Disclaimer: I do not own The Hunger Games.

Katniss' POV

Johanna and I fall into a schedule. Wake up, get ready, wait by whoever isn't ready firsts' door, and then go to training together. After that, we eat in the dining hall. By the end of the week, my ribs feel like new and Johanna can assemble a rifle on her own.

Soldier York gives the pair of us an approving nod as we leave for the day, "Fine job, Soldiers."

When we're out of earshot, Johanna mutters, "I think winning the Games was easier." I chuckle, but the look on her face says she's pleased.

We're in a good mood when we reach the dining hall, and Gale's waiting to eat with me. Receiving a giant serving of beef stew doesn't hurt my mood either. "First shipment of food arrived this morning," Greasy Sae informs me. "That's real beef, from District 10. Not any of your wild dog."

"Don't remember you turning it down." Gale tosses back.

We join a group that includes Delly, Annie, Finnick, Josie, Minnow, Acacia, and Madge. It amazes me how much Finnick's improved since his marriage to Annie. The Capitol heartthrob and broken young man who helped hold me together are now replaced by someone who radiates life. And it's heartwarming to witness. I notice how he never let's go of Annie's hand, and that his natural charm and humor have surfaced for the first time. And she's lost in some daze of happiness, although there are still moments when she slips from our world and another takes her from us. That's when a few words from Finnick call her back.

It truly is sweet, and it causes an unfamiliar ache in my heart. How long has it been since I last saw Peeta? Why hasn't Haymitch updated me on his condition? Not even when he told me I wouldn't be apart of the Capitol mission.

I feel like I'm starving, and I have to force myself to slow down when I begin eating. I can tell everyone in the dining hall is in good spirits, and I have a feeling it has to do with the good meal. It's amazing how it can make people kinder, funnier, more optimistic, and remind them it's not a mistake to go on living. It's better than any medicine.

So, I try to make it last and join in the conversation. And as I listen to Finnick tell some ridiculous story about a sea turtle swimming off with his hat, I laugh without realizing he's there. Watching me. I choke on my food for a moment as he stands behind the empty seat next to Johanna.

"Peeta!" Delly squeals. "It's nice to see you out... and about." Two large guards stand behind him. Apparently he can't completely be trusted yet, not to mention the handcuffs. He didn't have those on at the wedding, I think worriedly.

"Who're your new friends there?" Johanna jokes. I look at the guards behind him, one's scowling and the other, seemingly more kinder, appears to be trying not to crack a smile. I decide to smile at them, and the first one loses the scowl, while the other allows his smile to appear, my smile turns into a small grin at their responses, and I look down at my tray, satisfied. I look back up to find Peeta staring at me with an odd expression on his face, my smile leaves and I return to staring at my tray, suddenly self-conscious.

"I'm not quite trustworthy yet." Peeta responds softly, but I can still feel his stare. "I can't even sit here without your permission." I look up then, but don't direct my gaze at him.

"Sure he can sit here. We're old friends." Johanna says, patting the s

eat beside her. The kinder guard nods and Peeta sits down. The guards retreat a little father away, but they still have a clear view of us. "Peeta and I had adjoining cells in the Capitol. We're very familiar with each other's screams."

Josie gasps and Annie begins to cover her ears again and exit reality. Finnick shoots Johanna an angry look, and I instinctively turn to Josie. Her face appears to have lost all it's color.

"Now, Josie. No one quite knew where she was, but we always heard her begging for our release, right? They never listened to her. Until ironically, the day we were rescued. You've always been a brave little girl, haven't you?" Johanna says teasingly, remembering she forgot to include Josie in on the bit. Josie closes her eyes tight and her hands begin to tremble as they turn into fists. On impulse, I stand from my seat and kneel beside her. Luckily she's on the end of the table and I don't have to awkwardly kneel behind her.

"What? My doctor says I'm not supposed to censor my thoughts. It's part of my therapy." Johanna says with a shrug. The light-hearted mood has gone, and we're left with a cold, awkward silence. Annie comes to after a couple minutes of Finnick reassuring her she's okay, but my attempts at reassuring Josie do nothing to help her. I begin to brush her hair as I try to soothe her, but nothing works. It only seems to have gotten worse, because now she's outright sobbing. "That's what they said. Every single one of them." She repeats after every sentence I say.

Eventually, I decide I can't take watching her like this anymore, so I grab her fists in each one of my hands and lead her away from the dining hall. I mean, it's hard walking to our compartment backwards, but I don't want this gentle soul to have a breakdown in front of the eyes of almost everyone in District 13. I can feel their curious stares as we leave, and it takes everything in me to not snap at every person in the room.

As soon as we get inside, I lead her into the bathroom and dampen a washcloth before rubbing it against her face to soothe her, she stops squeezing her eyes shut, but they remain closed. I set the washcloth down and massage each of her hands free.

After that's done, I guide her back to her bed and do the only thing I think left to do, I sing her the Meadow Song until her breathing evens out. I brush her hair back a little before I realize that I left our trays and decide to go back and clean up.

When I get back, Finnick and Annie are gone and Delly can be heard squeaking at Johanna. I take a minute to evaluate whether I should leave since I'm still undetected, or make a break for it and let Gale handle our trays, when Delly spots me and waves me over. I take a hesitant step back before Johanna laughs and I huff before walking over to the table.

"You're so stupid, brainless. You had your chance, a

nd you should've taken it." Johanna chuckles. I glare at her before picking up my tray and continue to grab Josie's. "Oh, come on! I was joking! You and Finnick are acting like I gave them death threats." She whines. I look over at her and sit in the seat across from her.

"Why make a perfectly happy 14-year-old girl relive her torture? You saw yourself, she had almost completely recovered. And if she relapses, it's all on you. Because she's sure to have been one of the best Soldiers." I declare. "Hell, she's better than us, Johanna. Tell her Gale, I'm sure you've seen her before." I plead. He nods, placing a hand on my forearm to try and reassure me.

"It's true, she makes some of us feel ashamed, you should've seen how weak half of us looked when Coin watched one of our training sessions. We can't afford to lose her, not to mention she's a supposed Victor, that'll play off well with the audience." Gale adds. I squeeze his shoulder in thanks and turn back to Johanna.

"So, what? I'll be there to replace her. Katniss, you told me yourself that you didn't even want her out there, shouldn't you be happy?" She asks. I sigh and shake my head.

"Not like this, I wanted her to realize how dangerous this is. I don't want her to be forced not to go because of a relapse. I swear, if she's not okay by tomorrow, I'll get you in training." I yell.

"Katniss, it's okay. Josie's strong, she'll be fine. Don't get too worked up, we're in a dining hall. People are looking to you for an example, if they see you're not confident in a war without a 14-year-old, who knows what they'll think." Delly says firmly. I look at her in shock and a panicked look crosses her face. "Not that I don't believe Josie can't do it, but you need to be strong here, Katniss." She squeaks out. I soften my gaze and close my eyes before taking a deep breath.

"It's okay, Delly. You're right. I just... I don't want her to get hurt. I left her asleep in our compartment, who knows what kind of nightmares could be haunting her at this very moment. I should really get back to her. I'll see you guys later." I say softly before opening my eyes. I see that everyone's looking at me in wonder. "What?" I say defensively, setting the trays on the table and crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're very brave Katniss, and kind and caring. You're like a mother to her, you know? It shows in your actions for her. In how you defend her. You're going to be a great mother one day." Delly says kindly. I snap back into reality, and grab the trays with shaky hands before dropping them off and bolting out of the dining hall. I only have time to nod towards Peeta's guards in goodbye when I flash by before I hear someone call out my name. I don't dare look back.

My breathing is uncontrollable by the time I reach my compartment.

Delly's crazy. I could never be a mother. Never. This world... is too cruel. Nothing good is safe while Snow's alive. And I need to kill him. I need to successfully finish training so I can go to the Capitol and kill him. For what he's done to Peeta. For what he's done to Josie. For what he's done to Johanna. For what he's done to Annie. For what he's done to Finnick. For what he's done to all the Victors'. For what he's done to anyone he felt were a threat to him. He has to pay for what he's done, and I'm the one who's going to deliver the blow. And I won't stop until I do.

I drag a chair to Josie's room and sit it next to her bed. She's shaking. I wrap her up in a quilt and grab one of her hands in mine before I begin to sing the Meadow Song over and over again until I, myself, pass out.

I decided that I needed more moments involving how being a mentor, can change a victor's life, so here this chapter is. I hope you guys noticed that I included Madge! I re-read Mockingjay since this is my 3rd story going right now that involves Mockingjay, and a part in the final chapter (final chapter, not epilogue) broke my heart when Katniss talked about how sad it was that Madge died, being the one who gave Katniss her name, and I just couldn't help but include her after reading that. I hope you guys don't mind it! Anyway, I hope you guys take the time to read my other stories while I update this one! Until next time!

Update: I wrote this chapter before my computer broke down (again) and just recently realized/discovered that I head pre-uploaded this chapter before my computer broke.

Anyway, I've also decided to include why I've been absent (other than because school has been back in session.) Besides the fact that my computer broke, I was shockingly involved in a car accident where a car physically hit me as I was crossing a street. It resulted in major brusing and a fractured leg. That happened a little over a month ago, and I'm just beyond thankful to be alive, and that I wasn't injured even more than I could have been. Well... I don't know what else to say about it so I'll just leave it at that.

(Oh, and what did you all think about Mockingjay Part 2?! I can proudly admit that I cried {more like sobbed and broke down} the hardest when my poor Finnick died. Heck, I was more distraught than when I read it in the books!)

Xoxo, Daisy