Phase 1 complete.
Hi! It's me! I'm back. I've ripped the title off from Jessica Sorensen, I know, but it seemed so fitting!The ending of Forever was very open, and this story came to me, that's why I'm putting it up. Don't get me wrong, it's my favourite book ever, but Mina had plenty of quests left to complete. Don't hate me for making Mina cheat on Teague. It will all make sense later in the story.
XX TheArtist
P.S. Please review! :-)(-: